Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, December 06, 1907, Image 1

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    \ ■•■'
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Slmniimvallr limn, %ol XXX.
fhomuvllk 1 Kntrrprtoe, f«L XLVIL
Closes &t New Yitk R. r. Commission Intend
Direct 8ervkn Ff Wire From Wash-
$1.25 Per tfale
New York, Dec. 4.—The cotton
market bad the moat active and ox
cited opening of the acajou, price*
panging from 21 to 27 points,
about |Ui a bale higher than tat
sight's close. ' Trader, both tor ad-
ranee and decline bought heavlly.'lu
guonced hr email crop eaUmatee. by
Improventeota Ag,general trado, and
*7 Use strength ot tea English mar
ket. There was tremendous profit
taking at an advance for 41.1( far
January, bet -th
-quickly absorbed.
Ba tlMtcatpeS by the Thomas Osanty
(R7.-3. 8. Ward, Jr.)
. I dlQ act-expect to again come be-
•ere tbj^ people to dleoearthe present
equation Otib* southern cotton ptaav
der and the routh'a Interact In generl
ml. In regard to that great question!,
scurrilous atta^X upon t*»e cot
ko See For Ibemelves
Actual Conditions.
Congress Opened Today.
Washington. Doc. 2.—(Special to
Tlmes-Enterprise. —There le every
indication that this cession of con
gress will be the moat memorable of
mbs McKinnon dead.
Passed Away Yesterday Afternoon
,- Quito Suddenly at Her Home.
j, At her home six miles from town
On the Boston road. Mrs. Margaret
McKinnon, mother ot Mr. James Me
Klnuon of this city passed to hor re
ward. The death was very audden,
heart failure being thought the cause,
reoeat years. The recent upheaval to fej* „„ MTentT .three years of age
... . _ „ Public outcry for M( , , ppMenUy In Tery good health .
AtlinU, Oi, Not. SO. Some tino q[ railroad affairs and I —- . .. __
BH * u,uno I'a Th® P*°Pl* all orer Thomas coun-
in February the entire Georgia toll- rate* and many otaer Importantly >Bd Thomur|] , e „„ learB ot
road Commission, consisting of five matters ere awaiting acUon. and death with much regret and tor
members, will make a tour at tko donee *■ ** hand 00 every aide that|U W . jjrs. McKinnon has been Mv-
stats with a view of ascmUtota. how «" D *“° C " ttlc ,n4 NU>« In th. county for many yaars
the Toads have carried' eat orders rt^r^^i^rthTfl?^^ U ° f P ‘° DeOT " ttto " tare
rwrdtng repairing rhyvt™ 1 detects, P * ***** * e trot had is well known all over the coun-
regaruing repairing payaicai o win ^ retard and approval of GTOTr t • _ h ’ . .... ,
delivering freights promptly, aad ttalr acUon , < oril : •**’ h r0T b#r m * ny lo,,bl ® tr * 1U
talking with aad i-'-r the people. Jr W .Character aad pleasant persona!-
^ftrlo .m ***** fa a>, vu generally beloved. Bine.
The trip will be made About the „„ BUcUd qpeeker of the house, B .. .... ...
time the ninety days have expired in uS ^ |rn - mam b«ri promptly bu,bBBd * ‘’“'h ln tb * cW1 WBr
which Chairman McLeadea ban glv- awn ^ H , .abator* Were
en the reads to rectify trouble. re- alao aworn ud buiU ^ opened
gardtag prompt delivery ot Might.; ^ jaalp. The preeldeata mee-
aattllng demurrage and ether claims
oaf giving good schetalaa. | looked for-with mote that to* usual
ig making this aanomacemeat Chair,Interest. It being expected by J»t»'
man McLendon did not state whether parties to contain matter ot much
or adt the commie Ion would go In a moment to the nation. Culberson of
body’ or stperately. When naked If j Texas was elected floor leader'by the
the commission would make tho Democratic minority,
trtp'ln a private car, he said thatl Near Bills, Etc.
wan a matter to be'determined later.
luJ r* * a^y AA^
Win he read tomorrow, and Is probabu thatthe funeral will
She has lived at the old McKinnon
plgcs with her children.' She leaves
fo«x aona aad one daughter to mourn
taka place thin ifternoon at the old
barjjbB ground near the home place.
eatel In tha welfare of tho planters..
