Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, December 01, 1905, Image 3

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CL03E ALL IL THANKSGIVING THOUGHTS. Druggist Confidence, Merchants' Will Properly OLserve Tltaitfcsgiving. CONFIDENCE No lear of mistakes— is what we have built our trade upon. Knowledge, .Experience, Exactness, ; . -' Carefulness . ■ ICTIIHC. I71IWHIU «u«ua>ui, . ... The following paper was circulated As I sit tonight all alone In my . tuav llofoue the grateful Warmth of aad “ lve * ior . .'no knot Are that goes Musing the Pro.'ttr.ol«*rva»M of Thanfcsglv- ind- roaring up the chimney, I he- ing Day in ThomaisviHe: - sin to tlilnlc of thanksgiving that i§ Wo; the undersigned merchants of .o clhse uppn me, My mind runs T-homasville appreciating the maul* 1 ' jack along the past year and I find fold blessings so abundantly bestow- hat .It is dotted with mercies. * Like ed upon us through the mercies o ;k» loaves of the trees, when autumn Ahulghty God, feel happy to have the ms come, they lie along the the path- privilege of closing our respective way which I have travelled. places of business on Thursday, the Most of us think ’that we have a 3<Hh day of November, ¥905,' In ac- •eal hard time and we spend most of cordance with the proclamation of mr spare moments in hunting trou- the President of the United States >le. Suppose you do as I am doing and qt the governor of the State*of low, turn your back upon .little vex- Georgia: ition3 that, like yelping curs beset W. a. Pringle, James Watt & Bro„ •on and arming your memory with i-j. T. Pittman & Son, T. J. Ball, E[; l search warrant send it back along |l. Kelly, G. W. Ferrlll, W. J. Taylor, ho months to look for the blessings Louis H. Jerger, John Andrishok, hat have come to yon. Watt* Supply Co., J. E. Robison *& l don't knoV how it may be with j Co., Thomasville Slice Co., Charles rou, but I count goptl health as onejQ, Goehrihg, Neel Bros. Fancy Gro- if .the greatest Mefcslngs that can carj . Store,' C. R. Poole, A. \V. Mol- oine to tie as v.-e journey . through ( j rt. Varney,Laura Jones," L. J.- ifp. Anti when I think of this. I am Sturdivant, Mallard & Varnedoe, C. fitly thankful that I live in a com- jj. Tuttle,. Steyarman Co., C. R. Dix,-\ uunlty that na such a record for 011i Alexander & Co., J. W. Dillon, Yon pay as $2*50 a month when you are well and when you are sick or ' disabled by m$uries - we will pay you $iOO a month* v and pure materials are our stock In thlfle -• ' ‘ V/Jlien you want thgn .done . rifehk; When yen w^Tifc pure drugs; When-von ' iquaiadeal” come To 4b P want a / The utmost care in every deportment the bast service and the best niercli&n* disc, is onr constant niui » , v . - J. W. Peacock, Agcrtcy r-iu-rwia- \VMiams Paiut- How would you like _oiuc flesh gart Piedmont leased. Harvey and Wood Will Manage l i 't oils Atlanta Hotel, I Carter & Maynard j n We announce to the public that we have purchased the o § entire _ 2 8 GENERAL ffiERDMNSSlSE STORE £ Formerly couciucted here by J. L Jolmson. We will S § continue the busiusss at the oid and will increase * S the stock with ' -J o New and Seasonable Goods r 2 g Come and inspect for yourself wlidher j-ou buy or not. S ? floirioi* At Motrnfirrl IHEIGS « judges we are going to exterminate’ bin:. One of the men who was sen tenced by Judge MItchel to pay a Sne of ."GOO fpr running n blind tiger was caugh", selling whiskey- again this week. H^-was arrested and car ried beforbtho mayor, Judge S. A. Roddenbery, who is as"blg In courage- as he Is small on stature. The-evi- dence was conculslve and a trunk filled with whiskey In half pint bot tles,ready for delivery, was found on. the premises and confiscated. Upon hearing the case the judge gave him a fine of J100 and, In addition, giv ing him a sentence of 90 days on the* strets. The attorneys of the defendant ap-- pealed the case tried beforfe Judge- MIt chell on a technicality and they have asked for a writ of certiorari In the last named case on the ground that tho city ordinance under which ho was convicted Is unsound.. - The case will go before Judge Mitchell and he will pass upon it. Ji;.. DRUGGIST. • p l 'to say good bye. They looked about prise several days ago the firm oL,,^ often'felt when I saw i Harvey and Wood have leased the-man going off to be a missionary'in the jungles of the troplts. They really thought that my family and 'myself were.coming