Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, November 08, 1907, Image 1

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- - - v Tr. - ■'•'.>•• r, - ► ’ ■ . • f f*. ‘ ,•! BlK-^Silfl-aBS AND SOUTH GEORGIA PROGRESS Tbenuiaville Times, Voi XXX. fhomaatHIr gatorprtsa, y 0 |. XLVH. COUNTY DADS GET BUSY Official Notes o! the Business Affairs of f Thomas. November, 5. 1907. Board met In regular meeting, all rpmeent. Mlnutce of laat meeting nod and approved. On motion the price tor feeding Jail prisoners re main at IS cents per -day. R. U. Orcin and W. A. Stephens relieved of road duty on account of physical disability. H. Heald oxcused from road duty, being under Id. On'motion, Ur. Wilson overseer of Merrillville district was Instruc ted to summon at once all road de faulters In bis district to work ten days on roads. Bd Evans road defaulter Thomaa- vllle district falling to appear was on ter 1 have been reoelved, and 1 have been discharged. The convict camps aro healthily •seated, and the convicts are general' ly well, except some chronic ail ments, they brought them with. L. B. BOUCHELLE. Statement. ’ • County Treasurer's statement for month of October HOT. RECEIPTS. Prom bal. on hand last report Prom P. 8. Heath, T. C T. C., general taxes 1907 Peddlers' license ... Prom road taxes: Bos ton district Glasgow district ... Metcalfe district . .. Itavo district. i Z- J|.07l Prom E. M. Smith, chm Bills payable 1.000.00 ' Overcharge In freight I.II Bale old plow ... .. 14.00 TOUI $4,398.83 THOMAS VILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDA J NOVEMEBR S, II NO INTENT Urn' TO REFLECT ONTjMES-ENTERPRISE Says J. L Philips. On Part of Himself or Congress' mao Griggs—Business Man Explains His Political Letter. I3.ES8.51 247.00 50.00 ;«.oo 13.00 7.0# November, 1, 1907. Editor Tlmcs-fenterprlso: Thomaevllle, Qa. non.- s'r: On my return homo from sureial days adeenoe, my rum tlrni haa loan called to tho article In Tuosday'c paper regarding the Mlor which I wrote to Honorable J. M. Griggs, and wbloh waa road in Me Mint Jeljnto With Mr. Roddon'jer/ nt Byhoattr. Wcie it not for tho pereonrl turn, which unfortunately your ortlclo give* to thU matter, I would ret hare any further correspondence noont It, Imt in view of the fact that >cu ac suino thlri' that my letter dll not slat-*, ana that Mr. Griggs dirt net 2, CLEARING BOUSE ORGANIZED. CERTIFICATES TO BE ISSUED Advah^e Relief Measure Pleases Business Men- Certificates Good as Gold Anywhere*- Go Into Circulation Today. (^ro m Wednesday 1 *' Dally.) To avoid pocslblllty of a derange ment of tho financial situation In Tbomasvillo, to protect their deposi tor! and patrons, and to make cer tain that the recent financial Burry In tfew-Tork will not affdfet the general Attflnno conditions In Tbomasvlile and vicinity, the four biinks of Thom aavillo have formed s clearing house association, and will bonse certificates dur! try stringency of cu DISBURSEMENTS. P*r public roads . . 1,637.41 motion fined $10 and costs or SO days on. gang. Warrant Issued. All district overseers are ordered to bring their books to dork of com missioners to have same balanced FIRST. I believe he bee made the best congressman tils second district has ever bad, and I believe ho is the boot man In the district to represent the district In congress, and tor this reason If have supported him. , In addition to that, I admire him as a mag, admire his polities, admIN his opposition to whatever politic! snd measures aro not best for the state, section and second district; 1 have the warmest personal regard tor him, snd, thetofore, I am, and step was taken at the have been tor savoraP years, one sf his many loyal supporter*.' His opponent, Judge Roddenbery, .... ..... In this race has boon charging Mr., — — feel It Incumbent upon in* to Origga with investing montyto far-1 the country have take* a similar wrlio ibl-i letter. j ther his candldaey, snd ID converts- *tep. In Georgia, Atlanta, Savan- Ynu bie aware of the high person- tlba with Mr. Griggs I made the state | "ah, Augusta and Mecca sat tho. ex- ti orteen: that I have,for tho onl'ro ment that Mr. Roddanbery should' ample, whleh was followed,by Alba, staff otto* Tltnes-Eptorprlso, and 1 come Into court with clean hands bo- [ “7- Quitman, Valdosta, and other you know that my letter was not In-■ tore making such a statement, snd neighboring towfis, a fact which In tended In arib-wlse. nor have I over that ho had himself Invested money mt<1 ® this necessary here, to entertalnadl^Qr Idea that It would re- in newspaper stock since be had boon provide against tho . town being floct on any laditidus! fliombor of the running for congroos, and upon Judge drained of Its currency, staff of the Timrs-Enterprlse, nor on. Griggs asking me where.and when, I the paper Itself, as Its standing Is on-! g*ve him tho letter which you pub* tlrely too high .for anyone to avor an- llshed on Tuesday. ' Certain such an Ides. I did not do so with any Id!