The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 07, 1902, Image 2

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TTTE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1902. A sick LivcpirmraTwoar^ Eat i Can work havoc with human happiness. ! It can change the cheerful philantnropist ! into a morose misanthrope and the opti- j mist into a pronounced pessimist. The liver has a great deal to do with the | removal of the | waste of the body. ! When it is sluggish in its action the j whole body must suffer by reason of clogging accumu lations. The excretory or gans in general promptly respond to the action of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It restores the liver to healthy activity, purifies the blood, J and cures diseases of the organs of di gestion and nutri tion. - ....OF SOCIETY. 5 Hava your Presetipttona filled bj The • >TT I>TUg Oo MRS. Mr. Edward Jacob*, of Marengo, Crawford Co . Indiana, wntes: "After three years of suffering with liver trouble and malaria I gave up all hopes of ever getting stout again, and the last chance was to try your medicine. I bad tried all the home doctor* and received but little relief. Aiter taking three t«title* of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery anti one vial of his * Pleasant Pellets,' I am stout and hearty. It is due entirely to your wonderful medicine*.* The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorious medicines. He gains: yon lose. There fore, accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery.* Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist 'Jie action of the "Discovery.” They' are easy to take, agree with the weakest constitution, and do habit. DAVIS THURSDAY. Mrs. W. H. Davis entertained the Cur rent Topic section of the Woman's Club I at her elegant residence on Prince ave., 1 Thursday afternoon. A large number of the members of this section of the flub were present and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent by all. Mrs. Davis is a charming hostess, and many of hose present assisted in making the occasion so pleasing by recitations and readings. This was a social meeting exclusively, and altogether one of the most delightful meetings of the present season. THU DOLL COLLECTION. The International doll collection will be placed on exhibition at the Villa Cot tage tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock ** The little girls and l*oys, as well as grown folks, like nicely risen cakes, pies, waffles, bis cuits. etc. Why shouldn’t they have them when a pound can of ‘'GOOD LUCK’ Baking Pow der—the best loavener—can bo had of the grocer for ten cents? “GOOD LUCK” produces the nicest, lightest and most wholesome bread, etc., ENTERTAINED, and in every six-ounce can will be found a l—two sections in every pound can. Are vlng them? Richmond, Virginia. not beget the pill pinion Win $1000 A Hundred Cash Prizes Aggregating Are Offered by the Makers of Q UEEN UALITY Miss Louise DqB to left yesterday for Atlanta where sbe will spend a few days. She was accompanied by Miss Agnes Watson, who bus been hei guest for the past week Miss DuBose will spend a wet k with Miss Watson at her home in Thomson, Ga., before returning to Athens. Mr. D. M. Wilson, a former Athenian, has moved back to Athens and will make this city his home again. His many friends here warmly welcome him back Mrs Anderson and Miss Virginia An and fredn this hoar until 2:30 o’clock , Person, who have been visiting Mrs. J this great collection, composed of the most beautiful and most expensive dolls of all the nations of the world can be p ien by the people of Athens. The af ternoon boars for exhibition are from 8 :30 to 5 o’clock. An admission of 15 cents for adults and 10 cents for chil dren will be charged, the receipts going to the Winnie Davis Memorial hall faud, which Miss Iiatherford is anxious to complete as soon as possible. A rare treat is in store for all who attend. This collection has been highly praised every where it has been seen. J. Strickland, have gone to New Or leans to spend the winter. Mrs. George S. Crane, of Atlanta, is spending several days with her mother, Mrs. Fannie T. Crane, on Prince ave- :1Q6. Miss Norma Strickland left Friday for New (Arleaus where she will spend the winter. There will be Sanday school at the Catholic church this morning at 10 o’clock. Mis. J. W. Barnett will siug a solo at CUT PRICE SALF, Shoes to th^nindred WQmen n sons whythese*“sh6ek are'll 1 ' Utt9e “ uu ’ i “ irBa5H i*r-mSTmo superior to others. Full particulars and compe tition blank to each purcha ser of a pair of these shoes. DAVISON S, LOWE. THE ANNUAL GUILD SALE. The Annual Guild Sale of Einaiauu**) Church Guild will take place on Som- j l'Trst Methodist church this morn- day, Dec. 13th, aud Monday Dec. loth, at Mr. D. 1’. Haselton's store on College avenue. T he fancy work will be more beautiful than ever before. There will be several unique features in connection with the sale, such as grab bags, fish ponds, and other games. A fine line of home made candies will be on sale. Music will be rendered during the morning which will be quite an interesting feature. All are cor dially invited to attend. No admission