Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 17, 1908, Image 6

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mmmggm WEEKLY TlMES-ENTEnPmSE FRIDAY APRIL, 17, 1808. SHOOTS DOG, MAN KILLED Every mother feeli • greet dread ,of • the pain and danger attendant upon tho moat, critical period of her life. Becoming Beaten To Death* Because He Kills Neigh bors Dog. rt: Meigs, April, 11.—News of a moat horrible affair resulting in the death of young John Day of Mitchell coun ty. Some time ago Mr. Wesley Cur- lea, a well-to-do farmer, living east of Pelham And about seven miles north of this place, offered a small reward for every dog killed In his sheep pasture. ItVs said that young Dey finding a do;; In 'lie not of kill ing a skeep or goat put an end to his existence. Tho dog belonged to Bill .Culpepper, living a few miles from Meigs. . The dog was being cared for by Joel Culpepper, a rela five of Bill Culpepper's, A few days after the killing of the dog John Dey was called from the home of Cl D. Maloy, a neighbor, by Joel Culpep per and bis sons Dose and Jim. and was literally beaten te death. The report gives most borrlble details, of the affair, stating that the young man was beaten, kicked and stamped almost to Insensibility, being also gashed over the body with a knife, •from the effect of which he died. He was the only depnodanoe of a widowed mother. Culpepper and his eoaa. It Is said, are In Mltsbell coun- a mother should be a source of joy to all, bat the suffering inf . lgrr incident to tho ordeal makes its anticipation one of Mother's Friend it the only remedy which relieves women of the great Bering and of misery. pain and danc cer of maternity; this hour which it dreaded as woman’s severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger, is avoided by itt use. Tho*e«whn, use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloemy j nerrotuncss, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system is 'made ready for the coming event, and tho serious accidents so common to the critical * hour are obviured by the use of Mother’s Friend. “It is worth ite weight in gold,” says many wh.v have used it. ' $uoo per bottle at drug stores. Beck contSining, ♦ .Yaluublo information of interest to all woman, will POST OFFICE RECEIPTS SAME Sent to any address free-upon application to . UK3JHW nBlUiAroa oe.. Atlanta, Os. V-*-—- . — ’■ ty Jail. ISICK OF HOKE SMITH. ilow One of One of His Old Sup. porters Expresses Himself Row. Mr. Burrell Griffin, one of the best knawn men In Thomas County, came to the Tlmes-Enteyirjse office yester day, and said h jjv.anted his friends to.know that he was “sick of Hoko GIVE YOU(g $113.00^ Yea reafly get that much piano ▼aloe tree by jolntn?. oar club ar. 1 Maw i bar# tiue — ;gJ eMoyawntof It whit# you are paylnc lot It In Mttle tons ak the dab matnred. la a short time you piano teat to yoor home at once. Yoa . .. .. .1 abort time you i beautiful plaao that «oddc«v you not leu than $400 anywhere alee. By maktac and telling In Iota of one hundred iattead of a (Ingle piano at atime, i furnish our taemben with a really genuine $400 New Scale Lodden & Bate! Plano for $2$7~a cash taring ef $11). Of coarse, there ie but Httle profit to the t (hit price. The profit on one piano is insifnlfi- MoreMoneyGoes outThan Comes In—25 per Cent Spent For Liquor. cant—only by forming a club ef one hundred Is it worth while. The Ludden & Bates S2 PIANO f tee for t lifetime.. Ha# special Jr.:'. IB? V Smith. balanced .cale, as pierfect as skill caa make k. Double repeating arUou, with light eve* Genuine ivory keys. Beautiful cssesif fancy walnut, mahogany or oak, lined tbseughrut wl:l •ye maple. Tdue full and rich, with that peculiar sloping ” Quality found ooly in ths and steel siilngs throughout. Pull cabinet grand, ’ " — '*■ ** ‘' ve* touch. with birds** i cancel the club contract and make you a* « unpaid balance. The piano then belonpa to yoa absolutely. This free life Ueomace hat allowed tho com pie tie* of many a musical education, and Is worth yssu consldemtloo. * « pay dees. It la practically Write t la this war a asjurance that you will aut Iom y r/of an application blank and cemplete.dMcrlptlo* of different Kyles of finish, ifuke a selection that Will delight yon. Yoo caa leave the question of tone to _ it »Ovi get a perfect Inurnment. A well made, atffkrtive (tool