to halt long leg- leg mosquitoes and malaria germs and that we would be lucky If we The mon of the fiiunj C 3capod our u V es. are wellknown here from thd fact | j never thought much about the that Tor many years they were In > health question for I felt that ,G.od charge of the Piney .Woods^ Hotel. had a work for me to d0 a „d I was That the Piedipont from now'on will w ming to leave the rest-to Him. command a large Thomasville patron Although I came In tho middle of ago goes without Baying. Mr. Hamll- the Bummcr I have never had better ton Frasier, is now ^n Atlantn_and boa i th j n my life and the children will have charge of the hotel as man- feeding on sugar cane, tender wire Piedmont Hotel. They assumed charge of Atlanta's new and famous hotel yesterday. Thomasville people will be much interested In* the news of this event. If you wont to ride, go to Sab ter's stables, er your teams w ' Jnek- ,on » st - Ho *viil treat you right and fuv- aish you good «unaii tt 4 a ' m8 , Also transfer and baggage wagon meets all day trains. Teams by the month or season to let. Phone 105. fROWOfeoVOPOPOKOKOlKOaeOtlOltO 0 ; Horse Feed t, Grain, Bran, Cotton Seed Hulls Country Produce Sewer Pipe, Fire Bri<^ Fire Clay., Horses and Mules Emmett Mitchell Cotton Warehouse ind Pimples. In Ton Days Use Nadlnola. the *Comploxlon Freckles Beaiitlfier. From him It may go to the supreme court. The end of It will be the street gang, or he may be released If the law Is de- 1 dared of no effect. If It Is, a new law will bo passed that will fit alt' such cases In the future. Judge Charlie Hansel! of the cout. nty court has not yet had a whack at the blind tigers, but there are come cases that are to come before him In the near future and those who know him say that when he gets through with those who are found guilty they wjll feel like a frame building struck by lightning. It Is a great blessing to live In a county where there are Judges who- will enforce the Iowb o fthe land. TAYLOR HOME LEASED. Dee Family of New York Will Make . Winter Home Here. t Planters white people In . Thomasville. In August, there was one, in September, four. In October two and In November three, making a total of nine for the five months, not quite two a month. We have here between three thous and and thirty-five Hundred white people. This means that only three out of everythousand have died here within the last five months. I doubt We' havefor sale the genuine Texas Red Rust Pr6o Just received a Seed Oats. Just received a carload. We bought early HAY,GRAIN at a cIose P rice » and PHONE 6 AND COAL and will sell you cheaper SEED OATS / than any one. Get our prices before buying—we will save you money. THOMASVILLE : ICE-: COMPANY How is it that J. E. Smith can sell the best Dry Salt Meat at ioc per pound, best granulated Sugar 17 lbs $1, Arbuckle’s MRS. DONNER MARRIED. John Outler, Jr., the little son of tho Methodist pastor hero fell at the skating rink yesterday afternoon and broke his arm Just above the wrist. Tho little fellow displayed commend able nerve. He walked from the rink to the office of Dr. Jarrell, who set the arm and then walked to his home He pays no store rent, no house rent, no book keeper, pays cash for all his goods, and sells everything for spot cash—Phone 316 OwnDoctor A WEDDING PRESENT.!.., If he tells you to take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, (hen take it. If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years. “I have use«l Ayer’* Cherrv Pectoral for hard colds, bud coughs, and influenza. It has done tne gTeat good, and I balleve it U the best cougu medicine in the world for all throat and lung troubles."- Ku C. Stcabt, Albany, Oregon. Should be selected with taste and appropriateness. Let us help you to find a suitable one. Our stock is large , and contains an infinite variety of nice things for wedding pres ents and gifts. We will try expect yonr clothes to last alwaps and yon can’t blame your house for requiring a new coat once in a while. We Sell HAMIhAR P/UNT f The Old Reliable It is guaranteed; It is good looking. It is good wearing G B. QUINN, House Furnishings SAKSAPAKILU. PILLS. HAIR vnos. Martin on last 'Monday. The news * am truly thankful that we have is of pleasant interest to the friends .Lhe blind tiger on the run down here, of the bride in Thomasville. * nd - *>* the hel P of God ‘ and the OeWItvB *59 Salve F*r PUr-a. Bunas «utm. INDISTINCT PRINT