Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 03, 1908, Image 1
AND SOUTH GEORGIA Murderer of Grace Admits His Guilt fore Death. •HOKE SMITH {APRIL FOOL’S AT_ CAIRO DAY ATYOUNO’S Will Make Address Od Girls Get Holiday-Excit- April 16t&~Large At- , tendance Expected. Wednesday’. Dally) Col. M. L. Ledford of Cairo reeolr ed word yesterday from Oorainor Boko Smith that he wdold address hla friends In Grady and “Thomas counties at Cairo on \prll 16th. The time tor the speech has Wot been decided upon but details will be sir en later. Got. Smith at that time will (Its the points that he will ad vocate In hla candidacy, showing the thlnts accomplished during the past administration and what he ex pacts to accomplish In the future. ' Hla speech will doubtless attract • number of voters from both coun ties as he has numbers of friends In this section. He has expressed j del re that hla friends hear his apeeep and they wll turn out In greet num bers to hear this favorite. - - V ATTACHMENT AGAINST CARNIVAL COMPANY. Cage Attached For Drayagi By W. H. Bibb. ing Runaway Down Jackson St. (From Thursday Dally) April fool day was the cause of a most strenuous, but at the same time delightful day at Young’s college. The young women of the college, ful ly aware of the importance of the oc casion started their ambulations la the morning at five A, M. Their renadee to the Prealdent and the other teachers of ths college was In thfe^iatur* of a mos^ pleasant and dellghtfnl surprise.- They first knocked at their doors, next shouted and giggled "April Fool” next got all the combs, tin pans and other Instru ments of torture in the building-and began a vrlerd and most gr&tasqu* serenade. j* After their meandering, had ceas ed and quiet was resumed, Prof. Hdnt decided thi t It was beat to give a holiday to the girls. He explained that he had not given holidays on FAMILY HAS OBJECTIONS Do Rot Wish Alliance Between Anna Gould and De JSagan. hand of llmme. Anna Gould la an nounced by the Prince btmself In a statement In which he saye that Mme Gould will sail for France very soon after bis own departure, which Is set for 'April 9th. The Prince’s announcement was made co-incident with the circulation of reports that-Mme Gonld has quar reled with her family because of her determination to marry - -.Prince do Sagan. Mine Gould has left the home of her sister mud Is living with friends at the Hotel St Regis. Not only Is sentiment, but money as well, Involved In ('the break be tween Mme. Gould and members of her family. The will by which Jay Gould disposed of his fortune con tained a codlral which provided that any ,of hts children who shonld Lee and Washington’s, birthdays and' marry without first gaining the con- CLUB FORTHOMAS Former President Galls {Meeting At Court House April 7tb. New York, April 1.—That Prince the members of tbe Hoke Smith Hello de Sagan la a suitor for tbe Club of Thomas County and all oth- The John J. Jones Carnival Com pany were compelled to give bond lor their appearance at the April Arm of the City Court. They made i contract with Mr. W. H. Bibb for hauling 6f their goods from tbe lepot to the grounds at a stipulated pries of seventy-five cents a load. Af ar the stuff was hauled there, Mr. Baaaley, the advance agent who made contract, wonld not O. X. the bill that- the ifrlce made was thlr- ssvv|«nd a half cents per load. Mr. Bibb, when he found they were I trying to beat him out of his money [immediately took ont attachment lings against ths lion and cage ind* stopped their movements. The ipany pnt up a bond amounting twice the amount dne Mr. Bibb proceeded on their way. The iduct of tb# company look! on the like a nice try to beat Mr. Bibb, mgh the action of the advance t Ho Is not the sort of a man can bo so easily bluffed, howev- and stood bis ground for the duo him. In all probability ha II bo awarded the lust amount as is has witnesses to the transaction lo with tbo company's repreeenta- IVater Pow^r In Georgia. that as this would catcb so many more neardr at borne he would grant is a holiday od All Fobla Day. Greet delight and expresalona of "Isn’t Mr. Hunt fins.” “I always knew he,was the best thing,” and others ilmllar. At the cbapel services, Mr. Hunt announced a song, and tbo organist began with