Newspaper Page Text
Yes, we was to have one Oct. 7th, but rush of
business prevents it, and we announce that we will
not have an auction till first Saturday .in November,
the 4th, when we will positivelv have an auction that
will eclipse any we have ever had as we will sell out
much new stock that we are not carrying any longer
Pelham's New Commercial Hotel
Opened January the One, I#0(5, Modem and up-to-dsl* in all details.
Moat eoiiTonlcntlyJlocatcd hotel in the city. Very fecit serried, rendered
y exr-rientud management. Opposite A. O, L. depot. Look for sign.
Ratca '($i.oo(nnd $3.00"rir day.
Coiomcrcial|trarelera, patronage solicited.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ARLINE,
Proprietors and Managed.
Legal Papers Explain In
teresting Details Of
Light Proposition
i, Up-to-date, Convenient— Centrally Located
Experienced Management—Batee (3.00
Bast of Livery Service in Connection.
Propria tore A Managers
Meige, Georgia.
If worth Money to you.
makes your product bring a higher price
st-class in every respect Best machinery, best opera
tors. We have recently built a commodious shelter for the
modation of our patrons.
Robert Delde
Patronize us.
Coolidge Georgia
Coolidge Cash
A few more pairs of those Bargain Shoes
are left. They are genuine bargains. We have received
our new Fall stock of Shoes for everybody.
Here are a few Bargain Prices:
80 prs. Lsdiaa Shoaa, worth fl^K) to go at f 1.15
1 Lot Children's and Mtuai Sh»ee, sizes 6 and np, regular
prica $1.35 ta #1.50, to go at |1.15
1 Lit Children's and Miss** Shoe*, ngolarprioe $1, to go at 88o
Small L,t Mem’ Shoci rrgnlar prioo $1.75, to go at $1.35
COOLIDGE CASH STORE. ?• Mtgahea. Proprietor
Build Your Hauaa on Thla Plan
If yon own n lo*. and a part of the
money wbloh yon with to inveat In
• bnlldlug, I will fnrnlsb plana and
.poclflbstione free. I will bntld yonr
hods* and fonoe it and when it ia
oempieied yon can make yonr rates
for the balance in payments of from
one to five yean Brick bnildtnta
and itore homes a specialty. Lowest
PrtC ®0. B. GRINEB, SaltOlty, Ga.
A Prize
In the Pocket
’ ' ■ ' ■ *
ilJHiH I
In the pcckct of one out of every ten dozen pair will be
fjund a ticket entitling the. holder to a fine watch free.
k Fine Goods—Guaranteed Goods
per Pair,
If your dealer does not,keep the UNCLE SAM brand, mail
$i to us and we will send you a pair, prepaid.
South Georgia Clothing Company
ThomasviUe, (Georgia
Thomaaville, Ga., Oct. 10, 1«0S.
Council.mot acordlng to adjourn
ment. No quorum present adjourm
ed lo-5 o'clock Wednesday, October
11. 1305.
James F. Evans.
Acting Clerk
October 11, 1905.
Council meL Mayor Hoddenbery
presiding. Aldermen Mellette,
Lewie, Hambleton, Mitchell, Pittman,
Cochran and Evans present. Report
of citizen* committee on electrlo
light question received and ordered
spread on the minutes aa follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and Al
dermen of the city of ThomasviUe.
Gentlemen—We the undersigned
representing the committee of cltl-
aene of said city and the Thomaa-
vllle Electric Light and Gas Com
pany have had under consideration
the 'question of reaching a satisfac
tory agreement whereby the
clt<r of Thomaevllle could purchase
the electric light plant of the said
company upon terms and conditions
satisfactory to all parties concerned
and after a thorough and complete
investigation of the whole question
from a legal and business standpoint
we have agreed npon a plan which
meets the requirements of the law
satieties the Interests of both yonr
committee an<Uthe said company.
