Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, November 10, 1905, Image 3

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TIMES ENTERPRISE, THOMABYILLLB. PAY GLORYING ENCOURAGING. .'•Are you musical?" • • "Nope; go ahead and play, I don't know one note from another.'* —Houston Poet FITS permanently eared. N’ofltlor nerrens- nossatterftrst day's me of Or. Kline's Groat MorreBeetorer.rtrlelboMe and treatise free Dr. B. tf. Kraaa, Ltd-Ml irohBtfPhtteyPa. The attnoel eg* and poultry produce ol Maine is worth 15,000,000. A Cheerful view. When Mr. Ozlaa Ransome, of Pot- tervllle, saw the bill rendered by the physlelan who had ministered to hii Ills lor three days In New York be puekered his Ups and E»vs a shrill whistle. "My-stars. Oil, you aren’t going to give that man any such sum o' money as that, now are you?” demanded his wile with mech spirit. "You know It's extortion—you know"— But to her amazement Mr. Ransome placed his hands In his pockets and tipped back the hotel chair in a position that Indicated peace ol mind. "Now see here,' Eudory,” he said, tranquilly, "I didn’t sense It at first, but whpn you consider that In Potter- Tllle I'd have to be sick most six months to run up e bill ol that size, we're got something to be thanklul lor that I was took with that spell here 'stead ol at home.” Mrs. Ransome pressed her hand to her forehead. “But supposing you had been sick only those three days at home and"— she began with n bewildered air, finding small oomfo:* In her husband's reasoning, “why then"— 1 “We’re no need to suppose," said Mr. Ransome with cheerful firmness. "We’re got to take the decrees ol Providence Jest as they come. You dwell on the thought ol my being saved six months In bed right In the heat ol summer.”—Youth’s Com- Demon. TRIBUTE TO “I advise all Athletes yiho are ' about iff 9° in training to try a bottle of Pe-ru-na." -J. W. Glenister. Th* Family FbjilcUi, Old Dr. Bitters’, In the shape of his Huckleberry Cordial has been the family physician of many a home all* over this country, where ha nas cured so many bowel troubles anu children teething. Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux. Bold by all Druggists, 85 and 50o. bo tilt. TORTURING HUMOR Marllji ipofjlmc 5 John Olentster, Champion Swimmer and Only Athlete to Successfully 8 » Swim Through the Michigan Whirlpool Rap ids. •> $•••••••••••••••••••#•••####$# eeeeeaeosaeaeeeeeseaaaSeeeeeaeeeaeeaaeaa* ^ .01 | a M A A • THLETES realise the importancedf . A^kespingin good bodily trim. • Renovates, Regulates, Restores a The digestion must be -good, the circular T SyK*m Deplet.d by Catarrh «« 3K & John W. Olentster, of Providence, R. L, lu6 .tomoch is allowed to remain, champion long dwtanee .jammer of Amer- ncit \ er digMt ion nor ,l« p will be etrengSe- ica, Mas performed notable feats in this .ustnininir pnnnf.rv and Flnirlfind. He hu nsed PerUD* *' 1 The Peruna A TRAINED NURSE After Years of Experience, Advises Women in - Regard to Their Health. r . r . ^ Mrs. Martha Pohlman - of 65 Chester Avenue, Newark, N. J., who is a graduate Nurse from the BlooMey Training School, *1 Philadelphia, and for gx years Chief Cllnlo Jitirse at the Philadelphia Hospital, writes the letter printed below. She has the advantage of personal experience, besides her professional education, and what she has to say Os/ ha absolutely relied upon. Many other women are afflioted as she was. They can regain health in the •amaway. It is prudent to heed snob advice from each la source. Mrs, Pohlman writes: 1 " I am firmly persuaded. ^JwatehtvearsofSperieS with Lydia E. Piukham’a Vow table Compound, that it is toe safest and best medicine for any suffering woman to use. .'‘Immediately after mr xnarrlago I found that my hsaltk bogan to fail m*. Jb£ <*ms weak and pale, with •*- vsii# bwtring-down pains, fear ful backaches and frequent dUsv^wUa Ths doctors pr*. scribed for me, yet I did not Improve. I would bloat after eating and frequently become nauseated. I had an acrid pains down through my limbe hardlv walk It was as bad a ease of female S°^le as I have ever known. Lydia E. Pinkhame Vecetablo Compound, however, cand me within four months. Since that tune I have had occasion to recommend it to a nqmber of patients suffering from all forhw of female difficulties, and I find thht while it ie considered unprofessional to rec- anmiend a pateul medicine, I can honestly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’* Vegetable Compound, for I have found that it cures fenude ills, where all other medicine fails. It is a grand mpdidno for tide women.” Money ednnot buy such testimony an this—merit alone can produce such re sults, and the ablest specialists now