It la cotton that brings tho yellow
atraam of gold from the orient to the
south and If the farmers gets a proflt
Hitchcock of Omaha wUl Introduce from tho sale he la enabled to make
"We want to aeeand talk with the t bl |j tor y, e establishment of postal . bank account, and thus add to the
peopla," add Chairman McLendon, savings.banka. Bhrerago la planning capital of the asutb. bat If It takes
-ion planter, by northern metripon-l " W * W “ t . < **** * B * bt0n tb# Uriff - 0IU * Jone *' “ “ <“ «>• **»»• “> W ~
kaa newapspm* baa eroased my hr- 1 " ° T ."° W *™ * 0 * CT “ reportod- w111 ,n < rodue * » bul call ‘ penses the money quickly flies awav
tflgnstlon to such a pttch that X can- “ W ‘' h h " *' *• for tbe re.tor.tlon of tha Words. ■ to th , ^u. butldOT „ d «, unt bu .
Urn. all of the roads may have com- OoJ We Trust" on America.! I on thB other atdfl of tho Maior
piled with our order* so well thatthe com,. Elkins has a aewablpplng bi t ’ tnd Dtx|e |ln(
necessity for atartlng my remedy wi.1 f or which he will dsoiaad considers'
not be exlstenL" tlon. Csrtelyou want*' aeven hun
■ot refrain from again urging the
farmers, not only the Tnernbers of the
wr‘ori, but every farmer, white or
black to aland : flnn'for a profitable
prlee for tbe'siraih's great staple that
elot-ea the world. I moat coafaaathat
,t have’ been -dlscouieyed by_the fall-
■ru-of the farmers to'hold, especial-.
It ln Georgia, as the large reeel ts
In Savsnpsh showed, but It hav lea’'
ed ont that the Sirannah renel-t
ils’ e been pndded and thev bee-
counting as receipts all thev evne-t
ed to >get for sons time ahead, also
that f-'-vumh has.gotten niti-
2han her shara Which I s in-o e 1-
u trick of Theodore Price and his
ga"- he-n -ne the leaders of the Un
ion live tn Georgia. At any rate tne
bears must bo alarmed from F>s
growl of the organs north of the Ma
con and Dixon lino.
Brtween the Eyes.
The Immortal Sam Jones never
•aid a truer thing than that the hit
dog done (he howling, so the rot.
Ion holders must be bitting these
northern gamblers square between
the eyes, from the wall that they
bare net up. The New York Tribune
•s owned, body and aonl, by the
trusts and corporations, yet It Is a*
wise as a serpent ln lte defease .*
them, rarely laying hard thing*. Its
great forte la to rtdtenle a position by
making fun of the weak point* as It
assumes of Its opponents, as It does
•f tha Loalsana legislature la re
gard to Its railroad legislation, fa tho
tame lsana that It deals with the
gonthern cotton corner, upon tho lat-
Large increase ibewn By
lhoma&vuic tburih"
Spienoiu Meeting
From a Thomaavtlle standpoint,
Presid cm *s Message Mat
ter of Much Specula-
tloa Over Country.
Naw York, Nov. 20.—The coming.
