The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 07, 1902, Image 3

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TOE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1902 IS A SERIOUS MATTER. The Most serious and Fatal Diseases Arise From Indigestion. Chronic Indigestion or Dyspepsia, while a rery common trouble, has for some time been looked upon by able Physicians as a serious thins, and that do time should be lost in treating it properly at the start, because recent re searches bare shown that the most seri- ou«, fatal and incurable diseases have tbeir origin in simple dyspepsia or indi gestion. Diabetes is simply one form of lndi tee ion, the sugar and starohy food not being assimilated by the digestive or pans. In Bright's disease the albumen h not properly assimilated. W hile consumption and dyspepsia are twin diseases, and it is beyond question that dyspepsia makes a fertile soil for tne seeds of consumption. But the trouble has been to find a remedy that con'd be depended upon to cure dyspep sia. as it is notoriously obstinate and riitlieult to cure. Tnis has been the question which has l u/z'ed physicians and dyspeptics alike, until the question was solved three years igo by the appearance of a new discovery 111 the medical world known as Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets, which it wasclaimed was a certain, reliable cure for every form of stomach trouble. I’nysicians, however, would not accept ►uch statements without first giving the new remedy many tests and carefully observing results* For three years the remedy has been thoroughly tested in eyery section of the country and with surprising and satis factory results. Smart's Dyspepsia Tablets can be honestly claimed to be a specific, a radi cal lasting cure for indigestion in the various forms of acid dyspepsia or sour stomach, gas or wind on stomach, too much bile, nndue fullness or pressure after eating and similar symptoms re sulting from disordered digestion. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets were not placed before the publio nntil this three years’ trial left no doubt as to their value and they have recently been placed in the trade and can be found on sale at all druggists at the nominal price of 50 cents per package. No extravagant claims are made for the remedy, it will not cure rheumatism, pueuminia. typhoid fever or any thing tut just what it is claimed to cure and that is every form of stomach trouble. No dieting is necessary, good wholesome food and plenty of it and you may rest assortd that btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Will digest it. Druggists claim for it that it is a pleasure to recommend it to dyspeptics, because it gives such univer sal satisfaction. APPROPRIATION BILL TOR PENSIONS PASSED Goes Through the House With Little Debate. MEASURE CARRIES $139,847,000. LAGPIPPfc HAS TIGHT ; BLALP ON ENGLAND Tfc'.msanib Flocking to India and Franoe. G*SS P FROM LONDON TOWN. It Is Practically Identical with the Ap- propagations Made For the Current Year and Contains No New Legisla tion. Washington, De<c. 6.—I mmt?d lately after the reading of the journal the houtie today entered on the comilder* tion of the i>emjion appropriation bilL The bill arou»ed no discussion. Mr. Barney, of Wisconsin, in charge of the measure, explained that the appropri ations it carried aggregating $131*.847.. OoO, were practically Identical with those for the current year and that It contained no now legislation. The bill then was passed without a word ol comment, exactly 10 minutes having been consumed in its consideration. Mr. Ol instead, of Virginia, presented the report on the Wagner-Butler con tested election (“use from the twelfth Missouri district and gave notice that he would call it up next Wednesday. The regular order was then demand This was the London dock charge bill which came orer from the last session as unfinished business. As Mr. Sher man. of New York, who le oppose! to the measure, wes absent, it we4 agreed by unanimous consent that th 1 * bill should be taken up on Monday, and that a vote should be take n at 4: 3m o'clock on that day. The house then proceeded with tip’ call of com;nitn<*. Bills were passe 1 to readjust the times for holding court In the western judicial district of Trx as, to confer jurisdiction upon the cir cuit court and distilcts of South Da kota. in certAln Indian cases; to ere ate a new division of the western ju dicial district of Missouri. Great Wo. ing fo stress Is Prevailing Among ■j Classes—Thousands of Un- rd Persons Are Daily Clamor t'erk. The winter peady I c« with the so aie ley are on tin Delhi lull ing to th SLATED FOR BUCK’S PLACE. John Barrett, of Oregon. Will Go tc Mikado’s Court. Washington. Dec. 6.