agree that Lydia E. PinlAom’S Vege table Compound is the most univer sally successful remedy for all female diseases known to medicine. When women 4 are troubled with ir regular, suppressed or painful men struation, weakness, ieucorchoca, dfs- hnt bearing-down feeling, inflamma tion of the ovaries, backache, bloat ing (or flatulence), general debility, in digestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizzi ness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy, "all-gone" and "want-to-be-left-alone'' feelings, blues and hopelessness, they should remem ber there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound at onoe removes such troubles. No other female medicine in the world has received, such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. The needless suffering of women from diseases peculiar to their sex is terrible to see. The money which they pay to doctors who do not help them is an enormous waste. The pain is cured and the money is saved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ex perience has proved this. It is well /or women who are ill to write Mrs. PinUham. at Lynn, Mass. In her great experience, which covers many years, she has probably had to deal with doyens of cases just like yours. Her advice is free and confi dential. £ lydia E. Pinkfcan’s VeletoMe Owr-wnml Succeeds Where Others Fail. Let Common Sense Decide ) you honestly believe, that colfee sold looso (in bulk), exposed to dust, germs and insects, passing through many hands (some of them not over-clean), “blonded,” you don't know how or by whom, is fit for your use T Of course you don’t But ' Do LION COFFEE Is another story. The green berries, selected by keen Judges at the plantation, ore sKUIlnlly roasted at onr fac tories, where precautions yon would not dream ol are token to secure perfect cleanliness, flavor, strength and uniformity. From'the time the coffee leaves -the factory no hand touche* it till it is opened in your kitchen. Ibta has made LION COFFEE Ike LEADER OF ALL FACRACE COFFEES. Millions of American Homes welcome LION COFFEE daily. There is no stronger proof of merit than continued and increas- ing popularity. "Quality survives all opposition.” (Sold only In 1 lb.Dockafjc. Lion-head on every package.) (Savo your Lion-heads for valuable premiums.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOIflON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. Body a Hus of Bo*oo-Oalled 1* Throe Doctors Bat Grow TFooso-*Cured by ’ _ Cationr» For TSi. "My little daughter wu a mass of sores all over her body. Her face was being eaten away, and her ears looked u if they would drop off. i had three doctors, hut she grew worse. Neighbors advised Cuti- curs, and before, I had used half of the cake of soap and box of ointment, the eoree had a)l healed, and my little one's, skin was as elear as s new-born babe's. I would not be without Cuticura if it cost five dol lars, instead of 75 cents, which is ail it cost us to cure our baby. Mrs. G. J. Steesc, 701 Coburn St., Akron, Ohio," WHERE THE INTEREST LAY. „ She—When it comes to gossipy conversation, she's very interesting. Ho—Why, she’s not interesting as a talker at all. She—Oh, I mean as a subject—* Philadelphia Press. There Is more Ootqrrhin this section of the country than ail other diseases pat 'together, and until the last few years was supposed to be inourable. For s great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease-and proscribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with looal treatment, prononaoednt-inr curable. Solenoe has proven Catarrh-to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s CatArth Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Oo», Toledo, Ohio, is the oply constitutions) cure on the market. It is taken internally is doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It oots direct ly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offor one hundred dollars?for nny case it falls to oure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. Chenet A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills fqr constipation THOSE j3IRLS. Gladys—Maude says she wants to marry one of nature’s noblemen. Grayce—Yes, I know. A trust baron, for instance.—Louisville Cour ier-Journal. / Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for ohildren teething,soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion,allays pain,cures wind colic,35o.abottle. The imperial pawnshop in Vienna has twelve auction rooms as adjuncts. naaeough cure.