Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, January 05, 1906, Image 1

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line Hnb South <Seot0fa,lprO3te88. homasvii ub Tiars, vol. s» • BOMASVliLE KNIKUI'KISE. VOL. 47 THOM AS VILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY,' JANUARY 5, 193.1 New Series, Vol XV—No. 43. MURDER BY NEW DISTRICT A WOMAN IS ORGANIZED m John Lawson Wes and W. S. Bulloch Succeeds Jury Calls His Wile J. Q. Bryan on Board a Murderess. of Commissioners. (From Wednesday's dplly.l John Lawson, colored, di^<l terday morning and a coromr's j u r, that Investigated hla death nounced It,murder at the hnij| his wife, Mattie Lawson, j bett*1 known as “Big Black Matt.j’ l- a " son Is the victim of the only rhrisi maa tragedy that ThomaSvil e hnd He was shot on Christmas Arnin by hla wife at the negro biardim house of Eugefiia Williams oi Stephens street. For a ,-u lui'- looked as If he would'recovi the ugly pistol wound In side. He was taken to the Ci| pltal and given the best of his life went out about 11 yesterday. The Jury that lnvestlgat< case was composed of J. D. ney, foreman, Orrm Swift, McRae, C. C. Atkinson, T. J. lln, B. F. Herring. They the scene of the dead and [ exam ined the Williams woman, this only eye witness. She told of hqfw the pair were drinking, of the, J between them, and-of the fa( fl red by Matt. Coroner Chas C, ndy swoi ,,a warrant charging her wit! der. It is said that she is atjMW| ,ville, where Lawson worked, five imiles from town and the <|fri< rs vlll probably put her behinjd tie bare. '' f 1 January 2, 1S06. Board met in regularmeeting. All I resent. /Minutes ofj former meetings read and ^proved. ] Complalht 111yd against Vann’s utchor pin; referred toCapt. Ham- nd a rid'Capt. Smith. The commission appointed to lay I on; and define new. militia district ; b i he <■ following report which j was' adopted. I The new district to be known as j Kiln Belle! district NO. —O. M. Be- ! ginning whore the Big Ochlockonee s the' line between Col- homas, In lot No. 115, In trlct running west over the little Oehlockonce 17th district, thenfce WAYCROSS SHOPS. Neighboring City Will Soon Get Half ■, Million Plant of A. C. L. Waycross, jGa., Jan. 1.—The new year brought the official anBnnee- ment from Wilmington that the At lantlc Coast Line ls^asklng for bids for the construction work on the $500,000 locomotive and car [shops to he located here. The ahpounee- . ment cornea from Mr. R. E. Smith, general superintendent of motive power and states that the plaps for the new shops which have recent ly been completed, can be soenjat his office at Wilmington. The Mlrosui company Is advertising for bids in the Engineering News and Manufac turer’s Record and the advertise ment reads as follows: J "The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company Invites Inspection . of* the plans and specifications for the grad ing, sewerage ( water v supply, brick OUtllWHld down the ilttle Ochlock- inetj river to the Junction with big Ot htockon re, thence up the blk Och- hi. itmee t (I We reel the starting point, mmend that the precinct established ,at aelgler's Mill on J4t pt lazjd No. — R. R. Chastain, W. At Bustle, W. T. Mills. Commissioners, ily appeared before me R, |in,. W. A.. Bustle (tnd W. T. ant I made above report under 1111am Jones, Ordinary. ' Joard went Into executive ses sion to clyct officers for onsulng year On mot loll of Mr. Pringle Capt. E. if. Smith was unanimously elected chairman for next year. ;// On motion the salary of the clerk was fixed :at $20 and J. S. Montgom- eryeiected clerk. i I>r. L. i B. Bouchelle wai elected county physician at a salary oi $25 perLontf. N Sheppard was elected kcoper of pauper home .at $10 per month. M -. it. n. Chastain was elected district overseer for "Ella Bello” dis trict Mr. j. W. Groover tiled his bond a. ' lt*rk of city court which was ap proved* 'Ey board. Mr. J. Q. Bryan who Is now.a cit- iien jpf Grady county, after extend er hla thanks.to each member of the hoard for kindnesses shown him tendered his resignation as a mem ber 9( tk’,8 board to tako effect at once.j Capt. Smith and Mr. Pringle and steel buildings and all I other j »PO»^’.ig for the board expressed re- work in connection with the construe j srebrf that the county he has served tion of Its new locomotive and car j 80 ^ely and faithfully must now shops at Waycross. Ga., excepting! lo8e *>'« valuable services, the