n cobrd, the girls Immed iately standing and starting, to the dismay of the authorities, “Fool Days, Fool Days, ate., sung to the tnne of Bchool Days. ^They then, af- Iter {chapel was dispersed. Immed iately on the spur of the moment de ckled upon aa all day picnic and all arrangements word perfected, chap erones procured, etc. ’ The Runaway. - A lunch box, big enongh for twen ty girls,’ stuffed with eatables was chucked) Into a wagon after t which tbe required twenty girls hopped In also. Every thing want smoothly un til they arrived od Jackson street The bolt holding the tongue of the wagon fell out and the homes be came frightened and started fall tilt down Jackson street toward the sta tion, Many men whc Vere on tha street showed by their white, scared face*, what eminent danger the Uvea of the girls wera in. It was one of the most remarkable things that thers was no serious accident. One the girls fell out of ths wagon and was slightly, bruised, and two others tried to ]dmp out but were restrain ed. Otherwise their conduct was sent of the other sons and daughters should forfeit one half of bis or her Interest in the estate. In Mme. Gould's case the one ball Interest Is variously estimated at between six and eight million dollars. BUSINESS OUTLOOK VERY ENVOURAGING. Twenty New Corporations Formed— Many New Industries Projected. Columbus, G*„ April 1.—The Georgia and Alabama Industrial In dex, says is Its regular weekly issue: “Just exactly 90 new corporations were formed during tbs week ending today In the state* of Georgia and Alabama), and their minimum capital stock aggregates 91,9(94,000 while the authorised capital stock of these companies Is well In tbe millions. This showing Illustrates very clearly ly the substantial character of the business and Industrial revival In this section of the country. A highly encouraging Incident of Atlanta, March 30.—{(Special to worthy of veterans of many an ex- i-Enterprise)—After making ar for Investing between and $30,000,000 (h mid- Georgia, James G an eastern capitalist, has to New York to have con signed for beginning work on dama across several Georgia rlv- With him went Hon. W. Jordan of Macon, president of the Georgia Power Co. Work be started this month on a mon dam across the Ocmnlgee river Jackson and another across the near MUledgeville. Ths and several other rivers in Georgia.will be developed, too, this work will be started witbln Tbe company baa wa- sltea on six rivers and will more, developing soma electrical horse power. This current will be used to rnn all over middle and and tbe time Is rapid- when the rural dla- wlll have cheap electric light all drawn from the rlv- are now running to waste. B. Milton and two daugh- aro In the city as ths guest ot W. E. Cochran for a few days'. Hattie Parker of Boston wis tb* citing adventure. There wero screams or undue excitement and all the girls stayed In the wagon., After the pole loft the wagon the horses rushed on, leaving tha wagon with Its precious load of hnman freight to stop at the curb near Brandon's Grocery. Another wagon was immediately secured- and the girls gamely proceeded on their way in the best of spirit*. The affair could have easily turn^l Into a most serious disaster and some of the girls might harp been severely In jured. Thanks to a merciful provi dence and their own bravery In dan ger, they escaped. The day at the river was a most dellghtfnl one, spent on the banks of Use beautiful Ochlochnee at Bev erly’s camp. Nothing further hap pened to mar the peace of the out- fng. or* who may bo Interested In the coming gubernatorial primary Jane 4th. are requested to meet at ths court bouse on Tuesday nlgbt April 1 at 8 o'clock, j " , T. M. MCINTOSH, Former President. E hts call from the president of the ler Hoke 8mltb club In Thomas County will doubtlesa meat Vlth re sponse from all over the couhtg. The object of tbe organisation hi of course for tbe furtherance"of Hoke Smith's Interest In this county nnd an endeavor to make hla majority a* large or even larger than last time. , keboes From McIntyre. The happy spring Ume Is here, with all of Its beauty, sunshine and flowera. ^ Everything seems to whisper "God Is Love” and we all should be bappy In the love of this Father, who has so wonderfully