—J. W. O’lHusjf, 822 Third Avenue, N„ Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 0,1000. Most educated Russians arc familiar with three languages besides their own, Popular Cars. The Pope*Hartford and Pope-Tribuns auoltae oars and runabouts meet the spe- Jflc demands of a large class of automobile users. They are simple in construction, free from complication and efficient. Prices from $JQ0 to IlflOOr For finely illustrated catalogues and descriptive matter, ad dress Dept. A, Pope Manufacturing Go., Pope Hartford^ Pope Tribune Modern Casollne Cars and Runabouts at Moderate Prices. Backed by *7 Years of Manufacturing Experience. 6tol6H.P. Prices, $500 tp $1600 Simple Construction, Luxurious Equipment. Address Dept. A For Complete Catalogues. Pope Manufacturing Co., HARTFORD, CONN. (At 18-’06) year. Students can enter any time. Catalog free. W CENTS BUYS A "*■ PACKAGE ECONOMY BLUE Makes Full Quart Best Wash Bluing U years on the markWt. Ask dealer, or we wlJl send by mail package upon receipt of 10o. in stamps and your dolor's name. Bbidoxs-McDowkll Co., Louisville, Ky, NEEDLES. ]E8&^*2S5 0 g»: SHUTTLES. b£"l6*c'k* REPAIRS. ta- T c ?3u 5 !!. 1 MO.* The Greenland whale sometimes attains the tge of 400 years. Itch cured in SO minutes by WoalfoM's Sanitary Lotion. Never Tails. Sold hr atl druggists, |1. Mail orders promptly tilled by Dr. E. Deichon, Crawfordsvillt, Ind. The Alhambra, in Spain, is in danger of collapse. ■ Is XI Right? Is it right for you to lose $4.20 that a dealer may make 50 cents more by selling fourteen gallons of ready-for-use paint, at *1.50 per gallon, than our agent will make by selling'you eight gallons .of L. A M., and six gallons of linseed* oil, which make four teen godona of a better paint, at $1J0 per gallon? la it right? Sold everywhere and by Longman « Martinez, New York. Paint -Makers for Fifty Yearn. ■ ly u All Signs Fall la a Dry Time* THI SION ON THIS XISH never paels in a wet rocs In ordering Tower’s Slickers, a customer writes: “I know the* wtll be all right If the* hive the on them/* This confidence la the out growth of sixty-nine years of careful manufacturing. Bulat Iwri Wwtft fair, 1W. A. J. TOWER OO. n.Mprftt.n. Bcton, U.S.A. Tower Canadian Co. jriSq.- limited 1 J * Toronto. C.nAd. /JlSJBgkjA »«*« ofWomiiUd Wet Wectter CptUv Lending HI, H.nd. The occasions on which Profossor Faraway was Invited to speak In public were times of great anxiety to his wife. If she euccer/led In starting him for the platform prop erty clotted, and with hlB notes in his hand, part of her cares vanished, but not all of them. One evening her huehend was one of seven distinguished professional men who were to speak before a scientific society consisting of men from all parts of tho county. His speech was clear that night, free from the .bsent,mlnde'l mur murs which sometimes Interspersed hls discourse, and he seated him self Mrs. Faraway felt that ha had fully earned the burst of applause— and then her checks crimsoned. “Old you Bee anything amusing about the close of my address, my dear?” asked the professor, as U cy started for home. “It seemed ns If I heard sounds of suggestive merri ment about me.” “I don’t wonder,” aid Mrs. Fara way, who up to that time had main tained the silence of despair, “for of all the people who applauded your address, you, with your head In the air and your chair tilted sidewise clapped the loudest and longest!” The Chsvron. • "Did you ever notice,” Inquired one of the old Veterans who frequent the Occidental Hotel lobby, “that the ser geants and corporals of the army now wear their chevrons with the point up? It’s only beep In late years that they've done so. The marines Always .did, but the army for years had the points down. It's only lately that the chevron has been under stood. The chevron la Inherited from the feudal days, and meant a root. A man who had rank enough to be a non-eomnrlssloned officer was qulred to be a freeholder, a man who owned the roof over hie head. Tha chevron represented a gabled roof. The privates owned no home. The Increase In rank for different grades of non-commissioned officers was measured by additional roofs, the sergeant, for Instance, having three etievrons, against one for the lance- coYporal. You’ll find that nearly all nf these military devlcee have, sorr.cfi origin of historical Interest”—San Francisco Chronicle. PE-RU-NA Renovates, Regulates, Restore* a System Depleted by Gatiurrh. John W. Glenister, of Providence, R. I., champion long distance ■ trimmer of Amer ica, uaa performed notable feat* in this country and England. He haa uaed Peruna m a tonic and gi the following letti e Company, Columbus, Ohio: Gentlemen— 1 "Thia spring for tha first time I have taken two bottle* of Pe runa, and, as it has done me a greft deal of good, I feel as if I ought to Say a good word for its worth. whatever. ThU year, through