Bryan was present and given a
great ovation on the floor of th]
house. Out of seventy-six Demo- Prince a farmer living shout (’.ret
would not retort and come to the crntlc senators and repreientat! Tr ml,es nortl1 of town - vvhllo kllllrc
v * 'IfEGRi
Let Overy farmer be better cdu-a
ted to’ better met hoar of making
M^or J. a Camming, general dred ond alxty-slx million, to defray harrettlBf Md aaillDK hla prop .
counsel for the Georgia Railroad who the expenses of tbs fiscal goyernme t.
has recently hud a spirited correepon- The antWtooseveit force* ln bold
donee with Oalnnaa McLendon, was houses are retting ready to attack
at the eapltol Friday to sop Attor- the,president's policies,
noy General Hart bat did not call on
Chairman McLendon or Governor
Accidental Death at Hog Killing li:
Cairo, Oa.. Nov. 4.—Mr. E.
defente of the southern cotton pUo- who have been polled In Washington hogs Monday, assisted by Jim Low
■ter. who Is only trying to get a prof- by the New York World, forty-rour Is, a negro, accidentally stabbed tow
Cable price for hla toll and labo/, dec lnro unequivocally that tho re- They h|t , hog , n the „ ea( ,
when he Is assailed by the trust or- C6 ni statement of William J. Bryan . . ..
»«• -orth a, traitors, and un- that he I. a candidate for tn. Demo- “"t m T ZT /" ^
derslrable citizens. Is a tealtor to dhe crntlc nomination for the Preside..- r ’ r nee o ng the
smith and the sooth’s best interest. C y ellminktet all other*candidate*. ] kn,fe ' Ju,t *• he ,tabbe d the hog
Traitors of whom the government ■ , which wa* a very large one the ho
thinks not for 40 years they have build 24,000.000 houses In New York made a lunge backwardr, throwing
the Methodist conference Just closod aesslon of tho sixteenth congress,
was the most Important and far- which will convene on Monday and
reaching that haa ever been held, the proeentatlon of President Room-
Rov. A. M. Williams aad Rev. J. M. volt'a message will, as a matter of
Outler have Just returned from course, largely engross pnblle attea-
Brunawick aad report tha most oo tloa next week. Words, not actions,
thusllutlc and consecrated aeoslon will likely form the keynote of tho
that they ever attended. The at- aesalaa, a* Is alwaya the eaao who
tendance wa* larfte from all over the eongnaa meets Just prior to a pres!*
conference and their treatmennt at deatlal campaign. Oratory will
the handa of tho good people ot doubtless tow uneonatd, but any EF
Brunswick could not bo Improved up- ellnotloa to enthusiastic energy will
on. bo frowned upon. There Is only one
Great Increase In ThomasvUto D1 t. ®betaelo to this tradlUonal do-noUt-
Th# Increase In nil linos reported «»f P*«*7. “ d that is the personality
from all tha churches was nothing of Theodore Roosevelt ■ Whether
lees than remarkable and entirely **• lawmaker* will dyfy ntleh
satisfactory. The gains shown ln the *?’* ow 5 ’ r,c#d * a l 'WjPfi In N
Thomnsvllle district of which Rev. A. determined.
M. Williams Is presiding elder is a> » *■ expaetad that tho preeldtf-%
source of great gratification to all the meaangv *W reiterate tboae meas-
people of South Georgia. Ip this »«• *bleh have com. to be known
district alone there were M0 ad- u lb# "Roosevelt policies." F»r*
ditlons to tha ehureb by profession bnpn the most Important of all
of faith and 067 by certificates mak- *b* reeommendaUon* wm be that to-
Ing a grand total ot 1227. Two latlng to th* overcapitalisation of
new ahnfshes and one district par- railroads and tha control of great
ronage have been built during tho .«« POrnUons doing an Interstate H«
year and live large brick churches ,n *M •, It Is likely thst the presldsat
are under way, plans being made »•» urge legislation to provide for
and money raised. For mission* emergency currency baaed on bank
there has boon raised In the dlstr'ct »»»et« «»d so Uxed that lte roUro-
alono $6,405. The south Georgia “«»t as soon as its Immediate aso-
confcronco reported for mlsnlons folnoan Is gone. will bo assured.
