Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, January 17, 1908, Image 1

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AND SOUTH GEORGIA PROGRESS Thonwunrlllr 'KnterprtM, V#i. iSP* THOMAflVtLLC. MORCNU, PM»«1 JANUARY, 17, IB STEAM BU^LARY ON WHISTLE! WARREN AVE. TWO BANKS MILL POND ELECT OFFICERS PLANTATION NUMBER OF. (WILLLEAVE DEAD 150 CUBA IN 1909 To Give Weather Report. R. G. Lewis'. House En- Certificates Called Io and One Of The Most Delight-'Loss Greater Than Ex- Other Business Of City Fathers. tered, Robbed, And Set On Fire. Both In First Class Condition. / ful Places -in Seu/ii Georgia. pected In Horrible Theatre Fire With Alderman Evans In the chair. The house of Mr. R. G. Lewis on two Interesting meetings were held A visit fo Mill Pond Plantation,' Boyertown, Pa., Jan. 14.—When .pn account of the absence of Mayor ■ > _ _, Warren avenue was visited by a Jn Tho:rar,vine vosteraay. The an- the democratic title which Mr. J. H. daylight dawned, the ruil extent of Pittman, the City Fathers heard the J ° .minute* read by Clerk MacLean at very peculiar burglar the other night, nual meeting of the Citizens Banking Wade has given his handsome winter the horror of last half past seven promptly. The first Tho front door °* the House was un- & Trust Co., and the First .National residence'here, Is always pleasant,' Rhoade’s opera house action to be taken by the body was locked until about eleven o’clock Bank. If any further proof of the an j one a i waV8 finds new beauties, that of granting of licenses to the fol- when young Mr. Lewis came In. In strength of our banks, and the conser night, when was burned, apparent. The list of dead is now placed at and Improvements there. A recent in wire ii non tholr cnmnlvint: with votive manag 'ment or tnom u neeae • , 150, and th? number of Injured at theordlnance 'ovLng ^'r r.s-.ec- ' he mean ‘ it will bo round toe annua, at.te- V,8lt *“ eJ ‘ Ceptl ° n ' and the rep ° r -: 75. Ho. many wore k.l.ed ntay nev- tlve cases: Red Cross Drug Co., n.er- h ° U83 Were aI>d “ ‘ 8 ‘ C "tents, toe dl Idends declared by each ter ‘ bat Ul ° montfla whlch had l er be Known, for among tho victims chandlse, Derr Lumber Co., wood opln,on o{ Mr * Lewls that the h ° U * e and the amount carried to undivided intervened since his last visit had of this awful disaster were a number yard; J. M. McCormick and C. Ca o, was entered during this time. The p ro flt*. Each bank has cash assets brought with them many additional of visitors and some strangers, It Is estimated that 400 people were In the hall when the explosion of a The tank was be ing In connection with moving pic- tlflcntcs as fast as they arc presented.' whlch b, H |ns nt the house * nd tureB during an amateur performance All the officers of the Citizens stretches across the undulating for tile benefit of the St. John Luth from what was given la by the coun- and Beveral valuablB articles belong- nank)nR & Trult ' C3 ., werc re-elect-' Ground until It merges In the forest oran Sunday School. <■11. After investigating for a in<; t0 th0 owner - but tbelr clo9 ° l cd. They are Dr. J. T. Culpepper,' i" the distance. Unmarred by any Instantly, it seemed, when the ex- fe v minutes to And whether there promlmlty to the sleeping man must President, Dr. T. M. McIntosh, Vice' artificial attempt at beautifying, m-j plosion occurred, some one yelled hti been a raise or not and on what have deterred the burglar. In the President. J. M. Deklo, Assistant; terspersed by groups of native triK* "fire" and In an instant the center of tho raise was and the rest of the de- c i ose t there was d whiskey bottle. <-' aablBI '- a " d H. Morrill, E. M. MaL ""<■ shrubbery, It Is. without doubt the opera house was a seething fur- ta:-s they decided to grant a reduc- , , abeled and t0 all appcar . > B ‘‘ B . H. J. MacIntyre. Jno. C. Bcver^ one of the most restful and satisfy- nace. The rapidity with which the tlcn on the stock carried by Lowry , _ .. ' Iy - T - M - Mclnt^h and J. T. Culpep- i»« »l«ws In this country.' •* "" - - •* -• •- — ances full of the fiery stun. It was restaunrant and Calvin C Porter pain- P ants were at the foot of the bed, much In excels of the proportion re- charms of this beautiful place. | ter. containing some loose silver and this quired by law. and all of the Thom- ) The mQSt gtrlklng new featuro , 8 a Petitions for Tax Adjustments. wa8 p„f CT ed, bat his coat and vest at aa vtlle hanks are withdrawing from stretch flf erfiene8t ^ Baa ,ank 0ccurre d- At this time E. Lowry came before thc had of tho bed waa not disturbed. clr ™ latl °" thelr clearing house cer-. the Aldermen and asked that his tax Thcge garment8 contalne d the watch lie reduced, the amount being raised It is no flnmes spread was caused by the up- In his Broad street store. Alderman per Directors. Thc statement made wonder that the owner of this beau- setting of coal oil lamps. Smith being of the opinion from ob- mled wlth tur l’ cntlne b ° weve r and , )y Pr0[ ,| dent Culpepper showed a' tiful homo come B early in the fall, Evon thc men in tho audience servatlon that the stock*was worth thla was P 0Mlbly » source of so much good year despite conditions, the us-' and lingers late In the spring. 