Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, November 03, 1905, Image 3

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*•*. - ST PRESIDENT Use Nadinola, the Complexion COES HOME After Witnessing the Re habilitation of New Or leans Teddy Sets Safl New Orleans, Oct. 26.—Rivalling Mauh Gras In all but attendance from outside territory the celebration In (Formerly advertised and sold as l 10001 * the visit of President Roose Satinola.) Kelt outranks any popular demonstra- No change in formula or package.; tIon ever held In New Orleans and The name only has been changed to today tbe clt y u en fete> a mags of - avoid confusion, as we cannot afford „ . „.... n . . red, w hite and blue flags and bunting to have so valuable a preparation . , and Canal street a whirlwind of col- confused with any other. Nadinola is guaranteed and money i or and animation, will be refunded in every case, where The statement of Dr. J. H. White It fails to remove freckles, pimples, jthat the President need not hesitate <Iver spots . collar discolorations, [to come to New Orleans and that blackheads, disfiguring eruptions, there was no danger has been ful- THE MAD'NOLA GIRL nc. The worst cases in 20 days. Leaves the skin clear, soft , healthy \nd restores the beauty of youth. Price 50 cents and $1. Sold bv all the leading druggists in each city Prepared only by NATIONAL TOILET ParK Tenn. / ARMY POST ESCAPED filled to all intents and purposes for the fever has died down almost to extinction and an average of two cases a day is all to be recorded for the past week with no deaths. “The end is in sight,” so wired Dr. White to Dr. Hunter in Mississippi and it is i)e!lt\ed is evidenced by the rapid loosening up of the quarantines all over the South, especially in Louis!- ana and Mississippi and it is known that the territoor.v adjacent will send its quota of those whawish to see the President to which end all railroads loading here offered excursion rates. One of the I rates. The President reached the city at 9 a. m ovo.-* tV Illinois Control, went ac oiice aboard the Foulli Pacific’s big passenger steamship, Comus, n d two hours wore spent In a naval review :it* nd douv. the ?i*er. Landing at Cana! street the great. ::t militarv p.oces-ion ever held in Now Orleans w.is formed, tho Confedotato veterans occupying the position honor, followed by the Spanish war veterans, the President’s outriders THE BWOD DISEASED -SYSTEM DISORDERED When a Sore or Ulcer is slow in healing it is the best evidence pf a dis eased condition of the blood and a disordered system. They show that the bodily impurities, which should pass off through the natural channels o{ nature, are being retained in the system from some cause. The blood ab sorbing the waste matters becomes steeped in poison which beds an outlet through the Sore or Ulcer, keeping it . . . inflamed, painful and festering. As praise your great mediolne. I had a the Wool constantly discharges its "iSiSYtchTbSS poison into these places, . they eat. not eret tt lo heal. After taking S. 8.8. deeper into the surrounding flesh and’ S' 1 " 1 ? *t hecan to disobargo,and whan tissues, growing larger and mo* offensive in spite of nil the sufferer “'Sos&Sivs BEtt. can do, until the entire health is ’ affected. Washes, salves, powders and such treatment are desirable for the reason that they are cleansing and also help to relieve the pain, but they are in no way curative. The blood is filled with S oison, and until it is removed the sore cannot eal. S. S. S. is the only cure ior these evi- aMaMa dences of Impure blood. It goes down to the • • root of the trouble and cleanses the circulation PURELY VFfiFTARLE ot all poisonsand impurities. S. S. S. enriches runbLT vtutiMOLQ. oj,. Wood aod r einvigorates the different mem bers of the body «o that the impurities and waste matters can pass off as nature intended. Then the discharge ceases, the sore scabs over, new flesh is formed, and the place heals permanently. ok on Sores and Ulcers and any medical advice you need without charge THE SWIFT SPECmtsvn., AnAHm, CM. New Orleans, Oct. 26.- most notable and brilliant scientific achievements which characterized the yellow fever campaign In New Or leans. was witnessed at Jackson Bar racks the United States army post, just below the city, which, though flanked on either side by the fever, wholly escaped the disease, and all of this despite the fact that there were stationed In the barracks 225 ■officers and men, all non lmmunes. When the fever was first declared the question of evacuation wa3 debat-! being former members of his own ed but, duo to the progress of medl- command—the Rough Riders, cal science, tho belief In tho mosqul- The procession stopped at the City to dogma and the necessary military | Hall where Mayor Behrmnn delivered ■discipline to enforce modern sanitary j the address of welcome and where measures, It was decided to keep the the President made, his principal troops Intact and to place the men under certain restraint, as to Indis criminate mingling In the city, though theUe was no quarantine whatever. The barracks were screen ed thoroughly, the men made to sloop under mosquito bare and all apart- spccch to thousands. The President's address dealt particularly with four things The