Newspaper Page Text
grandchildrenThafc thpy must not be
charitable at other people’s expense
“There is only one thing to be dohe.
Whatever you and Ethel find in your
stockings must be shared with your
visitor/’ grandma said positively.
| The Ellwood is pig tight, horse high, and bull strong. It
has no wraps to slip, no welds to break, is very mnni.-ome,.
is more durable than any other, and just as cheap as the
cheaper t, so why not use the Ellwood? It is mac c espci rally
for a hog fence and is absolutely guaranteed—Jf you are g>
ing to do any fencing write me before buying, and I,mil
take pleasure in quoting you my very lowest prices. If then
I can’t sell you I certainly wont do yon any harm, and might
help you to buy cheaper elsewhere. We give all*inquiries
prompt and careful at*ei tin \ . a when favored with an order
ship it out prouip.. •
John .u -..e -tore, Boston, Ga.
A Christmas Heroine.
By Frances Cassedy McEJroy.
It was Christmas Eve and snowing
hard. From Grandma Graham’s
cheery. Are lighted sitting room you
could watch the white flakes ,whirl
this way and that way, in the outside
twilight Everything was ready for
Christmas Bay and the children;
plum pudding In the pantry and crul
lers in the sideboard, holly over the
picture* and mistletoe swung'to the
chandeliers. Queer packages had’,
been arriving for a week by mossen-1
ger boy and by post. 1
There was one odd-shaped bundle]
on the floor of grandma’s closet. Old
' Mnlvlny, the cook ,liad been there
‘ "pinching about," when old ’mlstus”-
was out of sight and she was nearly
certain that It was a doll buggy. In
fact' she could see the red parasol
sticking out.
Grandma lived an hpur’s ride from
her daughter's city home and she ex
pected the whole family for Christ
inas. But what should Bobby do |
but upset everybody’s plans and ,
choke up with croup just on the very' (
day, In theforenoon? Mamma said
that she could not think of taking (
her baby boy but In that storm with |
the croup and papa said that be (
would not think of leaving her with (
a sick child, alone and on Ghristmas ,
too. But grandmother must not be (
altogether disappointed so mamma (
put Ralph and Ethel on the train and
told them not to leave their seats till (
they reached grandma’s station. f
Grandma heard the new* by tele- ,
gram and was at the sitting room e
window looking for them up the ,
snowy road In the twilight She was „
beginning to get fldgety, as grand
mothers are apt to do when people (|
don't keep engagements to the min- c
ute, when her carriage wheeled Into t ,
view, and, yes, there was Ethel, and y
Ralph beside her—and somebody else (]
Grandma strained her eyes to see as
the carriage came whirling up to (I
the door In grand styie. Ralph and
Ethel half tumbled out without Q
waiting for the driver to open the 0
door land after them came a tiny, 0 .
shabby child with great black eyes b
and fluff/ fair hair. . g]
Grandma looked amused and not g
altogether pleased, but she was too
polite to - show what she felt. In- h
stead she held out her hand kindly g]
to the little stranger and said: "And
who Is thlsT” t)
Instantly two little eanest faces
were upturned and two eager tongues j
began to aMswer. But grandma said
"I cannot hear 1 both at once! Let us (]
get to the fire first and then you may ^
tell me."
Once In the warm sitting room, ^
cloaks and hats put away, the little ^
tongues began again. "She lives ^
back of our, house In the alley; we
know her by talking through the ^
fence, and, grandma, she hasn’t apy
... *■
"And her papa was taken off drunk
from the depot f" Interrupted Ethel.
"And she hadn't any lira at home!"