machinery and equipment there- motion his resignation was ac- of. The plant will Include .1 ’round house, oil house, store house, ma chine and erecting shop, blacksmith shop, coach shop, paint shop, planing mill, foundry, pattern storehouse, dry kiln and frame freight c^r re pair shed. “The proposals to be submitted are to cover the plant completed, except machinery and equipment. A depos it i of ,{$2,000 will be / required with J Court coats each proposal. Bids will be opened at noon, Jan. 29. cepterl and Mr. W. S. Bullock was unanimously* elected to fill his un expired term. * ' f ihomasville, Ga., Dec. 27, 1906. Hon. County Commissioners: Gentlemen—I have the hopor to report that since my last report I have paid over t)> the county treasur er the following amount: * From hire of convlcIa^.» r.. f 684.00 21.00 Misses Lucy and Bessie Parker and Miss Grace Beverly left yester day afternoon for Gainesville where they will resume their studies in Bren&u College. +++ *3 Mr. nda Mrs. John T. Chambers J have rented the J. H. Spence cottage on Love street Mr. and Mrs. Spence are at the home of C. C. Stone on | Jefferson street 1 I - - — ; -- **-■ Net to county $ 705.00 Fines and forfeitures $ 25.00 j $ 730.00 Yours truly, 1 * Charles P. Hansell. Monthly report of county physi cian: 1 The Jal) and poor htrnse have re ceived weekly visits. Both places are in gobd healthy condition. At GRADY GETS GOOD START New County Formed, Offi cers Elected and Pros pects Bright. Cairo, Ga., Jan.' 1, 1906.—The election of county officers for Grady County, for the year 1906 yas held In Cairo today, It being provided by the act creating this county that all votes at this electlop should be cast here. All of the candidates that were nominated on October 17th last were elected without opposition. At that time the people of the county cast a very large vote thereby mani festing their lively Interest In the reaulf. To | day they have shown their satisfaction at that result by voting'less than.200 usllots. Those elected are! P. H. Herring, ordin ary; W. T. Crawford, clerk of Super ior Court; D. W. TyuS, sheriff; M. O. McManus, treasurer; W. R. Wynrf, tax receiver; Roy W. Ponder, tax collector; D. A. Jones, surveyor, and E. O. Harrell, coroner. The people of the new couuty could nop Intrust the administration to myre compet ent men. After these officers have been, commlsloned then Grady county will become a legal entity, and will begin Its lfte under the most favora ble prospects. It will not have to wait Inorder that It may gath recog- nitlqp' as one of the leading counties of the, state but will from the be {inning rank among the first. Grady has a good area,. possesses th’e best lands in the country and Is composed of a citizenship the . character of which will compare with that of any community in the state. The clim ate is excellent and the health con ditions arei not siijrassed In tfc^ south. These .are the reasons, be side^ others, why Grady Is not simply coming to the,front but will be in the front from rhe beginning of Its existence. ; ’ The court house question has hot yet been much ^Agitated. A - few however, have expressed themselves on the subject and those In' favor of bonding the county for funds for the purpose of erecting a good court bouse In the near future seem/to be practically off set by others who are inclined to wait a year or so until everything Is In good working order and then levy a tax for one year suffi cient for that purpose. No tempor ary arrangement for a court house has yet been made.-. There are only two available places, the old city hall, where Justice court Is now held and the other the first floor of the new building Just completed by John 111 dc’termlno this matter In the near future. Most of the officers will, for the present have offices In the Craw ford building. CUT IN TWO BYENGINE John Reynolds Killed ill Coast Line Yards by No. 185. Switch engine number 185 had an other accident last night. This time It killed a man. John [Reynolds .