Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, November 24, 1905, Image 6

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TAKEOFF YOUR BONNET. } That blinds your eyes, look a few facts right in the face. Do you want t D'. it!* >T iilit S it, few odd pieces. I am sure you do and you are afraid they can not be had at a reasonable figure. Go to thinking; about these things; come to me and I will show you how easy it will be for both of us ter agree on a subject of such importance. Think about the sewiny machine question and then come here and let me demonstrate how easy it is ta get a machine good for your life time and the lifetime of your children and to get it for a tfiodest sum. C B. QUINN, - Usually the fimt symptoms of kidney disease arc: TToak back, backache, ldglily colored urfno, or frequent dcslro to-urlaate. Yon may, not li wa r'.l fLccfc ::l&is» bid any ono of U* n/san3 that your* Wdncyo ere* ( City May Have to Com memorate Deeds of Confederate Days Is Bending out 10,- bulletp^ describing ;ded by the agrlcul- Vpu jpauct sli’ord to take any chzsciz cf -ut las 3right's Disease, as you can now obtain a complete cure without cost. There Is a probability, that Thom asvllle may have a monument to th< women of the Confederacy, that will |be'a fitting companion piece to the ^soldiers’ monument on Broad, street. ( General C. Irvine Walker of Atlanta, ( ls In charge of the project He plans to raise funds by having the news papers of the south publish supple ments, the proceeds of the advertise ments to go to the fund. The Atlan ta Journal Is now at work on a sup plement of this ^character. After I the money is raised the best model .possible will be secured and dupli cates of the statue will be cast'so j that every southern city may have one of these duplicates at small cost. In this way all of the cities of the south would secure a shaft in bronze that would commemorate the romen of the. Confederacy and add to the beauiy of the city. The Idea of hav ing a similar shaft In different places I Is a pew one, but one that will eifi- phaslzj/tli$ intent of the monuments. Atlanta,jNov. 0.—President Har- vle Jordan* of the Southern Cotton Association has Issued the following letter: "The annual reorganization an re-election of all the officer* of the Southern Cotton Association In all of the cotton growing counties and parishes Ms near at hand. The election of officers and delegates fpr all the civil .subdivisions,^ townships militia districts and'school precincts as they are differently formed In the several states will take place on' the first Saturday In December. "Farmers, merchants and bankers are urgently requested to meet on that day at their local meeting points In the various sections, of the count and choose from one to five delegates to represent them In their county organization. The copnty or par ish meeting will be held at the coun ty site pn December 9 or the follow ing Saturday. These delegates,will then perfect their county organiza tion by the election of officers and the selection of from one to three delegates to represent their county or'parish at the general state meet- indH of as many of Male as possible, s l„dng dono In the e led to attend 1 the .Ttcnltural depart- jriim'nt of tho unl- n a remarkable in- nnd next year It Is will show a greater ' A.*o on n’oaolnto cure for all kidney troubles, and to show our confi dence v.*o rrlll glvo you absolutely freo ono full cizo bos cf DnBELLS KIDNEY PILED. Good forthlrty days. 'Wrlto .row* name plainly and send at ones to C. \V. BEGGS, SONS & CC., VJ& Ualsjf Park Dr. Robert E. ^Williams, the ThomasviBe Chiropodist, who has been in Toronto, Canada, and westerd Ontario, for. the last few months, will be at home, “Samaria,’’ Where he will remove the sorest corn without pain or blood for twenty-five cents. 731 north Madison St ’Phone, 2^2 The most painfui ingrowing or club nail cured without pain RETURN .THIS COUPON you fcre-ufff ring with Kidney Jroubli buy nod l size b04 How is it that J. E. Smith can sell the best Dry Salt Meat at ioc per pound, best granulated Sugar 17 lbs $1, Arbuckle’s Goffee 15c, best Flour 24 lbs’70c, Com pound Lard 8c, Pure Lard ioc? • \ He pays no store rent, no house rent, no book keeper, pays cash for all his, goods, and sells everything for spot cash—Phone 316 The onlrpositire curu for Kidncr Trouble-. •s»o toO.W. BEQaS. SONS & OO. ,JS Union E.w. O..OW. OHIOSaO, ILU. Nov. 6.