By tie plan which we .have agreed
upon the olty Is to purchase the elec
tric light plant, complete, of the
■aid company and to pay for same
the sum of $33,600, npon term* and
oondlUona as sat forth and In an or
dinance and in the notice of aa alee-
tion which we band you herewith
We respectfully, ask and pstltton
your honorable body to act upon the
■aid ordinance and call the election
for the ratification of the agreement
we have reached nnder the notice
which we herewith hand you In such
a way as toput It in the power of the
people to ratify the mgreement^whlch
we have labored eo earnestly to
reach, as soon as possible. e feel
that the whole people In their wis
dom will affirm the agreement we
reached and in doing solve amica
bly and wisely a question which lma
been for a long time disturbing tbelr
tho agreement which we have
reached at shown by the accompany
ing ordinance and notice of election
we think, serve well the interests of
the. people and protect the Interests
of the aaid company In Its property,
Fondren Mitchell,
For Cltiiens' Com.
Samuel G. McLendon.
Thco Titus
For ThomasTille Electric
Light and Gat Co.
The following ordinance was offer
ed end read first time and’by unani-
moas consent of Conneil .waa con
sidered read tho second time.
B0 it ordained by the Mayor and
Aldermen of the city of ThomasviUe,
and It la hereby ordained by author
ity thereof, that an election be held
'in said city at the court bouse there
in, it being the only voting precinct
in said city on' the — day of Novem
ber, 1905, for the purpose of deter-
mlalag whether or not the city of
ThomasviUe, Georgia, shall incur a
debt In the principal sum of ' thirty
thousand ($30,000) dollars' accord
ing to the provisions of the constitu
tion and laws of Georgia, said prin
cipal debt to bear Interest at the
rate of six (0).per cent per annum,
payable anually. Said debt to be In-
The only kind o£ consump
tion to tear is * neglected
People are learning that con
sumption is a curable disease.
It is neglected consumption
that is so often incurable.
At the faintest suspicion of
consumption get a bottle of
Scott’s Emulsion and begin
regular doses.
The use of Scott’s Emulsion
at once, has, in- thousands of
cases, turned the balance in
favor of health.
Neglected consumption does
not exist where Scott's Emul
sion is.
Prompt use of Scott’s Emul
sion checks the disease while it
can be checked.
Wtira WewYwh
enrred for the purpose of the zald
city purchasing the electric light and
power plant of the Thomaevllle Elec
tric Light and Gas Co., In the city of
ThomasviUe, said plant consisting
of the wire*, poles, machinery, tools
and attachments complete, together
with the real estate npon which haid
plant to situated, said plant to be
owned asd operated by said city for
the perpoee of generating electricity
to be used by said city, Its resident*
and those living In territory contigu
ous to said city, for lighting and
power purposes, those using said eleo
tricity so generated for Ugbt and
power to pay for the same. Said prin
clpal and interest to bo paid In an-
A few months ago an Association'
was formed by some of our more en
terprlslng and public spirited col
ored citizen* for .the purpose of aid-
lag the City Hospital. This asso-
elation haa just tnrned over to me
tbroupgb its treasurer. Rev. 9. S
Broadnax, the sum of$ rt 2 to be used*-
for the building fand of the cotoref
ward. They hope to raise enongt
in the near future to make the sun
$100 or more if possible. The same
Is acknowledged with thanks. .
G. S. Whitney/
President Board of Trustees
Why Refer
to Doctors
Because we make medicines,
for them. We live them the
formula for Ayer’s Cherry
Pectoral, and they prescribe it
for coughs, colds, bronchitis,
consumption. They trust it.
Then you can afford to trust
h. Sold for over 60 years.
*mi«r it f-j/lp'rd.ysh.»»*Mht«,53ft
kaow what a .pt.ndIA SMdt.ll>. ft w. IeM-
-* u “ *
Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry
Pectoral In breaking up a cold.