will be obarged. The following committees have been appointed: Committee on decoration—Mrs. T. P. Vincent, Mrs. A. H. O Farrell, Mrs. J. P. Fort, Miss Sallie Harris Committee on sqgjfiaas—— *■ - 71 . . BRADFIEL1DS FemaJe Regulator for young girls on the threshold of woman hood, has been invaluable. When they be come pale and languid, the eves dull, aching head, feet and hands cold, appetite gone or abnormal, obstructed periods and painful rr.. nses, and their systems general ly run down, they need building up, and their blood needs cleansing. Bradhel I’s Female Regulator for won Is particularly valuable and useful owing to its tonic properties to build up tl e sys tem, and regulator of the menstrual flows. Painful, obstructed and suppressed menstruation permanently relieved and all diseases i eculiar to her genital organs are cured by it. Regulator clears the complexion, bright ens the eyo, sharpens the appetite, removes muddy anq blotched conditions of the skin and cures sick headache to a certainty by removing the cause. Of druggists il.00 per bottle. “ Perfect Health for Women ” ir. fxee and will be mulled on receipt of address. THE BR ADF1 ELD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta. Qa. * NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. On and after Dec. 1st, 1002. all work will be strictly C. O. D. For those who do not wish to be troubled making change for small amounts we will issue coupon books. These books range from $1.00 to $5.00 and can be secured from driver or at oflioe. There will be no ex ceptions to this rale. Very respectfully, ATHENS STEAM LAUNDRY. Burglarious Attempt Failed. Pittsburg. Doe. 6.—An unsuccessful attempt was made to burglarize the National Dank of Freedom. Pa., early today. The burglars effected an on trance to the bank, and attempte- to blow open the safe with ndtro-gly. ertne. but the noise of the explosions awakened the residents In the neigh borhood and the robhera tied without nrrompllshlng their purpose, leaving $18,000 In-hind The explosions shat tered all the plateglaas In tbo bank building as well us the windows of neighboring houses. Pherson. The ladies of the Christian chcrch have arranged a special service for to night. The occasion is the observance of the national C. W B. M. day. The pastor, Mr. Reeves, will preach a sermon explaining what this society has accom plished and why this day is observed. Miss Jessie Jackson will sing a solo aud there will also be some other special music. After the seivice a free will of fering will be taken. The regular monthly meeting of the Athens Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy will be held tomorrow af ternoon at 3 :30 o’clock at the residence of Mrs. M. W. Stovall. The meeting will consider several matters of prime importance, and every member should be present. The members are urged to attend and to bring with them their annual dues. If a member cannot come, let the does be sent. Mr. Edward McGinnis, of Youngs town, Ohio, and son, Mr. Charles A. McGinnis, of Dawson City, Alaska, are visiting their daughter, Mrs B C Tur ner, on Waddell street. Mr Charles McGinnis has been in the gold fields for the past eight years, and has some very interesting specimens of nuggets and views of the far away Klondike. They will remain until after the holidays. Mr. J. A. Brannon, a prominent law yer of Statesborro, was in the city yes terday on a visit to his son, who is a student at the University. Mr. Bran-' non is largely interested in the States boro News, which recently issued such a splendid trade edition, and which is one of the best weekly newspapers in the state. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Booghl Bears the { Ur. -rur.) .,t Beginning tomorrow and continning the entire week, the Misses Bradberry will conduct at their establishment on College avenue a cut price sale in (hats, fancy feathers aud ribbons. Every bat In stock at greatly reduced pricJ. The most snperb line of ribbons in Athens at practically.yoar own figures. Bttfuula Jpi fanojjJvork.jhopping baM|HH^ memos' artistio ciumiihaa ^SJKentf. Good money can be saved by attending this sale CASTOHIA. Joare tlo ^ nl * ^ 113,9 F. R pplenger, Baltimore; C. B. Bnnoh, Carrollton, Ga. ; 0. B. Carith- ers, Pa.; Chas. E Platt, Atlanta; S. K Abbott, City ; F. M. Ridley, City ; E O Branson, City ; W. C. Smith, Va.; E. C. Benson, Boston; J. M. Jones, Va. ; J. E Cook. City; J. A. Brannon, Statesboro, Ga ; G. W. Staples, Ya. ; H J Pierce, Gainesville, Ga.; C. W. Broome. Buffalo, N. Y. ; S. L. Presson Charlotte; C. Hastingsbiack, N. Y.; GeoJ T. Rice, Harmony Grove ; W. A. Mallory, City ; C. W. Brannon, City J. A. Swanson, City. If you feel ill and need a pill Why not pnrohase the bsst? DeWitt's Early risers " I** 1 mrihsmpi’jiiv— ^'*» Take one—theydo the rest. ¥ W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., writes; ■•I have used Little Early Riser Pills in my family for constipation, sick head ache, etc. To their nse I am indebted for the health of my family. The Orr Drag Oo. KEEP YOTJR ON WINGFIELD'S GASH GROCERY STORE. So you can take advantage of tin* very low- prices we are making on Groceries. :: :: Are You Going To Make a Fruit Cake? If