Newspaper Page Text
Cane Miljs/
a people who spent
L party of V!
Sunday in town Included J. M. Gam
in ape, T. F. Bevins, O. M. Heafd, W.
T. George, L. L. Woodward.
run tlMIUN
by Revenue Officers.
Xeyj York, Nov. 27.—New high
. records for the season were made at j
j the opening of the cotton market
,_ |day, with trading sensationally active |
g. First prices w*ere 26
its up,-March selling at
Do not be deceived by
feitswhen you buy WIte.h Hazel Salve and
The name of E. C. Dewwitt & Co., i ,
is on every box of the genuine. Piles ,
in their worst form will soon pass 13.88, eleven points* above any prevl
'away if you will apply DeWitt'a
Witch Hazel Salvo night and morn
ing. Best for Cuts, Bruises Burns,
Boils, Tetter, Ezema, etc. Sold by
llraccy Pharmacy Co.
Mrs. T. -I. McFartnev will atcom
pany her daughter, Mrs. J. W. But
ler to Camilla this morning and will
spend several weeks there.
Z. W. Ogelsby, Jr., of Quitman,
■was in the city Friday.
ord of the season. The high
point was 11.90 and the close was
20 points above Saturday's close.
J Valdosta, Ga. f Nov. 26.—J. S. Pre-
ivatt, a citizen living about six miles
below Pelham, was brought to the
{city by Deputy United States Mar
shal Godwin yesterday morning and
was arraigned before United State!
Commissioner Roy E. Powell on the
charge of operating an illicit distil-*
Ladles IJnjoy Hospitality of
Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Bracey.
On last Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
R. Evans and Mrs. Monsel Bracey &peer.
£ The . officers testified. that they
flound \he* stilf In Prevatt’s smoke
house with hot coals.under It and
that the liquid was also steaming
hot. The evidence against Prevatf
was such that the commissioner
bound him over in the sum of $200
for his appearance 'before Judge
were the hostesses at an elaborate
Bat few peoplTTrt entirely free jreception In-honor of Mrs. Clyde
■from Indigestion at this season of■ Neel and Mrs. Albert Riley. The af-
the year. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is ‘
jot only the best remedy to uso bo-
tause It digests what you eat but be
cause It also enables the dlgestlro
ipparatus to asslmllato and trans
form all foods Into tissue building
blood. Kodol relieves sour stomach
heart burn, belching and all forme
of Indigestion.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. 1. Fitzpatrick are
In the city the gnqpts of Mrs.' John
Lamb. They have visited here be
fore and their many friends will be
glad to welcome them.
Every ounce of fod you'eat that
falls to,digest does a pound of harm.
It turns tho entire meal Into poison.
This not only deprives the blood of
the necessary tlssuo building mater
ial, but It poisons'It. Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure Is a perfect degistant, as It
digests food regardless of tho condi-
iton of the stomach. It allpws that
organ to rest and get strong again,
fair was at the home of Mrs. Evans,
which was profusely decorated for
the occasion and tho many Thomas-
vllle society ladles wno were their j
Prevatt made an Interesting state
ment In his own behalf it seem,
td to confirm the opinion of the com
missioner as to his guilt. He said
that-his grown son had been trying
to make some "stomp" or “bnck” on
little lard can still which they
hire. J. 8. Jamison.
The guests of the afternoon were
Mesdames George S? Cox, Mattie Alex
jone8 ’ jameB wath
the heart, etc. Sold by Bracey Phar-^Fltazer MacIntyre, P. J. Ansley, T. p.
tt MR-
raacy Company.
guests, unite in saying that it was)' 0 ™* at P> a00 when they moved
one of the pleasantest events of the| th0re - T be tr,al wa » a fallurc - ac ‘
autumn. cording to Jila story as the Btlll
The guests wore received In tbe, w0ll ^ d n0 ^ work-
ball bf the homo by Mrs. Brdcey and Pr{, '’ att 80emed t0 > ay much rtre “
Mrs. R. G. Mays. In the reception “P° n th « failure of the effort. He
room they found Mrs.-Clyde Neel, “> d ‘ ba ’- ‘ b ? "W* an(J
Mrs. Riley' Mrs. Evans arid Mrs. |t» at wha ‘ ‘ bey “ ad0 waa n6t " flt to
Ralph Noel. The dining room wot ta8t0 -” Hc riald tha< « " went *“ «
In pink and green ana lighted by hole” when the revenue officers came
many candles. This was presided | around and when asked what he
over by Mrs. J. McF, Williams and meant by tbat h «; replied.
