Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 10, 1908, Image 1
AND SOUTHGEQSplA PROGRESS Board of Trade Held En- tbosiastic Meeting-Ar rangements Made. State Inspecting, Officer a Rente Boy-Will Arrive April Twentieth* Bridge Co. Snes In Connec tion With Big Shops at Waycross. Government Will Not Permit Nomber of Cas ualties Made Public. Congressman Heflin’s Shots May Prove Fatal-Bystan der Hit Has lockjaw. The Board ol Trade held a very enthusiastic meeting at the City Hall yesterday afternoon at (oar o'clock. The meeting was called to discuss the annual meeting of the Druggists Association which was Incited to meet rft Tbomaartlle at the Instance of this body last year. The matter was clearly atated to the meeting by Dr. J. B. Montgomery, telling the blatory of the affair and how It cam. about. Tbe decision of the meeting a^ljir s^me discussion «u unani mous that the meeting be held here on the ltth of May aa scheduled and that the Board of Trade co-operate with tbe Druggliti to make the af fair a complete succeas. There wai some alight opposition to the proposition because there was a diversity ef opinion aa to what amotlnt would be necessary for their entertainment. This was soon dis seminated and complete harmony prevailed; Dr. T. X. McIntosh, In the absence of the officers of tbe Board of Trade, acted aa Chairman of the meeting. Upon a motion It was decided that the chair appoint a committee to co-operate with the druggists of the city In the entertain, ment of guests, of which there la an estimate of about , one hundred and fifty. Dr. Mclntoih appointed on that committee to 'act with all the drug gists of the. city; Mayor J. B. Mont gomery, E. R. Jerger, B. M, Mallette, C. T^Stuart, Hansel! Watt, C. W. Cooper, Lee Keel, Roscoe Luke, H. W. Hopkins and W. C. Snodgrass. Already two hundred dollars bis been subscribed from the merchants of tbs city, bat many of them have not been seen, if there are any who would like to help In this cause, 1st them give their 1 subscription to Dr. Montgomery. It Is hoped that all who can wilt come aeroea with what The Tbomasvllle Guards, known In military circles as Co. A. of the First Georgia, ara preparing avery day far.Their coming Inspection on the twentieth of this month. Th* property Is being overhauled and put the men Norfolk, Va., April 7.—The Pens Bridge Company of Beaver Falls, Pa. has entered salt In the United States court against the Atlantic Coast IAn# railway for I7S.000 damages. The action grows out of a contract for thn erection of shops and pin at Way- cron, Qa., at 1387.963. Washington, April 7.—Thomas Me Creary, tha New Tork horseman, accidentally shot by Congressman Thomas J. Heflin, of Alabama, a few day* ago la hi a serious condition. Ho 'was operated upon for lockjaw at George Washington University | Hospital yesterday afternoon sa the only hope of saving his life. McCreary was among the bystand ers when Heflin fired at the negro Lundy from a Pennsylvania avenuo car after throwing him off the car. I one of the bullet* bit Lundy In tha neck sad the other found lodgement > In McCrearris leg.' His injury was thought tofe alight, god be did hot] go to the hospital until two doys at-^ terwards. Yesterday symptoms of lockjaw appeared and hit condliton grew alarming. Congreaman Heflin’s arraignment on tbe charge of shooting Lundy, who has recovered from his wound.' Is set for Frlday of this week. i Washington,April, 7—Thomas McCreary, tha New York horseman accidentally shot recently by Repre sentative Heflin, of Alabama in,a street car altercation, between Heflin end a negro, la likely to dl*. Mc Creary’s physician admitted tbit tbe horseman le in a serious condition. Hedln called at th* hospital today to ■oe McCreary, hat the' patient was too 111 to be seen. Tbe home of Clerk J. W. Groover was tbe scene of a burglary Sunday night. That tame barefoot.varmint that has been tackling the various houses in the city was the guilty par ty. Mr. Oroorer waa to leave renter day morning tor Panacea Springs, In Florida and as a consequence took his pocket book out of his pocket and laid it on the table. The book contained about one dollar In change and a live dollar bill. NjVben be awoke next morning the hook was no where to be found. Mr. Groover began an lnvastlgs-| tlon and found a window on the aide poarch open and barefoot tracks 03 the poarch and In the parlor on .the bard wood floor. It waa Inferred from this that the man bad entared that wlndo , gone threagh the par- Lisbon, April 6.