Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 17, 1908, Image 8

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j Blalock, the newly appelated cow of-| Alter 33 year* experience mlUtono I fleer land various suggestion! pertain- of users of L. & M. PAINTS, claim: ing to the efficiency of the law and j—First, It wears 10 to 15 years— the tendency of the people os a Second It only ?ost $1.20 a gallon I whole to strictly obey the law was —Third Its the best they have ever commented upon. Alderman Pltt-^ used—Fourth, sixteen thousand man and Alderman Cooper for the agents certify to these facts. John Q. first time In the history of city af-j Burney, Boston and Bracey’s Pbar- falrs were heard to agree on the macy, Thomasville, Oa., Agents, same questloh'when the cow was IT. DIRECT — FROM MANUFACTURER CONSUMER PERSONALS Watch for tag day In Mr. E. H. Green of Boston was In th,- city with friends Saturday. Mr. A. W. 'Varnadoe of Valdosta Baturdsy with was dn the city) friends. from date. latyre. . . DeWltt's Little Eearly Risers, the famous little pills. Sold by Mont gomery A MacIntyre. Mr. C. G. Barman of Dixie spent • tew hours In the city Saturday oa business. 1 Thomas County Superior Court Cal- ■ endar, April Term, 1808. M. F. S. Norton, candidate for tax receiver, was among th 9 visitors to the city Saturday. hound to become one of the thriv ing towns on this line. By active Work drummers can work the town and come, back to Thomasville on the next train, avoiding any stop ov- Work on the balance of the FI da Central Is being pushed hard, < It Is now but a short time before two ends will be linked up am schedule put on over the whole l This will open, up for Thomasvl! trade one of the richest sections the country, and Its benefit to Thi aevllle will be great. Our wh sale merchants will be able to bi up a nice trade In that section. Of his son, 1 Ten Avenue. lie famous “Dlxe Boys" from this section. Be was born In Brooks County, near Quitman, and leaves * four chUdren to mourn hla loss: Mrs. T, J. Franklin, Messrs. J. J. and J. O. Dukes of this city, and Ills, Richardson of Tilton. The Aneral service was inducted yes terday afternoon from his late res idence on Wanda Awn, Rev. J. M. Ostler A 111 elating. The Interment was held in Laurel BUI Cemetery, ThomasvUK’s city of tho, eUent dead. Miss Frances Stevens of ' Macon left yesterday after spending a few days with Miss Mary Jerger. Minnie Cole, Katie Sturdi vant, and Mr. Benry Bishop of Cairo, have recently entered the Thomasville Business College. and Luke for defendant. Miss Addle Tomllson Is spwdlng the Easter holidays with her par ents at Jacksonville. lack Miss Jane Dixon, of the Thomas ville Business College, has accepted a position as stenographer with Mr. Morton Turner, Quitman, Ga. Mrs. Proctor Chass Welch has re turned after a few days visit friends in Florida. She will leave in a fenr days for New Tork, accom panied by her father, ?r. John Coyle, who goes North for medical attention in one of the large hospi tals in New Tork City. Aldermen So Decided Cemmiteeto Confer with Board of Health. (From Wednesday's Dally) Council opbned with only Aider- men Cooper and Mitchell absent Mon day evening at seven thirty. The case of Wesley Williams who had violated the hack ordinance postponed, but that of Ed. Smith was tried aud at the recommenda tion of the Marshal the license" was revoked and upon motion the pro rata share,of his money refunded. He was also told that any further violation might not be treated In such a lenient manner, Board of* Health. Alderman Cooper having come In the meantime, things vent serenely on. The recommendation of the Board of Health was brought to the attention of the City Fathers and and they ordered, after some dlscusr slon, that the matter be referred to the Health Committee with the May or, -which committee will confer with the Board to see of the advisability of giving more power to the Health Board through a charter amendment at the nexpression of the legislature. The committee will report to coun cil before any definite action la tak- NO MIDDLEMAN'S PR0F11S Exery article needed hr convenience or beauty In any home. TX*L7Z e rrr saCT u^A^^^nrlture, Clocks, Silver, Kitchen Utensils, Women’s and In- -.1- c,, fants Apparel, Jewelry, Sewing Machines, Musical In-truments. A(l high grade goods sold at prices that the fefa/7 merchant can- not m»ef. Write for catalogue, Department A, Southern Mercantile Company, 3-10 Doty Building~ _• larktonvills, Florida FREE! FREEH FREE Valuable Premiums given, with absolutely no expense, to any one, who will introduce in his neighberhood, the modern sanitary Tooth Powder, OXADINE, the greatest oxygen too.h Glausier & Watson vs. Boston Na-. .. . ..... _ val Stores Co., Bacon and Merrill j There la nettling better than Ko- was for plaintiff, Bennett & Conyers and do1 f°r dyspepsia. Indigestion, sour Snodgrass for defendant. stomach, belching of gas and nervous Morse'et al vs. A. C. L. Ry„ Luke headache. It digests what you eat. Sold by Montgomery & MacIntyre. and Baum for plaintiff. | Moore et al vs. Georgia Northern . , n Ry Hand k Trndine a Oo ^vs Ia 'h"*’ ' on Plneules. Relieve backache. Hand Trading Co., vs. Homer weak backi Iame back rbeumatjc LOST—Spotted brown and bl bull dog with trimmed ears, near Coolldge. Reward for return dr Information. Address E. A. Car- t er, Coolldge.' 