* In For Mr. McCartney .personally, mind, nor did I etat# to him, nor did who I understand had no farther con- he charge that this money had boon nectlon with tho paper, J have si-1 spent to purchas* the-favor of the ways ectertalued and will a\V*ys eri-| Tlmes-Enterprlso, because as I have tertaln the vary highest regsfd md stated above, and as I strenuously even tho** who differ Pith Mr. Mo- 1 repeat, I would ae$ for a moment en- MET DEATH FROM FALL • Tom Foy Killed by Acci dental Drop Frcm Stu art House Window. As a result of a fell from the thing story of the Stuart House, J. Thomas Foy, a well-known farmer and lum berman, prominently connected stockholders of all the banks hero It was decided tho amount of cash paid out in a single day on any ono person's chocking account will be throughout the county, died Wedneo- llmlted to $15, or In a single week to day morning at eleven o'clock. $50. New Tork exchange will be remains were shipped to !siued In any amount as nsnsl, si **** Mffht snd will bo buried today- will exchange on .other cities. Ccrtiflcntcs Gaming. Certificates to the amount of $300,000 will be lesned. These are He leave* a wife and three children to mourn hie loos. Hie homo waa at Iona, a email town near Pavo. Coroner Invtrtlgates. . The circumstances surrounding the Pith tho full approve^ of the busl-' now beInB prlntcd * n * nd death of Mr. Foy were such that as men of tho city, i J will arrive this morning to b<hput In inquest wae'deemed necessary, and Everyone Doing It. circulation todar. They w|]< be In the Jury, composed of - J. P. Evans- All of tho big financial centers of denominations of from one to fifty foreman, ,t. W. McRae, B. P. Cock* Good as G9ld. Every dollar of certificate* issued by the banks Is secured by one dollar and a quarter of gilt edge collateral, dollars, and will be Issued to any amount on checks. These certificat es are made to mature alx months ran, R. P. Doss, Oscar Groover and J. J. Cone, brought In a verdict that the death was accidental. About a dozen witnesses were eworn snd the- from the data of lseue, but it Is not investigation was a very close one. probable that their use will be con- lasting three hoars. tinaed more than a third of that! time. Shipments of gold from Eu- LANB-DUREW. rope, money furnished by the gov- _ . „ , ~~ , . „ ..... , . , Popular Couple Married la MerriD- ernment, additional circulation being put out by the National Banks, and: large sums furnished by tha great| Tetterday .u^TJn „ t h* homo villa Yesterday. Csrtnsy Jg |}|| polities and other mat' tars a#M(tojk)rtg«n«r*ily' . For Mr. larger I hsvo always-en tertained a high regard, and his con nection Pith the paper Is inch' that ho could not have bpMt.ta any way Use capital steak of tho tthma Bctar- invotvad la (Us eontrovaysy. I have hthrira Mr.Ttoyor^or years InttmaWfc both In^a awsiihtand^ bus-' laws way,'and know, hid* to bo a geotlenuu of unimpeachable honor and lategrity, and I entertain for him tha highest esteem snd regard and as an svldsnoe of this esteem and regard, I desire to say that some time after the change in manage- aod checked up before December 1st maBt of y,, Tlmea . E nterprtee. I rec- Mr. C. F. Davis appeared before board and asked that the matter of changing public road leading from Melge to Ochlochnee be postponed until next meeting. No objection, request granted. ommsuded to our board of directors and they authorized me to tender Mr. Boyer one of the hignast positions In our organization, -Jn replying to Jfldgs Griggs' ttato- ment .It was unfortunate that you tertahi (ho Idea that tha support of the Tlmea Entarpri*s or Us editorial staff could b* purchased for any Price but I did danbery'auhacribod to fen shares -ot