Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, February 07, 1908, Image 3

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■V wm wmmxlt (rooB-EKnnnuas Friday February t, The new Gun and Bicycle Shop is now ready to do your work such as guns, bicycles, trunks, sewing machines, typewriters, adding machines, gasoline engines, and all kinds of musicle instruments. All work >turanee J. W. ASBELL 107 Madison St., Thomaavlll, Ga RATE OF R’YS NOTJETTLED Commission Denies That An Arrangement Has Been Made. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 39.—'Printed report* that an agreement had heen reached whereby the railroads ot Georgia, or at least th* large line* wonld go under the same agreement a* to passenger rates as the South ern, 2 1-2 cent* a mile, on April 1, 1* denied by the railroad commis sion. At least that body denies that any agreement ot any kind has been reached with the commission, or that any action whatever has keen taken yet- It Is not denied that such a thing Is possible. This would raise the ratoa on the Atlanta and West Point and the Western and Atlantic from 2 cents per mile to 2 1-2 cents, and on the Atlantic Coast Line and the Georgia road from 2 1-4 cents to 2 1-2 cents. As a concession It la said the roads will all grant Inter changeable mileage at 2 1-4 cents for 600 mile books and 2 cents for 1,000 and 2,000 mile books. 11 To The People of Thomas County: A. J. OWEN 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 WANTS YOUR g | Chickens, Eggs, \\Country % Produce and Game• * Highest Gash Prices Paid o, 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ Full Une of Staple Groceries and Food @ 0 Supplies « • . . i . 0 * 0 • Jos. Fass' Old Stand - - Thomasvllle, Ga. 0 0 0 000 00000000 0000 00000000 0 tm CABBAGE PLANTS EARLY HEADERS MONEY MAKERS By the HUNDRED, THOUSAND or MILLION of the abort three favorite C. M. GIBSON. Young** I»l»nr* •«?. C. © GET YOUR GLASSES from the largest Optical house lu the stale and from Ihe leading Op tician In the South. Don’t let your Eye trouble run on, for there Is \Z ' danger and tots of It H you do. Remember you do not have to come to \Savannab, we can fit you just as weHbymail,anyEye fitted to glasses that responds to light. Write, give us your age, and tell us your troubles, and we will do the rest. Beware of peddlers as we employ no agents. HINES OPTICAL CO* Dr. Lewis A. Hines, Ex-Presidml of the Georgia Optical Asso ciation, Refractionist n charge, Savannah, Georgia. ADVANTAGES FOR STUDENTS. Literary Publications of the Univer sity of Georgia. Athens, Ga. Jan. 29—Of all tho ad vantages offered by the University ot Georgia, thero seems to be nothing more beneficial to the students than the literary publications of this In stitution. The benefit lies In the tact that every student of the Uni versity has the privilege of contrib uting articles to these different pub lications. There Is nothing that will teach a student to express himself In good language better than to submit articles to these different publica tions and hare hit efforts criticized by competent men. These men are usually members of the senior class and they are usually assisted by the professors of the English Depart ment. v. There are four of thee publica tions gotten out by the students ot 'm> University, sU of .which reflect credit on the Institution. , Tbs Georgian Is th* monthly mag azine gotten out by the two literary societies, price |1.00 a year. This magazine has been published, though under different names, since 1856. It Includes nothing but articles writ ten by stndenta of this college. Any stories of fiction or any poetical at tempts of any studen* t any se'en. tide article* nro ithed in this magazine provl-' they came up to the literary at • jard required. The editor devotes several pages to a book review and to n review ot the other oollege magailnes. The Georgian la not only consider ed as one *f the lending college magazlnee of the south, but It also ranks as cue of the best college mag sslnes In the United States. The Rsd and Black Is the college weekly. It give* all of the news ot society and athletics. It Is n newsy Itttlo paper ot four pages. It fur nishes a correct account of college life eseh week. The Pandora Is the college annntl ■« . c- L the students. The Student Handbook is s small book of Information gotten out by the students belonging to the Y. M. C. A. Jt is given to new students at the beginning of each yeai" and con. tains'Information concerning Ath ens sad the University, useful to tbs "New ones.” - EARLY DATE FORJPRIMARY Members of Democratic Executive Committee. Have So Stated. Atlanta, Ga., Jsn. 21.