Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, January 31, 1908, Image 2

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, departin' tug brunette with j irtror all disease germs la the noee, | throat and lungs, soothe the Irritated mucous membrane, and make.a thorough and lasting ctire ot catarrh. There is no dangerous stomach drugging when Hjromel is used. Breathed through a neat poeket. In haler, that comes with every dollar outfit. Its healing balsms destroy all Superintendents. , Judge Hansdi was present and ad ministered the oath of offlro to Mayor elect; f. 8; Montgomery ana to Aldermen-elect W. P. Grantham, W. A. Pringle, It M. Cooper, W. E. Mitchell, L. H. Jerger and J. M. Dekle. a re. quest to hare one more "for wo hare plenty In the kitchen.’* There can be no doubt that gather ings of this kind are a help to the causa for the members of the church and co&^egation get nearer togeth er at one;«u«hi. meeting than In a year of ordinary church •attendance. Very respectfully, H. A. LINTON, Chief, Herewith you will find attached an Inventory of the equipments etc. All State Officers Are fleeted Then, Hake May j Not Aon For Senator. it consists of four regular len. The station ts. equip ped with two horses on hose wagon, flM , . 1 '. . X Council adjourned. catarrhal Tbomasvllle, Ga„ Jan. 27, ISOS. Council met In regular session, Mayor Montgomery presiding, Alder- ®ot« *1 follows. OFFICIAL MINUTES. TbomaSrllM, Os., Jau..(7, 1*68. Council met In regular session. fit■ ism is v Uti.k_St * Aldermen Mitchell, Parker, Prlagle . Atlanta, Oa„ Jap. 27.—With the mostipg of the state Democratic ex ecutive near at hand, It beiagseaed- «led for next Thursday at noon In the Piedmont Hotel, the imprataton v gaining ground 'that the state prt- mary will be held early la Jape, sad that one primary will suffles, far tU3 selection of delegate* to the state convention which will namsrcdele- gates to Denver and for nominating state house officers. No one recalls that two primaries were ever held for .this purpose, and no reason can ex ist for It being done this year, al though efforts have been made to create the impression that two will be held. In this connection It may be stated authoritatively that there will be no extra session of the lgls- lature. It Is also generally believed now that Governor Smith will not „ enter the race for eenste, but will again bo s candidate tor the gover norship. LOVING TRIBUTE. To the Memory of Mary Loulie Dry. den Blaekabear. A wlae and opserrant man ones -Mid when looking at twff tiny girls. “Ot coarse God In his omnipotence could hare done to, but It la certain fls never did make anything more ftsantifnl and lovely than a little cblld.” Little Mary Louise Dryden Blackshear, daughter of Dr. Thomas 8, ’Blackshear, was of the kind that Inspired this speech. During the six Short years of her life, her beautiful spirit hobbled over with a fragrance, and sparkled with n brightness that wore a delight to all who were so for tunate as to really know her. Like bar mother, who preceded her to the spirit world, she had a charming vl rarity, that won friendship and lova J» easily ns the sun opens the flow Hie pang that came to this sweet Child's friends, when the news cams of the and of her earthly life at Pen- saeola, Fla., on January ltth, 1808 w keen Indeed, bnt the bitterness was all dispelled by the thought that U Is of such as aha that Jesus said tbs Kingdom of Heaven ' Is mads. And what would Heaven he without little children; and how can we hope «o have them there unless they leave ■aaaeaehT Not many brighter than rito will be found In the heavenly choirs; not many brighter have been Mot to earth to point the way to Eaavaa.' The little grave In Laurel Hill Com* story fa Tbomasvllle, by the side of bar mother, Mrs. Laura Dryden Blaekshear, Is the hallowed spot Item which the body shsll one day rise ft be reunited with the r whan (bare shall be no more parting. A FRIEND. and Coopsr present. The mayor and mayor pro tem be ing abeent, Alderman Mallette was elected chairman. Minutes of laat meeting read and confirmed. Alderman Mallette made the fol lowing report for the finance com mittee. To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Alderifien of the City of Thom- asvllle : z Gentlemen: In pursuance of your fnstructlons ot several weeks ago, we secured’ Mr. Charles J. Metx to audit the books of the city, and to perfect and simplify a system ot accounts for the city. Mr. Meta has gone fully and elabor ttely through the aeooaats of all the various departments In detail, and as his report seems to cover complete ly every question of the city’s finan cial condition, we