Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, November 15, 1907, Image 1

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. r^"AND SOUTrt GEORGIA PROGRESS ■* ‘ . ‘-rtrr TtwoiMtlllf Times, tal XXX. Thcwussvltle KMnprte. Vol. XL VII. THOMASVIIJ.R. GEORGIA; FRIDAY ,’TfVKMBKR, in, 1007. $52,000,000 TO BE COINED Within Three Months at The Philadelphia Mint. CAN* AMD m9K ilphla. Pa.. No*. 11.—The United State* mint today delivered $1,000,000 in (old double-eagiee to (ho cub-treasury. Within the next three month* the mint will coin ' $51,000,000 In 'doable-eagle*. This enormou* amount of gold .will b* distributed among the sub-treasuries throughout the country to relieve.the existing money stringency. It Is.but one of the several Important rapyea which Secretary of the Treasury Cortel you Is asking to provide cur rency to meet the country's enor mous need. ' . UKAKEMAN KILLED. On Tlio Albany DM tan of the .Const \ • Line. w ‘"tho brakatnhn ' on the local. - height from Albany happened to an ' nooideat Tueeday night which rb • 'edited in hip. death;- While passing >froth one ear t* tk* other h* mads a • misstep, and. was thrown un,dm the . 'srbeeis. The train whn stopped an -neon as the acddeot was found ont hat not until-the-body had boon drag- gad quite a dtatanoe and horribly ■■ Jonas' Franklin was the name of ^.tbe, negro and hla body was brought to this city and a coroners Juby sum moned to tfy the case. Owing to tips lack of witnesses the Mai was postponed until this morning when nil who were on the econo 'will be here to ^entity. ‘ Ooo of tbs legs was slmoet cot off at the thigh sad the other mangled and !>rolled. There was also a large gash on tho shoulder and another en the bead. Death mnst have been Instantaneous. Conductor Rouse was In charge of the train and P. L. McDonough on the engine. The accident occurred between Meigs and Hansel). '■< ' gKW PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE. Are Making Life Sweet For Meigs People. Other News. (By J. 8. Searcy. Scarry and the Time At this juncture I d eel re as a writer 'of the weekly notes, to thank the numerous readers In the county who have been kind enough to assure me ^f their Interest In them, asking me ta^ontlnue them, as It has been my Intention to give the space to bet tor purpose. But with these assurancee and having made eatlsfactory arrange ments with the sew mtnngement of the paper, I am ready to give tho readers of the paper the best that my time and ability will allow. ' In tho meantime I am ready to re ceive and forward subscription!, or do any other service pertaining to the justice or pleasure of the paper or Its subscribers, except tight. In matters serious I bavo always endeavored to write only reliable nows, based on the best authority ob tainable. I will In the future persua the same course. The people pay I for legitimate news and I shall whan factsCan bo .obtainable, give It, with- rout desire to sacrlflc* the feelings rot any on* concerned. v ■ I" 'l abel! be pleased to receive note* <af general l. tercst from friend* of ;tb4r paper not only In tb*. vicinity of Meigs, but also Is tb* Canter Hill neighborhood, when the paper hiii a lari* (jrcuiatlon. V A Catting Affray.' Last Wednesday’night, John Col lier and Marion Holland, both of Colquitt county, living several miles east from here tir.led tbelr dexterity at earring. They had some words at a frolic and on tha way home It was renewed, with tbe result that bo^h were badly slashed and nwora out warrants for each other. The case will be settled in Moultrie City Court. An Ancient Institution. There Is one Institution In this placa that has been overlooked. An drew Latter, an old colored man, 83 yearn of age. Hels a manufacturer of the old-fashioned icouring mops, and washboard* and takea them by the wagon load through the sur rounding country and towna and flnds ready sale for every one of them at 25 cents each. Ha waa at one time keeper of what la known ALABAMA IS * . AFTER R. R.