—President Roosevelt today authorized th** ofiicia statement to be made that h- would nominate John Barrett of Oregon, to be United State minister to Japan to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Minister A! fred E. Buck. GOULD AND HARRIMAN FIGHT. Trar.ascnt:nental Passenger Traffic War May Be Precipitated. New Orleans. Dec. C.—A transconti nental passenger traffic war Is likely to be precipitated at New Orleans by the lat; st move of the Southern Pa cilic tnilrnud in Joining in a union doi-ot plan with the Illinois Contra! rR ,: »io:i'!. cutting out the Ixiuisvillc an.I N.:s.hv!!le ctosslng. This action it is !>• lieved. will result in the Louis vl!> and Nashville* and the Texas an 1 P-acilie joining in an agreement handle transcontinental traffic. This will likely !>e done unless the Lou! rille and Nashville is forced to ont'»i the union depot on Jan. 1. when th Southern Pacific geves in as the Queen and Crescent is Included in the plan. The fight between the Gould and Harriman interests is further acc«*n tuat.d by the action of the Southern Pacific in routing its business from •lew York to north Texas via New Or leans and the Shreveport and Red River Valley railroad instead of the Texas and Pacific. In furtherance of its scheme of col animation of southwest Ixmisiana and Texas tho Southern Pacific yesterday carried through New Orleans 1,500 horn* seekers, the third large partv of agriculturists recently brought in to this section by the Southern Pacific. ExSpeaker Reed’s Condition. Washington. Dec. 6.—Ex-Speakor T. B. Reed's physicians this morning is aued the following bulb tin: “Mr Reed passed the night without the su pervention of alarming symptoms. Hi adept during the greater part of th*? night, but was unable to retain nour ishment _ satisfactorily. ^ PuTse fv9j\ temperature 98 3-5; respiration 31. (Signed) F A. Gardner. T. K Mac Donald.’ Ex-Senator Davis’ Wife Dies. Washington. Dec. 6.—Mrs. Henry G Davis, wife of the former senator fron West Virginia, and mother in-law o Senator Flklns. died at "Graceland. her summer home, at Elkins, W. Va today. grip it un* md ha* ak- it England that ;.U who can do Hundreds of people !d India to attend the and thousands are fiook- »uth of France and the channel islands. Christmas house parties are betas organized at all the big country places where the frost Is rapidly spoiling the hunting and driving the gun« in doors. In east London the winter is having a very different effect. Thou* aande of unemployed persons dally congregate at the dock yard gates, literally fighting for a chance to do a day's work. Unskilled laborer• are there in strong force and the police find It necessary to protect the fore men. who distribute the work tickets each morning. King’s Christmas Gifts. That portion of the fashionable world which can afford Christmas gifts is watching the purchases of the members oi the royal family in order to follow suit. King Edward’s gifts this year run largely to pen and pen cil holders, cigarette cases and deli cate enamel work set with a new va riety of soft tinted, semi-transparent Btones heretofore unknown in the. realm of Jewelry. Queen Alexandria 1s also partial to enamel work. This y*-ar she is giving many photographs In artistic enameled framue. whereas the late Queen Victoria usually favor ed silver for the same purpose. Queen Alexandria's well known fondness for pearls leads her to distribute many of them among her more Intimate friends at th*- Christmas season. The king of Portugal made himself decidedly popular during his stay In England, besides proving himself one of the best shots in Europe, a keen motorist, a clever painter and & good musician. During his visit to Blen* helm palace he treated the house par ty there to a number of French love songs and Portuguese ballads. Profitable Theatrical Season. It is long since the London theaters and restaurants have experienced so pi of 1 able a season as the present. The Wes : End ablaze with ,i*j Iv. all, f>r amusement p’ crowded and theat«?r supper pestles keep the fashionable hotels and res taurants busy until long after mid night. In the meantime the board of trade returns show the largest per centage for ten years past of unskilled persons out of work, while the pro portion of skilled men without employ, ment is constrantly growing. Th« Woolwich arsenal authorities have dls. charged 2,000 mechanics 6ince the winter set in and are preparing to let out 4,000 more. So the army of peo ple out of