Weekly times enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1905-????, April 24, 1908, Image 2

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fifteen negroes who were remanded FOLIC* COURT LONG. tor verlou* cause*. Hie ttlals ot nil ot them wore more or tea* lengthy on neconnt ot the Urge aum ber ot witnesses and the amusement censed by their interpretations cf Missouri Baker did not wait to he shown hut pleaded guilty and re- celTod her share ot the stipend, fire ' Judge J. S. Montgomery had Quite * lengthy ae^plon at the City Hall yes Serday afternoon. There was ahoat asrallo extend a very hosrty and genuine welcome to Mr. Harding and hope to hare him in the city at a permanent resident. Parana Is Used In the Farm er’s Home for all Sorts of Catarrhal Ailments. mflajdalena Winkler, ’■ -mBilMA Now Perfectly Healthy. ' '’1 Mrs. Magdalena Winkler, Route 6, iM ; j Westminster, Md, I wrlt ®* 1 \W y- •- y / “I thank you very mBmKmMWzJt! much for your ad- I Tlce - 1 c>n »»fely wmti&MMtf!/ say that Faruna and ^HEtnuMp/ Hanalln have aeved W&- «§J my life. • MpwpBSiy “Whin I wrote to tig /y you tho first time, asking your advice, B/ my condition was I*/ ap poor that 1 did r not expact to live „ . .through the winter, nt now I am perfeetty healthy. "I cannot praise year medicine Mrs. Henry Martin, La Motto, la., R. R.No.1, writes: “After suffer ing for some time with sore eyee 1 was advised by \ a friend to try Reruns, which 1 did at once. “The first bottle relieved me, and after using four bottles I was antirsly cored. “I do recommend Faruna to all who art afflicted with catarrh. 1 have found It to bs a great remedy elao for oooghe and colds of children) a dose at bad time wlUrelleva tbemfrom oocgblng all sight. 1 always keep It on hand, and recoin stand It." Catarrh for Seven Yew*. Mm. T. Freeh, R. B. Ho. 1, Hickory Point, Tenn, writes i “1 am happy to toilyen that I am cored of catarrh. I have followed your good and kind ad- vioe faith tally. Ihleca the day when I wrote yoo of my condition, and I will alwhys prilae Peruni. I think It la one cf the gas ndesa medtetnee on earth. “Haring bean afflicted with eatanh and-atooaaen trouble for seven years, Mrs. Hem? Martin, [fins, lenora Bodenhomerf iMrs.Hettis Green. Indigestion and Nervousness. Mrs. Ignore Hodenhstner, R. F. D.l, Her to, Kvrnerffvllte, Hortk'’CNffOthfeS, writes tho following 'latter • to - The Herons JDrng Manufacturing Oom- “I .offered with stomach trouble and dndlgoeUon for some time, and nothing U>et I ate agreed with mb, etsw re if. "I was very nemos and experienced ■3 continual ifiQSMllMfl ptyfr ,umo : w ‘... J ‘I took medicine from the doolor, hot dt did me no goad. Mound in one cf your Peruna beets a description ot My aymptomsp 'Ithen wrote to Dr. Hart- men for advice. Mo said I had eatanh jpf tho fltomMh# •1 took Fern*a and Manalln and fol lowed his directions and can now aay that 1 feel ae well as I aver did. “I hop# that all who are afflicted with 6b# same, symptoms will take Parana, M It hat certainly cured me." **•*£* ■***• Boota.fr IrwsjUla, “f'uJgUdtobeat’te to tollyeu that I am well of oatatvh of tho atentaah, Cor iXgfSfKiS Ferttna l vould m*Ver have biCn well. ' '“1 bad three phyalotana. Onset them told my husband that he ooaM net euro me.. .<• mu o. •1 bed been sick abeutnitn* man the when a Island aakad sm to try Parana to gratify hart sa I oouimnwd taking It. '-*• “lean sat and walk and work. Every body says 1 look as well aa I ever did. "Oh i yon don’t know 1 bow thankful I do feel to yon, “I here got aeveral other people to take Parana. I pratee it to every body." I oaly weighed one hand red and thirty pounds, and vae so weak I rouid hardly get around the room. "I wee Induced to try Parana, and to my gl*at»*rpriaa X am now entirely wall. My Weight • Is new one hundred and eighty-eight ponada, my health never waa bettot In my life, I shall always prates Dr, Hartman and bis remedies.” Mrs. Anna Under, R. T. D. He. S, Dae- •el, Msekor Oo., Minn, writes J "For two years I raftered with that terrible dis ease, chromic catarrh. | “Fortunately I saw your advertise ment hi my paper and I spoke to my sla ter about your medicine. She wrote to you and I got your advice free of charge. I took Peruna and am woll and a mother Copyright 1908 by Hart Sckaflncr ft Marx ■ ■■ Tho Farmer’s Wife. * Who is in o bettor position to know then the farmer’s wife herself what Is required In the farmer’* bom* t She must meet I te troubles, solve He prob lem*, ward off dteeses, nurse the atek, she must d* all those Ullage herself, and she learn* by valuable experience what la beat and what is not host. In nkmbaileas farm homes Panina la rolled upon aa the family medleine. Peruna book*are eoueallsd in health and disease. Ferans la oaedes a preven tive as well gs a corrective In dtsssss- The wives of the farmers of the Halted State* constitute a solid phalanx In ftyor Of Parana. Agaluet this testimony lb* dander* of a lew ertOro will net prevail. On* sensible mistress of a farm heme who Iks need reruns knows more about Parang than all the magazine critics in U>e week). ot two children. “I owe It *11 to reruns. I would not ho without that great fonts lor ten times Its coat, for I am well and stfoag now, and cannot speak tn too high terms of Its value a* a medicine.” In alettex dated June 12,1906, Mr*. Un der writes / “I cannot express my thanks enough to you for all the good you medi cine has dona for me and my family. ! This spring I took cold and It settled In 1 my kidneys. At fire! I thought it was kidney trouble. “I took Peruna aa directed on th* bottle and In a few days I waa all right, *0 I owe my