“r over with relatives here Monday night while on a visit to hla sister, Mrs. H. M. Mitchell who is sick at W1 IPl-obsbly Re Located In South , .. i Georgia. . | There wore more than a hundred ministers and elders in attendance at the Presbyterian synod at Macon during the past week. The business transacted by this body was of tho greatest Importance. Rev. S. L. M> Carty and Prof. I. C. Hunt of this city were in attendance from thin church. The most Important matter wh!:h came up for consideration was tho plan for a new college In the state. All were of th? opinion that an In- gtlt-tte of tnls kind was very much needed, the only difference being the amount needed to start the endow-, ment. 0 -~ I- favor of having -undof one hundred aDd fifty I'-ousand dollars before more defl- rlte plans were made. A commit-, tee was appointed tj receive bids f -•« different cities to raise an cn-1 dowment. Many of the cites of the state are a’ready afteh the college, *nd are rasing money for the fund to offer the hn^v *li*» the thing Is -de- i next Kerambar at a meeting to oe hold iu an.u.1. It rooms to be the desire of the rlmmlttee to locatr <• •• Institution Is some south Oeor- gtt town. Now is the time for some progressive town in this part of the state to get busy and make an offer. Comnrssioner Questions VOTFS DOUBLE THIS WEEK Great Interest in Times- Enterprise Voting Contest. Disposed Of Easily-*- shows favorable Mon ty Conditions Mrs. T. R. Carter left Monday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lowe at Box 8prings, Ga. Mrs. Lucy Parker Suggs of Populnr Pres. Smith of Tbe Os., visited relatives here during the I LU w * elt - “• OH. The announcement Is made of tbe approaching marriage of Miss Annie Montgomery. Ala., Nor. H.-r-tn a La uria Rrundage of this place to Col. caustic letter. W. D. Nesblt of the A E Smltb of xdrlaIlj 0 s. The con- Alabama Railroad Commission, calls trading parties are well known here, on Prealdent Smith of the Louisville botb havlnK boen conn eded at teaeh- ft Nashville railway to enlighten the e rs with the school at this place. The public on what Is charged to oinirat- eventful day will occur on Nov. 20th lag expenses. He Intlmatee that tho at tba bomb 0 ( the bride's parents; earnings (hat should be credited as bere , ■ such, are placed to this account so Mrg w R Davis and Mrs. J. J. “ to makd*. poor showing In return. Bdgw<I j retnnied (rom cllm „ Mon . Mr. Nnsbtt pointed out In ‘‘’•^flsywlth.r they were called on se- ter that tbe earning riteet show* a» ^ o( tha daath of Mr . Pator Increase for last year ot mof* (ban o( a.,:^ Miss Laura Vick who haa'just re- , , .... turned from an Atlanta hnrinesa ,oro ChrlBtm "' th “ m **“ «»* bqforir tb* bank* lb Itovr Tfpj* I college hto beceptod a ptoco with th. of * ********-*» ***'*&>***» It la said that hla crop^rfli J- N. Carter Qo. , . ;**" wortl ‘ y JlnM ehannal. a,Mn «ld nbnh-ni*. for aoven. V- #r.