Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, February 14, 1908, Image 2

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0 1 rn CUBITS FED AND LaJ iSaJMEoJ KEPT OPEN BY IHPOSITIES IN THE BLOOD If Old Sores were due to outside influences, or if the cause was,Confined •WcUrto the diseased flesh Stouttd the ulcer, then external treatment and simple cleanliness would cure them. But the trouble is in the bleed, which has become unhealthy and diseased, and keeps the sore even by continually discharging into it the Impurities and poisons with which the circulation is filled. This poisonous condition of the blood may be the remains of some able; the effect of la long spell of sickness, or because' the atural Mite dCtfebody.'Whi&shduld pass off.through the praperavenuee, has Men left in the system and absorbed lato the bleed*. Again, the cause ,ry; butlt doc# not matter how the poism becomes Intrenched ■ fact Out the sore will not heal is evidence #f a deep underly- Salres, washes, lotions^etc., may cause the plaee to scab over temporarily, but the bleed la net made any WARMING UP ; WftJ v' Many Candidates For (^Offices Besides Con gressional Race. purer by such treatment, and seen the eld inflammation and discharge will return and the sore be as bad ar werte than before. 8. 8. 8. goea down to the eery bottom of the trouble, cleauaes aad purifies the bleed, and makes a permanent cure. 8.9. 8. enriches 4 and freshens the circulation so that instead of discharging unhealthy nutter into the place, it carries rich, tissue-building, flesh-healing blood to the diseased parts and in every way assists in a natural cure of the sore. Book on Sores and ■ Ulcers and any medical advice too to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. S.S.S. PURELY VEGETABLE Every shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the lota of their girlish forms after marriage. The bearing of children is often destructive , to the mother's shapeliness. All of thip eaa be avoided, however, by the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this great iinijnent always prepare* the body for the strain upon it, aad preserves tha symmetry of her form. Mother's Priond overcomes all the danger of child-birth, and eareiet the expectant mother safely through tills critical period without jpaJa. It -is woman’s greatest blessing. Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the ose of this wonderful ; i Mother’s book, telling ell about ■ _ this liniment, will be sent free. »^B Tk* Bnffltll Rigilittr Co., AUuti, flt B MB^BMmM. Tbs Ludden *nd fillet Club Plan of piano sailing wss crested for people who really want a high-grade piino, yet lack tha ready money for its puichaae. By |oining the clab of one hundred now fanning, member, can eecnra a really ganaina 1400.00 New Scale Ludden and Betaa Pieno at asm. We tend yau tha . piano et soon at yenr application ie ac cepted. Yaa pay for it a little at a time eech month, lt’a like putting your money in bank, only batter)—you actu ally tare $113.00 an the price. Hie Ludden & Bates PI&NO NTe w Scale It * ramlM ifMjt lsitnitaMt If judged by th« value* *f other ptaaos, It $4004)0 too, only tor our pigs of moktag sad gelllu# oae hundred piano* at alcsdof astngte piano like other dealera. The saving to you ia $U3;-$J*?ia*t fit |,«kks fd «ataa yew icato FUso la guaranteed for a Ufa time. HaaapcclaJ Cfuu naiisd and a tee! atrlag* throughout. Fall cabinet grand, balaaced acale, aa perfect aa ok III caa taake it. Doable repeating action, with light, er«a touch. Get»* In cflfie of thedeathof thehetdefthe family weeancel thodah contract aad ild coat aaoflatatime. la. Instead of f|oo. _—m—_ ,,Jan application blank«and complete d««crlptlon of different Udlth. In tills way yon caa taake a aelectloa that >&U1 delight you. Yoa ■ ■ the que*tlo« of tea* tons. We will flea that you jet a perfect instrument. A