Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, January 10, 1908, Image 1

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Fine Record For Begii- Will Be Used ByThom-
ning ot New Tear; j asville Guards. Instruc j 500 fassenger^ Arrives
The city of Atlanta and the rest
tive and Unique Affair. | Moiih Overdue.
Canadian Vessel With Calmly Commissioners |H«Id important Mission* No Application Made for
5flfti*as«pnGprv' arrive i Hold Session Yeskrccy I ary Meeting For aext*j Negro-Use Unknown
Cspt Smith ttam. j* Two Days. j To Any Official.
ot the larger cities are bragging
the number ot cases In their police
courts being so small and the line
general conditions of the criminal
parts of their business. They haven’t
The members of Company A., of Queenstonn, Jan. T.—The over- The County Commlsloners of The members of the Met.iodlst Times-En ter prise:
the llrst lnfrantry Georgia state 1 due steamer Mount Royal, of the Thomas County held their first see- church are looking forward with noj y 01ir reporter | n his statement u
troops under the captaincy of W. Canadian Pacific Railway Atlantic sfon of the year nt the usual time little Interest to the .Mossionary In- the inquest held upon the body i
W. Jarrell are making great prog- Steamship line, which was bound In the directors room of the Bank stitute of. the Thomasville district • , he colored man, Bill Donalrtsou.
less in their work at this time. 1 for St. John, X. B., from lx>ndon of Thomasville, with their Chair- which will be called to order todayl who )s 8ald to have d | ed from nes
• thing on ua for our Po ce our TJ)e} . are ,„. ei)arlng to i ns t| tute a and Antwerp, with about 500 pas- main, Capt. E. M. Smith, presiding, in Albany at 3:30 by Rev. A. M.J Iec( state , that an effort had been
new feature that will prove both In- sengers aboai J, was sighted off Old The usual routine butiness was Williams. D. D.. presiding elder of j made j 0 get hlm lnto the c , ty lloa .
structive and fascinating to all tak- Head of Klmaleat, 10 miles west of transacted and bills ordered paid. the distii.t. /Tho name Indicates; plta] wh(cd for aome reason had
this port, early today, Just one After the buslnesss session, the the nature of the work to be done.J fa | led As president ot the Hospl-
tifle range which Is on the way. j month nfter the date ot hen depar- officers for the coming year were The mlslonary Interests ot the taI j des i re to state that after ttte
It will be Installed In the armory ture from Antwerp. The vessel was elected. Capt. E. M. Smith wtu church within the bounds of the
arms In the city limits sometime In an( j can be uied b} . the pre _ proce( , d | n g 8 i 0 wly under her own unanimously and enthusiastically district, both home and foreign,
paratlon for their work on the out- steam, and signalled that she was elected to rerve for the coming year >' ill he dUcussed and plans pro-
C°l. T. N. Hopkins was In court d(Jor range Two nights In the making for this port. She made no Judge J. 8. 1 Montgomery also met Jccted for the new year. 1 .
•ad ably defended the negro of lbs mon(a wl „ ^ devoted t0 thin prac- signals Indicating what had been the approval of the Board and they. The South Georgia confercnco
ticc and the other two, the second the cause of the delay of her rc- re-elected him ns Secretary. I leads all the conferences of the con-
and third Mondays will be tbe reg- turn. j Captain Smith has proven the. ventlon In Its gifts for missions
ular drill nights. This will prove' Had Trouble With nollers. most energetic and unfailingly and the Thomasville district Is the
an Innovation that will be apprccl-j Queenstown, Jan. 7.—The long faithful officer that the county has banner missionary district of the
overdue steamer Mount Royal ever had, doing at .nil times every- conference, aeren missionaries be-
sbows even less than any in the state
Yesterday there appeared before
the Mayor but one offender, that be- ,
lag part. This will be a miuatur
ing a negro Willie Richardson, a
ydung boy charged with firing of
•ms in th
charge. The eridence as submitt
ed showed to the conclusiveness
of tbe mind of tbe Mayor that tbe
boy was guilty. The evidence was
decidedly confilctlng and th. Col. rc >(ed ^ uied ~ th , boy ,
******** * B **® u * t *** thereupon. Thl , The range Is so constructed that steamed slowly Into Queenstown to- thing that was possible for tho f"g supported by the district. Eor| any knowledge of his
did not meet with the approval ef yoH can , hoot wlth , ir , ct)caI | y the day. and news of her safety was rc- Pood ot his constituency and with the new year eren larger things are
Mayor and a flat of twelva and cost
was given the offender. |
If thin good work can go on It will
be hardly necessary to have a new
Mayor from a lack of work In tkat
same result as you would on a celved with gladness in shipping impartiality’ nn d without fear or fa- contemplated.