& L.of ThM^U..11 hto h^ th. to^dlUoto wiq , , The voting contest- of the Tlmee- Enterprlse promises from' the pres ent rate to be the largest that It has ever held. Votes are coming in ev ery day In great shape apd.an.onua- usual amount of local Interest Is be- FLA. CENTRAL ISSUES BONDS log manifested. The substantial : Of- tbs tyntl. The Florida Centfal railroad Oom- pany baa recently bonded Its Una for (200,(100 and sold the bonds to lo ve* to re. - The Bank of Tkont- ssyllle at lta meat(ng yetterday ac cepted tha trusteeship for tha com pany .an.d/OrM-he the depository for $5,000,000. Pres. Smith said that >8 per cent of this went for oparntq tag expenses. fer being made Is an alluring one and the friends of the different In stitutions are letting no grasfe grow under their feet In an effort to obtain Tbe isct that thee* bond* could be readliy disposed of, is encooragiak and a sure evidence that contdaac*' In tha Ijnanclal world Is bated ratior-' tbe money. Ten par cent of tbe «<| and It if tha opinion of many- fl- amount of snbncrtptlonn takOn In bn- nanclnrn that It will be bat a shbrti > fast and average over ***** wngw. over bbvsb. —V . ■ ' so far add they are stlll comlng lh.] Tha building at this Mr. Lem BlngleUry slap of Oon- WM .hera.-. te* dsy. ago c " Un « ThJ ^^ hate h^iW mett much^lo tb. tar Hill neighborhood hs. a pMch hmyteln of onr ^rto. . | -at$te2*tha' private - of "atubbke" that Is almost as tgood. mu. Jsnle Cochran of- Camilla ... , ■ Fine Syriip. '■ W down 8uM W “ ^Ult Mica ^ ‘ T * - r” v alga tbai too offer te belhg properly mans* amount But tho beat thtqg about tlf^kna Jqwrtl Arllne. mtetoetetoPshd all want It. Thro, erwtro would t crop la the excellent syrup thaVj» 4 W: Mr*. C. B. Boswell of Balnbrttyfo hHndw4 dot ,f, wlB |nt ft wU^hox ' In 1 all joints of. view to hats j railroad system, nod tW I leading the' of th* ooaSdanea Of OUanclers In. too leg made. Mniga product. i in wroraii »rni« urn- «. is. uosweu or uainoriqso h uad rad dolt fa wltt do,n ] nda. The land conUguou$ to u wltl, to* family of Ur, 9^,«fg6od to »ny*0f tha InsUt It espaetelly adapted- totha**ajjv^ . (the ran* ■-'1 ■ ■t. and a few liberal aamvlee - Mlsa Edna Harris-of CsmlUa was _ ... ... J'iwu . - . . .. . The City Hospital is last •V- 1 iA that bavaiboen'tbiteetod me, qxhlbtt a visitor hart Sunday at too bame a flna flavor and It Of good body. County l/tee Road. of bar ancle. Dr,. Aultman. race by a margin of nearly flv* hun- nchnme, during thano- suppohedfy dred rota* with the Vasbtl Hants sec-! hard times will Indicate that It wiu Mr. F. M. Hunt and family spent' j and tbe y. M. C. A. third. The be a anccasa from the Mart - ThO much talked of county He. |ait 8und „ at Akri dge. with Mr.. B . nOT0l#nt ^ bu road from Meigs to the Colquitt line Hnrd . t fathar _ ^t. David A. Jonea.1 up lnto th , class, leaving at Sardis chnrch, ha, .Meat been fln- M „ „ a ^ ipent Saturday j the otbera wlth p „ ctlcal)y tbo wn9 In Camilla with Meads. lahed and la In fine oondltlon. Now let the growlers be Irhid enough to appreciate the work.- Anothcr Mile Post. On the 14th of thle month I will ■tending as at tha laat count. Mr. and Mra. T. J/ Willis returned the standing la as follows: Sunday from a short visit to rela tives In Tbomasville. Miss Jennie Carter of this place, City Hospital Vasbtl Home . Y. M. C. A. plant another mile post In my J° ur ' W ho has lately been with the, 8lnger | Benevolent Society 5,670 .. ..6,150 ..........4,760 , -UU MM MM/./ I—/ MB,W.M|W/ ; UUUC/U/t/U. MJL/Cl/ .... .,..1,000 ,. . , ney through life. Withal I feel th. t sewing Machine Co.: at Balnbrldgo Woman'* Missionary Union. . ..2801 „ P *' Several mjUen qft the roaA have lib ready been ‘eompleted and gsdga titi at work steadily. In savaral plocrn on th* right of way to finish th* job qufOkly and,expedite.matfcnt It to estimated that the road will hit flb- lshad * .short .whjla,', after th* flttt' of next year. . '> : I have just begun and am younger , MTa waak . , or than most people that are