Newspaper Page Text
for tint work. Tha climate there
ni too mnoh (or bor fra «ao-
Uoa and tho waa forced b i *o
this country In tbo bope dur
ing bar physical wolKare 'las
bean at Paandosa (or several months.
There was no relief and aa a result
ahe baa paaaed to the groat beyond.
Mine Remington waa well known to
tbla city having been bora many
times In tbo past few year* ae the
guest of her (later. Hr*. 0. A. Lloyd
oa Remington avenge. She was
born and raised here and a member
of one of the moat prominent fami
lies tbs Remingtons, who worn close
ly associated with, the pioneer days
Of Tbomasvllle being among tbs first
ones to settle hers man* years ago.
men to bring about a money panic In Jas. Monroe Famed Away,
the United States. It looks now like The friends of Mr. Jas. Monro*
Morgan baa Harriman where Harrl- will regret to learn of bis death yea-
man onco^had Morgan, but after all terday In the elty of'Brooklyn. H«
It just means that the Standard £• was a resident of this county sever-'
Combination la juat passing the al yean ago and daring bis stay hers
scepter from one ruler over to snoth-j mods many friends by bla manly
«r. | Christina character and rugged and
The Tlmes-Bnterprlse wants n good fearless honesty. Ho wu m- ; j
bright young man to handle fhefMHm Mattie Mitchell, jtster »
subscription lists swd premiums In J. W. H. Mitchell, Mrs. J. -
Boston , and vicinity. Writs them, and Mrs A, Davenport of j, ,
with recommendations, for pertien- The body wttl be shipped here for In-
lars. A good way to make year tenant, details of wblefe will be gtv- ;!
Thomnoville Times, Vol XXX.
filOroaRvillr Hotrrprt*,,. Vni VI VII
rwo military
And Teacher's Instltuc tor Mclgiv—
Other Item*.
By J. S. 8carcy.)
F-1 lllwtffn f.-A I Writing of the cause ol tbo fail ire
Col. wylly fiflu C^ple^f country schools last week rcralnde
Strong Appointed on j me that not all tho blame Ilea at the
, q. *• door of tho young or unupror&red,
enerai s Ntan • I Inefficient teacher, for many-of tho
" J most experienced teachers often fall.
General Clifford L. Andeiton an- Hence tho cause must emanate from
■ounced his brigade staff yetterday, somo #t h 0r source,
khirteen in all. They arc from the I’nmitul IndiiTcfenco.t
eat military men In the state and | After nn experience of over ttren
It Is Believed That the One Hundred foreigners
Gov WillUiiLeghlature Engage in Batil
Tocher tu January. ^n hocks
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 25.—It is he-
New York, Nov. 21.—Ono hundred
5f«d Dor Killed—Con.static ffUoots
Negro—Other Itmcs of Interest.
(By J. U. Merritt.)
Messrs J. W. and W. R. Mooro
le/t lust week for North Gcorsla.
where they will be engaged for the for The Tampa
winter In buying nnd selling horsesi N0ftll6lD
" Another Route Projected
and mules.
Quite a
number of Eostonfhnu when tho Atlanta, Birmiagbanr
ileved that Governor Smith will call Italian coal sboreters engaged inj 8pe ut Tuesday in Thomasrillc, soma and Atlantia Railroad company el
an extra session of the legislature ■ loading the netfOunard liny# Mauro- on a shopping tour, and others on tends its service to Tampa, Fla., ms
in January, Tbo full opinion of the : tanl » « ber dock today b oca mo lu-
omasTille should be proaud ol the ty ycmr8 an( j numerous failures. I am United States supreme court In back! v <> lv ed in a riot In which several pla
it that two of her cltlteni have constrained to believe that.parental tax cases arrived today, and would t0 * »hots were fifed and several of
an so honored. None of the oth- indifference Is tbo epas trot. In the serin to make aa extra senior, to ,bB rioters jumped Into tho river to
cities in tbe atste obtained more 8bade of wb | cb cany a country Ps*“ »n enabling act Imperative,
ban two and seme none at all. Col. acboo i withers and dies'. In io^ny j Uovernor Smith deettnea to talk
t. L. Wylly has received tho ap- enje, tho patron hires tho teacher, now -
minting of Commlsary General with a1luta „ u C yce (but keep kls can!
escape tbe flying bullets.
