Newspaper Page Text
; Goods.
/Whom it May Concern
Notice is hereby given <
__4th day of November. 1905, I will
l|>ply at Thomasville, Georgia, to the
Judge of the Superior Court of the
Southern circuit for an order author
ing private sale of the interest ef
letta May, Bessie, Sal lie, Myrtle
Stephen Wheless, minor children
l. E. and S. L. Wheless, which
interest, together with that of their
three adult brothers, Wm. T., Rob
ert A., and Charles J. Wheless, is an
undivided half Interest in what is
.described in deed to them as one
sundred acres, more or loss, on the
euth side of lot fifty-eight (58) in
/ie 13th district of Thomas county,
♦eergla. but that, there is not more
Aan about seventy (70) acres of said
and, the reasons for said sale being
the large number now interested and
1,ts joint ownership with others, and
ts unproductiveness, so as to Invest
ame in more productive property
f hat can be easily attended to.
R. E. Wheless,
Guardian for minors named above.
\ i*ing
> Rhetti
& and 81
: Of R.
2 i
PII Pay You
p . Under and by virtue of a resolu
tion adopted at the meeting of the
Board of County Commissioners ori
the first Tuesday in December, 1904,
will be sold before the Court House
door In Thomasville, Georgia, within
the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in December, 1995, the fol
lowing tracts of land: Lats Nos,
81. 82, 83, 84 in block 8, column 4
west and lot Na. 86, In block 1„ col
umn 5, west In the city of Thomas-
vllle. Terms cash.
By order of the Baard of County
E. M. Smith,
W. A. Pringle,
H. C. Copeland,
I, D. Barrow,
j. Q. Bryan.
County Cammlsloners.
Georgia, Thomas County.
I will sell at public outcry on the
first Tuesday in December, 1905, at
the court house door in Thomas-
ville, Georgia, between the legal
hours of sale, an undivided one-half
(14) Interest In and to the following
dacribed tracts of land; 233 acres
of lot No. 87, 250 acres of lot No.
74, 239 acres of lot No. 86, 242„ 65
acres of lot No. 85, 260 acres of lot
Na. 115, 125 acres of lot No. 116,
31.59 acres of lot No. 47, 21.61 acres
of lot No. 46. All of Raid lots being
situated in the 18th district of said
State and county. Said sale being
under and by virtue of an order of
the court of ordinary of said county
issued at the April term, 1903, of
said court. Terms cash.
Wilson W. Brooks,
Administrator of tke estate of W.
P. B. Clark, deceased.
25c Per Yard
• me FOR • • •
or Cotton P’aids
Pretty stiff price for checkriiome-
spuns, or cotton plaids, but we
want a little mighty bad.
Want two pieces containing from
5 to 15 yards-=any color, any size
check or stripe will do, but it must
be from outside of bolt, and have
on it the ticket put there by the
mill, bearing the name
**Monti cello Plaids**
I know there has been a bale of
these goods sold in Thomasville
since July 1st of this year, and I
want a few yards to prove a point I
If you’ve bought any cotton plaids, or home
spun since July ist, look at it and if it has the _
ticket as described above, bring me in a piece,
and get
25c a Yard lor your Check-Homespun,
Starke Corner
Thomasville, Georgia
For this beautiful
A Southe
for Southe. .
has a fine Leather Quarter Top, hn* genuine
Leather, Spring Ilottom Cushion, and Leather
Pack, ia elegantly painted and fully guaranteed.
Regular retail price $63.00 to 475.00.
90 For this fine Collar and name,
Cp i - .nirkrl mounted Harness, m>1«I with
every GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY, regular retail
price 112.60 to $15.00.
Catalog and full description sent on request.
158-160 Edgewood Ave., ATLANTA, Ga.
To the Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary
of State, Atlanta, Ga.