4-lt, Florida Central Now Open. As Is shown In tbelr schedule to day the Florida Csatral R. R. will Ton their trains through to Mlcco- sukle, beginning Thursday morning April 18th. This line to Mlccosuk- ts Is completed, and brought up the Ugh standard" which distinguishes this line. As will bs noticed a stop et thirty minutes will be made at Mlccoaukle, which will permit passengers to gain cm* Idea''of the place which la become one of the thriv- thls line. By active er at Mlccoaukle for the present. Fieri 1 the linked up and over the whola line, p for Thomasvllle'i richest sections of Its benefit to Thom- great. Our wbole- will be able to build nice trade in that section, and the cotton, melons, etc., will natur ally find a market through Thomas. .Tills. ,WA CITIZEN PASSES AWAY C. Dukes, Confederate Veteran, Died Yesterday Morning. Mr. M. C. Dukes, died yesterday morning at five o’clock at the home dr. J. G. Dukes on War- He waa sixty-five years age and had been 111 for some end came aa a relief from and with peace' and reslg- served in the Civil war, three year sa member of "Dlxe Boys” from this He waa born In Brooks near Quitman, and leaves to mourn hla loss: Messrs. J. J. this city, and Tilton. The yes- late res- Let Yonr Light So Shine. A petition was road to the coun cil that waa unique to say the least. The petition was for a light on the corner of Jergsr and Madison Sts. showing In flowery scriptural lan guage the need of that commodity and the appreciation that would re sult from the residents of that part of tho city. Several quotations from the Bible added to the uniqueness of the petition. "Let your light shine,” etc, waa given in very forci ble language with the Injunction to the body tb so follow the Holy Law. That matter will go,, back-to them with the remark that the arc circuit Is already loaded to Its full capacity and another light Is Impossible. Finance Chairman Reports. The Chairman of the finance com mittee made a comprehensive and concise report of the finances of the city at this time, showing conclusive ly just what the council Is able to do In the way of Improvements during the coming year. After this report the Water and Light Committee made also a very comprehensive re^ port, showing the earnings of the plant during tho past three months. This report make of a good margin for the city and one that will mean much la many ways during the com ing months. Water Lot Not Sold. The matter of selling the lot of the city, known as the water works lot was again brought up tor consid eration. It was the Idea of Aider- man Pringle that It not be sold for the sum named In one of the bids and this was phased with no action Three thousand dollars was consid ered by Alderman Pringle ai a rea sonable price for the property. Sewers For the City. At the recommendation of tho street committee, the council order ed ' that there be put In at once a sewer to connect with the Hansell street property and that property on Broad above Hansell. The cost will not be much to the city and the benefit will be great. The sewer, or part of It was ordered by the last council, but never has been put in. There was a proposition also to put In a sewer from the Cone stable to the Brandon Grocery Company’s place on Jackson street and this was oredered done. There will be a very little expense to tho city In compari son to what there would be It pri vate parties were not willing to co operate and help where the sewer touches their property. pow Drivers. , Alderman Cooper brought to (he attention of council the work of Mr. & Merry and Mitchell pa i Bi . Best on sale for kidneys . , iL,. " bladder and blood. Good for young pOW/det made. Lpyett & Ross Co., vs. A,, T. Snod- ani) pjj Satisfaction guarantee or and 9S S^dSS , s° a for defendant. |? t “! y te,unded ' 8 °‘ d by Clty Drug Masury vs. Mitchell, Merrill for . plaintiff, Luke Sr defendant. Robinson vs. Simmons, Craigmlles Kennedy’s Laxltlve Cough Syrup forpTatatlV "ifombMon for” defen-1 JOSS'JSUnS? °?A e I els, through which the cold is forc- G. O. Huson vs. J. L. Langley 1 ed out of the system and at the aame Hammond for. plaintiff, Snodgrass ^ Bert Barber, of Elton, Wls.. says: "I have only taken Mar doses of your kidney and bladdtr Pills and they have done- me mure good than any other medicine hat ever done. Mr. Barber refers to DeWltt’s Kid ney and Bladder PUlt. They are sold by Montgomery A MacIntyre. by Montgomery A MacIntyre. ManZan Pile Remedy comes ready for use, put up In a collapsible tube with nozzle attached.