cried Ralph. h
"And when mamma left us lu the 0
train we saw her standing out on the **
platform shivering, and we had some s
money to pay the train man in our ”
little chain pocketbooks and we rals- “
ed the window and asked her if she “
would not like to go to'our grandma’s
“She lust lumped at It!” Interrupt
ed Ralph. L
"Should think she would!" thought f(
grandma to herself. w
- * All this time the little stranger’s K
bright, black eyes were glancing „
.about, seeming to find pleasure and w
satisfaction In everything in the
room. And at last she suddenly, an- Q|
nounced: "I like the placet I’m H
going to stay here!” a
Grandma Graham did not hear her. | fl
The old lady’s mind was full of some
thing else. "But, children," she
said, “suppose she finds nothing In ai
her stocking In the morning. She al
wasnt* looked for, you see.” h
Both children gave a gasp. “That's x
so!'* they said In horrified whispers. fj
”01<f Santa couldn't know she was
“There Is only ons thing to be at
done,” said Grandma, determined w
Enclosed find dollars
to apply on ray subscription to the
prise. Record my votes for
as the most popular young lady, the winner
absolutely free a full.size Rudolph Piano,
, Postoffice
No.; of Votes
.... cents
Three 100-H. P. Tubular Boilers, co mplet*. One 30-H. P. Tubular Boil
er. Six Boiler Feed Pumps. On e S-H. P. Center Crank Skinner En
gine. One 12-H. P. Center Crank S klnner Engine. One 6-H. P. Engine
and Boiler on wheelB. One 36-H. P. Side Crank Engine. One Rider-
Erlcssoa Engine (the best pump fo r country borne.) One 4” Saw Man
drel, solid forge, 3’’ steel collar box es fee above new. One rope teed
18” drum for saw mill. One 50 lig ht direct current dynamo complete
with rheostat. One volt meter. We also have one of the largest ca
ne mill outfits that was over Install- ed In South Georgia for sale. Anyo
ne Interested will pay to Investigate. One Thompson’s latest improved s
lab conveyors. One Thompson’s lat- est Improved log haulers . Three si
ab conveyor pans 24” wide, 8" deep 20” long. One 18” smoke stack 3
2” long. Fifty sets 18” d»y kiln trucks, 0” wheels, steel frame.
says the doctor to many of his lady patients, because he doesn’t
know of any medicinal treatment that will positively cure womb or
ovarian -troubles, except the surgeon's knife.
That such a medicine exists, however, has been proved by the
wonderful cures performed on diseased women, In thousands of
cases, by
Woman’s Relief
Ithas saved thi lives of thousands of weak, sick women, and
has rescued thousands of others from a melancholy lifetime of
chronic Invalidism. It will cure you. If you will only give It a chance.
Sold at every drug store In $1.00 bottles. Try IL
freely tad frankly, In strictest confi
dence, telling us all your troubles.
We will send Free A-Mce On plain,
sealed envelope). Address: Ladles’
Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanoego, Toon.
■ “I won a supporter for years, for
sty womb, which had crowded every
thing down before It, writes Mrs.S. J.
Chrisman.ofMannsville.N.Y. “I suf
fered untold misery and could hardly
walk. After taking Cardul I gave up
my supporter sod can now be on my
feet ban a day at a time.”.,
To Quote Prices and ubmit amples >:
Mai’ty Bros. Machinery Co.
We WU1 Make It to Torn Intentt to PUare With Vs.
Mallary Bros. Machinery Co.
For Men, Women -uid Children
We cair, evervthing ready-to-wear and all orders will
receive prompt and and careful attention
i. We send goods by express C. O. D. subject to ex-
pmination before accepting.
2 We send two or three styles of garments for
3. We*allow 10 per cent discount for cash, except on
contract goods. - ■
Modoru.'.Up-to-dato,.Convenient— ^Centrally Looated
Experienced Management—Rate* 13.00
Best of Livery Service In Connection.
, Proprietors & Managers ,
Meigs, Georgia.
A few more pairs of Shoes' left that I am
going to sell at cost in order to make room
for my new stock which have just arrived,
I invite one and all to come and get their
share of the Bargains while the opportunity
is at hand.
GOOLIDGE CASH STORE, H ’ Meg*.*. Proprietor
J. C. LORD, T. P. A.
Montgomery, Ala
W- J. CPAIG, G. P. A.
Wilmington,. DC
H. M. EMERSON, Tra. Mgr., Wilmugton C. C.
Thomasville, Ga.
T. C..WHITE, D. P. A.
Perfection At Last
A Gasoline Engine \that will
run, and at a -minimum of ex
pense. A Southern product for
Southern people. If in need of
power that is cheap, simple and
sure, call or write us.
Pelham’s New Commercial Hotel
Openeil January the flnt, 1905, Modem and up-to-date in al> details.
Mostlconvenientlyjocated hotel in the’ dty. Very best services, 1 ^rendered
y experienced 'management . Opposite A. O. L. depot. look for sign.
Bates [$1.00 and $3.00 per day.
Commercial travelers, patronage solicited. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ARLINE,
••••'. &•'?' v V ■ ' Proprietor, and Manager,.