blessed and provided for us. We have had a delightful rain and vegetation of all kinds seems to have sprung out into new life. The. farmers are busy planting corn and cottoa. The health of our people Is good for which we feel very thankful. Our schbol, whlclr ls presided over by E. B. Walker, numbers 39 pupils, with a regular attendance of 31, clever boys and girls. - Miss Ida Hamilton, accompanied by Mr. Grady Lewis -were the guests of Miss Essie Bullock onslstS )( of Miss Essie Bullock on lut Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bullock vis ited the family of Mr.'J. T. Bullock a- few days ago. Miss Sadie Chastain and 1 the week was the announcement thatl Florle Carter wejre tbe gueata of Mr. I Coal and* Iron Company would Issue $5,0d0,-j day. 000 of bonds and would make sub-| It I s n ald by visiting friends, that stanttal Improvements In Its proper- Ar- Walker has the beet school In ties. It was officially stated that the this county, not tb* largest, but ths furnaces at Gadsden, Ala|, would re-i best children, sumo at once and would operate If Mrj - Martha Parker visited the Negro Turned Loose. Tbo case made against Will Used, the negro porter at the Stuart House for the robbery of tho Jewel ry was dismissed yesterday. There was absolutely no evidence against the accused, attorney Hopkins for the plaintiff only proving that the jewels were missing. full blast. ’ “Among the projected Industries mentioned are: Candy factory, Aa- gusta, Ga.; canneries, Amerlcns, Ga.; Atlanta, Ga., and. Klondyke, Ga.; cooperage plants Funston, Ga.; creamery, Cedartowa, Of.; cotton gin machinery factory, Atlanta, Ga.; Ice plants, Ensley, Ala.; and Bay Mlnette, Ala.; mining development* at Chataworth,’ and Dithlonega, Ga.; sad near Macon Ga.; charter for new railway In Georgia, telephone sys tems at Atmoro, and Jasper, Alt.; and typewriter appliance Industry, Birmingham, Ala. In the Item* of contemplated or projected conaruction are: Bank building, Selma, Ala.; ho'elt, Hawk- inavllle, Ga., and Russellville, Ala.; sewerage extension at Ensley, Ala.; waterworks r.t Rnsoollvtllo, Ala.; and waterworks and eLctric light plant enlargement, Barnesvlllo, Ga.; dab building. Birmingham Ala.; chapel then*, Ga, V "Moultrie and BarnesvlUe, authorized Issuance of toads for va rious purposes. Elections are called In other cities on bold Issues "Several real estate deals are re ported, record prices being reported by Atlanta, Ga, and Birmingham, Birmingham la to have a new national bank, with large capital and an Atlanta Ga., bank it to doable Its capital.’’ < e, ~’Ga., home of Mr. J. A. Parker on last Sunday. Mltsee Ida and Annie Lewis were visiting In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benton last Saturday and Sunday. Our teacher requires some of bis pupils to got up news Items for our paper, Tbe Tlmes-Enterpriso, which I think Is a good way for onr neigh borhood to be represented. It all-the schools were represen ted In this way we would be In touch with all tbe schools In tbe county. Say! you teachers try Vila. SCHOLAR. Jh Capt. and Mrs. Z. I. Fitzpatrick are again In the city with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lamb, their recent visit to Albany being on account ot tbe se vere Illness ot a relative. Their many friends wlll'be pleated to tear- that It la their present Into- make an extended atr vllle, as long In fact a weather will permit. (From Tuesday’s Dally) The Johnny Jones Carnival - Co. were In danger Saturday night of be ing robbed of several hundred dol lars In cold bard cash. The ger, who happened to be In tbe car at about twelve thirty beard- a pecftlar noise and upon Investigation fonnd two negroes In tho car. The only thing mlsseS was a ten-shooter, which was the property of tho com pany. The negroes escaped without be ing identified. After some time two men were seen at tbe grounds and the^.were thought from the glimpse gotten of them to bo tbo same two. The night officer Milton Immediately made after.one of them, and caught him aftet a short chase. The other escaped la the shuffle. Lef ter In the night the magager who van at the grounds superintending the movement ot the goods saw an other negro who was seen to have taken something Iron) (he negro who bad been caught. Ha