"Thitt’s what they call It when they
hide their stuff from the revenue men
When asked v.hat he would have
done If he had Wown the officers
were in the neighborhood he said:
I would- 'er took wlngs andffiew.
Winn, Charles Winter, Emmett
Dr. W. 8. Hill of Pelham was ln’chell, C. 8. Parker, W. H. Hammond, ** ot tbat 1 had anyt hlng to run from
the city Sunday on hla way homo M. J. Ansley, J. T. Culpepper, W. C.
from South Carolina. Snodgrass, A: H. 8. Cooki, Julia
«4 • Robison, Ralford Robison, L. H. Jer-
J. L Johnson of Florala, Ala., was ger| Robert Gamble, B.. H. Wright,
In tho city on business yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cox spent Sun-
• day with relatives at Whlgham.
A liquid cold cure and tho only
■Cough Syrup which moves the bowols
—works all cold out of the system
v-Is ennedy's Laxative Honoy and
Tar. Clears (he hoad and throat
and makes weak lungs strong. Best
for Croup, Whooping Cough, etc.
Children love It. Sold by Bracoy
, The Boston Chapter of Royal Arch
bnt I jest didn’t want to get mixed
up In that kind of a fuss.”
The officers found also one large
box still of a capacity of 160 gallons
and the owner of that. Is also to be
arrested as soon as he can be located.
:Jas. Evans, Otis Bell, J. H. Merrill,
B. A. Daniels, F. II. Smith, R. J.
Miller, W. A. Pringle, W. W. Jarrell,
C. W. Cooper, J. L. Turner, G. W. Fer
rill, W. A. Britton, T. J. Ball, W. I,.
Ball, J. W. Hightower, Bean, J. L.
Philips, W. C. Huston, J. W. Dillon, |
Andrews, Davenport, Stephens, M. I
M. ! Cooper, It. G. Mays,—Crawford
Mays, J. 8. Clifton, C. G. Swift, F. D.
Dlsmnke, Jula Scott, L. F. Driver,
.Buckley, L. E. Finn, E. L. Brown,*
Masons will havo a meeting Friday'Prank Winn, J. C, Vaughn, I. E., -
. . | . movement to-reduce the Rise of the
and will work in ail tho degress. Mooro, Adele Taylor, W. H. Rockwell • ■„ .
There will be two or three candidates' Harley, J. W. Bonnell, J. F. Parker,' ° n * *° ■® arrjr - 160 * 0
from Thomasvllie end several .of the s. I,. Hayes, E. M. Smith, M. R. M,al-l ° Ca ® c 8 a cs no nv 0 e
, , ... I convention to come to Thomasvllie.
brethren will go down to witness the lotto,-H. L. Wylly, J. M. Outler, Er- . •_
• „ „ „ i Rev. Alex W. Bealor Is one of the
festivities. neat Bears, O, 8, Whitney, S. G. Me- . . - _ V
: linden, Ed F. Cook. K. T. Maclean, l»> romln0nt the .convention
Nature needs only n Little Eearly L _ Thonm , , r , and Introduced a resoluUon to have
Riser now and then to.keep the bow-] ' . ’ ’’ ' one entire session of the body devot-
ela dean, the liver nettve, and the Retd; W.Jt4Mltchell, W. Hall Park-) ..
aystem free from bile, hendaohes, . v ed to the convention sermon. This
constipation, etc. The famous little W;'AV, Bruce. A. P. Taylor, W. ^
pills “eEnrly Risers” are pleasant: in J. Taylor, A. M. Watson, Misses Car-1' , „ _ ,, ... , .
offect and perroct In action. They Sim. mu ! Rev- Jl M ' 0ut,er left y,aterday
never gripe or sleken but tone and rle Jones, Sallle Hansell, Fannie Mlt-
Rapt 1st Church at Thomasvllie Don
ates WO to University.