1 seemed to lose all control of them- not more than *600 and It was taxed disappointment to the man entering ual seven per cent, dividend was de-' Around the house the rose gar- selves, ana fought with the women $8J)0. Lowry also swore before coun- the house that he decided to do all clared, and about ten per cent, ear-' den. and shrubbery have taken on and children who composed the great- cll that this was what he thought tho the damage b e could. He being hot' rlod ,0 ""divided profits. | the additional beauty, and complete- er part of the audience to gain the value of the stock. . v ... ,_l All the officers of thd First Nation- "®*« which time only can bring, and street. In this manner many women : because there was no flery stuff in Dr. 8. J. Cobb also handed |n a pc- ^ made an endMYdr t0 make | al Bank were also -eelectcd. These the place has lost the look of now-, and children who might otherwise tlon that the tax on the Arnold prop- I are W. H. Rockwell. President, M. R.- "ess which It bore some time since, have escaped were forced back and erty be-assessed to the right party. Ty. was sold by Mrs. Mary Arnald i'Mfr r all the Inmatea of the hopse hot and Malletto, Vice President, A. T. Mac- Set on a gentle rise, this perfectly trampled upon. th^ i oy mm .n*ry nruwiu wltb tbat ® nd ,n v,ew P° ur *d the, intyre, Cashier and T. J. Ball. C,. W.' planned bouie, In the center of spa- Pandemonium reigned, and uary to Dr. Cobb and aa yet stuff all over tile k!tehcn“an3 set Are Ferrlll, M. n. Malletto, W. I. Mmcli - clouf grounds, with Its qjriet good'; mad scramlile for exits waa simply no taxes have been paid on It. to 1L ■ i |'*yre, J- W. Peacock. W. A. Pringle, taste, and the cultivation and de- lndescrlbat o. Scores of persons,on There was also some discussion as Next morning the place was found w - H - Rockwell, 8. Steyerman and T,.| velopment of the natural beauties of the second floor risked their lives by to which of the two should pay tax chared and several burnt place. In! St<!yerraan directors. President stool:-j ‘h® surrounding Holds and wood- Jumping from windows. In this way- on the property now owned by Mr. th/wood work. It was fortunate we " ma d e a moa l satisfactory show. lands, Mill Pond Plantation may be several were so badly Injured that E. L. Neel, formerly belonging to the that there was no serious damage und lnr ^ or tbc ra3t ycar ' * bc -arnUgn. second, third or thirtieth home they died. Smith estate. If Mr. Neel did not buy that the Are decided not to burn, oth- belnB about thc aame " er «! In America In point of cost, hut may Boyertown is a village of about the property before the Brat of April erwlse the home of Mr. Lewis might! ,aat yOTr - A d l vl <l®n d ®f ®K'-H per- well stand Brat In its tastefulness and^ 3,500 people, and there Is scarcely a 'the other owners will have the tax to now be a mass of charred ruins.j CG "I- wa " ordered paid to stoek'iol- Quiet beauty. : house In tho little town that has not pny. There was also the piece of Mr. Lewis Is being congratulated on| d® ra and R large amount of the rc- property next to Dr. Jarrell’s on Jack* the termination of what might have' ma '" dor carried to undivided .rofltr, non street belonging to Mrs. ChaB. proven a serious loss. S OS, Jr., on which there had been x paid. These were referred to man Parker for Investigation. Mta|llr|l pTlfylTC FOR SCHOOL Major C. M. Strong, of the Wcath- •r Bureau, located In this city, was present at the meetng and put the matter.of signals from the weather oBce In steam every day. The plan waa that every morning at about ten Board of Education Will Give Two For Best o'clock, after the observations have been received here, the slganls are glvePby a steam whistle, there being a code adopted similar to the flag ■yatem. The object of thla la that all the farmen and mill men In the vi cinity will know by the whistle jnst what the