aaJ a beamiful BQ with each piano. Write for full information of the cl«i* that is auw forsWug. LUDDEN & BATES, Southern Music House, Savannah, Ga. up by Postfnaster DIsmuke for the firtcaj year ending March 31st, 1908, present some very Interesting' fig ures. The receipts for the year were about the same aa'tfie year before, the whole amount of postal receipts being 119,168.76. The receipts for the year previous were Just a Httle over 119,000.00 In view of the decided slump In the lumber market and other financial difficulties dur ing the latter part of the year, this showing Is ratfier remarkable and shows that the prosperity of Thom- aaviHe ie about as solid and sub- stattial as can be wished. The amount of money transmitt ed throagh tho money order depart ’ment of the office Is very large. The amount, sent out of the city from April 1907 to April 1908 amounts to 513,508.00. While on the other hand tho amount of money transmitted to "•lonaasvllls was omly )6,00‘5.00. The difference between the two amounts is gakiet the city, about 57,500, more being sent out of the city than was taken In. It Is estimated that 23 per cent, of the money sent out of the city west for liquor. This Is about, tho most popular means used for tho payment at whiskey hlHs, catftr- bo-, I The dlffer-j BLOOD POISON TREACHEROUS -DANGEROUS I am glad to b« able to ffivfe my experience with your med icine, 8.8. S. My son contract ed Blood Poison, and had an ugly abscess to form on his leg and he had all the other well linown symptoms. He tried ocher medicines without any benefit, and I then had him to take S. S. S. After he had tak en several bottles the improve ment was very gratifying, and so he continued its use. A thorough course of S. S. 8. cleansed his, blood and cured the disease. The‘uloor healed nicely, and he has sinee been in good health. C. OBEBCHAIir, Taylor, Texas. — He said he worked for him and| supported him last year, but that he wr.s now agaiset iilm, and waa go- $8,000,080 LOSS BY FIRE Hi' m - 1 * lag to vote fer, and work for Joe Brown. ''He line fooled the people,” Mr. Griffin said, “and’has not cnr-i r!*d out the plutform ’bn which he Started In Trash Pile— was elected. Ho has not done what hr aU1 he’d do except for one class. The merchants are benellKod by th, reduction la rates, bia this benefit ha* not helped, the people In the least, as It ha 1 , not been followed by any red iict'lon “In the price of'a .In gle tilug '.o them." “What dl.”reuce Is them.'* he the scene of She great fire which Ten Thousand Peo= pie Homeless. Burton, Mass., April 12.—An atea of 3s0 acres of bktekened mins, representing nearly a Quarter of the total area of the city murks asked, "In riding on free passes, and la tiding on free-tralni? And there swept through tho business section :se bitti a lot of free trains pravld- of Chelsea yesterday and last night, td for the state government this ye»r." “I am a Jeo Brown man. His fath-, or made us the best governor the .state has ever had, aed I think he. wilt make one fully as gaod. Put me down as a Joe Brown man, end let my friends know it.” turning ten thousand people out ef Jbelr homes and causing property SalvaMou Army Women. (From Tuesday's Dally) Thert #«s quite a lot of interest yesterday afternoon on tho corner of Broad and Jackson streets, where three Sluters of Mercy from the'Eal- vjttlon Army were collected. The/ ench hod banjos and gnttatj and played abd sasg several songs, after whteh t*wy tool; up a' collacttou. A largo crowd collected to hear the i music which woe especially good. Vivo raitawnfy down Jackson thtned out the crowd appreciably aid after a few minutes they Btopped tho ser vices. s' - Contagious Blood Poison is the most treacherous oY all diseases, It has its victims in its power almost before they realize its presence because its first symptom, which is usually a littl&sore or pimple, is sc insignificant that it does not cause alarm, or evdn excite suspicion. But notwithstanding the outward symptoms are not manifested in the _ , _ . , . I beginning, this insidious poison is at work on the blood, and in a short The post office receipt, a. , he patients find themselves diseased from head to foot. The mouth and throat ulcerate, the hair begins to.come out, a rash breaks out on the body, copper-coiored spots, and even sores and ulcfers appear on .the flesh. Unless