At the meeting of the Georgia
at Macon, a fund of $6,000 was veals-
at Macbn, a fund f $61000 was raise-,
ed for the support of Mercer Univer
sity. Of this amount the Thomas-
ville church contributed $50. A
IS TRUSTEE The bMI „ c “! Mi “ ‘on the,market today is the
Southerland Dane Mill
Wolff Hearing' Shows Lia
bilities Twice The As
sets, In Bankruptcy.
The first meeting of the creditors of
the bankrupt firm of C. and S. M.
Wolff was held at the -office of Ref
eree J, H. Merrill yesterday morning
and was full of Interest.--. C. 8. Park
er was appointed as trustee, to take
charge of the affairs of the firm. The
appraisers who will estimate the
value of the stock are L. Steyermau,
Lee Neel and W. A. Pringle.
The schedule of assets and liabil
ities was submitted and the resources
of the firm were set down as amount
ing to $18,416. Of this amount
$12,600 is U sock on hand, $900 In
accounts and $16 In money. \The
liabilities amount to $27„09J. The
secured claims are for 'rent, taxes
and attorney's fees, amounting to
$624. The unsecured claims are
$20,662.02. The claim fpr an ex
emption of $1,600 as the head of a
family, la made by Mr. Charles Wolff.
The next meeting will be on the
first of December at which time the
bankrupts will be further examined
and otber claims proved.
Pythian Redlstrlcting.
The news comes from Savannah
that the' Grand Chancellor of the
nights bf Pythias will redistrict the
state and appoint a new . set of dis
trict deputies. As things now stand
the Thomasvllie district presided
ov^r by Theo Titus Is one of the larg
est and moat important In the atato.
Twenty sizes and styles for steam or horse p'wer, two and
tliree rollers. All who place their order on or before November
•first will be given wholesale prices. We
8-rate Bars*and Furnace Doors
for syrup furnaces. We have just leceivedtwo car loads of
Engines, Boilers and Duplex Steam Pumps'
General Foundry and Machine Shop, Catalog and prices
on application. All inquiries given close attention.
Machine works and Foundry, ~ Bainbridge, Ga.
-strengthen the liver and kidneys.
•SpurkR and Moultrie May Again be
Linked by Steel.
„ _ , for Amerlcus where he will spend the
chell, Lucllo Ansley, Sue Culpepper, : , . , ,
„ .... . ■■ „ , „ remainder of the week attending the
Paulino Mitchell. Fannie Evans, , .„ - ... „ . _ .
- sessions of the Bouth Georgia Confer-
Mnmio Hansell, Julia and Annie ,
....... „ cnee. He aarrles with him asplen-
Wrlght, LucyRoherts, Ola Mallette,
„ .... t „ did report from the Thomasvllie Meth
Emma McIntosh, Mamie Merrill, Bes-
, „ odist Church., He Is the only repre-
ste Merrill, Martha Merrill; Hartley , „ , '. . ■ ' .
_ .. ' . , sentatlve of Thomasvllie. at the gath-
A stroug movemeht is on foot to, a on ’ 0 “ ' • 0 ^ ng e 'ering. There are four delegates
rebuild the Sparks, Moultrie and nn 0 ' " B *' J] 0 '. 68 ?. 6 C ° trem the laity In thU district but all
-Gulf Railroad built by the Plnopolts '“ nn 0 8 0 “■ anc 0 n, '*° r from place* other than Thomas-
Saw Mill Company several years ago , “ n ® on - “ 8 t, - 9 rllle. Rev. Ed F. Cook the presiding
the track of which was torn up when * 0an " 0 ?™«-j 5t * a R ^’» ar elder will aim, attend.
consolidated with * ey ’ ® ara Harley, Mebaae. Mary ., _____
Wright, Edwins Mallette, Maclean,.