consider It unnecee sary to go further than submitting It to you. We recommend that the sugges tions he makes be carried out, bellev. Ing that If done the work of auditing In the future will be very much les sened, besides making the city’s ac counts more accurate and more eas ily understood. As Mr. Mets’s report is voluminous we recommend that it he published In pamphlet form for distribution to the public. Respectfully submitted, M. R. MALLETTE, Cam. Finance Committee. On motion It was ordered that the report ba published together with the report of the auditor In pamphlet form so that It can be distributed. Alderman Parker made V>me ex planation to the council In refcard to the paving accounts claimed to be doe by the city to Mr. Bowe. Ordinance Introduced by Alderma" Evans at last meeting In reference to locker clubs read third time and passed. The chief of the fire department made the following report which waa ordered spread upon the minutes. Tbomasvllle, Ga„ Jan. 27, 1(08 To the Mayor and Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit to your honorable body my fire report for the year 1*07. During the twelve months the department responded to alarms as follows: ' Telephone or bell alarms 28 Public or general False . » v " —' v.vu as* uivn jtr wMin, iwq nrEt Class, DTO c*B», and quick recovery (prayers, one Siamese coupling, four * 5,51 -Atomical tanks, l(oo feet'of'first class hose 700 feet being reused, one sliding pole, s one hose reel, ehe electric drop, one Rot gong, two lanterns, ; two blaqkefs for horses, ene pitch one orow bar, twenty feet of extension ladder on wagon, two plaster hooks and other articles in use not necessary to mention. We also have one No. 3, Silsby steamer which needs repairs. All the above apparatus are kept In s nest and clean condition at all times also four water proof coats for the firemen. I would recommend that council purchase a hook and ladder truck and another hose wagon and put In men Grantham, Pringle, Cooper. Mltohell, Jeijger and Dekle pfeesnL Mayor Montgomery In assuming charge of his position made the fol lowing'remarks to the* council. ^ Thomasvllle, Go.', Jan. 27, I*#8 Gentlemen. ^ villv£ ; : i. . In taking the oath Just administer ed, you assume the responsibility of the affairs of the city the coming year. I want to congratulate the voters of the city In their selection of so able a board of aldermen. I am sure that each one of you shall meas ure up to the full expectation of the public. There Is an ordinance rcqulrln a Gamewoll fire alarm system and 1 j the attendance of each member upon would respectfully ask that you In crease your fire department force two men. Very respectfully, T. A. LINTON, Chief. Following accounts passed for payment: Chas. Mels 1698.92; P. W. Strlck land 816.00; Ella Sanford (6.00; W. H. Bibb and others (16. The election returns were open and the following certificate was read: Certificate. City of Thomasvllle, County of Thomas, State of Georgia: By virtue of the Btatute in Buch cases made and approved an election was held on the 2!rt day of January every meting of the council. I trust each one of you will arrange to be presnt at each meeting that you may keep thoroughly posted as to your duties In the premises. You are the successors of a very strong board. The past two years Thomatrllle has made more progress than In any [ Proves similar period of her history. It Is true that no previous council had so much money to expend In lmprove- nents as the outgotag council, but be it said to their credit, the fund was wisely expended. They have wrought a good work for the city, and these splendid paved streets, snd beautiful broad side walks—tHe pride of every I citizen—will stand as lasting monu- j ments to their memory postponed until next meeting. Alderman Cooper was elected mayor pip tent. „ ’ The following communication from Mr. Strawbrldge was read and the petition was - granted and a board of thanks tendered to Mr. Strawbrldge. J. S. Montgomery, Esq.: It Is my Intention to build a ma cadam road In the center ot Broad street from the monument to Han sel! street providing I get permission from the Dropsy ' uSbrfliee. road to be eighteen fit) feet * from monument to railroad and oilmen , (16) feet from railroad to’ Hansel) street. The construction to be of a six Inch sob base of bricks from the Plney woods ruins covered with three Inches of granite, at a cost of about four thousand dollars. Yours truly, J. C. STRAWBR1DGE. On motion of Alderman Pringle It was decided to Install the new sys tem proposed by Mr. Metz, Including the employment of a bookkeeper. On motion the matter of printing the report of