- One applica tion proves Its merit Soothes and heals, reduces Inflammation and re lieves soreness and Itcblng. For al’ forms ot piles. Price 50 cents. Guar snteed. Sold by City Drug Store. The Jumping Off Place. "Consumption had ms in Its grasp, and I had almost reached the jump ing off place when I was advised to try Dr, King's New Discovery; and | dor. I want to say right sow. It saved my latyre. life. Improveme t begun with the first bottle and after taking one doz en bottles I was a well and happy man again," says George Moore, of 'Grlmesland, N. C. As a remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak and sore lungs and for preventing pneumonia New Discovery Is su preme. 50 and 11.10 par bottle at all druggists. Trial bottle Dee. DeWltt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills are prompt and thorough and will In a short time strengthen weak ened kidneys and'allays trouble aris ing from inflammation of the blad Sold by Montgomery A Mac- Not one pemy needed to become one ol our agents. Write for full information. • PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK MI1CHELL HOUSE BLOCK Pays 4 per cent. Interest on Deposits, subject to check under rules. T. J. BALL, Pres., C. P. HANSELL E. L NEEL I L PHIUPS J. F. EVANS, Vice Pres. DIRECTORS: E. M. MALLETTE F. H. SMITH W. L BALL Keeping Open House. .Everybody Is welcomslwhsn ws feel good; and we feel that way on ly when our digestive- organs are working properly. Dr. King’s New life Pills regelate tho action of the stomach, liver and bowels so per fectly one can’t help feeling good When he uses these pills. 25 cents at all drag stores. Quantity and Quality rarely ever go together. Here’s the exception. Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment contains half a pint of emulsion of Spirits Turpentine, Origanum, Kero- senco Oil, Ether nnd Ammonia and sella for only 25 eents a bottle. Guar anteed or money hack. For sale at all drag stores. It Does the Bnslness. Mr. B. B. Chamberlain, ot Clinton, Maine, snys ef BuckSsn’s Arnica Salve: “It doe* the bualneea: I hare used It tor piles nnd It cured them. Used It for chapped hands and It cared them. Applied It to an old sore and It hsaled It without leaving a scar behind." 21 cents at all drag 1 stores,. Every woman desires a good com plexion, but oft-tlmea either ruins the one she has -r falls to gain one by the paint and powder method the employs. A gttod complexion is from within and can't be painted or pow dered on. Two thing! are necessary In order to be the pomeesor of a good complexion, a healthy action of th« liver and good rich blood. Rydale’s Liver Tablets taken occasionally and followed tor a week or ten days by Rydale’a Tonic and plenty ot fresh air and ont ot doors exercise will beat all the paint and powder in the world. Try It just ones and see. Sold by all drug stores. Suffering and Dollars Saved. 'B. 8. Loper, of Manila, N. Y. says: "I am a carpenter and have had many severe cats healed by Bucklen’a Arnica 8alve. It has sav ed me suffering and dollan. It la by far tbe best healing salve I have ever found." Heals burns, sorts, ni cer!, fever tores, ecsema and plies. 20 cents at all drag stores. Fraternity Pin Lost. Mr. H. H. Bennett Is grieving over the loss ot a fraternity pin, which Kodol Is today the beet known ram sdy for all disorders of the stomach, such as dyspepsia, heart born, sour stomach and belching of gas. Sold hers by Montgomery A MacIntyre. EUREKA! Yes, I Bare Found It at Last. Found what! Why that Chamber- bin's Salve curse ecsema aad all manner of Itching ot the skin, have been afflicted for many years with skin disease. I had to get up three or four times every night and wash with cold water to allay th terrible itching, but since using thl salvo In December, 1205, the Itch lng hat stopped and has not troubled me.