Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, February 07, 1908, Image 8

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WH8KLY TiiCKfi-KNTEBPRIS*FRIDAY FEBRUARY 7, «"». PERSONALS Miss Janie Alexander la visiting I Cairo. Hr. W. L. May ot Pittaburg apent Bandar In the city. Mr. John Chamber*- i Monday ter U;f«J* Ijpuj** ' j ’t<" y. Bw ear gpeat Club Oifferj. Bel 'am* take' advantage of them. - -' Hr. and Mr*. 'John 0. Burney < Boston spent' Monday In the city. "Him Edwins Maltotte to •pttttlK a tew dirsVitb lrienda in Boston. > Mias Mary McKinnon of Boston M ♦letting Mr. V. 1. Bruton near town. * lira, tijo Neel- hu* returned after »(rtori.rf it to her parent* In Blikej -• to ' " ‘ ^ Hr. a. L. Alderman of Pina Park apent dander with Ms family In tht* city. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cekle of Ocblocb me spent ^londay in the city ebop- ' Mr, and Mrs. J**. Pittman from Quincy uwttolttog Mr. Bruton near town. ; • Mr. Remer Singletary of Ochloeh- nee spent Tuesday In the dty on bus- Mr. H. L. Bollock ot Ocblocbnee van In the city tor a short time Wed- Mrs. Caesar Toting of Motcalfe was in the dty for a short time Thursday, Miss Bailie Covington has return ed after a few days spent In Boston With relatives. Mrs. J. L. Baker and son ot Och- lochnee were In the dty for a short time yesterday. Mis* Blanche Carroll has returned from an extended trip to Oordele and ether Georgia towns. Hisses Nettie Btuler and Mary Lassiter of Catro spent Tuesday in the dty on n shopping expedition. Mr. B. C. Copeland, the popular Hetoalfe merchant, wag In the dty tor n few hours Tuesday on business. Hisses. Annie'' Lou and Little Blachtbear ot Sudna on In the dty for « short tlmfc as the guests of Mends. Hours. Ja*. Orlbben, L. C. Hous ton and Webster Edwards, who regls ter from Cooltdge were at the Mas- wry yesterday. Hr. and Mm. Noble aW Up church left yesterday afternoon tor a two week's honeymoon at the var- fou* Florida resorts. ■ , T. & TutweUer, Engineer of Roadway and B. R- Wooten, 8upt. cl Transportation, of Urn Atlantic Coast Line passed thro^h Thomsa- «nlp yesterday enroute t? Alabama. Mows MS heea received In the Hty that Q«. condition ot Mr. Chat Babgrd was much Improved and that • quick recovery ft* looked for. Bi* many friends I# «*• “« u ‘ m leant this with #*h plessute. ■ ‘ ‘ :* t ' 1 Mra Jus. Watt ssd Mr. Chas ?. Mansell returned 8nnday from Mon- tieeOo, where they Went the totter pert of the week to be preeent ut the Bedside of their sister, Mrs. B. L. Great jVloney-Saving; Club Offers Of Weekly and Monthly Papers and Magazines, J u| , . —... 1 *f*hf f Jhdral and""OiflBS^'Sy TiBib' ICiBiiSi fiver Made by AnyaPublication. At a Largo Expanse, ie Increase Oar Circulation and Also ta Give Bar OutWlBUsiW.Cmd^:. Frtendathc Beat of Everything Obtainable We Have Wade Arrangemants ie atfmr Them Tie Mist Wonderful Gabbing Offers 'Ever Jfde, : Ni latter flat Tldr Trickily Have Been. ' - -n,. —— m hind fer suheertblug tor yens sewspapers and sugsMaee ter the-sew year. This is the age ef papular eallgkt- BEMHMBMt-Ths **•« The family Which to supplied with an ahnndanno ef geod^lean.rtofemtog and aatertatatog “have^mmge* erlto Se‘uvwlf1SMtohen t lntS»lS*ertier4by'wi <»n alter you the greateat duh 1 LOOK We Otter iiu We>t. Her e Arc The Remarkable , Clubs Every fap^aadMagazlne h Well Known aad frtmlhe Nontt.Souf, Clubbing Otters With the Big Georgia Papers* ttWOSB^S. SIS Both For $1.50 Semi-Weekly Atlanta J«irnal |J ;00 Weekly Times-Enterpnse $LVU Savannah Weekly News ?l-00 Weekly Times-Enterpnse Metropolitan Magazine JJ.50 Weekly Times-Enterpnse Both For $1.40 Both For $1.50 Both For jBloGB Our Great magazine Club Offer lack at This Remarkable Ustt 28 to 40 Pegea 40 to 00 Page# 02 to 00 Page* 80 to 48 Pages ... .80 to 48 Page# ... . .00 to 80 Pug** ^ SSsfczrs £rsr± txwsrs month. Regular price 14.10. , m secure each u bar- This aub to sold to yon for only canyouseeww SPARE MOMENTS, MONTHLY. Prt«e OOe . -. SSSS™SSoSi»l?S«SS.’