was pointed olit to Mr. Jaa. Hunt with the quest that that gentleman help ar rest hlfn. Mr. Hnyat called to him asking that he come to hinl, as he wished to talk with him. The so. gro then ducked behind a tent and tried to get aiday. Ur. Hsrst fol lowed him closely running . down Madison street toward the Coopor warehouse. - . When he was about to turn Into one of tho alleys on the street the nggro turned and reached one hand Into the pocket of-Uscoat which -was hanging on the other arm. Mr, Hunt called tb him to desist Whloh he did not do and then -shot In tht air to scare him. The negro per sisted In his roach and Mr. Hunt hen ahot him In tho leg to qtop him. The negro fell hut got np again and started down the alley. Mr. Hurqt then went after him agalg and upon hla refuaal to stop and surrender shot him In the left leg again, with th* Idea In view of stopping him. Tho negro however got away and went down ,to the Virginia house,' Th* negro who had sluded tb* ’Officers before came upon the scene and the negro wbo bad been shot In formed him to that effect and In go ing up tho street again tbe other ne gro ran . Into the arms of Patrolman Dickey, who Immediately captured him. The other negro was taken to the Doctor and i the proper medltpl treatment given Mm. He Is get ting along all right both wounds In each leg being: In the front of the leg, showing that he turned to (hoot at ths pursuer aa he advanced. There were four shots fired and Mr. Hurst only fired* three times alto proving that the negro made an attack open Mr. Hurst when he found that ha wu about to to captured. The gun that was stolen was afterward fotind back ot Brandon’s old establishment where tbe negro had thrown It. The other negroes John Walker and John Burnett are in Jail to await trial for burglary. A stolen Watch Recover' N Officer Dickey wh' the negro wb' son at* (From Tuesday’s Dally) Auburn, N. Y„ March 36.—Ches ter Gillette was electrocuted In Aa- burn prison this morning at 6:1* o’clock. It w<s tbe most snecewtnl electrocution ever bad In Aubdhl prison. Tbe electrocution lacked much of tbe solemnity ot former executions, and during the most of the time, sof* -Bt for th* brief specs whan ths electric current was conraifig through the man's tody; there was a hum of voices In' conversation. This Drew so marked daring the time that the physicians ware making an an amination of the body for signs of life that tbe warden found It neeas sary (o pound on the tile-covered floor of the chamber for silence. The current was of 1,800 volte and seven and one half amperes, and It was held on one minute and three seconds. The Rev. Henry Maell- avey of Little Falls, who bhd hern with'Gillette, waS ao overcome at tho electrocution that he. was taken from the death chamber before th*: contact waa tnrned off. Gillette, walking firmly -and look ing neither to the right nor loft, came briskly along Into th* cham ber. On either side of him Was • minister of tho Ghtpel—Chaplain Herrick on bis right and Rev. Mr. Macllravey on his left. It' was 6:12.35 when the little-party enter ed the chamber sad at 0:10 Warden Benham mad* announcement that Gillette.was dead. Gillette made a confession to hie spirltnal advisers. ' Regarding this; Rav. Mr. Macllravey gave ont the-fol* lowing: “Because our relaVpnsblp with Chester Gillette was . privileged, we do not deem It wise to njak* a de tailed statement, and simply wish to say that. no legal- mistake was mad* In'hls electrocution. "HENRY MacILRAVEY, "CORDELLO HERRICK." .Beside his confession, Gillette had- a word to say to tha young men ot th* world. In the shadow of th* valley of death. It Is my desire to do every thing that would remove any donbt as to my having found Jeans Christ, Friend,”' be said, adding: “If ths young men of this country oould on ly know the Joy tnd pleasure of th# Christian life, I know they would do all In their power to become earnest, active Christians, and wonld strive to llys as Christ wonld have them live.”' OPERATIONS UNDER WAY; Telephone Station. On Crawford. Street Will Soon be Faished. "" - - • Manager Wrlgbt of the Son*' Bell Telephone and T*\ says that active the Instal’’ „ ’ SAVE $200.00 OR J On a new home by bull when material and labor a. I well sell you to borrow v/iii noorl it.