—Elder John T. Onglcy, Hoot vllle, Pa. For sale by Montgomery A MacIntyre, TUomaavIlle, Go. . Tax Receiver's Notice, will be at the following place* on dates named. First Round. , Glasgow ..April lljh Metcalfe. Aprllllth Second Rounds Merrillville April 13th Bllabelle April 14th Ochlochaee April 15th Meigs April l(th Coolldge \... April 17th Pavo April 18th Morning Patten Ways . . April 18th Evening Boiton April 17 th Station April 38th Glasgow April 28th Metcalfe April 10th Thomasville.. . .May 1st and 2nd I will be In Thomusvllle at Court House the first week ot Superior Court In April- ‘ O. W. Howard. T. C.. T. C. "I have reached a higher health level atnee V began using Lr. King’s New Life Pills," writes Jacob Sprin ger ot West Franklin, Maine. "Tbey keep my stomach and bowels work ing right.' If these pills disappoint you on trial, money will be refunded at all drug stores. 25 cents. ' Her* comes the spring winds to chap, tan and freckle. Uaa Pinnies Carbollzed, (Acta like a poultice) hands and face. Price 25 cents. Try tor cuts, sorea. chapped lips, burns, them. Sold by City Drug 8tore. KODOL la th# heat remeay «aow today for dyspeptla. Indigestion as all troubles arising from a disorders stomach. It Is pleasant, prompt an thorough. Sold by Montgomery A MacIntyre. ManZan Pile Remedy, price 50e j Is guaranteed. Put up ready for uie. was dropped last Saturday after- on* application prompt rallef to any noon on Broad street or some bus iness street In the city. The pin has Greek letters on It, and has Mr. Bennett’s name engraved on the back. It Is set with diamonds, but Is especially valued on account of associations. Mr. Bennett offers a reward ot fifteen dollars for the return of the pin, and It Is hoped that this notice will canse/the finder to return It, either to the Times-Enterprlse or to Mr, Bennett Mr. T. T. Belcher of Cairo spent • few bouts In the city Baturdsy. form of piles. Soothes aad heals. Sold by C1W Drag Store. Tetter, Balt Rheum and Ecxema. These are disease* tor which Cham berlalnl Salve la especially valua ble. It quickly allayi the Itching aW smarting and soon offsets a curt Prlee, 25 cents. For sal*, by Monk gomcry A MacIntyre. Whan a man writes as follows, don’t you think be means ItT Mr. S. Q. Williams, Powderly Springs, Tex as, says: "I have suffered for years with kidney and Madder trouble, us ing every preparation I cam* across and takings many prescriptions, all without relief until my attention waa called to Plneules. After «« days trial ($1.00) I am feeling fine." Money refunded if not satisfied. Sold by City Drag Store. WE LEND THE FUNDS DEPOSITED HERE IN THIS COUNTY. BULLETIN NO. 2 PARTY FARES Effective April 3rd, 1908 '**• 7- For parties of ten or more traveling together on one ticket, two cents per mile per capita; minimum per capita fare fifteen cents. these rates are open to the public and apply between pointer on the I Atlantic Coast Line w. J. CRAIG, p. T. M. Wilmington. N. C. T. C. WHITE, G. P. A., Wilmington, N. O. FLA. CENTRAL R. R. Office of General Manager. TIME TABLE NO. 2. Effective B a. m. Thursday April 10th, 1008. South Bound 1st Class \ Mixed. No. 1, dally ex cept Sunday. North Bound, 1st Class Mixed. No. 2, daily ex cept Sunday. P. M. 9:00 Lv. Thomasville Arv 12.30 . . (A. B. & A. Depot.) 9:20 Beverly 12:10 9:25 Myrilewood , 12:05 9:38 Hammond j . 11:62 9:60 i; - Roddenbery 11:40 10:05 Elmer 11:25 10.10 / Stringer 11:20 10:14 Copeland 1H14 10:20 Yarbrough 11:10 10:30 Mlccoaukle 11:00 These trains will handle both freight and passengers, and will be op- erated dally except Sunday. * >"-■ We take this occasion to assure merchants, farmers, naval store operators and other*, that we will co-operate with them in every way possible In advancing end extending agricultural, commercial and In dustrial development throughout the country served by this Road. J. L. PHILIPS, Pres., Z. MIDDLEBROOKS, Gen. Mgr, C. J| ACOSTA, Gen. Frt. A Pass. Agt.. DAVID PORTER, Agent. Kodol is a scientific preparation ot vegetable acids with natural dlges- tants and contains the same juices found in n healthy stomach. Each dose will digest more th|n 3,000 grains of good food. Sold by Mont- gomeur A MacIntyre. ••H. C. DeWitt A Co.. Chicago, 111. —Gentlemen:—In 1887 I had a dis ease of th* atzHnaeh and bowels. In the spring of 1808 I bought a bottle of Kodol and the benefit I received all the gold In Georgia aenld not buy. Yonrs very truly, C. N. Cor nell, Rodlng, Ga., Aug. 28, 1801." Sold by Montgomery A MacIntyre, Thomaavtlle, Ga. Gentle and Effective. A well-known Manitoba editor writes: "A* an inside worker I find Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets Invaluable for the touches of biliousness natural to sedentary life their action being gentle and effect tlve, clearing the digestive tract and the head.” Price 25 coats, sample free. For sale by Montgomery A MacIntyre, Thomasville, Ga. We pay 4 per cent, on savings de posits. You can open th e account with $1.00 > at People’s Saving’s Bank, Mitchell House Block. ' 4-10-im.