We, Z. H. Clark, C. E. Holmes,
E. Daniels, P. B. Allen, and G.
Smith, of Moultrie, Ga.: W. T. Madre
J. JW. Taylor, W. A. Taylor and
C. Milligan of Boston, Ga.; and
Frank Harris of Pavs, Ga., applicants
as Incorporators under an act of
the General Assembly of Georgia,
aproved December 20, 1893, entitled
“An act to carry into effect para
graph 18 of SectIon7 of Article
of the Constitution of 1877, as amen
ded, In relallon to chartering
hanks, to provide for the Incorpora
tion of hanking companies by the
Secretary of State and for other pur
poses," make this our declaration,
praying that we bo Incorporated
a body corporate and politic for th
purpose of doing a general banking
business with all the rights, pow
ers, privileges and restrictions
said act, under and by the name and
stylo of Bank of Boston, and that
till- ],rimi|t;il n'liri- of said cumpany
Hhall be located In the town of Bos
ton, county of Thomas, and State
of Georgia, with a capital of twenty-
five thousand dollars ($25,000) di
vlded Into shares of one hundred dol
lars ($100) each and that the sum
of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,00)
of the capital subscribed has actual
ly been paid by the subscribers and
that the same Is in fact held and
to bo used solely for the business
and purposes of the corporation.
The fee of fifty ($50) dollars
herewith Inclosed as fee for charter
or certificate of Incrporatlo as re
quired by said act.
Pavo, Ga„ 26th day of October,
Respectfully submitted,
Z. H. Clark, J. Frank Harris, Ever
ett Daniels, W. A. Taylor, W.
Madre, P. B. Allen, C. E, Holmes, J.
— Taylor, E. C. Milligan, O. E.
State of Georgia, Thomas County.
Before me personally appeared
H. Clark, C. E. Holmes, E. Daniels,
P. B. Allen and G. E. Smith of Moul
trie, Ga„ J. W. Taylor, W. T. Madre,
E. C. Milligan and W. A. Taylor ef
Boston, Ga., J. Frank Harris of Pavo,
Ga„ the Incorporators pf Bank of
Boston, located In the town of Bos
ton, county of Thomas, and State of
Georgia,, who on oath deposoth and
salth that fifteen thousand dollars
($15,000) of tbo capital subscribed
has been actually paid by the sub
scribers and that the same Is In fact
held and is to bo used BOlely for tho
business and purposes of the corpora
tion. '4£‘ '
Incorporators—Z. H. Clark, J. Frank
Harris, Everett Daniels, P. B. Allen,
W. T. Mardro, C. E. Holmes, J. W.
Taylor, W. A. Taylor, E. C. Milligan,
G. E. Smith.
Sworn to and subscribed before
mo this 26th day of October, 1905.
William M. Jones,
Ordinary of Thomas County.
State of Georgia,,
Office of Secretary of State.
I, Philip Cook, Secretary of State
of Georgia, do hereby certify that the
attached four pages of printed and
written matter contain a true and
correct copy of the application of
the Incorporators of Bank of Boston
as the original appears of file it) this
In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and affixed tho seal
of-my office at the capltol In tho city
of Atlanta, this 30th day of October,
In the year of our Lord one thousand
nine hundred and llvo and of tho In
dependence of the United States of
America tho one hundred and twen-
nlnth. Philip Cook,
Secretary of State.
Tho $1.00 bottle contains 2VS times the trill die, which *e!ls for 50 cents.
Sold by Rracy Pharmacy Co. ,,
Notice Is hereby given that tho
undersigned Intends to apply for an
order to soli at private salo for re
investment that parcel of land known
ns part of lot No. 102 In tho 13th
district of to county of Thomas
Slate of Georgia, hounded by a lino
beginning at tlio southwest corner
of said lot and running thence duo
north 20 98-100 chalnB, thoaco cast
14 30-100 chains, thcnco south 20
9S-100 chains, thcnco west 14 30-100
chains to tho starting point contain
ing 30 acres moro or less. Said ap
plication will be made at tho offleo
of tho Judge of tho Suporlor Court
at Thomasvtllo, Ga„ on tho 19th day
of December, 1905.
Tho reasons for said appltcatlori
being that tho property sought to
be sold In non productive needing
repair, expense to keep up, not de
sirably located and can ho reinvested
to tho great benefit of my wards,
Robert Cheover, Marlon Olive. Clif
ton and Mary Elisabeth Badger.
* J. F. Badger,
Georgia, Thomas county.
Notice Is hereby given that tho
undersigned has applied to the ordin
ary of said county for leave to sen
all the- land belonging to tho estate
of John 0. Eubanks for tho purpose
of distribution said land consisting
of bouse and lot in Moultrie, Col
quitt. Go., said application will be
heard at the regular term of tho
Court of Ordinary for said county
to ho held bn tho first Monday In
December, 1905.
This 3d day of October. 1905.
Mary. E. Eubanks.