Caroline Wllltfmi. j HOME PARTY.
that company was
the Union Lumber Company.
The following from-the Moultrie
Ohaerver bears on this point: | WOMAN MUST HANG. |. On last Friday afternoon a dellght-
"A delegation of representative Jm^, Rogers, ^WIio Slew Husband Must tul p,rty waa glven by Mls * Pattle
citizens and business men of Sparks I njo on Mash complimentary to her guest,
are here today to Interest Moultrie ] Wosb , agtOB> D> c>> Nov ’ 2 7,_ Tbe M1 “ Bel1 Johnsoa o( Virginia,
citizens in a proposition to rebuild ! Suprerae Collrt today afflrmed the d e-' A mu,lcaI gue8slng 001,1081 wa8
the old Sparks and Moultre raliroad. dB , oa of the j 0#6r court la the ease tho Principal feature of eatertalalng.
“The delegation Is headed by Mr.
Claude Adams, a wholesale grocery
man and cotton buyer. Mr. Adams
agrees to subscribe himself $60,000
for the construction of the road and
-people of Spark* agree to subscribe
-the same amgunt. It hi eetlmated
by them that the road will cost
$160,000. They ask the people of
Moultrie to subscribe $60,000 and
they will assure the construction of
the road. Mr. Adams says that ne
gotiations are .on foot for connection
-of the road touching the Seaboard
.Air Line road. .J
"They request that the dtlsena of
of Mrs. Rogers, who Is under sen- The first prize, was tied for by Misses
tence of death for the murdeAof her Hartley Patte ’ 1 and U1R P“ s P 0lght >
husband la Vermont. The respon-,“ draw Elvlng 11 t0 tha latter ' Ml8a
slblllly of handling the case is again Edwtna Dav,a ’ ot Albany r0C0,T0d 0,0
placed in the hand, of the Vermont 00a8O > a U oa - Refreshment, were
authorities and If there Is no Inter- B0rv * 1 wb,Ie tbe ,ortune ot * u088 -
ference there ebe will be hanged De- era wer0 Mng t0,d ,n a pl0aalng man
Those who shared the pleasures ot
the afternoon were Mesdames J. F.
The Masons Here. |
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mason arrive^ Mitchell, Ralph Neel, NIcholls and
yesterday morning from Philadelphia ( Curtta of New York and Misses Flor-
They spent the day In town yeater-, rl6 Mae Heeth, Jennie - Wynn Dll-
day and went down to their country , ,on ' Besal ® Reesp, Blanche Ainsworth
home Suslna, where they will spend Edwlna Davie, Albany, Mary Weth-
the winter. They have been coming Rk*tt* Williams, Martha M*-
Moultrle take their proposition under!to Thomasvllie for many years and rill, Hartley Patten, Annie Lake,
-advisement and If not acceptable tojtholr friends ar* numbered by the June and Edna Huton and Miss Rath
make them, a counter proposition." score. of Connecticut, the guest of honor.
„ - ' !
, Mozley’s
: tvemon Elixer
: The Best Family Medicine
For Oonstlpation.HUionsnen,
Indigestion. Soar Stomach, Colic,
Dizziness, Headaches j and any--
thing caused by a disordered Liv
er. Removes
"That Drowsy Feeling."
by patting your digestive organs
to work, im-n-aalng your appetite,
and in foot, makes you feel like a
80c amt $1 00 per bottle at all
drug stores
Mofcley’s Leaica Elixer.
1H H4-H-H-H I-H I11 H im
Best lines to Birmingham, Nash
ville, Memphis, Knoxbllle, Louisville,
Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago, and
all points north and. west In through
Only line operating through sleep
ers from Florida to Chicago.