—The city li tn a state of excitement over the election riots of last night, brought on hr tin indignant protest of tha Repub lican element that It would be de frauded at the poll*. Great crowds Ailed Pedro Square and were mast ed In front of St Domtnqne church. . Troops charged on the assembled multitude, but they nrere met by showers of atones. The eoldtsrs fi nally opened fir* on the mob, and Intense disorder ensued. No Official atatemant of tha nuro- lnto first class condition, lore being drilled every week on the streets, and In fact everything that will make tbe showing at Inspection more creditable, Is being done. Major Landtrs, who has been the inspecting offloer for the put few weeks has been relieved and Malor Frederick L. Palmer baa fleen ap pointed In his position. Major Pal- | mer la a Georgia boy. having entered ' the Army school at West Point from ? Rome In 1880. Since that time he baa seen active service In ' many countries, being especially active dur lug tbe Boxer uprising and distin guished himself In that campaign. I He Is ^ lino man and a thoroughly etflctyit; officer and will doubtless make a vary'capable official for the position of Inspector of the state troop*. After this Inspection the company will be .without the services of Capt W. W. Jarrell, whoee resignation takes effect next day. Capt. Jarrell hu worked wondera with thla organ ization and has made what at one tips was thought an impossibility In Thomuvllto,- an efficient, well drill ed military company. The company u a' whole will regret to loee such a valuable man but they will con tinue the organisation and endeavor to keep np the high standard of e* flcleocy that they have attained dm lng his farm of office. Last year, this company stood on* of the but examinations in the state and were highly complimented by la apector General Obear and others. They will endeavor to make this yeas an even better record. Col. Titus Better The many-friends all over tho county of Col. Theo. Titus will he pleased to leapt that be la much bet ter after hla severe attack Sunday afternoon. For some time, Mr. Ti tus was very ill and life wu despair ed of, the cause being a severe btl- Uous attack. Ha will probably be out In a few days entirely recovered ( from the effecte of the attack. Be will be warmly walromed by kin friends. yet been Issued, and pending authifr- lty from government sources no pres* statement is permitted to be telegraphed concerning the extent of these casualties. "The crowd Anally fled Ilf terror, the cavalry pursuing groups through the street! and dispersing them u they Moght to redorm at the strut cor-' nsrs. / et book and departed. Nothing else has been missed tn the house. The traok* ere rcry smell for.* msa, hot at the same time Very distinct. There can he little doubt that the mm* party has been doing all the robbing that has been reported late ly. Practically tbs asm* track was seen at tb* Neel residence where the gold watch waa taken. And In this case as waa the cas* with. Hr. Neal’s robbery the burglar was A moat daring human, for ho choM both .time* window* that opened up on porches, where electric are lights coaid shin* plainly upon him and If anyone should b s passing detection would bo very simple. /Ho always msnagre to get the goods and get away. ive!f^ Attend Meeting s* Coirr House-Dr. McIn tosh Is President. THOMASVILLE DISTRICT. ' (From Thursday Dally) Young T. C| Gandy .was burned severely yesterday by an eaploslon of powder, hla face being scorched and hair singed to an alarming ex tent. IN.seems that three of the young fellows, none over twelve years of age, went out Into the coun try yesterday a’.ternoon after school and one of them had a paper with some powder enclosed. Tbe boys were T. C. Gandy, Leon Vann and Emmett Hines. Just bow the explosion occurred 1* of course a matter that they cannot determine, but In all probability tbetf placed a quantity of it In tb* sand Hams, P. E„ we extract tbe follow ing ltemat Two new churches have been organised one at Pelham Fac tory, forty-flv* member* with Sun day school 1 and other department*,; the other at Cotton, Mitchell County, j with twenty-eight members. Good; meetings at Whlgham, Cairo, and| Meigs. A parsonage et Colquitt oc cupied, 6833.28 raised on payment for