' $50 00 Reward.
nual instalments of four thousand''title and corporal possession of the
the real estate upon which said
plant is situated, said plant to be
owned and operated by said city for I A „ ward of fitfy- dollars will
the purpose of generating electricity | be paid by the undersigned far the ar-
to be need by said city, its resident* wWl P™ 0 * ,0 convict say person
and those living In-territory contig- l « nU *y of tnepaai enthe fol-
_ J lowing tend in Thomas county Georgia,
us to said city, for lighting and 4> #> 57, 88, 59. 41 and
power purposes, those using said 04, in the 17th district. Consult D L.
electricity eo generated for light and Bollock, Ocblockouee, Ga, I. W. Swift
power to pay for the same, said <*»• $-I5-10mo.
principal and interest Ip be paid In
annual installment* of rour thousand
($4,000) dollars beginning on the ^
first day of January, 1307, and each
and every year thereafter until said
debt ehall have been fully paid off
and discharged.
The--term* of the contract to be
made by said city for which said
debt of thirty thoueand ($30,000)
dollars ie Incurred by said city of
ThomasviUe are atfollowe: The said
City of Thomaevllle to receive in, con
■Ideratlon of said earn, fee-simple
($4,000) dollars, beginning on the
first day of January, 1(07, and each
and every year thereafter until said
debt shall have been fully paid off
and discharged. Said debt to he evt-
said plant of the ThomaevUie Elec
tric Light and Gaa Company, as here
inbefore described. By the terms
of said contract between the parties
the said city of ThomasviUe will pay
denced by the city'* certain promi- to tho Thomaevllle Electric Light
The 31.00 tottlacMtfM 354 tMwstk* trial An. witch sate (or 50 Ms
rtsMssa oat, AT tub luoiatost or
-Sold by Braey Pharmacy Co.
Almanae end 300 yaerOalendar.
•ory notes for amounts as aforesaid.
Said city of Thomaavllle retaining
the right and option under this .con
tract to pay said Installments orrany
one of them at any time before mat
urity with a discount of six (0) per
cent per annum
Be it further ordained that a no
tice of said election shall be given
to the qualified voters of said city
by publishing the same for the space
of thirty (30) days next preceding
the date of said election In "The
ThomasviUe Tlmes-Enterprlse,” the
newspaperin Which the sheriff's ad
vertisements are published, directed
to the qualified voters notifying them
that on the day aforesaid said elec
tion will be held for the purposes
hereinbefore set out, which notice
■hall be In words and figures as ap
pear from a copy of raid splice at
inched to this ordinance.
To the qualified voters of the City
of ThomaevUie. Georgia:
Notice Is hereby given that in ac
cordance with an V ordinance regu
larly and duly passed on the 18th
day of October, 1905, by the mayor
and aldermen of the City of Thpmas-
villo, Georgia, an election has been
ordered held and will be held on the
of November, 1S05, at the
Court House-in said city of Thomas
villo, it being the only voting pre
cinct in said city and same to be held
by the same persona lo the same
manner, under the name rules and
regulations'that elections for officers
of sal{I city are held, and In accord
ance with the provisions of the acts
of the General Assembly of Georgia
approved August 13, 1904, appear
ing upon page 85 of the published
acts of 1904, for. the purpose of de
termining the question whether or
not the City of ThomasviUe, Georgia,
shall'insur a debt under and by vir
tue of the provisions of the constitu
tion of Georgia and.sald act of 1904,
in tho num of thirty thousand ($80,-
000) dollars said debt bearing Bix
(6) per cent Interest payable an
nually. for the purpose of the said
dtp purchasing the electric light and
power plant of the ThomasviUe Elec
tric Light and Oas Company, said
plant consisting of the wire#, poles,
franchises, machinery, tools and at
tachments complete, together with
You Must
If yon cannot, it is due to an
irritated or congested state of
the brain, which win soon de-
vclope into nervous prostration.
Nature demands sleep, and
it is as important as food; it
is a part of her building and
sustaining process. This period
of unconsciousness relaxes the
mental and physical strain, and
allows nature to restore ex
hausted vitality.
Dr. Miles’ Nervine brings
refreshing sleep, because .it
soothes the irritation and re
moves the congestion.
It is also a nerve builder; it
nourishes and strengthens ev
ery nerve in your body, and
creates energy mi all the organs.
Nothing will give strength
and vitality as - surely and
quickly as Dr. Miles’ Nervine.
"During th© past winter I had two
attacks of LaGriopo which left m©
rerjr weak, and ta bad condition. I
waa ao nervous I could not ©leap. My
wife, after trying different remedies,
went for a doctor. The doctor was
out. and a neighbor recommended Dr.