I thousand yard range, In the space of circles. She had on board SOO Hun- T °r. It Is a distinct* and deserved Of special Interest this year will
fifty feet. There la a special riffle, garlan Immigrants and a crew of compliment that he rhould be call- he the work of Rev. F. A. Ratcliffs
, 22 calibre, especially made for this about 100. j ed to serve the county again In that district missionary evangelist. Mr.
. purpose upon which Is placed the' Trouble with her boilers com- capacity and the county Is to be RatcllRe, who is especially qual-
dlrectlon. The work of the Present^ regu , ar Krtg j orgflnion ,| g jR, and pe lled her to put back. Shortly af- heartily congratulated that he wil ( H>*d for this work, will visit the
Mayor has been thoroughly efficient] th# ||ght te ad]aatcd to wlut<!ver j ter leaving the British coast, she <n- Accept the position. ; neglected portion, of the district,
. range the soldier may wish to shoot’ countered serious violent gales. She Judge Montgomery likewise is a hold evangelistic services and
and decidedly to the advantage ef
the dty from a financial standpoint, Th# regular balls eye Is so madej battled with heavy weather for a thorough efficient and competent of- minister to those who are not
Several Lota Sold at the Coart
House Yesterday.
taUjar'TFdaj being the lint Tues
day Yn' the month tho lots advertised
for sale by the Ordinary and admin
lsthators during ths month were
disposed of to various - bidders.
There were several very valuable
pieces of property
brought good prices.
The following pieces were sold;
Lot on Stephens street, belong
ing to tbe estate ot Geo. W. Wil
liams. $300, to Billie Moore, col.
Sold by M. A. Fleetwood, adm.
Vacant lot on Oak street, be
longing to eetate of Buck Hall, $76.
To Marla Kennedy by M. A. Fleet-
wood, admr.
$28 acres belonging to estate of J
K. Philips, $1,825, land lying with
that If shooting accurately the bul-! fortnight and until Christmas eve Aclal and has handled the affaln en- ***y reach of established churches.
let will strike tome six Inches from
the bulls eye at which the gun le
aimed, and strike another smaller
bulls eye almost Invisible. ’ This
.will prove that If a candidate; was
on a range and so shot that he
would have made a score at
thousand yard range.
most thorough Investigation I find
that no effort of any kind was ever
made to have this man taken to tne
Hospital. The Hospital was estab
lished and Is supported chiefly for
the relief of thlk class of Pauper pa
tients who are unable to help them
selves. Donaldson would have been
gladly admitted and the best service
within our means rendered him had
The abovtj statement from Judge,
Hopkins President of the Hospital N
welcomed and gladly published. In
extenuation ot tbe statement as
above quoted tbe Tlmee-Enterprlse
wishes to state thst the Information
was official, being furnished by the
coroner, who was Informed that such
H. W. itO
when serious trouble with her boll- trusted to his cbsrge with cure snd Hls setary will be provided for by ^ »p P Hcattom had been made by
ers developed. Although tho on- decisive nbilty. The commission- ‘I>« self-suportlng chsrges of the Hwnoon(> Da>le j, WJK> Bttend .
glne-room staff succeeijd In obta n- ers elected Mr. Berry Johnson road district. j the caBe out 6 , , ymp ,thy for
W.y. district.! R«- V. V. Rcovllle, of Whlgham, ^ ^
and-Rev. W. E. Towoson, of Boston. ^ ^ hfh>tended dolncreo bllt
both having reen rervleo ,n th. for- ^ ^ no appI|caUoD
tng a moderate supply ot steam, the overseer for the
weather was such that the captain there being a (.vacancy in that dll
reluctantly decided that it was best trlct, all others being elected at
the to make for the British coast, which the meeting In December,
course wss adopted.