—In reply to letters sont out by the Georgian to members of the State Democratic ex ceptive committee it Is evident that the sentiment Is largely In favor of an early primary and only one. The state committee meets here Febru ary O.and It la believed now that the stato primary will be llxed for early In Juno. Several of the committee men do not think It necessary to bold a primary to name delegates to the state convention, but It can be done i mass meetings on by the county executive committees. While a ma jority express themselves In accord with the declaration ot tho Macon platform as favoring Bryan, a vein of doubt as to Bryan's ability to win underlies all of the replies. One man says that he will abide by the cbolee of the party, but personally favors Governor Johnson. Another says that Democracy cannot win with Bryan. But unless the committee flies in the taco of the open declar ation of the Macon platform, there will be no movement In opposition to nryan. **** **** **** ************* *i We Invite You to Begin Your SPRING SHOPPING At Once. $ * Beautiful spring goods, abounding * J here more varied than ever and far mote * ^ tin, iiniH - . yimmommKatd^ j J interesting. The new stocks in their com- * 5 £ j pleteness welcome you. Selections could * 5 its ’ £ * not be made at a*, time better than this. - * 1£AIIIE-M C OOLLUM. Beautiful Wedding In Chattahoochee Wednesday. The wedding ot lllss Jessie Hnlre of Chattahoochee to Mr. J. B. McCul- ium In that city Wednesday was as* of the most beautiful that hue sv.r barn witnessed there. Them wen- only the friends and relatives ot the party present at th* home ot tk* bride’s parents to witness the event. Th* wedding .. took place at eight o'clock after which the parents of the bride tendered them a large and elegant reception at which tker* were present many out of town friends, lira. J. W. Groover and Mrs. and Mrs. Oscar Groover were in attendance from this city. Mias Hairs Is van Known In this dty having visited hsr ancle, Mr. J W. Groover several times. Hsr friends wish th* couple many year, of married happiness and Joy. Everywhere in the store a most re- £ 5 markable'display. White Goods tor waists £ ♦ IMF’ IP— IUJ £ 4 | and dresses, all new, crisp. Silk finished £ 5 Ginghams in all the new shades. Col- £ 5 ored Mi Jr as,, suitable for childrenVschool * * kdWn-iesi* i-«*>l>u.wiSiisir1iAr HUM—Hi IMw—'MM ... * 5 dresses, the regular 25c quality at 15c * J per yard. ■m s fc * ft ★ fc ******** **** **** **** **** **** **** Louis Steyerman A Plain, Talk At MOODY-WALTON Marriage of Thomaavlll* Mo»tlcello Woman Dl. ' (From Friday’s Dally v ... News was received In this city yesterday that Hr*..B. L. Baker.of Monticello was In a serious,condi tion, haring had n sinking spell yes terday. She has been 111 with grippe for more than n week but her con dition was much Improved until yes terday morning. Mrs. Jaa. Watt and Capt C. P. Hansell left last night to be with her until she Is Improved. (From Friday’s Dally. A marriage of unusual Interest to Thomtsvllle people was that of Mr. Thoms* Walton of th* dty yesterday to Mrs. Marguerite Moody of Mon ticello. The event was celebrated at the horns of th* bride’s mother, Mrs. Lillian Humphreys on Jefferson street In that city. The affair was a quiet horns wedding being wltm only by the relatives of the couple Miss Ruth Smith and Mr. Mu Brown of Yaldosta were the only at tendants. Tho wedding occurred at high-noon, th* house being beauti fully arranged for tbs ceremony. The couple immediately after tk* ceremony came |o.C>ls city where they will In future reside, having purchased a home on Warren avenue • Mrs. Brown Is a woman of many charms and graces and very popular In her home town. Mr. Walton is one of Thomasrllle's host m since Bring here has made many warm friends and admirers. . Hid business qualifications and strength of oharnbterientitle 'him to a high place’lh the esteem of Ms fellow- townsmen. The friend* ot the couple are wishing for them many years of married happiness and bliss. Mrs. Stoddard of New Haven Is In the city for the winter at the Stark cottage. Her many friends In the dty wUl be pleased to not* hey ar rival. HARD & As you all know our entire stock of Clothing is marked in plain figures For instance you know that for a suit marked $25.00 eirery one Paid $25.00 and were Pleased and sat isfied The $25.00 Suits For $J 8.90 22.50 20.00 18.90 -16.90 10.00 7.90 16.90 15.90 114.90 12-9* 7.90 5.90 Our entire stock of <exfta pants and knee .pants suits will go a same reduction. Also our entire line of wool Underwear. The Broad Street Clothing House FROM TOM ANTILLES. Chamberlain’s Cough Rsmsdg Reaer lit* a City Ceundlmaa at o'.lt Kingston, JamacU. Mr. W. O’Reilly Fogarty, who la a member of th* City Connell at Kings ton Jornada, West Indies, writs* as follows: “One botttlo of Chambrsl- lala’s Cough Remedy had good.affect on a cough that wo giving m# troub- la and I think I should have been more quickly relieved If I had con tinued tho -*m*dy, That It wo bon- elldal and quick In relieving ms there la no donbt and It Is my Inten tion to obtain another bottle.” For sal* by all drngtsta everywhere. —<— —- 1 • "When attacked by a cough or a cold, or when your throat Is sore, It Is rank floollshnesa to take any other medicine than Dr. King's. Naw Dis covery,” says C. O. Bldridge. of Bm- Iplrs, Fa. "I have usd New Discov ery seven .years and I know It Is the bast remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, od all throat and long troubles. My sblldrvn am subject to entrap, but Now Dtsoorery quickly I cure* every stack.” Known tho world over ss the king of throat and lung remedies. Sold under guarantee .at f, all drug store*. 60s and $1.00. Tri al bottle fro*. |The best remedy known today for nU stomach ^troubles Is Kodol, Which Is guaranteed to give prompt relief. It is n natural dlgestant; it. digests I what yon eat. It is pleasant to tajre. Sold by Montgomery * Mxclntyre. m m