welt jsade, attractlra atoolaad/t beaut! fill aqarf go with each piaao. Write far A welt wade, attractive stool aad a beautintl acarf | AM imfqrmatlpy of the*club thatHi now fonmag. • won » un i fsmimi, 6a. • •’£r“m£ NEW WHY’ haC central r. r. , • ,i H ,15 eat ■-,* - We take pleasure In aarieuautd g the coaiplatioa et the FI - VIDA CENTUM. RAILROAD between Th emasvlUa aad Ola Flerida 8«t#'Lima. Effective January I«th, 190S, he following ethsgffl* will he *a- augtiruod: * f , , A. M. Lv CA. B. t A. depot.) Ar. (A. *, * A. depet A. M. 9.00 ; .... Thoms svllle ...11.10 9.25 Beverly ...... J5.45 9.1S...... UyrUewood. * 10.65 9.50 Hammond 10.3fi 10.05 Reddenbory 10.5* These trains will handle both freight ard paaueagera. and will be e» a crated dally except Sunday. Work on the road In Florida « bulng pushed aa rapidly as passible, and aa new stations are established he above schedule will be extended to meet the needs ot our patrons. W e expect to be la position to handle business, through our connections, o all points In that state, not ialA than April 1st. We talio this occasion to aaaure merchants, farmers, naval stare operators and otbors, that we will co-operate with them in every war possible In advancing and extending agricultural, commercial and lndi trial development throughout the eo retry served by this Road. J. la PHILIPS, ‘ Z. MIDDLEBHdOKS. President. Gen. Mgr. C. J. ACOSTA, DAVID PORTER, Gen. Frt. & Pam. Agt. 'Agent , ’• POLITICS ARE SOUTHERN RY. . Since tho close of the lata warm municipal, campaign, county politics are the all absorbing topic upon the streets. There t# every prospect that this will be the largest end most hot ly contested of any county campaign la late years who have aigalfled their Inteatloe ot running. Tha announce- 1 ment of the primary for the fourth of June has raised the topic again In the minds of the voters as well as the aspirants for the offices In the gift of the people aad their activi ties are beginning to be felt. S In.tbs race for congressman tha ffght la Thomas will not be very spirited ts almost everyone con cedes the county to Its honored son 3. A. Roddenbery. although the friends of Judge Griggs In the city claim n big surprise for blm on elec tion day. Col. T. N. Hopkins and Boa. Roscoe Luke will both be In the race for solicitor and their friends are on both aides very oVtl- mlstlo of the result. For sheriff three have algntied their Intention ot rannlag. Sheriff Hlght will oaadidata as will policeman 1 aad Depnty Sheriff Singletary. For Jndgp of the City ( dge Chao. Hanaell will again the race and will be opposed by Hon. W. H. Hhmmond. For tax i three have announced In the < of the Tlmee-BnterprUe, Messrs. Me Klnnos, Does and Norton. It thought that severs! others will also enter the race for this position. The treasurer and tax collector will prob ably have no opposition. While these gentlemen have' not made any official announcement It la a certain ty that all will be In the respective- races and n warm light la anticipated from several sources. FINED BY COM. JO HXUOB tiilrt Hiram Agent Fails To Post Delayed Iraki-Five ■MMllti Atlanta, 8a., Fob. «-^Ths rail road commission has placed a fine of $100 oa the Southern railroad be cause its agent at Hlmar, H. A. Hen derson, failed flve times duriag Jan uary to properly'post delayed trains. This is the outgrowth ot the bearing before the commission a day or so ago, la which citizens of Hiram com plained that Agent Henderson was guilty of pretty nearly everything but proper attention to bis Job. Un der a law on the statuto books, the commlssloa Is empowered to fine a road $20 /or each time It falls to post a train late as much aa thirty minutes. Tha commission will also leans a general order calling roads to require agents at all sta tions to keep waiting rooms clean, well lighted, properly heated, and to give general attamtloa to