the chairman of the finance committee and auditor was referred to the printing committee, and council adjourned. K. T. MACLEAN, Clk. lion. Theo. Titus Was among the visitors from this elt7 to Camilla yes terday. . , ' . . Mr. K. C. Moore left yesterday to ypend a few hours In Boston and Cairo la the interest of tbs second district school. Mrs. George Porter and children are In Camilla for a visit to frlendB METHODIST RECEPTION. Moat Delightful that Church Has Ever Held. of revelry by 1908 at the court house In said city we have several members of the old In the 637th district G. M.. said state | hoard with us, and shall have the and county for mayor and eight al- j benefit of their long experience and dermen, and marshal, a treasurer, a' rar ® 8ood judgement, clerk ana a sexton for said city to I In * Peaking for myself, gentlemen, serve for one year, and for two mera [ * want to publicaly express my appre- bers of the board of education for | < ' ,atlon tor, and extend my sincere •aid city to serve for three years, 1 ( hanks to every citizen of the city, and wf the Superintendents de here. who supported me with their vote or by certify that upon counting out the votes polled In said election, the following 1s the result: KILLS CATARRH GERMS. Batterers Will ba Interested In Serial Offer of Montgomery A McIntyre. 38 . (67,8(8.00 ...33,408.00 ...12,660.00 14,060.00 Total .' Value of buildings .. Value of contents ... Insurance on buildings Insurance on contents Insurance paid on bulldlngaS,272.76 Insurance paid on contents .600.00 Loss on buildings 2,777.26 Loss on contents (68.00 j Total amount of loss ... .3,736.16 Total amount ot buildings loss ...3 1 wlah to express my sincere The unusual offer made by Mont _ . .. . . I * iu express my sincere Manea n. v * ™ * ° W ' ° l * 1 *hanka to each and every member of H “ d i th * dewtment faithful fura nrone , ' a ‘ ‘° “* ' dl » char8e of d »t.es -d It af- ° r y adTert “ e to! «» falls to bcneflt° ^ Per, ° n Wh ° m i teatlmon5r ot thelr ®°° d behavior and . for 'he lnterst shown In the welfare Yon do not risk a cent In testing h °‘ thc department and I assure each Co® Dealing virtues of fnr! , ... ' r I member that his efforts has been of 1(8 glvln *! highly appreciated and I would nn eave jou to be the • earnov.ly request that they be re elected. suffer from offensive breath M&tog of mucous, frequent sneezing, 'Wsky volce, discharge from the nose. the throat, loss of coughing, gen- deblllty, or any begin the In conclusion I wish to thank His Honor, Mayor J. F. Pittman and the general council as a body and In dividually for the favors extended me In the past. I wish to especially thank Mr. T. C. Gandy, chairman of the fire committee who has been * will do- evor watchful of the interest of the 1 * For Mayor. NAME J. 8. Montgomery ... . H. J. McIntyre For Aldermen. W. A. Pringle M. Cooper W. P. Grantham J. F. Pittman J. M. Deklo F. H. Smith L. H. Jerger H. H. Mitchell W. Kirkland W. B. Hambleton C. 8. Parker C. T. Gandy For Marshal J. J. Stephens For Treasurer J. W. H. Mitchell For Clerk. K. T. Maclean For Sexton. T. J. Franklin 382 For Membrrn of Booz'd of Education H. J. Miller 380 8. W. Hopkins 384 |P. F. Herring Kjin stnart IS J. S. Ward ’ . 2 Influence In the recent heated cam palgn. 1 have not a word of com plaint to make against those who did nit support me, recognising the fact that every citizen has the right NO. VOTES• t0 T0te „ h# cjjooge, ud th|l pro i rogatlve I grant to every man In the ' ’ selection of officers, state, county or i municipal. ■ !S1 ' . I enter upon the dntles of the of- • 887 flea free and unfettered, having • *82| made hut one promiae during the ^361 campaign, which promiae I now re- .368 iterate: "To make the very heat may* •868 or of which I am capable," and to • 6*6 | that end I Invoke the aympathy, co- • 882 • operation, and aoalatence of eacll ”93 | member of this council, and of every 23 citizen of the city, in the effort to ”28 make Thomasvllle the deaneat. the •23 , most progressive, and the most de- I sirable city la all the country. 