Newspaper Page Text
Section two
The Best Place
' Living in,
in the World to Live in
v' >; i ■
a Place Where Honesty
and Frugality Abound.
and to Make a
steal culture classes, study classes,
weekly religious meetings, In short
everything that the whole man needs
(or hts harmonious development.
City Hospital.
The sick are made well here..The
balmy climate with Its ptney tang
will do much.
Is a "dry" club. In that no Intoxicants
are allowed on premises, but there Is
no aridity lit the fraternal good fel
lowship that abounds, whether it be
In lodge ball, writing or reading
rooms, or around the billiard tables
and' cafe. The Elks have one hun
dred'members and are yery much
alive. The Are of Masonry Is kepf
burning on the altars of the blue
lodge by many loyal hearts 1A Thom-
asvllle Lodge, No. 369. A select
body of Knights Templar Illustrate
the principles of, Christian Knight
hood In Crusader Commandery. Dur-
ingthe last few years the sturdy teents
of Odd Fellowship have had a re
markable growth and then are 140
wearers of the three links who have
trod the path from Jerusalem to Jerl
cbo. The Knights of Pythian have
in Star Lodge No. 31 one. of the old
est and very best lodges of that noble
order In t^e state The Woodmen
of the World meet regularly and af
ford Insurance and burial, as well
os fraternity til a large membership.
, The Churches.
Did you think that we_had^forgot
ten the churches? Not at all, we
were merely leasing up t<f*them.
There are five— Methodist, Baptist,
Presbyterian, Episcopal and Catholic.
Each la blessed with a good minister,
not a pastoral pianola,who tinkles
out a text each Sunday In response
to a‘ nickel In the basket, but a vital
Most towns can be described by
some apt phrijso that sticks in the
memory like a picture on the wall.
The same Is scarcely true of Thom-
. asvllle. There are a nuber of these
descriptive terms that different peo
ple apply td this city but the fact
that no one of them la generally ac
cepted by all shows at a glance that
the town possesses a mutlform com
bination of good qualities. Some say
^Thomasvllle, the city of ever bloom
ing roses.” Others say “Thomasvllle
tho white city,” referring to the
homes that blossom anew each year
with snowy white paint. Others say
"Thomasvllle, the city of pines.“.But
It requires a 'double phrase to truly
mirror tho town. “Thomasvllle,
the/best town In the state to live In,
and to make a living In.”
To Live In.
-• Why. the beet to live In. That Is
easy to tdll but bard to tell briefly.
The old time poem that we recited
on the Friday afternoon* of our
school days sets forth a long list of
' things that did not make a state and
ended with the phrase that brought
11 forth clarion tones from the youth
ful throat “But men—these make a
: state.” So it la with Thomasvllle.
' . Her chief rgsource is the character
’.; and culture of her men and women.
Association with them carries out
the favorable Impression made by
their cordial hospitality to the strang
er within, the gates. They are pros
perous, they are busy, they are
healthy they are happy and the new
comer soon falls Into the strain of ■
cheerful optimism’that _ makes life
In Thomasvllle a loy.
Home Evidences.
You -do not have to take these
thlngson faith. There are kutward
evidences of Inward grace. The peo-
_ The .Schools.
Perhaps the first thing the pros
pective home seeker looka after Is
the schools. Now Thomasville’s
schools are her pride and her school
children are her greater pride. A
well organised system of public
are the symbols of Thomasvllle. they are as hard to find aa a Blbld
Read an after-taking, patent medl- reading school boy on circus day.
cine advertisement and you will There are no barrooms, no disorder-
know how the resident of this city 'v element, the colored people are
looks. tractable and industrious, labor
The Climate. troubles few. “Why that is Just tho
Then you might live and be heal- 801 * ot pIac0 1 wouId ,,ko t0 llvo
tby In an Ice box or a bake ovon. ln ” you 8ay ' Tbat «*> you do ■?*
But’ you wouldn’t be ecatatlcally 80 lt y0B are a . 8en8lbIa P«rabn.
happy there, would you? Well you But yoa are t0 be pardoMd « >' ou
can be happy ln Thomasvllle, If the n8k the que,t,on ' " What can 1 d0
assurance of living In absolutely the t0 make a llvln ® 7 "
best climate in the world, adds any- ■ •'How Make n Living,
thing to the sum total of human The answer Is simply that in any
happiness. Thla pronunclamcnto ( line of endeavor that you may
may sound a bit extravagant but It words of praise. We .will even ad-
is capable of easy proof. Thomas- mlt that like all works of mankind’
vllle la the favorite winter resort choose to follow you will have am-
There are nine phy
sicians to assist nature. There Is a
new city hospital where the latest
and molt scientific equipment ti
fuond and cleanliness and comfort la
the keynote. This la an Imposing
array of public Institutions, say you
not? Most of them are of recent
origin,' most of them are built by the
donations of home people. Do they
not say that the people are pros
perous and that they know how to
use their prosperity.
The Vashtl Hoqie.
At the edge of ttown la the Vashtl
Home for Qlrls. This is supported
by the women of the Methodist
church, aided by the, contributions
of their friends.