$101,000, rlx tho.isnad more t an thS _ —'L —
North Georgia conference and more
than any one conference in t e
southern Methodist churrb. This Is
a thing to bo proud of by any con
ference and It Is a source of much
gratification that this ono has made
such wonderful progress.
There were lome tew ada.t/ons to,
the district and the new men are of
t ie best In the conference. Much
gratification Is expressed over the
pastors secured for the churches.
Boston, Whlgham, Cllmalx and Met
calfe In this county bavo been
Rev. B. D. Lucaa and wife being la
China and Rev. J. A. Thomson tn
Korea. The woman’s missionary so
ciety also pays half of the expenses
of another. In amount spent tor
their austenanc the church get credit
for sending out four missionaries
besides having a par'.or at home.
Mrs. W. A. Pringle and Mr. 8. B.
VanDyke of this city ware In at
tendance as visitors. Mr. Outler
and Mr. Williams returned late yes
terday afternoon, the appointments
rot being made until the close of tho
conference Monday night Other
spocla ly fortunate in securing fine ^ wou , d haTe appear<ld In
capable, e(Sclent men. No two met;
tolled an making cotton, oftener at or buy n castle In Scotland. England. Mr. Prince, who held the knife |n hlr have ever proved more to the abso-
a loss than a profit to pay taxes to or France or ransack the Monarcle hand, back on the negro. Aa be fel'
a government seeking with graft and of the East to buy a count duke or |he kn , fe ltruck the uegn oy#
corruption sobmittiag to an anlawful Lord fqr^hslr daughters to wed. and .. ,
tho heart and penetrated It Med!
■d fori
tax of $50,000,000 oa their cotton. we d^ltors and underslrahle eltl-
apbulld sens’have been aiding them liberal- c *' ••"'■'■oce was summoned but be
south. 3y in making their nnrehasea.
m used Rear Lucks.
or that! it la high time foi tn* couth to ’ effect that hla (tabbing was an ac
d ta«n look after tt. own Intercat. there' cldeDt b , fore „„ dje)L had ^
jrthern mre thouaandi of whlto boyi and ,.
«h the (iris la th. WKth each year that have * ‘ °" PU “ tor Uau
tore It arrived the negro was dead.
The negro made a statement to the
wlrahle to miss school do gather the cotton the b#ft ot c#eUa « be
clothe crop, oven the* the margin for the l *** n blm aad Mr. Priaee. No Action
planter has been small often oa the baa been taken, bat It Is very likely
bier*, losing tide, that thla effort to hold Is, 'bat a Jury will bo summoned,
it last meeting with a decree of success Is
* Wall evidenced by the howl of tho bear
cotton papers and should tn courage our
the last ltaua of .the Times-Enter-
Following are the appointments
la this city a. have Rev. J. M. Out- f0f DUtrict . A M ; wu .
lute llkng of all their congregatlonr.
ler and Rev. A. H. Williams to the
people of south Georgia. The town
Is to be most heartily and sincerely
congratulated that these two gentle
men hove been retnrned.
llams, presiding eldtr. Thomaavtlle,
J. M. Outler; Blakely, W. Langston;
Albany, T. H.Thompson; Balnbridge,
J. A. Smith i Cairo, N. T. Pafford;
Pelham, Of W. Curry; Camilla, W.
Thomaavtlle Clmrcbe'a Great Showing r R , X0B . ArIiB gton. W. B. Arnold;
Sheriff Gets Two.
’ Thomas conaty’a Sheriff, Ur. T. J
ar ot people to stead for their rights and Hlght made a very profitable trip tn
Booth, not be dlsoonraged by the threat of!Cairo aad Balnbridge yesterday and
onder- tha bean that th* mill* are abont to | brought hack with him two negroes
t frvn- shut down in New England and En- charged with breaking the law In
>ses to rope, this la all rot A bear trick to this county.
‘Traitors to tho South."
