Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, October 13, 1905, Image 3

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TIMES ENTERPRISE THOMASVILLE GEORGIA OOP. 6 . 130c IflRE UBifSaUBBSSSSSSSH ilHi HOST THOUSANDS will come You can't afford to miss this Sale. So come it b e g an WEDNESDAY,. - October 1 1th*, 1905 at 9 a. m. THOUSANDS of dollars worth of Seasonable Merchan dise at the mercy of the people for 10 days. Time began WEDNESDAY October 11th., 1905,at9 a.m. HHHf Remarkable Prices In Oar Shoe Re- partmcnt... 500 pairs of children's shoes. Ben- satlonal Sale price 10c GOO pairs of women's dongola and ' vlcl shoes. Sensational Sale price 98c 640 pairs of the very finest ladles' vlcl kid hand turned shoes, sold as high as 83 a pair. Sensational Sale price 181.77 ISO pairs of men's very fine hand made shoes, values up to 83.60 per pair, ensatlonal Sale price 81.98 200 palrs2ift» s*... of men's splendid work shoes, values up to 82. Sen sational Sale price, per pair 98c 100 pairs of ladles' shoes. Sensa tional Sale price 49c Flat top trunk, large site. Sensa tional Sale price.: 81-98 Notions and Small Wares at the Lowest Prices Ever Heard of. Good standard pins. Sensational Sale price, per paper lc ooks and eyes, per card,- Sensation al Sale price lc Safety pins, paper of 12. Sensation al Sale price 3c Hair pins, big box. Sensational Sale pr(ce>- 3c Spool thread, worth 5c per spool. Sensational Sale price 3a Window shade, worth 35c. Sensa tional Sale price 19c Window shade, worth 50c. Sensa tional Sqle price 23c Lamp chimneys, worth 10c. Sensa tional Sale price 4c All 5c tinware. Sensational Sale price 3c All 10c tinware. Sensational Sale price lc Extra Special. Bedspreads worth 81-25. Sensa- \ tlonal price 79c 200 ladies' fine ready-to-wear hats, worth 82 to 84. Sensational Sale price »8o Come with high expectations, and even then you will be sur prised at die low prices. All goods guaranteed to be as represent ed. All purchases made during this sale *ot proving satisfactory will be exchanged or money refunded. SALE POSITIVELY OPENED WEDNESDAY, OCT. I1th at 9 am. and lasts 10 DAYS ONLY. C D DOni P Thomasville, C. R. POOLE S stupendous, gigantic and colossal of fer of the world’s best and highest grade Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Shoes, Ladies Ready-to-wear apparel, Notions, etc, at the Lowest Prices ever made in the history ofThomasville At the very heighth of the season, when fall and win ter merchandise are needed most- This opportune time presents itself to buy the most dependable merchandise at the greatest sacrifice in the history of merchandising.'' Without a parellel, without a record in the memory of man or womaii has there ever been merchandise sold at such ridiculously low figures. Daring feats of Underselling to dazzle and delight. The littleness of cost annihilates competition, staggers imagination and passes beyond imitation. Never before, per haps never again, will such opportunities be presented to you. No matter how much you may expect, no matter how cheap these standard goods appear in print, the values you will find will be greater. Use good common sense with which nature has endowed you, come and see with your own eyes and be convinced, A Most Mighty Avalancc of majestic Bargains When our doors are thrown open Wednesday, Oct. 11th., at 9 o'clock, it will be a signal of a battle royal in the mercantile . The thunder of our batteries will shake our city from center to circumference. The wreckage of values is complete. It will pay you to come 100 miles to attend this sale. Neyer before in the history of Thomasville or in the memory of man or woman has so much been sold for so little- Never before has such a variety, such a choice collection of merchandise been offered at such match less prices Everyone knows that an article from C. R. POOLE'S store bears the stamp of Fashions Approval. This sale offers an unparalleled variety of bargains at the Lowest Price ever quoted. arena. The Prices We Quote Represent Only a few of the Many Saving Opportunities. For -want of Space we quote below only a few of the many thousands of Bargains that will be placed on Sale. 1.444444444444444.441 4.4.44 44444 4444444 LADIES’ READY-TO- WEAR ’GARMENTS. Here la tlie Most Wonderful Oppor tunity We Have Ever Heard of. Ladles' Waking Skirts In new fall 1905 model made with seven, nine and fifteen goars with extra full flare, the original price was 83.50 to 80. Sensational Sale price.. 82.89 Ladles' Skirts, worth 82.50 and 83 Sensational Sale price 98c Ladles’ Skirts worth 92. Sensa tional Sale price 49c Ladles' Jackets, regular 912 and 815 values. Sensational Sale price 8 S'. 89 Ladies' Jackets worth8G to 88. Sen sational Sale price 83.48 Ladles' Jackets worth 95 thp world over. Sensational Sale price 81.98 Ladles' regular 81 corsets. Sensa- satlonal Sale frice 69c SENSATIONAL SALE Of Men’s ClotlilngNo Mercy Shown to I'rices In this Department. Never before in your life time have yon been able to dress up for such little cost. Hero’s the largest and best assorted stock of men's and hoys' clothing In ThomasvilleGa., to select from. Now Is the time to but at less than half the usual prices. 