It Is ln no sense 1
a rescue home, but takes young girls 1
who are homeless or the children of
Ignorant or pepraved parents and
trains them to lives of useful Christ- t
ian womanhood; Thd is l
unique in |ts sphere. There Is none 1
other like lt. That there la a need 1
for it Is shown by the fact .that notf 1
ln the third year of Its existence lt i
has thirty girls, all,under the lnstruc- c
tlon of trained deaconnesses, matrons t
play. There Is a business college
and a splendid college for girls that
la more fully described In another
column. Yes. Indeed, Thomasvllle
has a full complement of schools.
The library.
, The first cousin of the school is
the public library, where a splendid
assortment of books Is kept. There
ln the home of the books on Craw
ford street, can be found magazines
and newspapers for the alert, fiction
for those who have time to while
and the beat lot of references
Christian man. The flock la worthy
of those famous ln politics, statecraft J pie opportunity to mane a living
and finance. It Is the retreat of | and a mighty good ono, too, right
presidents and the happy hunting here ln Tbomasvlllo and Thomas
ground of millionaires. These peo- county. Of course we would not ad-
plo have the means and the oppor- vise you to come boro and go Into
tunlty to go to any places on this the newspaper business. The Dally
terrestrial ball that they wish. Tho Timcs-Enterprlse has served tho peo-
Land of Flowers beckons to them plo of tho city for seventeen years
and the River!a stretches bands and they hare not yet given «vl-
across the sea, the, Carollnas try to deuce or wanting anything else,
stop them in their Southward flight. Then there Is the Weekly Tlmes-
butthey, come to Thomasvllle. More Enterprise that has theblggcst sub-
than that, they return to Thomas- scrlptlon list of any country weekly
vills and they stay here. They build published in the state. There is also
magnificent country homes. The our splendid contempdrary, tho
second and third finest country Thomasvllle Weekly• Press, that Is
houses ln all this big Union are a Journalistic gem ln Its modest
right here. The residences In Thom- was. So the
M w:
outside the wall* of colleges, Carne
gie libraries, not excepted.
Christian Association.
- The Young Men’s Christian Asso
ciation building looka at you from
this page. But boards and nails
can not measure nor can paper and
lpkexpress the good effect .that thla
newspaper field is
Business Lines.
As to the business barometer, it
reads fair weather. Tho splendid
list of business enterprises that ap
pear Inother columns are all suc
cessful. The banks have nearly a
million on deposit. This proclaims
lira: loud voice that there Is plenty
of money ln the country. How could
It be otherwise when cotton wiggles
about between the ten and twelve
cent mark. . The farmer Is really
the base and foundation of tho com
mercial prosperity of any country.
So Just a word about tlio farmers ot
Thomas county may not bo out ol
of Its shepherd. Thomasvllle Is a
church going city, and .the men ln
the church are not sparsely sprinkled
like currants In a bakery cake, but
are ln the pew op Sunday and they
carry their religion ,into their dally
The Health.
, Thomasvllle ha* never bad a se
rious epidemic of *n.» kind. You
are sure ta live long enough to en
joy the pleasures we have written
of above. But fourteen white peo
ple have died here ln the last six
months. Pretty low average, for a
town of this site. The yeilow fever
scourge Is unknown In this city-and
that common 111, malaria, and-
Its more dangerous sitter, - typhoid,
are no playfellows -of ours. How
could they-come here when - the
drainage la perfect, the sewerag^
system complete and the water <rf-
ton tested and found never to be
anything else than the. purest ar
tesian, cold, clear and sparkling.
The clear eye and the rosy cheek
that is best. - Yet there is no lack of
society. - The ladles have their after
noon card clubs, their afternoon teas
and receptions Just like ladies do
everywhere. The young people have
their dances, their parties, their
moonlight rides, and a: this particu
lar season of the year that ne plus
ultra of indolescent Joy, their sugar
boilings. In fact the amusements
of Thomasvllle pre the same aa those
of anyother sane, well-regulated
town. There la the Opera House
of which you read elsewhere and the
many musical and literary entertain
ments by home and Imported talent.
The Frnternrfl Order*.
The men find much ot their amuse
ment In the fraternal orders. You
will see the picture of the new club
house of the Thomasvllle Lodge, 638
B. P. O. E. This Is sin eleven thou
sand dollar Investment that yields
plump dividends of good cheer. It
Thomas County.
The same remarks that were made
about the people ofTbomasvilleapply
with equal truth to the people of
Thomas county. There were 31,000
people in the county when the cen
ter, the sensible man looks around Institution baa niton the Uvea of the
ter those things that make life wortir. people of the “>*»• 11 carrle * ou<
living. And Jt is ln Thomasvllle that the triangle Idea of the asaodatlon-r
he finds them. The public Instltu- body, mlnd ( and spirit. There la a
tlons are greater ln number and mors well/equipped gymnasium, basket
varied in character than those of any ball and tennis courts, swimming
other city ot equal size In the stated pool, library and reading room, phy-
(Continued on last page)