shady aide of Ufa. Personal Points. on the p lace W | tb tham at Albany. I Prof. W. H. Searcy, who wield* tbe birch at Metcalfe spent Satnr- At the last meeting of the Tucker day n)ght hera Association Mr. O. L. Duron was T Carter and Mrs. "4. C. similar Public Library 186 None of tbe charitable Institutions of tbe city are barred and there la still a chance for any of them. Any money you may pay on anbacriptloni will entitle you to vote, one for ev- made a trustee of Norman Park In- Edmondson spent Saturday after- ery cent, one hundred for every dol- ■tltutc. He left Tuesday to attend noon , n PaIham- a meeting of tb* Board at Moultrie. Rev. W. E. Murphy, accflmpanled lar, no matter whether tbe money Is or back subscriptions 'or advance. It will Interest some to know that Mr. W. T. Reaps**, a former cltlsen as the wine hones, but during * re-j by Mr. T. W. Carter, went out to o{ ^ pIi|J# haE ^ (am||y eon left last week for n visit to V*1 vlval meeting at the Methodist 1 Sardis, where he preached Sunday, rhurcb bere laat year, standing near Rev. W. M. Davis, filled the ap- the church window, heard Rev. Wal- polntment of Pastor Cone .Sat trdny ter Hanson preach, derided he would ( and 8un'day al Union HI'l. Rev. Mr. no longer put the bottle to his Cone Is spending two weeks In Co- neighbor's mouth- and he hasn't lumbus, Ga. since. Ho saye his business pays him ^ Next Saturday and Sunday will ho handsomely and that ho has a dear'tho regular meeting conscience besides. “StllQcaU dosta. They will make another short vlilt to this vicinity later. Student's Missionary Convention. Tho eo-ond annual conven'lon of ''Stllflcats!’ all tiio week. that’s boon the word Much have they been from Mlc osuklo back to Barnesvllle, bis original home- Some Center fllll Sous Groover Thomas, who has been i ay all tbo year at Cobb Sjmpter -minty. Is at home again for a short day with the tlme - Baptist congregation. There Is al- Quito a party of young folks from ways some goed preaching for those this p'a-e Incidentally met a number rran g Cd aI , d most 0V ery college In the who attend. Try It. of Oriri ckonee young people at the. <uta r9preeentod by a dc | e g at 'on Lost Saturday It was decided that home of Mr. J. M. Plleher. and were t bo y, M. C. A. work One ot tbe feature* of tb* program "• today was an addrtas to the oonvtn- tlon by n Thomas county hoy, B. C. '. Gardner, of Pnvo. Th* point of vtew . In hla address was that then fi work to do at home as well as in forelga lands. ‘l ‘ The convention' closed Sunday night, and tbe delegation return home Monday. MERRY-GO-ROUND BURNS. While Loaded In a Cor at Qnlt- The ''flying Jinny,'' which a num- tho Student's Missionary League of bar of times bai tuned up for tha Georgia Is now In session at the Un- | Iverslty of Georgia. A delightful program haa been ar- bonoflt of tbe children In this city was the lubje: t of much commo tion In the neighboring city of Quit- nan the other night. A large blasa »as dls-overed near the South Geor gia Ra’lroad depot and upon Invea- Igatlon It was found to be'a freight car upon which was loaded the mer- rv-go-rould owned by Mr. J. Z. Fit*- ere discussed, and many have been tho j the Baptist Sunday s-hool will meet entertained by Misses Bertie and of , bo d |(f cront Institutions, mlscglvings of some who have tak- j hereafter In the morning instead of Grace PI'eher ot a 'Vane chewing,''. Bos | des tbe n]aliy excotlant addres- on them. The colored people ospec- ^ afternoon as heretofore. Rad move. Friday night. These present were -1 8 given by tbe vls'tlng students, sev- lally oro “Jubous" of them. Onoj last Sunday was the last regular Misses I.add Brooks. Mabel Stepaens ern] rPt .