382 1 In reference to the standing com- | mltteea for the year. I wish to say 364 j that there are no unimportant com. j mlttccs. In the appointment of the 366 | committees I have endeavored to dis tribute the duties and rsaponalhllltea Which will fully appear by refer ence to the enclosed list of rolen and tally sheet, and having received respectively the highest numbers of votes for the office respective in dicated after their names respective, ly we hereby declare the officers duly eleriod in said election to be: J. S. Montgomery, Mayor; W. A. Pringle. M. M. Cooper. W. P. Gran tham, W. H. Mitchell, J. F. Pittman, J. M. Dekle, F. H. Smith and L. It Jerger aldermen, J. j. Stephens, marshal; J. W. H. Mitchell, treas urer, K. T. Maclean, clerk and T. J. Franklin sexton; School Board, K. J. MUler and H. W. Hopkina. W. H. BIBB, N. P. A E. X. J. P. Freeholder. •H M. CAVE, Freeholder. R. E. LESTER, Freeholder. The following are th* standing committees for 1(08: FINANCE—Dekle, Pringle, Pitt man. ORDINANCE—Mitchell, Cooper. Jerger STREET—Grantham, Dekle, Smith CEMETERY—Pittman, Mitchell, Grantham. WATER AND LIGHT—Pringle, Cooper. Smith. HEALTH—Cooper, Pringle, Mlt- chrll PRINTING—Smith, J^rjer, 0»an- thaui. PURI JC PROPERTY— Jerger, Cooper, Dekle. _ FIRE—Jerger. Pittman, Gran tham. , r Marshal-elect J. J. Stephens, Treat urer-elect J. W. H. Mitchell, and Clerk-elect K. T. Maclean were pres ent, their bonds Being approved by the chairman of the finance commlt- "There was a sound night And the Thomas capita] had gath ered there its beauty and Its chlvarly, And bright the lamps shown o'er J fair women and brave men.” | It was mostly fair women for th* I am glad brave men were In the minority of about 1 to 3. Th# scene was the Methodist church on Broad street and the oc casion wae the reception given by the fair women of the church to the members of the church, their friends and relatives, all other Methodists In the city and the members of the oth er churches who desired to partake of the hospitality of the Methodist sisterhood. Of course the revelry was of the subdued kind, befitting the place and the people, and aucp as flows from the cup that cheera but does not Inlbrlate towlt: coffe and chocolate. It Is no stretch of the imagination to say that It was among the most pleasant social •Tents of the aeasoa. It came upon clear and bright Wednesday evening and as the guests ascended the steps they were greeted by a line of fair women known as the reception committee, whose names were given in the ' Tlmes-Enterprlie Wednesday morning. These fair wo men extended the glad band and wel- corned the guests to the church au ditorium where they were entertain ed by instrumental selections on th* big organ by three young ladies un til the late arrivals had been received when Paster Outler, with his charm ing smile, voiced the welcome of the church body polite and announced that the assembled hundreds were forthwith expected to repair to the Sunday school and league rooms be low where everybody was due to ha*“ a good time and get acquainted with everybody else. The rooms below were very prettily decorated with ferns, palms and potted plants and the seats arranged with a military eye in the form of a hollow square on the center flanker by.reserves on the four sides. In less than two mlnntes from the time the upper room waa vacated the babbel of hap py voices that ascended from below was conclusive proof that everybody was known to every other body or w'as in fair way to become so and that the spirit of Christian follow- ship was bubbling over. In the midst of the greetings and introduc tions came a bevy of fair damsels bearing trays laden with coffe and chocolate tepped with whipped cream and wafers on the side. Every body “coffeed” or "cocoaed” and a mere hospitable bevy of girls yon never saw. One had no sooner passed back an, empty cup than AGENTS WANTBD. Continental Casualty Oompasy. 12M Michigan Ave„ Chicago, 19 Foe T*x Receiver. In porsuanco of the regular toe- tom of the Democratic party In this county I hereby announce myself for the office of tax receiver for Thomas county. I respectfully request the support of all ritlsens, sad It sleeted will devote my time sad atteatlon faithfully to the work. I have served the county In this position In ysai* gone by and am fully acquainted with the work aad am positive that I will be sble to properly conduct tt. Respectfully. . a J*' K W. McKINNO? XoUor. To Whom it May Concern: The firm of Gandy A MsUstte Is this day dissolved by mutaal con sent. All liabilities of the firm, are as sumed snd debts owing the firm will be collected by the retiring member, Mr. Mallette. Mv. Gandy wll continue buxines* at th* old stand. C. T. GANDT, 9. M. MALLETTE. January 16th, IMS. Plant Wood’s Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES St FLOWERS. Our business, both in Garden andFarm Seeds, is one of the Urgest in this county, a result due to the fact that ' to QuaKty i* always our J p tint consideration. £ We are headquarters for Seeds, Seed °*U, Seed. Potatoes, Cow Peas, Scja Deans and other Farm Seeds. tee. they took the oath of office. The election of policemen was J along came a tall, willowy blonds gjgjWgwAn up-to dqiq u> dTS T.V. WOOD HOIS,