so let us supply you with what you want with the best goods at a very low price New Crop Raisins Ilk a lb. Extra Fine Citron 2l)c a lb. Best Cleaned Currants 10c a pkg. Extra Nice Seeded Raisins 12 l-2c package. Large Pecans 15c a lb. Brazil Nuts 15c a lb. Grenoble Walnuts 15c a lb, Almonds 20c a lb. Sweet Florida Oranges 20, 25 and 30c a doz. Extra Nice Northern Apples 35 and 40c peck. Fresh Butter and Eggs always on hand. Phone No. 156 for what you want. Probably you know how Ayer’s Hair Vigor always restores color to gray hair and makes the hair grow. That so? In Buying For Holiday this season keep in mind our holiday stock comprises every line handled by the jeweler,every department is complete in itself. In buying from us you get the best goods at lowest price, quality considered. We are receiving new goods daily. C. A. SOTJDDESR. Jeweler. Bedford the Foundation. The Celestial City is clearly the fab ric of Buuyuu's own Imagination, an elaboration most probably of the town of Bedford, which, though not a walled city, had Its gates fixed litre and there to guard the town In troublesome times. The gateways on the old Bedford bridge, within which Bunyan was Im prisoned for so long and through which he passed times out of number, must have been foremost In the mind of the great dreamer.—Bookman. Effective. BJeuks—Do you believe in the possi bility of the cure of disease by sug gestion? Bjinks—Why, certainly. I was feel ing pretty sick last week and my wife suggested that 1 go to a doctor, and It cured me right away.—Somerville (Mass.) Journal. DO YOU Need an Overcoat? IF YOU DO SEE OlIR5. We carry the Best Overcoat< as well as the Best Clothing. Remember the goods we carry Fit Better, - Look Better, ^Wear Betters Than any on the market and as cheap as this quality goods can be sold. Everything Carried From Last Season Reduced in Price. HEAD & McHAHAN, M2 Clayton St, Athens, Qa. BUYING THOROUGHBREDS. English Market Overrun With Ameri can Buyer., London, Doc. 6.—The last few months have found In the United Kingdom an unprecedented number of American buyers of thoroughbred cat tle, whose purchases of high-class breeding stock aggregate many thou sands of pounds. A number of the animals bought aie Intended for ex hibition at the St. Louis exposition. The prices paid range from $2,000 to over $6,250 a head. Scores of high- priced bulls and cows have been ship ped during the summer and fall. Among the buyers now here Is C. E. Marvin, of Lexington. Ky., who will take back 26 thoroughbreds In May and July. J. S. Goodwin, of Chicago, has purchased a number of Ar.gus breeder* and the Armours’ agent is sendUng 100 Heteforda to the Xnlted States. ~ A'tnnDum or also have been made of tiny Dexter and Kerry cattle In Ireland, the breeding of which has recently become quite the fashion in England under the pa tronage of Lady Lan6downe and other titled fanciers. The ruling of Dr. Salamon, chief of the United States bureau of animal in- dustry, allowing the Importation of Jersey and Guernsey cattle Into the United States without the tuberculin test goes to greatly stimulate pur- chases in those islands. The agri cultural department's agents during the last ten yeatn have Inspected over 20,000 head of cattle In New Jersey and Guernsey and have not found a single case of tuberculosis. On the other hand England and Scotland are badly infected and breeders here on that account apprehend the early adop tion of more stringent quarantine measures by the United States. NEW arrivals! Sofa Pillow Tops. Gibson Sofa Pillows. Satin-covered Pincushions. Foster Hose Supporters for Ladies. Acme Diaper Suspenders for In fants. Wire Bustles and Dress Forms. Shetland Wool for Umbrella Shawls. Germantown and Saxony Wool. SUkateen and San Silk Utopia Lustre for Mount Mellick Work. Silk and Cotton Cord. Gold Boullion, Japanese Gold Cord. Huck for Darning, Etc. Miss Rosa A, VonderLietL For Whooping Cough use Chenev’s Expectorant For Counterfeiting. 'Knoxville, Tena., Dee. e. - ,Vr<7. fl/c- Carter, a Sevier county school teach er, boa been bound over to the federal grand Jury to answer the charge of counterfeiting. His arrest resulted from a letter written to Charles W. Harper, of Columbus, O., In which, It to charged, he offered to divide the profits If Harper would make the plates. Harper forwarded the letter to Washington and the arrest followed. . Father of Twenty-Seven Children. Greensboro, N. C., December 6.— Aged 86, looking 60. ar.d the proud father of 27 children, William D. Lew. U. of Port Gib6on, I. T., ha a reached Greensboro to visit relatives. He left this county for the west 60 years ago. H* has buried five wives and the elrth bore him a son three months ago. lb* oldest child Is 65 years of ago. For Croup use Chenev’s Kxpectorant p- R. Brandt’s Jewelry Store Is brim full of fine suggestions for Christ mas anil Holiday presents for every one. Come Early and Make Selections. A LL goods marked in plain figures at popular prices. Order from us by any catal< >ifin . We meet any and all reliable competition in the United States. BRANTDT; THE JEWELER. ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE. 104 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.