|rned missionaries are on the' Patrick. The volunteer lire deiiart- was heard to remark: "I shore a n’t meeting day of the Methodist church Grace Etubbs, Fannie Clark, and H. nrogram nnd are g'vlng very Instruc-1 ment of tho town was brought Ifito gv/lne tak' none oh dem boart’ln’ j for the year. Rev. G. A. Davis loft A. Wiliams. P. B. Clark of Ochlock- ,|.. p t ,|- KS concerning their wofk and j p'ay with- te'ling effett, although house stlflcals." Eut they are fly- Tuesday for Brunswick and will re- nee, and Misses Sara Bennett. Jewel trave - B | n o ti 0 r lands. On exhibition j their efforts did not prevent the de le t s o basement of tho library of t'.V struetlon of the car and contents. Univerclty, Is an excellent collection! The Are was undouhtably of Incen- Koroa, Japan, j diary origin and the mctlve was ^up- It Is said that not In many years, Sabbath night. I>anl Searcy. John Lewis, Leltner c b | na This exhibition Is In the pcsed to be a spirit of revenge which have there been a greater numnerj Mrs. Marvin V. Hancock of Macon, Clinton McCul.ough and J. D. Cul- , b arge of Mr. Rowland of this city,; actuated some negroes of that town of patrldges than now. So much for Is here the guest of the family of pepper of Meigs. and Is exceedingly Instructive. ' Ion aerouct of tie re-ent difficulty engaged In by Mr. Fltspafrlck whstt Ing thick and fast araund town,— msln till a'ter conference. Arline, Jennie Golding and D :n--n £0 i bear. I RoV. J. M. Clorke will preach at Berkley, Coy Vanlandlngham. Her- Heap! Much Quail. the _ Methodist church hero ’fourth bert Davis, Jim Frank Frlddell, c ,, r | 0 .ttl-3 frcn [/rote; tIon. The crop of pluo mast Mr. H. J. Crowell. Mr. A.. A. Braswell of Meigs has q do tbe noc | a | features of the Is unusually fine, and one hunter j Miss Mattie Christie came down purchased the Mims place south of convention Is a reception given to tells me that there Is no need to re- j from Pelham a fow days since to be the residence of Rev. R, O. Jack-on -f bo visiting delegation and tp tho on the Oahlo-knee road and will „ e ^ beri of tha T- M pair to the fields to find tbe birds j the guest of Mrs. C. C. Maddox. Mr. W. A. Pringle. Jr.. Is In ton sky for n few dnyn with bomo folks. for one may find them In the open woods where they eat the meat Good Cane Crop. That tbe cane crop Is nnasuslly good to evidenced, by tbe nnacuslly fine canes tost have noma my way In tbs past few days. Rev. R. O. Jackson sent ns soma tost nostro red Tho Telegraph announced s few move bis family there. Univerclty of Georgia, by Lucy Cobb ty. dsy* since the marriage of Miss Ro-a Mrs. Julius Culpepper, daughter of j D ,t|tute this evening. Young to Mr. Fletrher Wheeler of Mr. W. M. Carlisle will arrive Ibis n, a reputation of the city of Atb- the Rhode* Lumber Co., of that city, week from 8ardl*. Al*.. to visit rol- L,, tla hospitality Ip well borne Miss Ross Is the daughter* tff W. J. stives In this vicinity. *. | out In the excellent manner In whlrt Young of tola place. Mr. Henry Jackson and wife of t*>e nronl* are earing for to* vls'tlng Mr.R. B. Searcy, s Icnlgbt of th* TaqiP* attar spending » few days delegation. Tbs visitors aro bring he was compelled to kl l John Vick-; ers, colored. Every effort Is being C. A. of the made to apprehend tbe-gullty par ; ’.r Messrs. Howard Asbburn and Will Vsreen cam* dosra from Monltrio, Tuesday and wars Initiated Into the Elks. Tbay aro wilting to come agate so to* ordeal mnst have been I (rip, of Hnntsvlll*. Ala., stopped with tbs family of Rsv. R. O. Jack- ^ entertained is tbs private boats of j light