it. Arlington raised 68,000 for new Church building. Forty-two churches have paid one-fourth or more of assessment for ministerial support. Paid for Foreign Mission ment In this city will srigh them much success In their venture god lota of people Irom thla section will doubtless take advantage of this Opportunity to visit the best hotel oh the gulf coast, under the manage ment of home folks. METCALFE ITEMS. Tbe Invitation to the druggists to all come waa made and Mr. C. T. Stuart amended this by adding all who care to come and visit the city at Aat time and accept wbat hos pitality we can offer, be also Invited to come by all means. Intrn-vtlnft and Newsy Note* From the Border Line City. NEGRO ESCAPES FROM Mr. W. J. Bell wno ha* been asso ciated with B. F. Smith In tbe Met calfe Naval Store* Co., baa sold bis Interest to Mr. 8mltb. Mr. Bell has been more or less paid Identified with the people of Met- ■slon calfe and has many friends her* who Sub- regret to see blm leave. 15. Messrs. H. C. Copeland and B. F. Smith made a business trip to Mon- tells tlcollo, Fla. on last Thursday, andl- Mrs. Will Stringer who has been * of visiting her parents, left last Friday lea- for her homo In Cairo. % this Miss Lucile Stringer who ha* been been attending Metcalfe graded school iy to make her brother in Cairo, mnch to lose her Went After Dinner Near Merrillville Then Left Foe Pasta Unknown. and T. C. stooped down ovtr It sad struck a match, Igniting th* powder. : The explosion burnt his face all over, singing his hair and eye-lrows. A Doctor waa called In to attend to th* wounds and. he la of the opinion that the lad will recover all right with no scan. it waa a very narrow escape and If the charge of powder had boon jut a llttfc) larger. It la more than probable that the result would have proven fatal. This to a lesson to youngsters to let powder entirety alone. It b always Just inch inno- cnet pranks a* thla that turn out badly. Tho friends of Alderman Gandy hope that the young man will Improve very rapidly and that theff will be no laatlnc mark upon hi* face. / None of the, other Two ware hart. Young T. C. walked all tho way home to hla mother with hi* face in this burnt condition with not a .whimper or a cry and for on# so youpg, this is rather remarkable and show* a nerve that is commendable. ■**“ Another negro trusty, Tom Aver- ' by ltt escaped from the county gang yesterday at noon. It seeps that tha foreman had asst him In a . wagon will about a mile from the place where 11 a the gang were working to get the dinner for tne gang. Tho negro went all right but decided when he . had gotten about halt way back to move to other parte. He left leav- jj,,, lng the wagon In the middle of the road and the grub -therein. Tbe negro had been on the gang about tour mouths and has about four more coming to him. He la a mrt > rather small negro about twenty Mr. D. M.{Spring of Miocoankle went toward? Savannah Monday to look after Another railroad. 0 A regular schedule Is etpected to be put on by Mar 1st. Mrs.'Graves returned today, Tues day, from a visit to frleids tn Doe- run, G*. Mr. Cland Copeland, faaa a patch of Rescue Grass about one fourth of an ^cre from which he expects to gather GO buVhels. This grass sella at wholesale at two dollars per bun dle. It Is a very fine hay,- after the seed has bran' thrashed oat. Why do not fanners plant It so as to have more hay for their stock Instead- of buying so mneb. still another church organized with a membership of forty-five at The condition of Amsterdam, Ga. the whole district la In very satisfac tory shape and everything 1* working well and smoothly tor the further ance and development of the Chris- tion spirit among the people of South Georgia. Dr. Williams is re ceiving the commendation and hear ty cooperation from the mesnhera of the church ell over the district in the great work that he la dolntf. The hope for Its further »access and de velopment goes out to him from all who are interested In Christian work In this city. year* old with very white teeth, out even or close together. He also de parted with a single shack on his leg. It is more than probable that be has rid himself o! that encum brance and gotten other clothes to .wear. They think that he most have gone toward Fatten. Anyone see- lug a negro answering that descrip tion la requested to notify the au thorities so he can be apprehended.