The quarrel Is believed to bare
been between a faction from Sicily
and those from other parts of Italy.
lb* rank of Major sad Capt. C. M. ald Ie f, the te acber succeed toes a faw days since. Never fiMjAt the firing •( tte < flrat shut, ab
Strong that of Chief of Signal Corps, 1( be jj 0 DeTer vfkiti tbe school ruc *> potato*# grow for a school ™>*t every Italian at work drew
eltb tbe same rank. any mor * than If It didn't belong to teacher! There were hundreds Tram « nD « kind ef a weapon and Joined In
It la a matter of deep regret that. hlin. He own to consider •education *• to 1* laebeo In circumference, and the fight,
be old fourth Is ta be disbanded be- a sort of neeessary evil u*8 tskes, smaller in great profusion. W* are
opuia It is ono *( the oUeet regl- hie share as be would physic.
Is In tbe state, la la fine eoafil-j No Encouragement for Tearticj^
■on es to enrollment nedequlpmut I He, teacher, receives never a word
sad bae a thoroughly competent wa'd of encouragement,—not oven the
Nell trained sdl of offleert. While 1 children more often than they are
all safe now with a heart fan of
gratitude tq -poor out at TbaaUeglv-
Teacher'* Institute In Dwuiftti.
Tba announcement ‘It make toy
Bautly preadb at tho PrlmlUvo Map-
tlst church Sunday.
Mr. Ferry Willis, of Powlstowm ar-
tired Wednesday to spend Thanks- ^ ^
wpder the recent Dick Bill, tbie must *c au urhier use at home. Tbe fan ComateMoaer McLean, ttatt the
■Ivlqg here. . It seeme- that Fowls-
J fown would be the very plaeo to
business in various lines. has been rumored since the road was
A dog with hydrophobia appeared 8nt organised, it ia believed tbal It
on tbo streets of Boston early Wed- Trill not only be an extension of the
nesday morning, snapping at all Tampa Northern, which nm, irons-
other dogs and any and everything to Dunnellon. Fla., but 1 pnr-
elso that he cams in contact with, chase of the South Gei and
Tho dog was pursued by the Mayor West Const railway,
and Marshal of the town and others While tbe re baa he*n no official
armed with Winchester rifles and confirmation of the reports. It ts bo-
shot guns, nnd was finally overtaken Ileved that tbe establishment Of
and killed' In front of tbe residence through service to tbe west coset of
of Mr. J. B. Rountree, the Mayor of ■ Florida wlU ba assisted by tba ptu-
Boston. The extent of the depreda- chase of the above sssicd road,
tlons committed by tbla member of Tbe South Georgia and Wait Coast
tbe dog tribe can't be computed at railway now runs from Adel,' Ga., to
*’•<* Urns, but will likely develop la- Perry, Fla. All that would
I coMary for tbe Atlanta;
Lou sod Etlla maker spent
Wednesday morning la Pelham.
Prof, "W. W. Linto* suspended bis
school for Thanksgiving, -v
Some Oncer SIR Notes.
Mr. IB. F. Banes, of Montlcello
Wounds Innocent
k* necessarily tt* casn. It le aoearro benefit of tte school system Trill nev- teacher* Institute will be bUM, bo-j
of much pleasure that tbe offinre la er be realized until t^svs la some- ginaiag'December JO, He has mailed J *• Atktnaon of .’Cairo was
tte person of Col. T.’ylly and Capt. thlug oln jeaidea compnlscrytcsch- all the 1 teachers a program wbt?5 ?'**• °“* <S,J tortfig-tta put week.