—Rev. L. W. > .Methodist church at applying for Rev. Mr. i charge in Thamasvllle , the Methodist pulpit by Mr. J. B. Wight, were practical and Tull nth. The topic of the rice was "The Blessod- ig and Doing Good.” lg ■ he spoke from that jve all things, hold fast 1 good.” Both services leaded and 'seemed to / For sale by Patterson Dru- Co. Thomasville, J. A . Mid dlebrooks & Co. Pavo, J. L. Beatty, Barwick, Win. Me Millan, Merrillville. AMERjpAN SLAVES. \ • J. tV. Peacock’s Emancipation Act - .That Will .Free Thousands. J. W. Peacock, Thomasville* lead- ng druggist,Is ready ttf restore free- jdom to-many who have been In ab- : solnte slavery. | No one appreciates better than the j victim of Indigestion that he Is an abject slave to his stomach and Mr. J. W. Peacock in guaranteeing that Mi-o-na will strengthen the stomach so that you can cat what you want und when you want it, removes feae of further bondage. The stomach is to the body what the foundation Is to the house and when It is weakened or diseased one organ after another is affected until the heart, lungs, kidneys and liver will all be. Involved. Indigestion causes nervousness, sleeplessness, headaches, backaches, distress after eating furred tongue and general weakness and debility Ml-/o-na la not a mere temporary relief for Indigestion, but a positive remedy for all stomach troubles, pro moting good digestion, stimulating the secretions and restoring health. Ask Mr. Peacock to show you the guarantee under which he sells Ml-o- na. A large box of the tablets sells for SO cents, but costs nothing unless It cures. “The statj mcclngs will be held at the. different state capltols on Jan- 3, and the delegates so chosen by the county organizations on Decem ber 9, will elect their state officers for 1906, and also the members of the executive committee of the South ern Cotton Association on the same basis of representation as for 1905. Tho executive committee of the na tional organization so chosen will moot at Hot Springs, Ark., 1906. "Farmers throughout the cotton belt are urged to' promptly attend this call on the first Saturday In De comber and get the machinery of the local organization In motion. Fol low the different meetings up and let the association get on a sound bnslj Members of the Farmers’ Unin and other organisations are cordially and earnestly’lnvtted to Join the-assocla- tton that eviry farmer In the South may co-operate shoulder to shoulder the great staple crop of .the South at profitable prices to the producers." Planters f Per. Month, to ! Reliable Parties. , r WRITE AT ONCE FDR FACTORY prices and Money Saving Plan. . Give References Alsd - „ CjtRTER&DOROUGH* DEP ' Valdosta, Ga. Seed Oats. Just received a carload. We bought early HAY,GRAIN and at a close price, and. PHONE 6 AND COAL and will sell you cheaper SEED OATS than any one. Get our prices before buying—we will save EVIDENCE OF FAITH. ,-cock Guarantees that Hyo- U1 Caro tho Worst Case of in Thomasville. a one of the most reputable Jtlrjri.Thomasville guarantees ■nedlclne will effect a cure or refund the money, It spenkB .i s as (o tho merits of that rem- .*• It Is In this way that J. W. ,1’i ai Dii; Is selling Hyomet tho treat- at t lint Ima mado so many cures if both acute and chronic cases of it.1 nil In Thomasville And vicinity. Hyomcl Is not a pill, nor Is It a .In li Hint has tfi be taken with q Address Department B. before buying—we will you money.. WHEN YOU GO to the Lewis u<1 Clark Exposition at Portland, Oregon, Yon will want to travel In the foil en joyment of modern Bervloe, System, Safety, asst tell the man who writes your ticket make it read via HIDES WANTED Write for quotations to Dixie Fly6i* 'Route THE N., O., A St. L. R. R. This routs takes you via Atlanta, Chat tanooga and Nashville over the beauti ful Cumberland Mountains, In a through sleeper from Thomasville ta elthar St. Loaia or pbicago, where di rect connections are made with through trains for Portland. $76.30. Buy a round trip tioket from Thomasville to Portland, good for 00 days. Free stopovers at Yellowstone Park and in the scenic Oolorado’a Yon can return homa a different rente with- ont any additianal cost. For maps, soliednlss, rates and other information, write E. J. Walker, Fla. Passenger Agt. Jacksonville, Via.