10-C-4t Administratrix.
For the Boston district. Apply to |
H. C. Jordan, J. P., Boston, Ga. J
Under and by vlrtus of an order
from tho Court of Ordinary of Thom
as county, Georgia, granted at tho
Novombor term. 1905, I will sell be
fore tho Court IIouso door In Thom-
asvllle, Ga., on tho first Tuesday In
December next, within the legal
hours of sale tho following real es
tate belonging to tho estate of J, O.
Eubanks, deceased, of Thomas coun
ty, lo wit.: Lots ll and 12, $!ock 1,
McKenzie’s sub-diviston and addition
to thecity of Moultrie, each lot front
ing north on Crawford street, 60
feet, and runilog back south In a
rectangle 160 feet to an alley. Bold
for purpose of distribution. Terms
cash. Mary E. Eubanks,
Georgia. Thomas County.
Notice Is herby given that tho un
dersigned has applied to the Ordin
ary- of said county for leave to sell
land belong!*# to tho estate of F. C.
Johnson for the payment ot debts,
said application will be’ heard at tho
regular term of -the Court of Ordin
ary for said county to bo held on the
first Monday In January, 1906.
This December 4, 1905.
M, A. Fleetwood,
Administrator F. C. Johnson.
- - 12-l-4t
Notice Is-hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing be
tween C. F. Coleman and W. L.
Adams under tho firm name ot Cole
man ft Adams has been dlsselved by
mutual consent. All accounts and
notes due to the firm ot Coleman ft
Adams will be collected by C. F. Cole
man, and nil obligations ot said firm
will be paid by him.
C. F. Coleman,
W. L. Adams.
Tbomasvllle, Ga., Nov. IS, 191$.
Georgia, Thomas County.,
M. A. Fleetwood, administrator
upon tho estate ot Stephen Mingo,
late ot said county, deceased, having
filed his petition tor discharge, this
Is to cite all persons concerned to
show cause against the granting of
this discharge at tho regular term
of tho Court of Ordinary for said
county, to bo held on the first Mob-
day in December, 1905.
William M Jones. Ordinary.
Georgia, Thomas County.
W. H. Crow, guardian ot Ludie
Daniel, has applied to mb for a dis
charge from his guardianship of Lu
die Daniel. This Is therefore to no
tify all persons concerned lo file their
objections, If any they have on or
before the first Monday In January
next, else he'will be discharged from
his guardianship as applied for.
William M. Jones,
. Georgia, Thomas County.” .
Mary-Etta Smith, having made ap
plication for Twelve months' support
out ot the estate ot Jenkln Smith and
appraisers duly appointed to set
apart the same having filed their re
turn, all persons concerned are here
by required to show cause before
the court of ordinary of said connty
on the first Monday In January, 1906
why said apllcation should'
William M. Jones, Ordinary.
This, December 1,’1905.
Georgia, Thomas Connty.'
Mrs. J. F. Ballard, administratrix
ot the estate of Hiram Ballard, de
ceased, having applied for leave to
aell certain land belonging to said
estate all persons are cited to show
cause , If any they can, why order
should not be granted as prayed on
first Monday In January, 1906.
William M. Jones,
ll-17-4t Ordinary.
Georgia, Thomas County.
M. A. Fleetwood, county adminis
trator, having made application to
mo In due form to be appointed per
manent administrator upon the estate
of F. C. Johnson, late of said coun
ty, notice Is hereby given that said
application will be heard at the reg
ular term of tho Court of Ordinary
for said county, to be held on th<
first Monday In December, 1905.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature this 6tb day ot November,
William M. Jones,
Georgia, Thomas County.
Mrs. Hattie L. Green having filed
her amended application for twelve
months' support out of the estate of
Charles W; Green, and appraisers
duly apotnted to set apart the same
having filed their return all persons
concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the court ot Ordin
ary of said county on the first Mon
day In December, 1905, wwhy said
amended apllcatlen should not be
This 17th day of October, 1905.
William M. Jones,
' Georgia, Thomas Connty.
Notice Is -hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the Or
dinary of said county for leave to
sell land l>flonging to the estate of
Allen Frederick for the payment of
debts and-distribution, said applica
tion will be beard at the regular
term of the court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first
Monday In January, 1906.
This 4th day of December, 1906.
Mi A. Fleetwood.
Administrator Allen Frederick.
