Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, December 29, 1905, Image 8
i 'VS 1 . M a-^rlsit Pel .Idle of the * will spend, the college. Rd'uerts ol y afternoon /al J. Miller. of Ealti- (masville and .vith he: inert. The 9fasongr|£ Thomasville lodge , No. 36? »peld <ll a .^ctel jpjpting last night naid ' JniSMled Ute for the -eninlng'1^8?. Yesterday was ■fit. Johnfs day,'«J^e<^al Of Ma3on!c Importancdtttfrou^kojjt fjib world and H is thiycustow, of.all to Install,, iftefr |Sw p^SIrs at this time. "-’'The men ■who^were* Inducted Into offtee last night..were: ,S. W. Davis, AVpfthipful Mastery S. Black- shear. Senior \Varden; T. G. Floyd; .Junior Warden; M. A.^Fleetwood, serretArv; G. W. HerSns. treasurer; C. T.' Gandy, senior, deacon; G. S. Whitney, chaplain: Jiomer Williams, senior:- steward; Ed planton, junior steward; G. L, Collins, tyler. The lodge is In new quasars,* there is an increased interest attso UK-its =*LL LIFE Til festorday. Dr. .MIt8:’l)lltfcN- DEAD. Mental studies Passed Away at 0:30 Yesterday Is of the fac- Evening.* .. b has gone to Thf city will regret "to learn of Visit to rela- the death of Mrs. F. E. Duren, which occurred aMfiq home of her daught er, Mrs. R. E. McDonald, jj^t night at luiif past <6 o’elotk-* This vener- of Iuka, 111., Mr. and Mrs. is also their able Iadj’ had lived *i\ long life & usefulness .and Mas the mother of one of the bestyknown families in ■R££f'4 etcalfe was Y. IJ. Wat Vor„ $33, $63. 1 a, ... ■ -9 sligstiy used, the kind jlseH its nt'ty, til at 1 will sell for $63.00 I sell pii^strom $io8*io irafe .ily'Vbratids are Khabe, Steinway, Fischer, Hardmann and other standard makes. If yotfcmeap, business on or -write me.-, C, C. COCROFT, \ 120 8. ThomaavlHo, Ga, P. S. New Lot Victor Talking mac^iti^s ajtd recoils. •^ii'aPi CEnWr, ' L Sewer-Pip* fire %&k, e|c. PubJiciBray. com ■tions, If any they have on or before the first Monday In January next, else he will be discharged from his guardianship as applied for. William M. JOues, Ordinary. NOTICE OP. DISSOLUTION. Notice Is hereby given that. the firm of Twylpf*&-Wntsoi*. a firm COlQ; posed’of W. J. Tailor n mi A. M. Wat-, son, heretofore engaged in the cloth ing and gent’s furnishing businessJn the city of Thomasville, G,, is this day. dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. WataotiV retiring. The business will be. Continued at the same place by Mr.,Taylor, who assumes all. indebted iiesH 6X the firm arid Will receipt for fiV debts, due the firm. j„ .! VWf A VKttAmkA. % C | 9Qi) This Nbvember 16, W. J. Taylor, ♦ A, M. Watson. % LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Thcttnas County. ■ Notice. la hereby given that Mrs. 8. A, Pearce, administratrix,of the ettate of i. W. Pearce, deceased, has applied for leafe to sell writfln land belonging t,o deceased paid abpllca- tton will be heard on Brat MondaVetn January, 1306. ,« , , - . >,William M. Jones. © , _ r ith]R -NISI. , J. M. xlroover vs. T. F. Pruitt, vho has boon New York has IPMHPlIi jl ,. six A 4 to Thpnmsville. Heath, Jr., Is In the city for a few days. Mr. Heath has been in the employ of the National Bis cuit Company at Augusta but lias been promoted to the New York offle of the concern and is now on his wn to the metropolis. ++* Capt. W. T. Forester, the genial pilot of the Albany Limited has .been Mr. J. £h Cajroll of Pensacola is here for Christmas visit with rela tives. He says that, the eity has re* covered. from its yellow fever epide mic. and that business is booming. Mr. H. K. Upham is visiting rela tives here. +++ J. W. Shepbord of Maysvilie. ho has. been visting hie sister Mrs. J. E. Smith left* Wednesday ttPirning for St. Petersburg, Fla. f .to visit relatives. as county. >She wns 76 years of age and had been confined to her room for the pajt year. -Her funer al will take place Friday morning at I l o’clock at Big Creek church. Rev. T White will condor am cere- .monies and lie will b<- assisted by were heard by Mr. Aev. A. W. Healer. # ' *' Mrs. Duren was the daughter of Tas. Flowers who was one of the pion eer citizens of f.Vinnett county. She came to Thomas county In 1SG5. She leaves five sons and four daugh- They arc it. M. Ruren o£ Thomas county. W. A. and G. L-. Duren of.Meigs, T. C. Duren of Thomasville, E. C. Duren of Murphy Mrs. M. J. R^ans of'Coolidge, Mrs. Product of Mills, .■tfn^jproduct In one day ot the mills pf the Longman & Martinez 'great wwtks is enough to paint every house and ;£v<*ytlilng made of wooduftt a clty^wlth the L. and M. Pure Paint. In use thirty yeaVs; ‘deveial tail o.