Miles’ Nervine, and she brought horn#
a bottle. I Imd not slept for some time,
and had terrible pains in my heada
After taking a few doses of Nervln©
th© pain was not ©o severe, end I
slept 1 am now taking ths second
bottle, end rm vn*v nu<*h Imnmved."
HENRY M. SMITH. Underhill, Vt
Dr. Miles' Nervln© Is sold by your
druggist, who will guarants© that th©
first oottl© will benefit If It fails, ha
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
5000 TeIe g fa P hcrs
k/vuv NEEDED
Annually to All the new position* created by
Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We want
YOUNG IfEN and Ladies ur'"good habits ta
Learn Telegraphy
tV.fuinl»hrj per cent. of th. Operator. amt
station Agents in America. Our six schools o re
and Oas Company for tho purchase
price of said plant the earn of thirty
two thousand five hundred ($33,500)
dollars to be paid twenty-five hund
red ($3,600) dollars In cash and the
balance of thirty thousand ($30,#00)
dollars as aforesaid, with interest
on said balance at the'rate of six (6)
per cent per annum In regular an
nual Installments of four thousand
($4,000) dollars, commencing on
January 1, 1907, and annually there
after until the said debt shall have
been fully paid off and discharged,
said-debt to be evidenced by the city’s
certain promlsory notes for the
amounts asaforesald. Said city
ThomasviUe retaining the right and
option underfills contract to pay said
installments or any one of them at
any time before maturity with a dis
count of six (0) per cent per annum
for unearned time.
Said city of ThomasviUe at and
before this debt Is Incurred and at
the time of levying taxes for said
city lhall provide by ordinance for
the levy and collection of an annual
tax on the taxable property within
said city sufficient to pay the princi
pal and interest on said debt as the
same matures,provldcd, nevertheless,
that no part of this tax shall be col
lected at nny time whatsoever, un
less the sums hereafter to be provid
ed and set apart by ordinance an
nually from gross revenue collected
from water rents, light rents, street
tax, dog tax and licenses and any and
all other sources at the same rote as
now fixed and assesed, except funds
from general tax levy, bond tax and
school tax, should, for any reason,
become unavailable or insufficient
for this purpose.
That the ballots to bo used at said-
election shall be worded as follows:
“For the use of those who favor In- For sale—From 500 to 700 acres
currlng said debt for the purchase fine land on A. and J3.^ road, seven
of said elctrlc light and power plant ( miles from ThomasviUe In one and
tho ballot shall have written or print- two horse farms. For further in-
J*’*rif, It.IAbll.llot twenty year. .wT endorsed
by all leading Railway official*.
execute ai f jjg bond to every student to
her a position payiug from S40 to
furnish him
|6oa month in States .
tains, or from |?5 to|i
° r *jo»» I/S to Jtoo a mouth in Bute* west
of the Rockie*. immediately upon graduation
„ Students can enter at any time. No vacations.
1 regarding any of our Schools-
'free CUtiVC * l Cinci °-
The Morse School
of Telegraphy.
Buffalo, N. Y .
LaCrosse. Wi*.
San Francisco, Cal
__ Whatever price yew
intend Pavtttc FOR
A run. *r Oraan,
don’t force! that n
hav. THS BEST *1
*■» Hiss.
Cincinnati, o
Atlanta, G«.,
Texarkana, Tex.
Office in Carter & Halt Building
Meigs, G-orgia,
ed on them the words ‘For incurring. formation aply
to W. D. Peacock.
debt for Electric Light and Power | ThomasviUe.
Plant.' ” For Sheriff of Grady County.
For the use of those who are! j RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE
aridnet Incurring said debt for said MYSELF A CANDIDATE FOR SHER
electric light and power plant the bal nry OF GRADY COUNTY, 8UB-
lots shall have written or printed on JECT TO THE ACTION OF THE
them the words, "Against Incurring WHITE PRIMARY.
Debt for Electric Light and Power VERY RESPECTFULLY 1 ,
Plant.” I W. D. BARBER.