tnc advice of a friend, I have tried Peruna and it has given eatiefac tion. "ladviee all atMetee who are about to go in training to try a bottle, for it certainly gets the oyutetn in gbod shape.» Tours truli JOHN W. GLETi Those who lead very active livee r like athletes, with good muscular de velopment, find the spring months especially trying* , Athletes everywhere praise Peruna bo- cause they, of all men, appreciate tlie Volvo of a tonic that dispels physical depression. The vooation of some men may al low them to endure the depressing feelings incident to spring weather, but the athlete must never allow him self to get “under the weather,” He muxt keep in the "pink of condition" all the time. In order to do this he must avail him self of'* spring tonic upon which he can rely. Therefore athletes are espeoiaUy friendly toward Peruna. Pei*una never fails them. And pay only for what you get. It is your dealer’s duty to give you the best thing he can - get in footwear. Make it a point to ask for the "ALWAYS JUST CORRECT” [CLOVER BRAND SHOES ™prtlfpimrr-&tnairta-§JjDp ffln. LARGEST FINE 8HOE EXCLUSIVISTS ST. LOUIS. U. a. A. PIMPLES eat EZSSSiF*' WUtra, U Ua •*.. XiwwA. X A Beat for The Bowels ineooweis - toldemwi H^SterUnc Kemtdy Co., Chteaeoorlf.T. MS USUAL SALE. TEN MILLION NOTES Against Bate redaction. Atlanta, Ga.—The recent propoiltion of J. Pope Brown, Chairman of the Georgia 'Ballroad Commission, to re duce the passenger rate In Georgln from three to two cents per mile .was protested against by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Order of Hallway Conductors, and unions of the blacksmiths, machinists and telegraph ers, . boilermakers, railway train men, carpenters and Joiners, clerks and car men. These organisations employed an attorney especially to represent them, who urged that such a reduction would, work agalnat the prosperity of the State and lead to a redaction In the number of, railroad employe! as well aa of their wages. Tho Travelers’ Pro tective Association also protested that a redaction as proposed would result In fewer trains and poorer service. Training tha L«ft Hand. It is one of the good signs of the tlmaa that the use of the left band it coming into fashion in education. Our children, let us hope, are not to bo forever crippled by being brought up ‘‘one-handed.’’ We are learning at last the absurdity of allowing one of our hands to fall into practical disuse, and the excellent names behind the newly formed Ambidextral Culture Society give ground for hope that common sense may prevail on the subject and lead to the development of a two- handed Instead of a one-handed race.— London Mail. DAI THE Itsn. ** Malsby & Coi 4! South Forsyth St„ Atlanta, Ga. 1U Mbit An, a AT THE fONKERS CLOT. Yeast—t understand your wife is an lndetatlgueble worker? Crlmsonbeak—She’s ajl that Why, after she sings the baby to sleep, by Jove! she .comes and talks me to ■leept Yonkers Statesman. IN THE BARNYARD. "Oh, please!” the young hen plead ed, nervously, “what’a the proper tray to ait' on a nest?” "Hatch-way!” replied the. old hen, with a allly cackle.- i OP MORE CONCERN TO HER. "Of course," said ono woman, "we all have to overlook some shortcom ing* on the part of our husbands.” ‘Tve no fault to find wlth-my hug. band’s shortcomings,” responded the wife of the traveling mm; “but hls long goings make me awfully tired." r$W{**o Tribune. - A VOICE FROM THE PULPIT. Rev. Jacob D. Van Doren, of 5T Sixth street, Fond Dn Lee, ,Wis„ Presby terian clergyman, aays: "1 bad at tacks of kidney disor ders which kept me In the bonae for days at a time, unable to do any thing. What I suffered can hardly be told. Complications set In, the particulars of which I will be pleased to give In a personal Inter view to any one who requires Information. Tbla I can conscien tiously say, Doan's Kid ney Pills canted a gen eral, improvement In my health. They brought great relief by leascnlng the pain end correcting the action of tho kidney se cretions.” / Doan’s Kidney PUIa for sale by all dealers. Price,' 50 cents. Foster-Mll- burn Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Complete line Carried <» stock for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Best Machinery, Lovratt Price* and Boat Term* Write us for catalogue, prices, etc., before buying. CORN FIELDS ARB QOLD FIELDS to the farmer who under- j stands how to feed his ' crops. Fertilisers for Com mutt contain at least 7 per cent, actual J Potash Send for our books—they tell why Potash Is os necessary to plant lffe as son and rain; sent free', If you ask. Write today. _ OERMAN KALI W0BK5 O' New York—03 N.IJ.U Street,, CffiL Atlanta,Ga.—eej; South Broad St ifcteud