The other distances nre also fli
ed In a like manner. This accord-
sold and all' ,n * t0 tl,08e wno have ,r,cd 11
one of the most fascinating and en
tertaining sports that come un
dcr the jurisdiction of the military.
This will prore the shooting quall-i
ties of a man and he will be com
pelled to show a certain amount of
ability in this range before they
will be allowed to shoot on the
regular long distance range, wheu
the time for spring practice comes.
Comnissien Orders In- WON Shows Decided In*
crease in Industrial
World-K. R. lor Albany
here as the. Capital City Club, Driv-
Vestigation at Ince. 3
Dead, Many Injured.
-file Kall-
elgn mission fields—the forjner In)
Cuba and the latter In JapA—will * - u ■. / v.
moat valuable Institution in the
and has 4 frevtsK been' knotn 'I
fuse anyone admittance, no • mat
how poor or needy. The rule hn*
always been to take especially (boat
who could not obtain treatment
he heard at the Institute. Mr. Sco-
vllte will speak Tuesday evening at
7:30 o’clock on "My Impresrlon of
Cuba,” and Mr. Towson Wednesday,
at the same hour, on "Japan." 1
The business sessions of. the meet
ing will be held at ff a. m. and 2:30
anywhere eke, and they sincerely
regret that this case was not sent
P. m. and public preaching service,_ proper could
at. 11a. m. and 7:30 p in.
The Work ot the Woman’s For
eign and Home Mission Societies
To n Generous Public:
As Financial Secretary tor the
I will be’presented Thursday at 10
Columbus, Ga., Jan. 1.—The Oeor- »• ■*»• b >’ Mr> - w - E - Oannaway and 0eorg | g industrial Home or Mam-
ford Home as It Is known to many,
tag 1-2 mile of Dillon, near Herd’s i„ g club, Athletic Club snd similar
Pond to A. M. Watson. | social organizations. It means that
Four lots In Moultrtff, 75 seres In small clubs. 1 organized purely
Colquitt county, town lot In Pavo dispense liquor and attempting
and 100 acres near Pavo. Sold by h|<lc under the law, will have .a
Mamie F. Davis, admr for J. W. thorny road. I
Davis to P. C. Davis. Consideration
$1,500. I Vasbti's At the Carnival.
| (From Thursday’s Dally.) !
LOCKER CLUBS. j Mr. Weaver, the manager and ow j
- ; ner of the carnival has tendered th j
Not place of Business Rules Judge shows and grounds to the girls out
J. T. Pendleton. j at the Vashtl Home today at three
I o'clock. At that time they will al j
Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 8.
road Commission this morning or- Bln and Alabama Industrial Indexj Mrs. G. C. Johnson
! dered the Southern Railway to sub- says In Its Issue of this week: j j; e v a m Williams and Rev. J, 1 I appeal to the charitabla people of
mit a full report on yesterday’s "Despite the magnlfirlent record j:. Outler of this city are In atten-' Thomasville for financial help,
wreck near Hiram, when there were of .the past twelve months the first dance and will take prominent parts as you may know we are non-
i three person killed and more than week of the new year witnessed n in the meeting. : denominational, but are dependent
i eighty injured. The ^Investigation remarkable Industrial Impetus In .— upon voluntary contributions entlre-
beglns today or tomorrow. The sec- Georgia /id Alabama in the unfold- constructed betwoen Atlanta and De-| j y f or support. We have about 105
tlon of the road where the accident Ing «f new plans and In tbe actual catur, Ga. Preliminary work has | unfortunate children who are now
occurred has not yet been Inspected beginning of undertakings previous- been begun upon the construction of j n ncc d. As God has blessed you, op-
by the commission, but will be at ly projected representing a total or electric street and Btirburbnn lines! e n your hearts and help us. Please
once. No other deaths are reported Investments that rearli Jlterolly Into at Drunswlck, t»a. In a few days give your name and contribution to
today. Railroad official* say they the millions. To those who keep in the btiildlnB of electric street rail-! Mr> M A< Fleetwood of your city