observations for the coming thlrty-slx hours will be. This may and will prove quite a benefit to truckers and those agriculturalists whose crops can be injured by rain "or severe cold and will tell them when to be prepared for an emergen cy. I The members of the council were as n unit rather In favor of this move and the matter was referred to the water and fire committee for report. It wsa the opinion of Major Strong that the fire whistle could be used for,both the signals but It seemed that most of the aldermen favored a separate whistle. There la no fire whistle at thlr time and one will have to be purchased at once. It Is known where, these whistles can be clearly heard at a distance of from twelve to fifteen miles and If this Is the cane. It would be of Inestimable benefit to have one. Alderman Parker bars antertaiaed Essay Submitted. (Centlaaed on paga sight.) There was a special meeting the Board of Education held yester day afternoon at the office of Its sec retary Judge J. 8. Montgomery for the purpose of deciding upon tho of fering of prises for the best essay to be submitted by the members of the Public Schools. This will be done In conjuncture with the prizes offer ed by the state Daughters of the Con federacy, who have made this a tea ture of their work. They offer a very substantial prize for the best essay submitted by school child taking as subject, *1862 In the Confederacy” and all the chil dren over tbo state are permitted to enter this contest. The rules gbvern- lng this contest were published In the Sunday Issue of the Tlmes-En terpriae. In conjunction with this offer the Thomasvllle schools are to have a spelclal Inducement through the action of the school board yester day. They will offer for the best say submitted, under the rulee gov erning the etate contest, a prize of 17 and for the second beat |3. These prizes are to be gives provided While the annual meeting of tho other two banks will n’qt be for o.no roads which wtnd through tho wood time. tho recent statement »’illsh 'd lands, while perfectly kept, follow as required by law show /hem alto' the natoral trend of the ground In to bo In most excellent condition. | most places, and gives the fullest op- Thomasvllle and Thomas Connty are' portuntty to the passerby to see the to be congratulated upon the condl- wild nataral beauty of the placet j There ha* boea no attempt* to In- been afflicted by last night's visit i- dulge "landscape gardening,” as the tlon of fire, term la usually understood. The . - - Gevernment Committed in Report Of Taft To Roosevelt. Washington, Jan. 13.—As far as he can, Secretary Taft has* committed thc American government promise to withdraw completely from Cuba In the beginning of tho spring of 1909. This pledge Is contained In a letter from tho war secretary to the presi dent, transmitting the report of Gov ernor Magoon of his stewardship in Cuba during the past year. Secretary Taft's encomiums upon Governor Magoon In this letter may be of peculiar significance In view of the recent revival of the rumor which was formerly In circulation to the ef fect that the governor of Cuba has been considered for the vacancy in the office of secretary of war whir' would be created next July in t event Secretary Taft receives the - inatlon for the presidency. The rctary says tho report from ' nor Magoon shows conditions > he very 'discouraging. possible that these four w the south . Georgia batal' been rumored Hint the c vannah at tho head of have already made d ments with the boys further honor Caf near future major of this the officer to fil' to be elected evidently tho can exert e the electlo- i mentioned Valdosta the T. care * tlon tlon of their financial Institutions. there are five contestants to enter. The one-which wins the first prlxe In this local contest will bo sent to en ter tho Btato competition. Miss Sarah Hansel], the contestant -f last yeti did remarkably well and won honorablo mention In the big affair. It Is probable that quite a number will enter and the contest promises to be very spirited. The essay must be handed In to the Board by the first of March to be eligible tar any prize. Methodist Reception. Preparations are being made for the annuel reception to be given at tthe Methodist charch for all the members of the Thomasvllle congre gation. It will be held on Wednes day the 22nd of the month and will be the largest and most snccei ever pulled off . Committees have been appointed and are busy already with the arrangement and their work will be In all probability per fected 1" the