^raa the name of the unfortunate. - The accident happened about eight o’clock, In the Coast Line yards, near the shop houses. Rey nolds was a negro BWltchman, who has-been In the business for-a.long time, loa£ enough Indeed to grow i. engine was In charge of eh- Carlton Hunley, and Rey- nolds was working with him. They were switching In the yards, and en gineer Hunley saw the negro, wave his lantern to him to come ahead, and then wall for the engine, as if to mount the cow , catcher. He thought ( that Reynolds , had done this, till he heard some' one hal low to him that he had killed a man, and heard a groan from under his engine. It is supposed that the man's foot slipped and that he fell directly across the track/ The body was'cut in two at the sfaist, and was horribly mangled otherwise. Reynolds lived lp Thomasvtlle and had a number of relatives here. He i was regarded as a good ndgro, and his death Is regretted. The body was taken to the Herring undery taklngvparlors, where It was dressed. ’ Switch engine number 185 has hud rather unpleasant history/ for sevens months. It Is the Ba uie one that ran'off the track two different times in the same week, GLOBE CIRCLERS m.iii:. Bicyclists On Tour fit AVei-ld I-hitA'- Bines: Informal tnln Street Crowd. MISSIONARY INSTITUTE Methodist Preachers and Laymen to Meet Here Next Week. Two itlnerafi claim to be on n were in ThOmasvllI entertained a big street f< -X— COMES ACROSS. McCall Returns The Two Hundred and Eighty Thousand. New York, Jan. 2.—John A. Mc- call, president of the New tort Lif»\ paid the company $28^,000 anced to Andrew Hamilton and n.>t accounted for by him. A check for eighty-flve thousand and/ a note for hundred and fifty thousand were received today and a meeting if the trustees is called for tpriiorrow when It is expected McCallreai.nation will be received. / >1 cyclists, who *r of the world yesterday and •wd on Madison The men say that they are from San Francisco and are bound next to Cuba on their ircllng expedition. They have now liberi'-o(it seven ^i.onth*. They are nyfonlAhly clever riders. Their lamci a refHah*y fowler and “Rube” Shields. They can' mnke~n*bicycle do anything, but/talk. In addition to Mb hiding ability Shields Is no mean comedian and kept.the crowd d humor by his Jokes. They for 1 the coin and Shields is one < f the most persistent collec tion takers in the world. mean cjm In a gokd are ou DRATH FROM LOCKJAW. Little Grandson of Mrs. Harley In* Jurcd ChMstinas Burled Yesterday. Ballard Property SoJ. (From Wednesday** dal? ) There was olny dne leg I sale yesterday. The 12^ acre to 17th district belona tate of Hiram Ballaf by J. G. Moore for) - U the es- • Th* friends of the Harley family will *«gret to learn of the sad death in Vildosta of Lamar, the little son of dr. and Mrs. J. H. Harley. The lad received the Injury from which JOth / ensued on Christmas night., A cannon fire cracker exploded in his face and a piece of the paper from it entered his forehead. A physician idressed the wound and he was able ■to be upand walking last week. Saturday the wound became very inflamed and the physician was again summoned. The boy grew rapidly worse and lockjaw set in. His funeral took place yesterday morning at 10 o’clock at the family residence on Oak street in Valdosta. Mrs. Harley and Mr. Pierce Harley went over be present on the sad occasion. Ttw? sympathy of the peo ple in Thomavyille is with the be reaved ones. j t y y r -A gathering of much Interest and Importance will take place here next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Jt Is the Missionary Instl tuts, and Preaclieiy' meeting for the Thomasvllle district ot the. South Georgia' Conference. Presiding El der Ed F. Cook will prcajde, scores of preacher^ and delegates from South Georgia will be present. Many topics of Interest will be discussed. fhG sessions will be held at the Meth odist church. Those of the Mission ary Institute will be open to the pub lic. The institute will meet In the afternoons and evenings and the preachers, will hold their sessions In the morning. The program Is as follows; Tuesday, Jan. 9 from 2 to E^p, m. —Devotional service, J. L. Funder burk; Informal discussion, lenders limited to ten minutes; addresses, general topic, the making of a Mis sionary Church. * Missionary Education from the Pulpit, W. C. Embry. Missionary Principle and Priu ilcc, M. W. Carmichael. ' Motive Instead of Enticement ■ In GUflnVi .William M. Blttch. The Ldyqian’s Placo in the Cam paign, W. T, Nicholson. Organization and Education 'Cor MlsHlonnry Work, J. N. Jones. Tuesday 7 p. m-^Devotional ser- vlce; addresses; Present Day Oppor- tunitles for Mission Work, C. II. Led better; Present Day Resources for Mission Work, Whitley Langston. f Wednesday. Jari. 10, from 2 5 p. m., devotional service, J. W. discussion, lendors limited fo ten minutes. Modorn Inventions, N. T. Pafford ' Commercial Expansion, O. S. Smith. Tho Awakening fn the East, D, B. Merritt. Wars—Chino-Japanesc, Spanlsh- Amerlcan, Rufcso-Japanqse, H. P. Stubbs. -.Wednesday. 