Strong will be Identified with tho j as . 1 gives tbe enhjects to to ttroated,
military of tbs state. Moro BntWIngi. [ '‘Parcbology." “Natore Btady;" "Pre-
tho sound of taw and hammer Is feaMonM Jarltprsdeoefl," rand the
heard tn the land. The AUlason ltke are pafnfnlly absent. But wo
HercantUe Co.. I* huHatng a few i »ia feast on grammar, arithmetic,
houses on their land near tbe Dyaon | peomanJhlp and snch tbiagi. u we
machine shpps, end, as before an-;teach and should know. 'Hurrah for.*■]#., visited bis dasghtcr^Mfi. 'How.
jnoonced, Mr;. ,G, B. Butler *111 soon jgo*8 *en**! . w ■:'/ lard Bssser for A few dayrthis week.
| fluff ban addition to bla Tosldenee r«-j Everybody Should He Thaakful. | Mr- Chester W. Hall and family
Sam Thomas In Qnarrel ccntly purchased. An addition to the I I pity the man as I do a dumb] of Haylow. Ga.. came over Tuesday
' Brundago resldeace Is also being; brate, who feela that on the ocarelon on a visit to tbe family at Mr. J. W.
completed. Jnst out of the incor-‘ of Thanksgiving he has nothing to be Hull.
porate limit of tho town, the dwell-) thankful. God pity tho man whoso j An . the yoa „g folkl m tll0 ne | gh .
tog on the Hudson place opposite Mr.! sensibilities are so blunted who is so tmrhood have been tnytted to attend
(From Tuesday's Dally) A - Pl,cb » r h “ h®*" T ** cd to the ' ,vw BcaI ° of hum “ depravity;. CU|0 chew tnK at the home of Mr.
A quarrel between two colored Kroun ‘ 1 ““d "•>' be rebu1 ! 1 In a;-eo menu that ha abusoe the min- o, c „ Braswell,
men In the A. B. & A. construction raorc ro0<1 * rn "‘f 1 ®’ « '» now own- talers, slurs at the church and de- u te tho cu , tom or thoTOUng |)C0 .
g#ng yesterday resulted pertiys 04 b - v Capt. Jas. Vick. j erlos the religion that guarantees | mcet at th „ sugar mill of generous
istally to a bystander. Ham Thom-J Out on another street Mr. L. T.j safety and comfort to his family and pIo tho Centor communlty to
4 and another negro quarrelled yes- Langslcy has Just flnhhcd a valued; Is yet allowed to live, and feels that Je(r Dav|s ind enJoy >n attcrnWB „„
in day evening. Bom pulled his nddklon to his house, ^ while-near by! be should not be thankful. L,| B!er ptcaIc . It la t0 bn onc . 8 )ua j» ly
tiilrty-clght on bis opponent. The Mr. Jeff Davis. "Syrup Jeff" Is build-] Dr. J. R. O’Neal, a prominent den-] to attond tho anuua . ot . ca8 , on ^
allot went wide, and found lodge- » «>® a ‘ to«r room hijuse and bo-j Ust of Pelham waa a pleasant visitor w «, k and b0 wl „ bav# . lot of tho
sent in the cheat of Arthur Mat- ,n S a bachelor, I cannot soo what he here Sunday. He was formerly • .brightest and most remarkable yonng
resident of this place and Is always fo i kl to bo fouud . Tbere aro moro
welcome. # than thirty In -ho community, all
Mrs. T. B. Walton of Camilla visit- workIln5 , n pcrfect barmony and
cd tho famtly of A. R. Brundago a j OTO
fow daya ago.