Georgia, Thomas County.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday
in December, 1905, at public outcry
before the court hotfse door of said
county, within the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash
the following described lands, lying
and being in Thomas county, Geor
gia, and more fully described as fol
lows:. Lot twenty-three (23), con
taining 490 arces more or less; also
all of lot twenty-one (21) except
sixty-five acres more or less in the
northwest corner of said lot thereof,
heretofore sold by John L. Beverly,
to John Chastain and except slxty-
one and one-fourth acres of said lot
In southwest corner thereof, hereto
fore sold to B. F. Lewis leaving three
hundred and sixty-three and three-
fourths acres more or less; also
ninety-two and one-half (92 %) aergs
of land moro or less In tho south
west corner of lot twenty-five (95)
and being all of said southwest cor
ner except thirty (20) acres hereto
fore sold by J. L. Beverly to Paul
Dixon; also ono hundred and eighty-
three and three-fourths (18394)
acres more or less in the north half
of lot twenty-six (26) and being all
of said north half in said lot except
slxty-one and one-fourth acres In the
northwest corner of said lot hereto
fore sold by J. L. Beverly to M. B.
Hurst. All of the above described
lands lying and being In the thir
teenth (13th) land district of Thom
as connty, Georgia.
Said lands levied on as the proper
ty of Blasingame ft Morgan Lumber
Company to satisfy a mortgage fifa
based on an equitable foreclosure
Issued by the Superior Court of said
county on tho 6th day of October,
1905. In favor of Moultrie. Banking
Company against Blasingame &
Morgan Lumber Company. Notice
given occordlng to the terms of the
' aW ‘ T. J. HIght
Sheriff of Thomas Coun}-, Ga.
Try it for horses and moles at Gan
dy 6 Mallcttc’s, Thomasville, Ga.
Association declares that neither ha
nor the association, will have any
thing to do with the speculators.
-Mr. Jordan states that the associa
tion will Immediately send bat blank
pledges to all who write' for them to
Atlanta headquarters.
Busina News Items.
(By 8. M.\ Beach.)
Prof. John Cook was here last Wed
Mrs. and Miss M. Hayes hare mov
ed to Tallahassee. Fla., where they
will In future reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Fondren Mitchell and
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett, Mitchell of
Thomasville passed through here
last Sunday on their way to Panacea
Dr. Thomas Biackshear of Thomas
ville and his brother-in-law, Mr. Er
nest Baars of Pensacola, Fla., are
visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mason arrived
here from their Philadelphia horn*
last Monday.
Dr. W. E. Oliver of Cairo was here
last Wednesday on professional busi
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cook and Mrs.
Reynolds of Thomasville and Hr. Ed
Rainey of Tallahassee, Fla., were
visiting here last week.
Product of Mills.
The product In one day of the mills
of the Longman ft Martinet great
works Is enough to paint every house
and everything made of wood In a
city with the L. and M. Pure Paint
In use thirty yeara; several mil
lion houses painted with L. and M.
and M. costs about $1.29 per
gallon. •
The L. and M. Paint Is best and
cheapest, because the L. and M. zinc,
hardens the L. and M. White Lead,
and makes it paint more surface and
wear for a longer time than any other
L. and M. costs about $1.20 per
It only requires 4 gallons of this
celebrated paint and 3 gallons ef
Linseed Oil at 60 cents per gallon te
paint a moderate sized house. There
fore a property owner ought not to
pay $1.69 per gallon for Linseed Oil
which he must do when a ready-for-
use paint la bought.
L. and M. costs about $1.20 a gal
lon. Bold by C. W. Cochran, Thom
. +++
For choice cat flowers, wedding
bouquets, floral designs, plants, etc.,
telephone, telegraph or write. Idle
Hour Nurseries, Macon, Ga.
Notice Is hereby given that the
firm of Taylor & Watson, a firm com
posed of W. J. Taylor and A. M. Wat
son, heretofore engaged In the cloth
ing and gent's furnishing business In
the city of Thomasville, G., Is this
day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr.
Watson, retiring. The business will
be continued mt the same place by
Mr. Taylor, who assumes all Indebted
ness of the firm and will receipt for
all debts dne the firm.
This November 16, 1905.
W. J. Taylor.
A. M. Watson.
Marriage of Interest Near Thomas-
ville Unites Prominent Family.