way lines and a power plant nt
Atlanta. Ga., Jan. 7.—Judge John | )e present to enjoy the many attrac
T. Pendleton in his charge to the tlons offered by this company.
Fulton grand Jury this morning In- gvery year this has been done and It
terpreted the meaning of "locker j s a so „ rco G f much pleasure and
clubs.” joy to the girls, who have no kind
Judge Pendleton held that a club fathers and mothers to take them
In a large city that p ;ld the t ix, in an( j vvfio, arc deprived of so
which members had private locker*, m in v of the joys dear to the hearts
was not a place-of business, pro- n f children. The management!
vlded that outsiders were not taken ., rc? t0 thankful heartily for their
into It indiscriminately. generosity and thoughtfuIInesH to-
Ho stated that where such clubs warf j t h e orphan girls, harbored
touch with industrial n.Tiiins in
two states, the occurrences of tho cost of about $150,000 will be be-
wee!; ara an indication of the exten- gun at Americus, Ga. About the
hive development, upon a solid foun- same sum will be expended at Ma-
riation, that 190S holds In tore. Of con, Ga., In extending electric street
the various items reported by the railway lines and In improving .pow
Index for the week, those relating to er plant.
Iding transportation facilities) "Wilhing thirty days work will bo
most in
nl pro-;
prung up In small towns 'of a
hundred Inhabitants, and had a
Hscriminate clientele,' that such Ur,
don’t know what caused the wreck.
The wreck occurred at trestle be
tween Dallas and Hiram, Ga. The
trestle was over what is known as
Cooper Mine creek. Five pullmans
with their human freight went down
Into the mud.
The Cool'.er special is an annual pr
excursion run from Cleveland, Ohio are
to Florida points and Cuba under, parr,
the direction of General Passenger n|'.w
j Agent Coolver, of'the Big Four sys- or ii
: torn. It started from Cleveland ;it 000,
| 12:25 p. m. i:i two sections. j
! Most of those on the train came, gaui?
! to Atlanta hotels and bad their in-! twee*
j juries cared for by physicians. j Surveys have been begun of a route by her mother and sister, Mrs.
Frank Harris of Pavo spent! Vhe trestle on which the accident for a railway to be built between hn- C. Hinson and Mrs. J. V. Burl
u , who will forward to me. Any
amounts gratefully received.
Financial Secretary. •
Gardner In the City.
In another column appears the ad •
T *
nd Fort Gaines, Alabama,
,er $1,000,000.
rtant. 1
»:ir> have been made t»
locks i:i the Tombigbe.
Alabama at a co>:t of
nd work will be begun in nj Mrs. H. H. North of Brunswick
ivs. A company has been or i vho has been spending the Christ*
1 to construct a railway be . maK Ifoll.lajn with her parent-*, re
upon improvements at Fort’ verttsoment of Sumpter" Hammond,
Ithln our city.
Geinesville, and Atfnnta
turned home yesterday, accompanied
places could not be called locker, Tuesday in the city for a short time
clubi^ properly, and were liable to
the law for violating the prohlbi- Messrs W. S. and H E. Bullock of
tlon law. This statement defines Ochlochnee were In the city for a
tbe status of suck organizations short time Tuesday.
occurred was about 200 yards long.j terprjFe. Ala., and Chipley, Fla. A
The engine struck fhe telegraph, company Is being organized to build|
ter and little son Master J. R.
poles beside the track and for sever
al hours no details of the wreck were
a railway between Albany, Ga.. andl Mr. Remer Singletary of Ocblcch
some point in Florida, via Newton, nee spent Tuesday In the city on
Ga. An electric railway Is to be' business.
who proposes to enter the gardening
work In the city during the next
year. Ho Is a competent worker and
possesses the tools necessary for th
proper carrying on of the v/ork. This
will fill a long felt want to many
people,of the town a.s heretofore this
sort of work was almost Impossible
of fulfillment. lie will attend to
both flower and vegetable gardens a
a reasonable stipend.
Mrs. Bd McRee of Kinderlou was
In town For * short visit to rotative*