tha pub lic welfare. WOMAN'S HOME MISSION COLUMN. "Today, it ye will hear His voice, harden not your heart." (Pa. 05.) There haa never been a time when the roles of God called so loudly to the women ot the Church for ser vice as today. Tha calls are many and varied. Not ell the talents of some few strong women, but nil the talents of nil'oar women In organ ised effort are needed for tits great work of bringing the world to Christ Greater intelligence Is needed, that we may hear and hearing, harden lot the heart, bat give ourselves to active ministry. Home Mission Meeting*. The regular monthly meeting Monday afternoon was welt attended considering the depletion of the ranks from sickness etc. Local subjects of letersat to every citizen of ThomaevlUs especially thoe* who have tbs welfare end op- lift ot hit fellow men oa bis heart, were Introduced and disc nosed. The greet end appalling need right here In ThomaivlUe Is a "call* to every Christian woman to be "Instant tn season and out of season,” through prayer and ears set effort to shed light In the great darknees ot lives all abont us. Report From Week of Prayer. Wo have cause to render praise and thanksgiving to God tor the ex cellent report and the sene roue re- .ponce of our women, throughout Southern Methodism, to (he sail of Vasbtl Home, daring opr "Reek et Prayer." The full collections as reported to. """ 1 1 . date, amouatiag to $10.5*0.**. South Georgia Confer.'uc', con- trtbntod $2,102.10 of this amount. Opportunities for Service. U. 8. population .54,(00,000 Ctriatians .10,000.000 Jews, Mormons. Ckilstlon Scientists, etc li.6J0.00U Foreign and immigrants lMtoMWO Negroes ...... 9,030,0o0 Mountaineers Mexicans .1*0,0#') Indians 2*0,0*10 Fallen women 5'0,000 Child laborers (under 15) Illiterates (1-4 whites of south) .6.000,000 Total number unsaved.. 50.000,000 Christian women, every oae ot these opportunities Is aa obligation, i Can It be said of yon, “She hath dons what she could." Ton want a remedy that will not only gffre quick relief but effect a permanent cure. Yon want* remedy that will re lieve the lungs and keep expectora tion eaey. You want a remedy that wfll coun teract any tendency toward pneu- TprfoTft- You want a remedy that is pleas ant and safe to take. ChejnbetiaJn’e Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements, and for the speedy and permanent cure of bad cofils stands without a peer. A Severe Cold QufcWy Cured by Cham- beriain’s Cough Remedy. "lest winter I caught a very aevere cold which lingered for wheks," says J. Ur- qabart, of Zephyr. Ontario. " My oough was very dry and hareb. Tha local dealer recommended Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy and guaranteed it, so I gava It a trial. One alkali bottle of It cured me. I believe Chamberlain's Oough Remedy to be the bcstl have ever used." It is Equally Valuable for Children It Contains no Narcotic and is Safe and Sure Ask your Druggist for it M/A TERMELON SEED Genuine Augnsta Rattlesnake, Improved Kolb Gem, Triumph and other sorts guaranteed pure at 50c per lb. These are of my own growing, and known to be true stock. 0. H. GILBERT, Seed Grower, Montlcello - TRADEMARK MADE ; WITH 7 FISJf Irregularity is bad in every department of life, in meals, in sleeping hours, but especially when it is a question of womanly habit Not only is it« sign of female disease, but, unless cured, it will cause dangerous troubles, because of the poisons thus allowed to remain in the system. If you suffer in this way, get a bottle of Wine of Cardui Mrs. Lucinda Jofsson, of Fish Creek. Wls., writes: “I suffered fer fourteen (14) years with Irregu larity, causing great pain. At last I tried Cardui. and now I am cured.” At all druggists, in $1 bottles. timrrc HC A I ETTEn Wrt, * a ’‘ 1 * 1 ' tor * fr '* c<, ’v‘ , f** l, “ t, **H >s e' ll '‘' s "'«'<'JBo‘* (or Women. WKI1I: lii A Lti I lk es&bsz; sa&