Mr J. 3. Macon will move his mill
The popular general merchandise ***1 Atlantic to
flnn-ot Rountree A MUilggn have for tMd the Tampa
the past several days been carrying ncHon to P*rry
on a dut price sale of their Immenee l»t B»b from
stock of goods. This sale wee ad- the reed would join
vertlsed to continue for ten days, mingbam and Atlantic,
there is yet a few more daya. Tbere *oold
hat boon from twelve to eighteen t ,on ,CT the
clerks busy all tbe time, and tbo would do
sale Is proving to be a complete suc
cess. It Is said that there
great bargains Tjelng given at
One day tbe utter part of
week S. J. McRae, L. C. for the Jus
tice Court for tbe Boston District ' Nortl “ rn ,rom
wont out to Rd Rountree's, Colored,
asvine would be many muss
ttsws, another member of the gang, j w » nts *•*•* *° much honse.
ho was not mixed np in tha quar-1 Rcv - w - M *111 preach to
ol. The doctor who waa summoned <>V (Thursday) at tho Baptist
ays that thero Is little chsnco fov church, and Rev. W. B. Murphy will
krthur's recovery. Sam Immediately “'“P^ ‘ b ® tb ® Gening
lit the high places, and the sheriff bour
i now looking for him. ,
Tbe gang was at work on the new
being constructed near tbe Kirby
kanlng Mill east of town and here- *“ Orady. Her remains were burled
Lforo had no trooble, being of tbe!»‘ Bol<i 8 P rin t» Cemetary.
News reached here tkis week of business to a point near Mantleello,
the death of Mrs. Mary Singletary,
living with Mrs. William Drew over
Roroatlc Marriage.
The marriage of Miss Minnie Rea-
pem to Mr. W. R. Feagon here last
thought of It until one no-' Thursday night was a surprise to
able kind. This affair seems,
from all accounts to have arisen
er a very trevlal matter and Both-
tag was
enraged began the ahaotlng.
| their numerous friends here, as well
bo other nogroce were not armed 1 oe^ elsewhere. Miss Reepess lived at
ad not looking for trooble so they' Mkcosuklc, and Mr. Feagon. at
tiered widely at tbe beginning of Thomasvllle. Of course there was a marriage.
Fla. No man who has lived among
us has more friend* thsn Mr. Macon.
d all wurrocref to loeo him. ana
bis excellent family from our Jown.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Braswell spent
Moncay afternoon In Pelham.
MIm Luclle Nornmn of Ludowlcl
Ga., Is expected to visit her slater,
Mrs. J. N. Wilkes, In a few days.
Miss Maud Andrews of Tbomas-
vlllew as here at the Rreins-Feagoa
he sbootlng, allowing
ape la the excitement.
touch of romance In tbe prooeedlng. | John Lowls Leltmun, of Doorun,
They wore married at tho home of after several months stay in this
Dr. J. R. A oilman by Rev. 8. E. Gren
fell. Miss Reepes waa formerly d
resident of this place, but baa lived
Mr. Lolmstein Dead.
News was received in this city (
day of the death of Mr. F. N. j for the past year with her father,
laohnstefn at hla home tn New YorB Mr. W. T. Respees at Mloooeukle.
city, at ten A. M. Mr. Looeteln waa I Since my last notes were made, a
tor a number of years identified * sad death of the Infant of Mr. and
with the hnslnee Interest of Thom-
acvillo, having been In the clothing
Business at the Steyerman stand on
the corner of Broad and Jackson.
He waa generally liked by all who
knew him end baa many friend* In
this City. It turn been fifteen years or
snore since be left here for active
business life In the Metropolis. For
the pest few months she hoe bees lit
Mrs. R. B. Davis has occurred. The
little fellow bad never been strong
and on waking the family found It
Ufclese in Its place. Rev. T. A.
White conducted the funeral service.
We extend onr sympathy to the be
reaved parents.
Tbe high price of food (toff* and
place has returned home.
Mr. W. M. Davi* and wife at
tended tho Baptist convention at
Valdoita. They were high in their
praise of tho good people of Valdosta
and report many literary and spirit
ual feasts they had.
Mrs. Charlotte Pilcher ono of the
oldest persons In this section, and a
resident of this -town, ia on a visit
to the family of Mrs. Andrew Wilkos,
her daughter, sr few mile* from town
for a few days.