Importance of the Pana ma canal to Oulf seaports and es pecially New Orleans: a greater navy to protect It: the need of uniform quarantine regulations as between ments were regularly fumigated until the Btates and -railroad rates leglsla- Jackson Barracks was as free from tion. mosquitoes as the Emergency Hospi tal Itself. The Immunity of the army post The President departed at 6 p. m, on the U. 8. lighthouse tender Mag- nolln and was conveyed thence to from a disease which practically sur- Port g adB where he boarded the ar- rounded It Is pointed to by Dr. White mo rcd cruiser West Virginia for Nor as a striking example of what may { 0 n ti being joined at Key West by be accomplished by fighting the mos quito and eliminating the only known agent ot transmission. ( TAKE OFF YOUR BONNET. J { i That blinds your eyes, look a few facts right in | the face. 1 Do you want a Dinner S*t, Toilit Sit, few ® f odd pieces. I am sure you do and you are afraid they " can not be had at a reasonable figure. - Co to thinking about these things; come to me and I I will show you how easy it will be for both of us to * agree on a subject of such importance. Think about the sewing machine question and then come here and Jet me demonstrate how easy it is ta get a machine good for your life time and the lifetime of your children and to get it for a modest sum. C. B. QUINN, A Public Benefactor Dr. Robert E. Williams, the Thomasville Chiropodist, who has been in Toronto, Canada, and westerd Ontario, for the last few months, will be at home, “Samaria,” where he will remove the sorest corn without pain or blood for twenty-five cents. 731 north’ Madison St ’Phone 232 The most painfui ingrowing or club nail cured without pain HIDES WANTED Write for quotations to , J. W. Watkins & Co. 230-282 W. Juckson St. Tliomasvill* Ga LIME, CEMENT, . Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick, etc. Public.Dray, H. P, Gone* Thomasville, Ga. HON. DICK RUSSELL WILL RESIGN vessels of the North Atlautlc squad ron. REV. I. A. WHITE PREACHED AT FREDONIA Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 27.—Hon. Rich ard Russell made the statement to day that lie would resign the Super ior Court bench on tho first of Jan uary to make the race for governor. Judge Russell made n good run for chlefjusticc of the Supreme Court j last year, and his defeat only strengthened him with the people. * promises that his race will be clean, but energetic and Shys that the two moguls will have to fight him aa well as each other. The general meeting of the Thom asvllle district of the Mercer Asso ciation egan yesterday at Fredonla. The feature of the first day’s session was the sermon of Rev Tom White. His subject was “Faith without works Is dead.” The effort was an unusually good one and Mr. Whito’s received the very favorable com ments of everybody who heard him. After the sermon, a general discus sion was entered Into as to whether or noj the Scriptures authorised to tal abstinence. The discussion was led by Rev. H. B. Nesmith of Cool- ldge and was participated In by Rev. GOES ABEGGING A W BeaIer ' The meeting will con- j tlnue today and Sunday. Rev. Mat- jthew Page will preach the sermon Stockholm, Oct| 27.—King Oscar, Sunday. A most bountiful dinner has definitely and formally declined [ was served on the grounds and every- tlie offer of the Norwegian throne body got nn abundance to eat. to a prince of the house of Bernadot- NORWEGIAN THRONE Mr. J. H. Griffin of North Adame, Mats., Is In the city for a few days, visiting Mr. T. J. McCartney on Man sell street. He is on his way to W. 2. Brantley of Boatoa waa a ’ White Plaint where he will be mar- business visitor here Saturday. ried toon. te and In a letter to the president of the Storthing finally severe connec tion with Norway. Planters We have for sale the genuine Texas Red Rust Proof Seed Oats. Just received a car load. We bought early HAY,GRAIN and .at a close price, and PHONE 6 AND COAL and will sell you cheaper SEED OATS than anyone. Get our prices before buying—we will save you money. THOMASVILLE : ICE : COMPANY Yoiifldoeys Usually tbo first symptoms or kidney disease are: weak bock, backache, highly colored urine, or frequent desire .to urinate. Von may not have all f lieeb eigne, but any ono of them means that your kidneys aro diseased. FREE You cannot afford to take any chances of having Bright’s Disease, ns you can now obtain a complete cure without cost. Are an absolute euro for all kidney troubles, and to allow our confi dence wo will give you absolutely freo ouo full duo box of DeBELLS KIDNEY I'ILLS. Good forthlrty days. Wrlto your namo plainly and eend at once to C. W. BEGGS, SONS & CO., 30-38 Union Park f Plnce, Chicago.