the poison is driven from the blood it affeets-the bones, and literally eats out the life of. the sufferer. There is scarcely any limit to the evil powers of Contagious Blood Poison. It is often transmitted to others by a friendly handshake or from the use of the toilet articles of an infected person. And if the virus is allowed to remain in the circulation, its blighting influence .will be handed down to offspring to 'ruin their innocent lives. ' Contagious Blood Poison is loo dangerous to trifle with. No time should be lost in ridding the blood of this insidious poison; and in no disease is it more important that the proper remedy be used. Medicines which merely check the symptoms for a time and leave the real cadse ^mouldering in the sys tem, have brought misery and des pair to thousands. Faithfully the sufferers took such treatriient, and when all outward signs had disap peared left off its use, only to find „lhat -the virus had been shut up in the Wood, awaiting a favorable opportunity to break'out again. S. S. S. goes down into the circulation, and removes every particle of the poison from die blood, makes this vital fluid pure and-healthy, and does not leave the slightest trace of the poison fori future outbreaks. . S. S. S. is made entirely of rools and herbs of the forests and fields. It does not contain the least particle of mineral in any form’to'injure the delicate parts of the systerfi, impair the digestion or 'corrode and irritate the'membranous tissue or lining of the stomach add bowels. -v If, you ar§ suffer ing with Contagious Blood Poi&n, S. S. S. will .cure '.you,- because it will purifjry'ourblood, . . _ .... . ~ _ . __ _ ™ .and'destroy every vev lng always demanded. The dlffer-l . tige.of the-Bio t. It will encs In the amounts of money re-1 tjl Q 'act as the-.finest 1 of oetred and sent away Is poebably ini tOBiCS to build tip and measure due ta tbh cause. The: PURELY VEGETABLE Strengthen your ,sys- „ . . , . . , t y tern, assist - it in *oves- ma* .lert, have been busy handMaa| J ! 1 coirfing the. effects of null, tkeir average for daily pieces , the disease, and insure a speedy restoration to perfect health, betas aaaetbing »v»r wa thousand j We hav.e a' Home Treatmant book, describing, the.different stages pieces The delivery service ta the : and symptoms of.Contegiotts Blood-Poison, and containing many sugi fcy. m . ...: gestions that willbe helpfu! to you in ouringyourselfwi* S.‘S. S. We y ! will send this book andanv medical fdvice desired to ail wbo write; ho--- improved and is about as efficient, charge'for either. S. S. S. 'is for sale at .ail drug stores. Ibunnvmy Sunday Afternoon, b pair of habses driven by ^r. Cbas. Davis Sunday aMrnoon caus ed seme exaltoment am lower Broad oe In any ef the large clMes. Malls leave wlven put Into the boxee on the noset train tint departs. There has also been a night force put on which tuclltates the work and makes the day work much eas ier at the same time eaabllag par ties to mall lettene as late as tbrelve o'clock and lrave them go off inside of an hoar. This of aeerse la a bus iness way is a maSoelal advantage >aud greatly faclllataa service. ffihe butUtng tarn lately been re painted lnskle and prteents a neat, clean appearance. Altegethor It has been a very fine year for Uncle Sam. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA- Ordlniuy Fcrforms Coreuiony. Jud.»o Wm. M. Jopcs at hie efflee In tho court house yesterday after noon, made two negroes partners In this life's misery. They were of: damage estimated at approximately, street near She A. C. L. crossing. 58,900,*09. ' They became frightened art?the rol- Uio burned area Is guarded farmer used by the paving people and militiamen and marines to present began funny antics that would have possible looting. Military regula- thrown Mr. Davis from the buggy tloas prevail throughout th# ofty. j had he remained therein. He Jump- Early 'today only three persona ^ ed out and the horses tors up a post were knswn te have lost their lives to the signal bell at the cresslig, but lu the fire. Over badt a haodredjWere eveatually restrained an taken people were injured, and many ware to tho 3tablo. _ taken to hospitals aufferlug sevaro- ir- the diffident bhmhlcg (T) kind and Ctarttag near the corner of Cr- : prose and Third streets, ham Ike ^tforded some Httle amusement to I croW(W , d , lt0 , he P>H>lle dumping ground, the blase thebystanders wto offie-' to see the thing well done. 3 ^ b ' loro • »<»•'*<»* The Judge tied .he taiot in the reg-| aoro3s tB * <*’ t0 **•“- east, epreadtag eat as It advaaeed ulallou style and the twain departed happier and te-bc-wlser people. Bov Dealer At lVliam. Rev. A. W. Dealer ot the Thomaa- vllle Baptists church loft yesterday ttr Pelham where he delivered two »’dresses yesterday at the Bible In stitute. eondueted there during the paat week. His remark’s were lis tened to with marked attention by large audiences both times. until Its northerly boundary reach ed the eastern division of the Boston and Maine railroad, and srrept on tot til cheoked by a small caesk. On the other side, It crept along Second street until Broadway mm reached, and then west along Issex and Middlesex steeets to the watar front at Chelsea crook, then reaped into E«wt Boston. >. Mrs. OUsby Dies. Tbh friends ot Mtb. Joseph Clis- by, whs has often vleKed Thomra- ville the the guest ot km: daughter, Mrs. Wan. McKay. WIN be saddendpd to bear, otdtar death, which oocurred at her- Home da lftcon. Os., on April 9th. During Her laat visit hero eke endeavored to return the oalla of her frlaads ee far at tvr strength nHbwed. Ere. MeKay, whs waa pres ent at her last lllaeee, will remain far a tltoe at the oM honftetoad wRb her sisters and brother. > HOC MEAT ATTU.ICTS. Dorn of W. W. Alexander Broken Into and Meat Stolen. THQMASVILLE, GEORGIA. Do you want a good position—one of the belter sort—one worth having? If you do, take a course of business and short hand training in this old reliable school. Call or write for full information to * • A. IV.' BALL. President. J*. Betjeman Honored. Mr. J. A. Betjeman formerly of Friday nlgkt the smoke house of Mr. \V. W. Alexander, living abeut three miles east ot town, was brok en Into and nearly all the meat therein stojen, together with some syrup that He had stored - away. There wsrio tracks of two people, persumably from the size, of a boy I and a man. They dug under the side of the the smoke bouse, then entered and carted the meat away. Abeut forty bottle of syrap was tataen, besides 1 three fine hams and these mldUns ot oxpat. No trace of the miscreants bos boon found. This Is ike fifth ol these bnrglariee among the far- mets In the papt tew months and fsosi accounrsThe next man that tries .this game will prebably get mere shot than lx ghod for hlx sys tem, hrotdes several ywnrs la the pen Mayor and Mrs. Montgomery and The distance from the paint where ( he * n appointed flffit war the fire otartod to the ceoek to * !d «“ of Dougherty county. Thin Is mile and a half, and the greatest i *u> ono >’ to the ahtlity and progrot- vlsltlng V' 4 " 1 •* D** flro t* about holt a relatives la Rochelle for a few days.i ie%a Mr*. T. C. Mitchell left yesterday: Mies Minnie Lee Jones of Dixie so spend, the balance of the sum-j is In the city -a*, the guest of Biss mer la Atlanta. iltena Bouchelle for a fes» veseks. slva spirit ot the young man. He Is Hr. N. A. Hungertord, who will be pleasantly remembered by many 'friends In Thomosvllle, came over from Selma to epend a few days secretary of the Albeny Business with his family who are here for a Lasgtse and Is making that body one ef tbe most active and up-to-dste In the Itate. Mr. Betjeman ha* many frlenda In Themaaville whe will read of bto success with pleasure. visit.’ Dr. W. B. Watklas and son of Met calfe spent the day In tbe dty with friends. When You Have a Ten want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a permanent ouro. 1 ’Ton want a remedy that.will.re- heye tho' lungs and keep expectora tion easy.' You.want a remedy that'win coun teract any tendency toward pneu monia. . . ... You want.a remedy that la ploos- int and sofb to take. *. ante Chamberlain's -Cough Remedy . meets ell oftheee .requirements, and for the .speedy olid permanent ctlro of bad colds stands without a peer.’ A Severe Gold Quiddy Gored by Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy. wax very dr^ond harsh. recommended Chembarloln'ji Cough Horn • edy and guarantoed-U, so -t gave* It a trial. One mhkll bottle of It cured me. I believe Obamberlaln'a Cough Bemed'y to be the beat I have ever need." I It is Equafly Valuable for Children It Contains no Narcotic and is Safe and Sure Ask' yoor Druggist, for it