200 Men's splendid Suits, in a grand range of fancy mixtures, small checks and plalis, also In very pret ty solid effects, cut In the latest sack style.Sensatlonal Sale price 92.98 300 Men’s Suits, comprising a grand asortment of single breasted sack styles In black and fancy cheviots "and solid worsteds, all superbly tailored and a perfect fit guaran teed, regular 812.50 values. Sen sational price 84.98 200 Men's Fine Suits hand tailored, equal In every respect to fine cus tom work, the season’s best styles, in casslmeres, serges and Scotch mixtures. Sensational Sale price 86.89 MEN'S PANTS. ■/ Men’s Cas8lmore Pants In desirable patents , regular 82.50 values. Sensational Sale price.... 98c Men’s latest style casslmere and fancy worsted pants In pretty stripe effects, regular 93 values. Sensa tional Sale p'rice 81.48 Men's fine fancy and plain worsted pants, sold for 84 and 94.50 per >, 82.48 & HOYS' SUITS. Boys’ two piece wool suits, single and double breasted coats, posi tively worth. 82 and 92.50 per suit Sensational Sale price 98c Boys’ two piece all wool suits, ele gant garments, always sold for 93 and 83.50. Sensational Sale price 8148 Boys' knee pants, regular 76c grades made extra strong for bard wear, Sensational Sale price 29c Boys’ knee pants, regular 60c value. Sensational Sale price 19c Men's Hats at Sensational Prices. Men's and youth's bat. Sensational Sale price 37c Men's and youth's hats made of Nu tria felt,values up to 82. Sensa tional Sale price 98c Men's Furnishings at Sensational Prices. Men's suspenders, woth 25c. Sen sational Sale price 8c Men’s suspenders, worth 35c. Sen sational Sale price 19c Men’s socks, woth 10c. Sensation al Sale price 7c Men's socks worth 25c. Sensational Sale price He Men’s fancy negligee shirts, worth 75c. Sensational Sale price 39c Men’s linen collars, slightly soiled, worth 15c. Sensational Sale price 2Vie Meta's neckwear, worth 60c. Sen sational Sale price 19c Boys’ underwear, worth 60c. Sen sational Sale price. 19c 44444444* 4444444 4-4444 Men’s underwear, worth 75c. Sen sational Sale price 39c Men's fine standard shirts for dress up wear, regular 91.26 and 81.60 grades. Sonsatlonal Sale price 79c Men's caps, regular 25c values. Sen sational Sale price 11c EXTRA SPECIAL. Fine Japanese matting, worth 35c per yard. Sensational Sale price 18c Some of the Greatest Drives In Dress Goods the World Has Ever Known. Your pick of our entire Dress Goods stock In all shades that formerly sold up to 26c a yard. Sensational Sale price a yard 9c Yqur pick of Dress Goods that sold as high as 45c. Sensational Sale price a yard 27 500 yards of splendid Casslmeres and fancy effects that sold as high as 69c a yard. Sensational Sale price 38c 500 yards broadcloth, 54 In. wide, worth 81.25. /Sensational Sale price 79c Good broadcloth, full 64 In. wide, worth 85c per yard. Sensational Sale price 48c Wash Goods at Sensational Prices, Words lack force to express the lm- . portance of these .sensational sale prices. Percales, one yard wide, worth 12 Vic Sensational Sale price... 7Vic Curtain scrim, regular 12Vic value. Sensational Sale price.... 8Vic 500 yards oxfords and fancy walst- lng, worth 25c yard. Sensation al Sale price .. 9Vic Outing flannel and flannelettes, worth 10c. Sensational. Sale price, M-.. ,2c Outing flannels' and flannnelettes worth 12 Vic. Sensational Sale price 9c STAPLE DEPARTMENT. Relentless* and ! Sensational : Price Cutting of Goods that are 4441IH HIH’444444-4.-H-H-H-f- Well Knuown. 500 yards of dress prints and calicos, worth 6e and 6c per yard the world over. Sensational Sale price per yard 3%c 300 yards of elegant, fast colored ginghams, line range of patterns, regular price 10c per yard. Sen sational Sale price per yard.. 6a 500 yardB of one yard wide home spun, worth 7Vic. Sensational Sale price..,.,. 1 . 6c 5.000 yards bed ticking, worth 10c a yard. Sensational Sale price 4c Fast colored ginghams, worth 7c. Sensational Sale price 3Vic EXTRA SPECIAL. Men's overcoats, worth 96 and 86. Sensational Sale price 81.98 Headlight overalls, worth 81 the world over. Sensational Sale price ' 79c Handkerchiefs at Sensational Prices. 100 dozen hemstitched handker chiefs. Sensational Sale price 3c 100 dozen ladles' hemstitched Initial handkerchiefs, regular 10c values. Sensational Sale price 6c 500 dozen men’s bordered and hem stitched handkerchiefs, regular values 10c. ensatlonal Sale price ,i 6c Ladles’ and Children's Hose at Sen* satlonal Prices. Ladles' fast black seamless Hose, worth 13 Vic. Sensational Sale price 7 c Ladles' fast black seamless hose, worth 15c. Sensational Sale price 9c Ladles' fine plain hose, worth 35c. Sensational Sale price 19c Children’s fast black hose, worth 12 Vic. Sensational Sale price 7c Children’s fast black fine ribbed hose, worth 26c. Sensational Sale price 44444444444 444444