| PERRY CASE POSTPONED RETURN THISCOUPON ■ If younre‘uflVring with Kidney Troubles 1 ana we will buy tinrt give you absolutely free, one (ull sise box of DeBells Kidney Pills The only positive cure for Kidney Troubh _ j The only positive cure for Kidney Trouble. ! OCNO TO C.W. BEGGS. SONS A CO. , Chicago, ill. Fjr sale by Patterson Dru- Co. Thomasville, J. A . Mid dlebrooks & Co. Pavo, J. L. Beatty, Barwick, Wm. Me Millan, Merrillville. $100,000 TO LEND’ On Farms and; 'Choice City; property in Thomasville. Inter est 6 to 7 per cent and JpnyablejJ annually. Time5 years, butpar or all ef principal may be paid baok at end of any year and stop interest. Prompt attention en to all written inqnirea. ELLIS & ELLIS. PadriokBaling. Tiltou, Gi. DRAGGING down pains aro a symptom of the most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generaHy, come Irregular, painful, scanty or profuse periods, wasteful, weaken ing drains, dreadful backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, Irri tability, tired feeling. InablUty to walk, loss of appetite, color and beauty. The cure Is WINE OF; Woman’s Relief that marvelous, curative extract, or natural essence, of herbs, which exerts such a wonderful strengthening Influence on all female organs. Cardiff relieves pain, regulates the menses, stops drains and stim ulates the muscles'to pull the womb up Into place. It Is a safe and permanent cure for all female complaints. mQBDl AURB In strictest confidence. Wing ns alt yonr trenMes. We wll and thee «d- vke (In pfada sealed envelope). Ad dress: Ladies’ Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medietas Co., Cbatta- nboga, Tenn. M I SUffUUD AWFUL FADf ta ay womb snd ovaries,’’ writes Mrs. Naomi Bake, of WVDstar Groves,Mo., “snd ay ■ansae wars very palatal and Irregular. Stoce taking Csrdui I feel Bit a new weeurn, and do not WHEN YOU GO to the Lewis «"» ClarkjExposition at Portland, Oregon, Yon will want to travel in the fall en. joyment of modern Servioe, System, Safety, anst, tell the man who writes yonr tioket make it read via Dixie Flyer Route THE N„ 0., A St. L. R. R. This route takes yon via Atlanta, Chat, tanooga and Nashville over the beantt. fol Cumberland Mountains, in a through sleeper from Thomaivillo to either Sf. Loots or Chicago, where di rect connection, are made with through trains for Portland. (76.30. Bay a round trip tioket from Thomaevllle to Portland, good for 90 days. Free atopavers at Yallowetona Park, and In tha ecenio Colorado's. Yon can return home a different route with out any additional cost. For maps, to .ednlterratea and other Information, write E. J. Walker, Fla. Pasaenger Agt. Jacksonville, Fla. The well known Perry Pharmacy easel® Camilla was up again yester day'before Judge Mitchell of the Su perior Court. An unusually large number of attorneyscamedown to see the case through, but some ot the pa pers ueccssnry had been left at borne and one side was not quite ready and the other seemed glad of It, And ac cordingly the matter was laid over until next Friday. The whole question Is complicated T. B. Perry Is receiver for the de funct concern. After Perry was ap pointed receiver the company waa thrown Into bankruptcy, and L. W. Nelson of Albany was appointed true tee. The funds amounting to nearly 11 ,o thousand dollars were In the hands of the receiver and the pres ent activity consists In an effort of the trustee In bankruptcy to gain con trot of these funds from the receiv er. This phase of the matter is under the jurisdiction of the Super ior Court judge. Among the lawyers who were in town yesterday Interested were, R. J. Bacon of Baconton and Dan Cros- land of Albany, for the trustee, Arth ur Powell and E. E. Cox ot Camilla for Mr. Spence and Emmett O'Neal of Balnbrldge for the receiver* C. W. FACKLER IRRESPONSIBLE The Tlmes-Enterprlse published nn account last week of how a man named C. W. Fackler had forged a check on n firm at Meigs. Mr. C. E. Fackler of Quitman was In Thom- asvllle this week and made an explan alien of the details connected with the matter. Mr. Fackler says that the young man accused Is his son, and that he Is of unsound mind. The Tlmes-Enterprlse investigated the matter on Its own account and found that the statement ot the elder Mr. Fackler Is correct. A regular legal notice was printed by him last spring In the Quitman Advertiser notifying the public that the young man was of unsound mind and warning them not to sell him, anything. Mr. Fack ler also produced a signed statement from Mr. Lewis of Meigs nt whose house Fackler stopped and to whom he gave the check, stating that the young man dldnot try to got any money on" It. He nays that be found the check and gave It toMr. Lewis to keep for fear he would lose tt. Fackler Is entirely Irresponsible, and the Tlmes-Enterprlse regrets that this fact was not known when the Incident occurred. J, R. Lawhon, SOPCHOPPY, FLA. Runs big Livery Stable and makes a specialty to travel ers to cary them from Sop choppy to Panacea Springs New Rigs, well Bred Horses Prompt attention. the Herpicide Scalp Massage. SotentiflosUv Exoonted by the Seesaw Rotary Ohooklng and Vibratory move ments at > ( H. C. Davis, Corner Madison and Jackson Sts. The Power of A Business .Education. lags ha* educated sure than 1X000 TOdnf people tor the com menial Bald. Utaaaaadyououreeteloga* he at" MASSEY . “ BUSINESS COLLEGES. BANK DEPOSIT R. R. Para Pfeld. Hotot takes qq tuition. BEST eed chaesaat on earth. Don't dehr. WrMele-dor- •MMMtMMU eutix us couEt UtasaBt $5,000! Try it fer hones and mulca at Gan dy & MaUcttc'e, Thomasville, Ga. t-il-ly Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite —CO BIS— Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Price 25 cts; Large Size, 60 eta. Mrs. J. B. Scott has returned from Grand Rapids* Mich., where she spent the summer. "Tlttf tif itfli'