Married at the residence of the
bride's parents, Hr. and Mrs. F. M.
Floyd, six miles east of Thomasville,
Miss Nellie Floyd to Mr. Brent John
son. The bride is of one of the old
est and most highly respected famil
ies of Thomas county and the groom
is a young man of very fine qualities
belonging to a family oi North Caro
lina's best farmers, who came to Geor
sla a year or two ago. The young
couple made their appearance In tbo
appropriately decorated parlor pre
ceded by the bridesmaid. Miss Ethel
Carlton at exactly k:30 o'clock.
The bride wore a beautiful dress ot
cream cashlmere trimmed in white
satin and lace with hat to match. The
presents werenumerous and appro
priate. The ceremony was perform
ed by R. G. Jackson of Ochlockonee.
Georgia, Thomas County.
Jasper N. Hadley having made ap
plication to me in due form to be
appointed permanent administrator
upon the estate of Rosa Hadley, late
ot said county, notice 1s hereby given
that said apllcation will -be heard
the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said county, to be held
the .first Monday In December,
Witness my hand and official slg-
nattare this 9th day of October, 1906,
.William M. Jones.
Georgia, Thomas County.
By virtue of an order of the court
of Ordinary ef said county will be
sold at publio outcry on the first
Tuesday In December. 1905, at the
court house in said county between
the usual hours of sale, the fallowing
real estate In Thomas county to wit.:
All that tract op parcel ot land sit
uated In the northeast earner ot lot
of land No. 371 In the 12th district,
(62 1-2) acres more or less. Also
one (1) mare mule sold as the prop
erty sf Mrs. M. F. Benton.
u. 4, Fleetwood,
. Administrator. tlle President of the Bonthem Cotton
President Jordan Says Remainder of
Crop Won’t be Marketed.
New Orleana, Nov. 29.—"Every
thing is moving along wttb entire aaf
Istactlon and it looks as if we were win in onr effort to tie np
the most of the balance of the crop.”
Thus writes Presiednt Harvle Jordan
the Southern Cotton Association
to a leading spot man of New Orleans
after some ten days of active cam
paigning for the purpose of tlelng
up three million bales ot cotton and
Inducing the growers to hold for 16
cents the upward tendency of the
staple since then, augmented by the
glnnera' report and the fact that a
powerful speculative element, act
ing. Independently. Is conducive to
the , belief that the Sonthent Cotton
Association will accomplish Its aim.
Mr.’ Jordan has made it perfectly
and forcefully clear, however, that
the speculative side has nothing
whatever to do with the movement;
further than natural coincidence and
Little Eunice Pearl Edwards,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ed
wards, died October 23, 1905, at the
residence of her grandfather, Mr,
Robert Barrett, in Baker county. She
was born In Thomasville, Ga., Dec.
31, 1897- She was 7 years 9 months
and 23 days old when she died. Was
burled In New ton, Ga. Judge John
O. Perry conducted the funeral ser
vice. Her short life was a beautl-,
ful Christian example. As she was
born, lived and died a Christian.
How It grieves her loved ones' to
give her up, though our loss Is her
gain; and may the Saviour’s words
prove true that a little child may
lead them.
Budded on earth to bloom In Heaven.
Not dea^. only sleeping In Jesus.
Americas Conference is Great Gath
ering and Thomasville Prominent.
News comes from Americas that
the meeting of the South Georgia Con
ference there Is If the biggest and
most enthusiastic ever held by that
large body. The Thomasville dele
gates are playing a prominent part
In the proceedings of the convention.
Rev. Ed F. Cook is chairman of the
examining board which passes upon
the qualifications of applicants for
the ministry. From the Thomasville
district Rsese Griffin and J. E. Sum
ner are applicants.
Rev. J. M. Outlcr is a member of
the Home Mission board which re
ports the progress of cbnrch work.
About ten thousand dollars per. year
Is spent by the board upon chargee
that are not entirely aelt sustaining.
As the places become able to meet
their own expenses thy are dropped
from the list of those receiving old
from the board. So prosperous Is the
Thomasville district that four chargee
In this district that formerly received
aid from the board will In future be
independent. They are Brinson,
Climax, Hilton and Meijrilllvlle.
There will be no new missions estab
lished this year.
FOR SALE—A limited' number i
of new syrnp barrels at $1.10 each.
Apply to Chastain Bros, at once
Phone 192-3. d&wlw