-mi. vnyurri vb, a. r. rrum. j ^ a ®d t appearing‘to the court^^that ’on [cheapest, because the L. and M. zinc, November — T “ ww '*' T ' costs about. |1.2# per trii eapest, because the L. and M. zinc, 4* ^defendant ] hardfps the b. and M. White Lead/ wovemoer l. shid werendant ^ u. «uu «. »» madf and defcered toThild plainUft, makes It paint qaore surface and Ws^WnUsory note , for |l4O 4 and^0» r tor * longer/tlme than any othfer thereafter on said date to secure thefP« Int - . . ■ M _ A paymedt of said note-executed and de c0 ^ s ah 0 ** 1 $1.20-per Kvered tp said plalntltt his ^Ssin > v ; , . deed of mortgage eohveying to laid U only: requires 4 gallons of this lalntlff ' T (Celebrated paint and 3 gallons of "All of .ibid defendant's two tbirda L‘n?fed Oil at «0 fonts per gallon te Interest in-one acre, ifiore or less, paint a moderate sued house. Tbeie •of land of JOt of InnA No. 365 fn tb* fore n-ojoperty owner ought mot to Thirteenth District Of .Thomas conn- »*>; J 1 -** P«r gjllon for Linseed Oil ty, psrttmrtariy described as being Which be must do when a ready-f.r- bounded.on the north by the lands. u f* P«»nt is bhoght.v - • of tha estate qif-B.l. Stone, eset by’Jh tBe lands of Hebry Walton, Jr., south l0 “;„ So, d by C. W. Cochraf . ThdmJ by tbe .lands bf^Gsprge Speight and a * ville '. * ■ a jj west by the, lands of Richard Mob- SS^oATION LEAVE TOfiBLL. . Conditioned'that‘If the said defepd-Is?-ir hereby given that fhe “t should pay 6ft-and discharge said andansigned Intends to apply;.tor sk J. E,..Dykes and Mrs. C. P. McDonald of MoultrLe ap’d Mrs. R. E. Moftonald of Thomasville. Mr. Ed Ward of Boston was a* re cent jiromlnent visitor to Thomas- me. Dr. and* Mrs. M. R. llallette and' .Miss Edwin* Malletie S|» nt f Christ mas day at Boston. ;• +++ Mr. H. F. LawBoa of ^acoti*for merly a teacher In Tho masvllle's schools Is In Thomasyille for*d Mr. W. B. Roc^enbery and family passed through the city Mom tbeir way from Cn^rp to Mr. Jeryy Drake of MquIt Christmas day lu town. absent from his post of duty for sev aral weeks. He has Just retprned to Thomasville and tells oj^,almost BY FLAMES — ■ Miss Goldberg Birniedgio Death At Her Brother’ Winter Home. ., — Through one of the n> accidents that Thomasville has’ ltitown Miss Sadie Goldberg was burned to death yesterday. The ac cident occurred at 7:30 yesterdty morning at the winter home vf her brother, B. B. Goldberg, at the Hend ry cottage on Crawford street... / ' The circumstances surrounding; the accident were particularly path etic. The young lady was only 20 years of age. Her brother, who is a Vvealthy overcoat manufacturer of New York, brought her south with him about a week ago to spend the holidays with Mrs. Goldberg who has been here for several weeV She was a school girl and was ci. only youth .can. Yesterday morning she came down stairs before an member of tho family. She wn standing before a small stop ol the “Hot Stuff” make and as i!r Are was too high was endeavoring to reduce It. She had a loose drr s- ing gown over her other clothing and this caught Arc. She becpjnr* frightened and instead of removing the garment ran' out into the hall for help.' Her agonized Goldberg who rushed down stairs. In an en deavor to savo 'hls sister from the Aames he stripped Off all his own gar ments and wrapped thorn around iher. His offorts were of no aval! and l^o was badly burned about tin feet and legs. Tfct flames could not be subdued and burned until -all the sufferer’s clothing had been con sumed. So violent were they that the carpet and wood work of the hall caught on Arc. Tho Aames. were seen by Messrs. Joseph Goldberg, Alt Robinson and other neighbors, whrf rushed to the assistance of tile stricken family,.> came to late to aid. They immediately went for physi cians and in a few moments Drs. Ainsworth and Daniels wero on the scene. They found that the young lady’s body had been terribly burnt and her fdee and limbs were scorched and charred. Tho sufferer displayed the utmost bnrVery and endeavored to assist the physicians In thefr cf- i'orts to relieve her. She was con scious .and asked her physicians ir She could recover. When hey said *he Sohld not, sho answered that vas ready to die. Her thoughts all seemed to bo for her , family* When her brother reproached him- self for having brought her here she told him that it was fate and that her time.had come. states, Mrs. Z. V, Peacock has Returned Dr. dpd Mrs. Dekle. Mrs. peacock and th«r children will* refbals here for some time longer* F. C. Jones is here frofctf, Boston for a holiday visit. ^ * “>Lr. Will StegalR an old.- Thomas- ville boy, was here yoy way home from a trip'to the Florida lakes. He is now* living-tin Mont gomery. * Mayor 8. A. Roddenber^ \ day killed the biggest wild“ of the season, to date, on near town. ' .Lost dr StrajeJ^-Lai^e irontgray horse from Ice factory. Liberal Aiinl for return. . r " with the mill of the Kirby Mill, Company on R. 3. «' Interesting trip through the 1 western Dr McIntosh was Iater ctt „ td lu> but medical skill could do nothing and at 3:3(1 yesterday afternoon, af ter eight hours of suffering sho nass- to New York for interment. The sorrowing members of her family will accompany them on the train at 6:15 this morning. The town was shocked by this untimely ending of a bright >*oung life and the sympath ies of every citizen, are with the reaved ones. The family spent last winter here, and occupied the Dav ies cottage on lower Broad street. Their friends in the city extended them every aid that friendship could ise under the sad circumstances. Needed In the Business World There's a scarcity of wide awake. . ambitious youn* people ia thebti*J> »ess world tO'dsjr-JJoy* and Girl* Worn the country wKb want to make .A’Stei w J &‘,£ysauj& ou - wrt “ tor » MASSET BUSINESS COLLEGES.