- J. W. Watkins & Co. 280-282 \V Jackson 8t Thomasville. Qa. LIME, CEMENT, Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick, etc. PublicJDray. H. P, Gone* Thomasville, Ga. OFFICIAL ACTS. What the City'Council Accomplished • at Us Last Meeting. Thomasville, Ga., Nov. 6. Regular meeting of Council, Mayor Aldermen 1 destroys all germ life In the air vacos and li/ngs and enriches and lies tho blood with Additional v* It oures catarrh of the head, >pat or of the stomach, liver ddneys. Wherever* mucous t1>nit contains catarrhal* germs, .iyomel will do Its work of heal When using this treatment, you breathe will be found like pn the mountains high above m level, where grow balsamic ,s and i>lant\ which mac the air if ti> living off"volatile antiseptic y^rfince that la healing to the re- ratory organs. | •*V complete .Hyomel outfit costs | nnd Includes an Inhaler; drop-1 proof suits referred to fire corimlt- .ml sufficient Hyomet foe-sever- tee; unpaid accounts'referred to com- i-eku* treatment Imlttwj, Remember that if Hyomel does not Follow*; ag accounts approved i.ad Roddenbcry presiding. Mellette,' Pittman, Cochran. Hamble- ton and Evans were present. Minutes of tile last meeting were read and approved, j , Petition of G. C. Sparks referred to street Committee; petition of Rob ert Dekle, granted; petition of C. L. Thompsdn, referred to water com mittee; petition, of Standard Ol! Co, for reduction of taxes referred to finance committee; petition of M. C Davies granted. I The request of -firemen to- water TO REMOVE Freckles and Pimples in Ten Days Use Nadinola. 'the Complexion Beautlfier. ,4 M^bilicusness^^ ■7 Makes f/ CHRONIC INVALIDS. V| /When the'liver is torpid, bile enters the\ "blood as a virulent poison. Liver ills follow J. R. Lawhon, SDPCHOPPY, FLA. Runs big Livery Stable and , makes a specialty to travel ers to cary them from Sop choppy to Panacea Springs New Rigs, well Bred Horses Prompt attention.. .ANDTONIC Pellets are the only Treatment, Lhat gives the*tiver just the right touch and J \starts Nature’s work in the right manner. Ji |X A The Pill touches the liver, the f/A AXV Pellets tone the system. Complete Treatment =5 cts. THE NADIN0LA GI8L 1 Formerly advertised and sold as Satfnola.) No change In’ formula or paekags. The‘name only haa been changed to avoid confusion, as we cannot afford to have so valuable a preparation confused with any other. Nadlnoia is guaranteed and monoy ,*111 be refunded In every case, where , *• falls to remove* freckles, pimples, Aver spots . collar: ''discolorations, niackheads, disfiguring eruptions, -tr The worst canes ta 20 days, .eaves the skin clear, soft , healthy >nd restores the beauty of youth. .Price 60 isuts and $1. Sold by all the leading druggists In each dty Prepared only by / NATIONAL TOILET \n}.. Parts, Tenn. s x - Bracev Pharmacy Company $100,000 TO LEND On Farms and Choice Otty prnjttrty iu Thomasville. Inter* e« It to 7 per cea : and 'payable annunlly. Time 5 years, but par or all or principal may be paid back at ond of any year anil stop interest. Prompt attention * en 11 all written inquires. ELLIS & ELLIS. Piidrick Bnilng. Tl'chi. Gl. The Great Wayrross Fair, November 14-18, 1906, The Atlan tic and Birmingham railway will aeil round trip tickets to -Waycross tor this occasion at rates one fare plus , 25 cents. tor the round trip.. The fair will be given on a much larger scale this year than ever. Tickets I will be sold November 16-18 Inclu sive, with return limit November 10, 1906. ^ . H. C. McFadden, General Pass. Agent, Waycross. Ga. I Via Atlantic Coast Line. The Atlan tic Coast Line will sell tickets Chat trnooga, Tenn.. on account of South ern Conference on Immigration and Quarantine. Nov. 6 and 9th at the rute cf one first class fare, plut 25c for'round trip.’ Final limit re’nrn mg Nov. 16. ^ For full Information adrevi T. J. Eottoms, T. P A., Thomar.-l'te, (It., T. C. White. I?. P. A., Savan , w . , W. J. C-r.p: Q. P. A., V,' iclnstot.. N*. C. f* Do not be deceived by connter- feltswbea yon buy Witch Hazel Salve The name of E. C. Dewwltt A Co., Is on every box of the genuine. Piles in their' worst form will soon pass away If you' will apply DeWItt’s Witch Hazel Salvo night and morn ing. Best for Cuts, Bruises Burns, Bolls, Tetter, Ezema, etc. Sold by Braoey Pharmacy Co. Mrs. George Finch and little son, f Waycross. were recent visitors to ! atl*es tn Thomasville.