prise, auk that at the time this infor mation, was gtvan to ms ha bad this fitoeb^MM In U>« gsmoot Mr. Roe- coo Luke, bis law partner, and. 1 am Informed that Mr.' Roddanbery ad mitted'In tha Joint debsto with Mr. Origga that ho had endorsed Mr. Luke’s cote for th* $1,000 for thle stock, thus bearing out my statement. deposited with the trustee, of tho tTrertcre” nora.T ° f ‘ he " 0tl " r M * rrl " Tl!1 ‘' Hituu Aumixim Who are U s fspldly to restore normal M)ll B una Mshl* Dutsb was married Clearing House Association, who aro C0Bdttlon , Aie00 n as this Is brought , M r j*. ,. ne He _ A w presidents Of the tour banks, E. M. ... ... . ... . „ tlMd *° " r - °* rr * L ® 8 Rw - A ' w ' Smith, W. H. Rockwell, T. J. Ball ^ ' “ dte lo h » BelIer ° f U ' U C “ y snd J T CulDenner Merchants and ‘ ceremony In his happy and approprt- buslncu min all ovor th. city have J* sgirti to take (ho certificates at ““V, lD * 1 ™* by 0 “ frl * n< " * D,, " Ut ”“ par. Just as readily as th*y do gold. hV#t0f0re ' th * ,b ^ the couple snd was an exceedingly SJor wilTh. t0T ‘““ r - Tb * ^ ^ * accepted in payment Of taxeo. !» pay- of „ «“ Bl *W tr * ln tor » ment tot stamps or tubuoy orders at AOnace Belief Measure, the portofflee, in payfiieut ot MM* at Thoihasvliie banks wora nev- sny of th* or-Mwtguods. wadding trip, to JsmeotOwn and other points north. _ Miss Duren |g (he dsughtcr of Mrs- or torVbo purebaae «r In a better condition and. hW tti A. Montgomery of that place and in fnet they, are as »«*• mctoml casb on band than lc on* of tko most popular an good as government money snd will uanal at this season of th* year. The "pushed young women In th* eounty. have the same purchasing power. I Mauanea of th* certlflcstes Is simply Mr. Lana ha* an Important position Tho Reason for th* Stop |»» advano# relief measure that there as traveling Inspector for J. L. Pbll- The recent flurry and panic In may be no poeslbNlty of stringency, Ipa and Company of this city. Thor New Tork hat mtde the bank* there »ud that tha merchants may ba sup- have tha beat wishes of their many refoso to ship currency to their cor- piled with ample money to carry on frienda throughout tha county, respondent* In other eltlee, feeling their business, and th# fanner with. , ' tho necessity of keeping on band a funds to market their cotton. Tho) Pined Heavy. The following resolution, offered^^ g|v<j ^ mtUer th# Urn that by Mr. Pringle were adapted: "It having become neceesary for the banks of the money center to adopt clearing house certificates as you did, to construe his charge to b» a reflection on the paper, because no such statement was made la my let- . ter to Judge Griggs, neither did a means to relieve the stringency of j , . L . , . . j Judge Griggs make any such charge. I repeat that It waa unfortunate that you permitted yourself to be led Into denying a charge that had never the money market, our tax collector lo hereby authorized to accept clear ing house certificates Issued by the clearing house of the City of Thom- asvllle In payment of county taxer.” That this board uppreclate the words of approval of our last 6rand Jury relating to the nfmuagement of eounty affairs, snd their recommen dations will have an early attention. Monthly Report. T-'io Jail and poor house are in a Mr. Roddenbery bad Invested In this themieIre , ln th . „ T , nt of „ run stock, and no matter whether It was tur „ , h . of AHibU BaTtnBtthi wrong or not, bo himself felt that It et , refuu t0 , hlp currancyt0 tho was wtrug because ho covered It up im||ner toWBI auch „ ln this way. . Thomarvllle, and ln order to prote-t As to whoso name this stock theIr Faah tbB Bma „ or are stands to, I do not know, because I compelled to take these steps, have not (eon yonr books, and I have| Ca>h to Deposit, no further lntereet In the matter., At a meeting of tne olficer. and and am only writleg thle letter to as-1 sure you that there has beep and will good sanitary condition. At the 1st- Bridges 322.17 Court house 20.00 ! Jail 210.45 City court 163.56 | Superior court 771.96 The poor 171.3*1 Salaries and fees 116.20 Bundry boats 92.00 Balance on hand ... * 203.71 (Continued on page eight) - 4 been made. • y.' I desire to ray moat emphatically that I. would not entertain an Idea that any amount of money ln the world could purchase the influence of the Tlmea-Enterprlae, nor