Only line operating through sleep-
era from Florida to St. Louts with
dining car service.
Finest dining car service In the
South. -
Through tourist sleepers to Cali
For Information as to rates to all
points north’and West, schedules and
Florida Pass. Agent L. and N.. R. R.
George E. Herring,
$06 Bay street, Jacksonville, Fla.
OlJlUUU 8.8.FirsPzM. NotesTzfczsi
_ Board Cost. Write <
Date... 1905
Enclosed find dollars and,.... cents
to apply on my subscription to the & al ; y l(l) ,'.l*imes-Enter-
prise. ecord my votes for
Miss ;..
as the most popular young lady, the winner to receive
absolutely free a full size Rudolph Piano, . •
Post office
0. of Votes
1 ntgojnery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbii ! te,-Thou
"asviile, Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charle-ton, Bruns
wick, Jacksonville and all
Through Pullman Cars on all through trains
New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond and', ail ]
over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk,'Va.; S'. Louis. Cincionatti.
Louisville, Chicago, Kansas City, Birmingham, Nashville, Nqw
Orleans and all points West and Norliwest,
Leave Thomasville going East 3:10 a m, 6:15 a m, 2.,
Leave Thomasville going West 1:15 a m, 10:30 a m, 4:]
For Albany 9:25 a m, 4:30 p m
For Monticello 11:10 a m, 6:30 p m.
Jonneotions at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and .
for New York, Bosrcn and Baltimore*
No. 82 leavesThomstvllle at 6:15 a m. daily connects at Jesnp with through
sleeper for Wushing-ou, Philadelphia, New York and the Ea-t No 4p leaving
Tbomssvitle at 2-36 p in makes connection at Waycross for the sunk eastern
joints. ,No 57 leaving at 1:16 a m carries through sleepers to Si. LonisI No 81
earing at 10:80 a m connects at Montgomery with through Bleeper for all Wesi
era points. For farther information cad on nearest Ticket Agent or address
T J. BOTTOMS, T. P. A J. C, LORD, T. P. A.
Thomasville, Ga. Montgomery Ala
T. C. WHITE, D. P. A. W, J. CP AIG, G. p. A.
Savannah, Ga. Wilmington,'.
H.M.EMESOTre.Mgr,Wilmingto. C.
35 P R>
3° P m
Office in Carter 4k Hal. bozlding
Meigs, Osergis.
life often seems too long to the woman who suf
fers from painful periods. The eternal* bearing-
down, headache, backache, leucorrhea, nervousness,
cramps ana similar tortures are
to make life, worth .living, take
Woman’s Relief
It quickly relieves inflammation, purifies and en
riches the Wood, strengthens the constitution and”
permanently cures ail diseased conditions from which
weak women suffer.
It is matchless, marvelous, reliaWe.
At all druggists’ in $1.00 bottles. M
To Loan
Five year lone loans In sums ot
S300 to S'0.000 negotiated on
farm linda In Soith West Oaoraia
Wa oan aupply your demands
promptly and are prepared to
m«l all competition. Call er write
to . . BelCA Weathers
' Attorneys at Law, ,
Cairo, Ga,
freely and frankly, to strictest canft-
droce, teUngus sfiyoor zywptomj and
troubles. We.wiUhendfryeadvIce (In
pUIn sealed envelope). Address: La
dies’ Advisory Dept., Tbe Clutlsnoota
Medidne Co., Chsttaaoets, Term.
hot tM first bottle o( Cir
dul gave me wonderful relief, and nov
I in In better health than 1 have beet
for a long time.’'
A Public Benefactor
( Dr. Robert E. Williams, the* Thomasville Chiropodist, ^ho
has.been ‘ in Toronto, Canada, and westerd Ontario, for the
last few months, will be at home, “Samaria,” where he vill
remove the sorest com Without pain or blood for twenty-five
'cents. 731 north Madison St ’Phone 232 1
The most painful ingrowing or club nail cured without jjain