near future. All mem bers of the church are expected to be In attendance at that time, which number Includes something over sev en hundred. Further announcements will be made In reference to It Mr. Luke Langford waa a visitor to Pine Park Tuesday. In addition to his ability In carry ing out Mr. Wade's plans In beauti fying toe ground* so successfully, Mr. W. A. Round, the Superintendent, has proven that ho Is plain farmer of no mean ability. From a fifty aero field he has gathered this year an average of thirty-five bushels of corn to the acre .and he has stored In a capacious barn a wonderful mass ol cowpeas at large .full pods of which many bushels were also grown to the acre under his Intelligent supervision. The vegetable garden, the greenhouse In which flowers and early vegetables are grown, the herd of cattle, the hogs, poultry yard, and all of the various features over which he had supervision showed the same care, and intelligence. Mr. Round showed, with especial pride, a well-filled CAPT. ELECTED IN WAYC8CSS Warren Lott Heads New Company-Slated For Majors Position. It Is a matter of some local Interest *» know that a few days ago In tne ■dfty of Waycross there was perefected d) rompotfd tlon. It has /fflclals In 8a- the regiment oflnlte arrnnge- - at Waycross to . Lott In the and make him batalllon. .While i that place will have to the position^ It la oght that headquarters tough Influence to carry t- So far the only one . hae been Capt. Fender of ' and this was unofficial by t 4 11 may be that he will not -° enter the race for the posl- under existing circumstances. 1 t was the hope of the members of th * 0,d Fourth, which has been en- ‘ ,reIy don ® away with to have a man trom their rank* to All this position, i but It seems cut and dried the other way from the account that has reach ed thla dly, In an unofficial way. Capt. Lott (s a graduate of West Point and one of the best posted military men In South Georgia and If elected to the ppsltlon will fill | t with much credit and ability. Result, will be watched with interest all over South Georgia. Sell No Liquor on Ga. Reservation*. Atlanta. Ga., Jan. 13—Notwlth- standing; | rumors to-the effect that If congress abolishes the antl-conteen law Intoxicants will be sold ou the a military organization composed.oLjfovernment reservations at Fort Me •tent sixty young, progressive eltl- Pherson and Fort Oglethorpe both arm. of the town. While the Dick Oeorgie, it I, certain that If. the Will ha. to Its general working been action wa. taken the two army posts detriment of the standing and num- would aUU ha aa dry aa they are now * Ser of toe military organizations In the state, thla comes as a refreshing *»ec* of news. At the election of of- Swrs. Lleatenint Lott of the U. 8. Army was elected to All the postton of Captain. Mr. Lott was In the city smoke house, where were curing! **et summer as the guest of Mr. J. D. many aides of meat from hogs raised. McCartney and while here made by him. One can easily see that Mr.' many warm friends who will be pleas- Round’a heart Is In bis work and that' ®d to learn of the honor paid him. he Is giving It alt that Is beat In blm.1 He was also honored by the citizens To a man of his ability, working la! °* Ware County with the office of Or- tbis manner there Is but one result dinary to fill the unexpired term of possible, and that has been attained! lather, whose accidental death re st Mill Pood Plantation. Hr. T. J. McCartney la la the city baring returned yesterday after spending • few days at St. Marks on the Florida coast. His many friends are gla4 to welcome Mr. McCartney home again. ceatly cause&uch genuine sorrow all over South Georgia. This compaay starts under very favorable assplces and will be a part of the first regiment, with headquar ters In Savanaah. Hi# companies in The government, according to prom inent lawyers, would have no right or power to operate canteens anywhere in Georgia while the state prohibition law waa in affect. It has been re ported that the officers at the two posts have been circulating petitions to congress to rescind the' antl-can- teen law, and it tls known that a strenuous effort jrlll be made at this session to restore the army post sa loon, but In no event will Georgia be Xlss Bessie Jackson Thomasvllle, Fltxgerald and Valdosta „ M| Ia tpCTd<ng are also In this regiment and It ta affected one way or the other. Miss Olivia Adams of Pavo who - > baa been the gneet of Mias Nellie {■ i Smith for the past week left yester- dayday for home. her aunt. Mis. J. E. in tA I . /