Mr. i. R. Lewis and wife of Thom
asvllle were visitor* here last 8eb-
Mrs. John T. Lightfoot -of near
Americas, is at tho home of hor
father Mr. J. W. Hall, this .week.
Miss** Ellon Bowen and Jewol
Alri’ e tvo popular young ladles of
Meigs sport Tbankcglvlug with MIs.,-
es Bertie and Grace Pilcher at Cen
ter Hill.
to make a levy on some property be- Tb ® ">“**•* wouid also give
longing to tho nogro. After making' * I,D ® ,rom T *“P*’ *®
tho levy. McRae drew a warrant, T,,t0B ' 0a " lmt «» 4 °* oth ® r
sworn out for Bd and told him he rout «' th “ ln tb ® «*>«"
might consider himself under arrest. of * triangle,-Atlanta Joursal.
Bd sold ho coul stand tha "levlln" on
. , „ . , DR. RBMnfGTDN DIBS
his property, " but befo' God and _ , .. .
. In Pasadena, Cal., After a lingering
man he couldn't level on the proper-
and level on him too,” and with
that Ed began to show fight by'
reaching for bis pistol, whereupon
the two becanio Involved In a hand
to hand combat, trying to shoot and
trying to prevent being shot. It
seems that Sidney came out with
first honors.' From reports the ne
gro got ono bullet in tbe leg and one
or two In other parts of the body,
but alter this was able to out dis
tance tbe officer In a foot (ace. Tbe
only visible Injury Inflicted upon the
officer was the loss of a smnll patch
of skin off tho foro finger that wal
New* we* received la thia elty yee-
tordjy of tbe death of Dr; Gertrude
Remington on Sunday afternoon at
three-thirty. She ha* been rick for
a year or more and her death was
oot unexpected. She bad been to
Japan for tho put two years u a
missionary none and doctor having
taken special training in preparation i
for that work,
was too
miserable health and tbe end camo much trooble to my family. But the
Ma relief to his •offering. (Lord win provide. I dug my pote-
the absolutely stationary disposition bath, at the home of Mr. Thomas X.
of my ulary, has been a source of Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Vink, and Mr.
A. R. Brundago were to bear Elder
And Other Came In Abundance.
Tbe fishing and hunting party
which left Ust week for the flst-
woods of Florida have returned
again to civilisation and their trip
was a decided success in every way.
Plenty of game Is found In those re-
They brought back two deer, bav
Ing killed on the trip four large ones
and a fawn. They also killed squlr-
giona nnd the boys didn’t fell to get
rel In abundance and had all the fine
firh that they oonld take care of.
Sounds fishy doesn’t it? Tbe gentle
men included in the party will more
than discount any do*bt as to tbe
authenticity of their tale. This in
cluded Messrs Albert Akers and Dr.
Seaman of Atlanta and Alex Turn-
bull, Will Hopkins, Jim Dillon, Ed
Blythe and On Wheeler of this city.
They were down ea the Islands In the
OeHln River near the Oalf.
been at
scraped off some way In the mix up.‘ _ .
Tbere wu no
The Hen. Thomas E. Watson has _
she bu passed
bon Invited by tho President to
Washington for the purpose of a con-
MIss Remington '
this city
fercnce on the financial problem now ^
up to the Nation for solution. This
Is a meritorious compliment to Mr.
Watson and ho ta folly equipped to
tell the President something that
will be worth tbe President’s while
to listen to. If Watson’s theory of
finance wu enacted Into a law. It
would be Impossible for Harriman.
Morgan, or any combination of such
men to bring about a money pule In
tbe United States. It looks now like
Morgan has Harriman where Harri
man once had Morgan, but
It just means that the
Combination Is just
scepter from one
guest of
oa Remlogtoo
rtfWB*'**&?*■'*! I
Boston. sod
ChfMnui money. _ _
m '