health to Dr. Hartman and hie remedy,” . Miserable With Catarrh. Mrs. HeiUe Green, R. R. 6, Into, HI., writes: “Lest November 1 had catarrh, and lelt so miserable. I thought that I would go Into consumption. "I trad so many doctors and psedt- ctnos, but nothing did mo any good, only Peruna. “After I began the ue# of Parana I began te Improve la every way. “My head doe* not hurt so much, my stomach la all right, my bowels are regular, my appetite good, my complexion clear, my eyes are bright, sad I am - gaining tn hash sad strength. “I think Peruna has no equal aa n catarrh remedy." /T*WI§ season the styles, and patterns of fabric, in men’s clothes are unusually striking; more bright colors; more smart. patterns and weaves; a stock of men’s clothes like ours looks almost giddy. We’ll show you the new fine goods for Spring from Hart Schaffnet & THROUGH SCHEDULE [ and cost. Pearl Jones and George 1 Mark and Kirsch barn made in their perfect way, of all-wool fa brics, in the richest and most attractive patterns; not too lively, nor too quiet; just right. This store is the home of Halt Schaffner 6 Marx and Kirschbaum clothes. STEV ERMAN FROM ATLANTA. Banka, old-time offenders, engaged In a playful Joke, Pearl • beating George and caualng tbe liar to be paeeed utter which ibe clapped the other's face. Fine, five per. King and Joe Bell didn't exactly agree up on some question about the treat ment of their mother and they en gaged In a word war upon N the streets tor which they will contri bute to tbe city treeaurur two fifty, each. Tbe A. B, A A. R, R. Now Operating Through Freight Service. On April 15tb the A. B. A A. B. R inaugurated freight service out of Atlanta, and now freight le moving from Atlanta to Thomaavllle and oth er point* all the way via their own rails. This will undoubtedly give e faster movement of freight from At lanta to Thomaavllle, and the miq chants will probably take advantage of It In sending their order*. Tbe officials of tbe A. B. A A. R. R. are working hard on a passenger schedule, and It it stated that this passenger schedule will be put on about May first. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. Do you want a good position—one of the belter sort—one worth having? If you do, take a course of business and short hand training in this old reliable schpol. Call or write for fall information io Dixie Thomas, a negro, waa caught outright telling whiskey, tbe bottle he sold being produced as well aa the man to whom bo sold it. The Mayor fijted him $9 and coat or thlr-j ty days on tbe street for this offence j at tht same time saying that it seem Th* Tlmec-Enterprta* la always! «d almost Impassible to stop the trat- 4. IV. BALL, President. ahead In taking advantage ot these new and Improved methods, and tbe first shipment which moved through all the way over the rail* of ths’ lino was a shipment from Atlanta to tbe Tlmcs-Entcrpriso. It reach ed Thomaavllle Saturday. Listen! It was a keg! it any ot our delinquent subscrib ers will call and pay up their sub scription, we will glre them a drink from It, even It tbe Grand Jury la In session. It contains printer's Ink, good old printer's Ink. the actions ol their race. Robert Span raised merry caiu with the negroes la his section ot the city, threatening with gum and the rest that goes in th* same category. His line was made twenty sad coat. Zion Mitchell and Mannle Leo mix ed things up a bit In Bessie .Jenkins restaurant and used knives, stools end any other things handy. Zion waa soaked for ten and coat because the‘burden of guilt lay heavily up on him, while Mannle was only*gtv- en one and cost. > fie, but there was a way and ho in tends taking' the proper methods to ward that end. Winchester Man Here. (From Saturday's Dally.) Mr. Frank Lawrence ot Hew York, the Winchester representative, waa In the city yesterday with Col. R. L, Wylly. Mr. Lawrence baa charge of the teams tent out by that company to shoot all dver the country. He will possibly make arrangements while here to send a team to com pete In the Cracker Gun Club shoot on tbe Fourth ot July. He la one of the big men in the concern and la popular wherever he goes. Through him It waa made possible to have the famous Topperwlne team her# last year. Mr. Harding Buys Home. A reel estate transfer has been made by which Mr. S. T. Harding ot Seymour, Indiana comes Into pos Blon of the home of Mr. E. M. Mkl- lette on Mallette Heights. ,Mr. Bald ing has been to Thomaavllle before and 1a very much pleased with the country, the climate and the gener- hi surroundings. He will take pos session of the property on the first of December. The people ot Thom- extend a very hmrty end a Bad Cold ■■COUGHl SORE THROAT, THBOJLTud ^PriestlS craters Ton want s remedy that win not only give quick relief bat effect a permanent cure. Ton want a remedy that will re lieve the lungs end keep expectora tion assy. You want n remedy that win ooun- teeoet any tendency toward pneu. Yon want a remedy that la pleas ant and safh to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. moots all of these reqmrements, end tor the speedy and permanent cure of bod odds st&ndn without a peer. A Severe Cold Quickly Cured by Cham, belaln’s Cough Remedy. "tost winter I caught a very severe eold which Unrated tor week*,’’ aay* j. Ur- qubart,of Zephyr, Ontario. "My cough was vary dry and harsh. The looal dealer raeenunendedOhamherlaln’eOouahBem- edy sad guaranteed to. so I gave It a trial. Onesfiutn bottle ot Konrad me. I believe Chamberlain's o< baa* I ha v* avers It is Equally Valuable for Children ^ It Contains no Narcotic and is Safe and Sure Ask your Druggist for it 1 4