the sup port of Its editorial staff, and you aro Jectlon fa tho port of politicians to aware that the Tlmes-Enterprlso for tarnlng the 4lehJ tin. t-e-nselUea, and eonietlme prior to this change la | dge Roddtnbe«y has bo*n vory p» -- denbery, and-that the now fimnage--light on ovary'feature of 'the. life' and to either of thcoe gentlemen Invest-, be no statement and no Idea entei , ■ , I th • ! lng money ln a newspaper, or any ’ talned on my part, or the part of any- ! . , ... | business that pays them a fair return one with whom I am discussing the' • , , on their money, and surely an hen- matter that the Influence., o| tho . , ; .. , ■ ‘ orable admission of tho facts ln this Tlmes-Eaterprise has been controlled ... . , . „ .. case would have done Judge Rodden- The city court of Thomasrille was In seosion yesterday leg enough to try three very important case*. D. C. Moore the Bos ton negro who was canght handling the forbidden liquor was found gulUv and glvej the Juicy fine of $700 or twolvo months on tho gang. He took the gang. Nelson Scott of Coolldge was guil ty of most flagrant disorderly con- UUU..O* from "her unTni^aTwhen h « lD * he pro - strccta yesterday and tha expression of confidence In the banks,-and ln the business future of the city were very gratifying. As soon os tho rit- uutloVi Is understood by any one there. Is no cpmplalnt whatsoever, and this satisfaction will ho Increas ed when the certificates are put In operation and their worth Is proved by this stock investment. • Tho politicians nave been clamor ing for Investigation of all Indus trial enterprise*, and turning * the light on every feature of their bus- bery no harm, and brought no cen sure to tho Tlmes-Enterprlso. If consistent and agreeable, I ask that you publish this letter In Jurtfce . ... | to fouraelves and all parties concern- Iae»s. ahd surely their c*n be no ob- ^ am advised that jiidge -Origgl has-ho !ht on otoi relr-Ot *j. not ohJecX to hpvli port to his advoraary.aild that ho hu'Jilmself-u^d I think the public should ‘ . .. . •• know these thlngM - arid ff\l- knew where Judge Grlgga had made a aim- IlSr Investment to thls case!: I Would say' that it shonld be madO-’known tothopublfc. 'K? never entertained an Idea that the favor of the Tlmes-Enterprlso could bo purchased, and he has to stated to Mr. McCartney: In explanation of my- letter to Judge Griggs, 'f dostr* to wfi Personally I can see no objectlpn ' ; ^i,vv Yours truly, J. L. PHILU'S. bos. in'Savannah called up th. '«*«<» *» ,ho3t ‘ Bd * el manager here and asked the where- *?“"«»* « * "”»»*•• H * W “ about, and It'w.e found that she had flf W ,n * * ,5 ° or ten months on the gang. It Is prob- wlth the privilege atnal fine. , ot paying th« gone to Jacksonville Instead of Way- -rota and b«n married to a Mr. J. *»“ “• wlM hl ” a "°- Jones st test. r|.-e. I A "«* ro womtn ,oun,s * ulltlr of Ihe w« on. of th. most valuable “ d B, ' r * n * ***** members or the local exchange here, having bepn given .special training for tho position she held by the com pany only a few months ago. IJJo- body was aware of her location or the feet that she was to be married. -• RUNAWAY MARRIAGE. . 1*S Chief of {ho HrVo Girls Murries In * Jacksonville. * ; Miss Sarah Douglas, chief operator ln the offlee of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co., In this city asked leave of absence from the Manager, MrPWright to go to Way- ern-e Cn-rnsn .and Mr. Jas. Carman erost for a tow days. Since her do- an,In t^e ettv for a few days as tha parture he Baa bean able to hoar guests'of friends. \ ' j Marshal Stevens created some com ment Saturday evening by driving through town with his three fin* blood bounds led behind his baggy. As It turned out. however, he was Card of Thanks. only giving the dogs some needed ex- Wo wl»h to exnrrss oir heartfelt erctse and practice. thanks to our many friends for tholr * —■ kindness during the 11'oess of Mrs.j Mlrs Mertle Nelson, a former stir • Nee-ton. and for t h e neighborly sym- dent of tho Thoma«7llle Business Col- psthv and sffe-tlon shown In our lost legfe, has accented a-position as P. J. NEWTON AND CHILDREN, stenographer with the Atlantic Coast Line at Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Emma C»r*n*n, Miss Flor- t . Mr. R. L. Braswell editor of the Meigs Review and wife spent Friday * In town. ■:i i ■