7 ' p. ni.—Devotional service, 8. E. Grenfell; addresses, general tuple. Reasons /Why the Home Church llntt Go Forward.' God Commands, E. b\ Rose..- m HeatheircTainTsLinil (ftjjrtstian Duty J. C. Parker. Abundant Ability, J. A; Smith. Dangers that Threaten if Work is Delayed, T. H. Thomson. Thursday, Januaryll, ‘ 2 to 5 p. m.—Devotional service, J. W. Wells. Informal discussion, leaders limited to ten minutes. The Sunday School and Missions Why? What? How? II. J. Jones. The League and Missions. The Work, The Way. A. P. Harley. The place of Prayer in Missions, C. W. Jordan. Ten Reasons for Tithing, J. W. Connors. Thursday, 7 p. m.—-Devotional ser vice. Address, The New Testament Conception of the Disciple and His Money. Jesus’ Conception, C. W. Curry. Paul’s Conception, Reese Griffin. What Business Has the Business Man With Missions? J. M. Outler. BIG TORNADO HITS^ALBANY Death and injuries Be sides Immense Prop erty Loss. Albany, Gn., Jan. 3.—Albany was visited .by a destructive tornado this afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, that killed one man, Injured several and de stroyed thousand of dollar’s worth of property. The tornado passed within less than one hundred yards of the Albany Academy which was crowded with school children and teachers. Had tho storm Struck tho building tho.loss-of, llfo would have been frightful. This evening's Albany Herald con tain* the following account of the. disaster. The terrific wind came from a southwesterly direction, first strik ing the sparsely populated district on the edge of the city. It complet ■ ly demolished tho big acid rhamh , of the Virginia Carolina Chemical. Company. Ben Jones, a negro employe,, was Instantly killed, being caught under the falling timbers. Tho largo brick structure containing the ovens was also destroyed. Dozens of small frame dwellings- on Residence, North, Madison, Flint and Pino streets were either v hotiv or partially demolished. Tho principal destruction wap wrought among cottages largely oc cupied by negroes, on Madison street between North and Residence street- and on North c.i.ct west'of Mob son. Several, of tho houses occupied b.i the families of employes of the Vtr- glnla-Carollna Chemical Com. in the grounds of the plant were complete ly demolished. The negro C. M. E. ernl stores were compl / h and &ev dfinoTfch- ed. The storm then rose and passed over the city until it reached a point 6ver Washington street, where It began afresh its work of demoli tion. The large hull house of the- Georgia Cotton Oil Company, the* for the new storage house of stal Ice Company, and a score in the railroad yard were de molished. ’hlfi delivery yegon of v was blown from Wt into the iXIlroed yaM and 1 Tchro- WoodiJ, J jood IntreMed in Engagements of Two Popular Men. The Fag End. The fag end of the storm that play ed havoc in Albany evidently passed over Thomasville yesterday after noon about 2 o’clock. There was a high wind, the sky was dark and rain fell In sheets. The weather condi tions were not especfoUjr unusual, however, and exeryone will read with surprise tois morning that a neigh boring city has been devastated WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS. trong ir of igk Ga., Jan. 3.—Mr. Hnd Mr^ P art ln Dudley Chittenden of Tall* Hancock, mssee, Fla., have announced the ,r< i Sherrod, ngement of their daughter, aepherd, Pliny Augusta and Mr. Walter Lee Wrd. Robbie Re- he marriage to take place ore!, Edith Drew, ■ary 18th. '.y Vann, short Miss Chittenden ts a channlnOna Sherrod oung woman of social attainment Eva_ and many accomplishments. 3Cr. V Wight Is a prominent man of Csfrau , !>elng now engaged ln the naval ' stores business and well known Id business circles in both Georgia •»* Florida. After their marriage, they will make a trip to California and' will Vlsl8t many points ofinterest in:' the West. Cards have been Issued by Mr. Mrs. Robert Felix Reynolds of New F--j| Orleans announcing the approaehfn£ ' •<p'* rgt a marriage of their daughter, Mia WiN-. 'dgs/ reg ’ i Cordelia to Mr. David L. Wmiaaav ‘ wblch will take place on January Mr. Williams Is a citizen of and a highly saeeearfat ness man and has may this , part of the state who imueh latereeted .la tbo p- ths ;'ind jror • ini- rate INDISTINCT PRINT