“: Our Wonderful AH Weekly Club Of the Best Known Papers In the V. S. WEEKLY TIMES-ENTERPR1SE. Price 01.00 8 to 10 Page* WEEKLY NASHVILLE AMERICAN’ Price 00c 8 to IS Pages WEEKLY CHICAGO PRAIRIE FARMER, Price si.so .. .20 to 80 Pages WEEKLY MEMPHIS FABMHR'S I NEWS SCIMITAR, Price ZDc pf; 8 to IS Pagee ST. PAUL RURAL WEEKLY, Price 20e. .8 to 10 Pagee CHICAGO WEEKLY GOODALL’S F ARMER, Prloe 28c 18 to 24 Pagee DALLAS, TEXAS WEEKLY FARMER, Price <1.00 12 to 10 ragee SUMMARY—Berea weekly pape r*. Regular price <4.10. This Club » sold to yea toy onl j <2.15. It la a Mg winner, mill 870 pagea and *Kr «a HERE IS OUR RURAL ROUTE AND COUNTRY CLUB Neve Before Equaled And Never Will Be, . viand* at the very head $f Its class, la this Club Is a paper hr each and every department ot any and all fa ms and Every paper ,,M ^*** * Any one reading aH'if'thehi for one year vrill not only make but save bandreads of homes. ,a i9M3m9asan d of others do,vvh\ not you? ' • r * LOOK ' nmes-Eutarprlso, price *}. , **L 6 T*wlikiy !,*.V ’. "V*to 1* Pw ^ill^toto&rSl^i.l^lSc. Weekly . to 10 pa, KJ^aH’e DallY Wtotwrlmo, .- .... i|y to «S Pei BSc, Seail-Mentsly .•••••• *’.V." " ’aeml-mouthllei Home aad Farm, SpriagUeld. price 15c, Semi-Monthly ..24 to 12 Paget Greea's Fruit Grower, Rochester, price BSc, Monthly .. .. 24 to 4t Pages Inlaid Panltry Journal, Indianapolis, price BSc, Monthly .Site Bn Apple Specialist, Quincy, prlca BSc. monthly 2* Farm Newa, Sprlngfleld, Monthly. 14 to S» pages, prlca 26c '24~to 52 Pages It you think you wom’t beve tine to read all of the papera aad ma»- lmes. now, remcml)er the long vrl^ ter nights are not far alf. TB LOBE MONEY an every order, but Intend to have a larger circulation than any four papers to this state. If you don’t want all ton paper* seat te one address you can split either culb and have them aent to any number ef different addressee. Or two or more parties can club, and have any part they may want aent to any address. papers can be changed from old to new address. It you are now taking any e( these papera from an agant or direct from the publisher, order It stopped, and save over 10* per cent, by accepting our offer. If you are already a autpcrlher te nay er all sf these paper*. J° ur Um ® will be extended *** full 7®» r °* Samples of each publication will be gladly given you, even If you de not subscribe. Come to our omce tor them, or telephone aad our re£ reaantatlve will bo glad to call with samples. Every paper goes to yen for one fall year. Money back If you ara not satls- Sed that It la tea greateat nawspaper barrgatn ever offered. Every nOiTT WHEAT 1 fines tB Yon Fer One Fall Year. AT our office, TMMFHONE or uuum .«-» ORDER IN BY MAIL. TBIB OUt B GOOD TO ALL, Oil) AB WELL AS NEW SUBSCRIBERS THINK OF IT! . V.. wnnderful eart ar It ta that It only costs you a few cento mere per meath thus yon are now us meat papers aad magastato to onr Wuhly Tlmoa-Bnterprlso wlU give all the newt paying Itor the one yea auy be taking anv other pubUcaUen. The papera we olfer eontoln many aes-Enterpru« win bitv bu too sows of ThowsTtlle ud oil thv _«W ather nubllcaUom. The papers we offer contain many special departments wfcicb Jarrounding - towia many hows kotow ^*Srtt to tkfpspws are alona worth many time, the .pedal price we ask far too on- Bamember eoah paper 1s every club to the best of 4to mm complete sattofsctlen. Te say boaineu man, farmer, maoufaetm - wsT . . M so geed st yen css buy ef tti kind. All ef the payers and magaHnaa centoin ^•s^ssJaaia.ffsrsi soda ef new ptotweiMdJtfmwuto. U tteee PM lai. ef new pletnree a*4 irfustrsUen. to these &^nSE*NTHRFR18B le prwud to be and wm m vay to each aad iviryni i-— — * S5& ^antageof toe^.^ #f u# ^ „ IU ua, to to. tI-to-E.tw.rtoe. ^ « w«l to.* them to.yeu.ftoe .» charg* Yon w«l «■- • • 1 ————— Remember this offer is only a short fime. Des’f M mr opportunity pass / ORDER NOW. Tomorrow or next week may be too late. ^ WEEKLY TIMpS-ENTERPRISE THOMASVtU-E v " : " ■; ® E ®” Q,A mm* mb