It may be presnmptnopa for a mere
•erthener to speak apon th* great
•object of cotton, bat wo fast-India-ji
•d to any a few word* offering aa {I
excuse, tie fact that th* Batarday t
Evening Past, n Philadelphia week-. |
■'.$y, baa called the spnthern cotton, t
t tors “traitors.’’ the Naw York I
ss spoke of theta, as nndtrelrable |
eltlccns, and th* eloquent newspaper* t
K the South ore not slow la retort- 1
Ing ln kind words upon cotton bears i
Who populate th* northern half dt t
tko country. Mason aad Dixon line t
Being now tha boundary between the 1
-notion Bean and the cotton Balls, f
-The ttathera newspaper that a manner that they have been able to termer plant* It or not he la Inter-'the city Tuesday shopping.
.. Th* oas from Calr
with- knock yon ont so these follow* could i recontly stole a l*« -oh* and has al
ee big comer the cotton. It would be all | eidy been anvteted of tha erims
favol* right for them to start It np to li He will be locauu a p to await aaa-
■outh. er 17c aa Daniel J. Sally did bat for|tonce. Tbs other hits been serving
lbs men who mad* It by th* sweat ot j eat n two year term in Dqcstnr conn-
r on* their face to want a price that will ty aad the sheriff baa bad hla eagle
■ they yield a proflt oa the Increased cess of
cotton production Is tn unpardonable tin.
id an MM pin the Fight
cllowa The south's great staple It on trial
. they now aad ovary southerner should'on (oar different charges,
atloa. help la th* light Cotton Is the money I — ^
such crop of the south aad whether n| MU* 8*111# Lilly of Metcalf# was'ln
ays oa him until yesterday whan hla
tfma there was oat Hit asm* Is Will
Johnson with aavaral aliases. Ha !r
wanted for cheating and swludlln.
T be work accomplished by them
hat been nothing abort ot remarkable
and the people folly appreciate their
valuable services. Ur. Outler ha-
been with this church tor three years
and this will make hi* fourth, which
I* tha most that Is aver allowed a
’Inleter. It win bo a matter of mo< t
sincere regret to see to good aad val
uable man go to another field.
Whlgham end Climax, V. P. BeevUle;
Jakln and Donaldionvilte, R R
Rose; Colquitt aad Damascus, B. M.
Overby; Meigs and Oehlockonee, C
W. Jordon; Baconton, I. R McKd
ler; Boston, W. E. Townsend; Attn
p*lgqe. H. P. Stubbe; Ohoopee. O. R
Pharr; Bellvllle, O. F. Austin, Cofeb-
town, R R. Cowart, Channcey, R A.
„ _ „ . ^ ^ Senders; Cedar Grove, J. L. Scrnggx,
Bro. Outler for this church report- „ . . _ _
a.nsee **..^ ,•*** P«»brok#. J. F. Yancey.
■ V
ed ilt.ISS, raised tor all ps
daring the current year, which U a
amt magaindent showing. $$,M0
of ihls was expended tor mtedoim.
Petrified Money,
** r - Md Mr*. T. A. Teste have re-
’■"'“'"“v *". ""■■■'■ [toned from • very pleasant'flshlag
Tbor* has ben 1*0 additions te'ZL „ ,v.
th* ehnrcb which Is larger than ever
before and something unusual to
say ot tha chnrehes In the eontoreneej
This ehnrcb In .one ot th* best and
trip,on th* Waclssa river add re
port all sorts of n good time!' ” Mr,
Teate brought back with him for-his
museum a Piece of petrified honey-
te re^ « nt tend by ny of 1$^
^nrehn wltttto. nnptlo. of tone tt ., tooo#
L^rZ.^Z ot '"Th* - * — - bottom* 5 of
Met report was ahead' of iff dle-U, aprtB(| . ;
■* i “11SJz
Mr. Teats could not find
•1*0. ’
_ _ .help enough to raise th* figure. His
The Thomarvllle chart. h« ton. honey will be . valuable addlUon to
foreign missionaries in tb* field. I
hie already large collection.