work must bo added to the 5 *.000 members of the army reserve who have been released from service January The First! ..1903.. * 1 Our Stock Must be the Lowest We i Ever Inventoried. WE Have BEEN BUSY all the FALL. Still We Have a Larger Stock Than Care to Carry to the New Year We Monday Dec. 8th, We commence our unloading sale. Get prices and come to Davison & Lowe’s, we mean business. Best yard wide Sea Island - - 4^ cents. Best Calico 4*4 cents. Best Factory Checks 5 cents. Fruit of Loom Bleaching - - 7 1=2 cents. Good Canton Flannel - = - = 8 1=2 cents, pc for Fleeced Back Printed Flannelettes worth 12 i=2c. 39c for Wool Suiting, 1 1=2 yards wide worth 50c. 100 Pcs extra fiine Dress Ginghrms 7 i=2, worth 12 i-2C. 8 1-2 cents for best Covert Cloths, worth 12 1-2 cents. One lot Twill! Printed Flannelettes, fleeced back 1-2 cents, wortlj(^£$nts. 1-3 Off on Ladies' Goaks Off on Children's Goaks Off on Ladies' Suits Off on Ladies' Skirts For Holiday Adjournment. Washington. Doc. 6.—Ri pros, ntativ Pay no. leader of the majority, toda: lntiodueod a resolution In the hous for holiday adjournment from Dee. 2<l| with the color*. "he worst distress to January 6. A TEXA8 WONDER. Do*. It Pay To Buy Cheap. A cheap remedy for coughs and olds is all right, but yon want something that will relieve and cure the more se vere and dangerous results of throat and long troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular cli mate? Yos, if possible; if not possible for yon, then in either case take the ouly remedy that has been introduced in all civilized oouDtries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, “Bosch- ee’s German Syrup.” ItnotoDly heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. You can get this reliable remedy at H. R. Pal mer & Sons. Get Green’s Special A1 manac. NOTICE. The County Commissioners will re- oeive np to December 8th, 1902, applioa tions for the position of superintendent of the County Farm for the year begin ning January 1st, 1903. Amount of ■alary and other information will be furnished by the undersigned. H. O. ERWIN. Clerk. For LaGrippeand Influ enza use Cheney’s Expec torant. Mali’s Great Discovery. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladuer in both men and women, regolates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your Idruggistp, will be sent by mail on receipt of $1. One small bottle is two months’ treat ment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer, P. O. Box 629, St. Louis, Mo Send for testimonials. Sold by all druggists. READ TMLS! Greenfiield, Tenn., March 30, 1901. Dr. E. W. Hall, St, Louis, Mo — Dear Sir: My mother is 64 years old and has suffered twenty-five years with kid ney trouble, and one-third of a bottle of your Texas Wonder, Hall’s Gr* at Dis covery, has cared her, and I can fully recommend it to the publio. Yours truly, O. B DREWRY. naturally i« visible :n the East End. A number of newspapers have started subscription columns and daily print harrowing stories of half-clad acbool onlldren. many of whom arc without any f<*od except scanty luncheons fur nlshed by sympathetic teachers. A number of London suburban councils are starting public works In order to employ a small portion of the idle persons. OuLt Frice Sale On Wool Dress Goods and Trimmings; On Millineiy; On Mattings and Rugs; On Lace Curtains; On Table Covers and Portiers; On Draperies of all kinds; On Wool Casimers and Jeans; On Cotton Dress Goods. Statement ol the Banks. Now York. Doc. (j.—The statement fo tin averages of tho clearing house banks for the woks shows: Loans, $881,437,00. Increase $1,611,000; de posits $879,762,600, decrease $1,074,- 200; circulation $13,500,600, increase $73,500; legal tenders $67,703,600, de crease $611,700; specie $162,165,700, decrease $0,219,100; reserve $229,940, 400, decrease $6,831,100; reserve re qulrcd $219,940,050. decrease $1,018,. 850; surplus $9,873,750, decrease $5,812, 650; ox-U. S. deposits $20,010,500, de crease $5,818,476. CORTES WILL BE DISSOLVED. Conservative Cabinet to Be Formed tc Succeed Sagasta Ministry. Madrid, Dec. 6.—King Alfonso to day charged Senor Silvela to form a conservative cabinet to succeed the Sagasta ministry which resigned on Wednesday. The eortes will be dis solved, the king having consented to Issue a decree to that efToet before Christmas. Senor Silvela Is busily conferring with his supporters. The iiortfolio of war has been of fered to General Linares, who was wounded at the battle of Santiago an 1 who was minister of war in 1S90. CA8TORIA. Bear, tho AW$ IM Han Mwajs BoiigH Blgutua of W Han Mwajs Filed Deed of Trust. Cincinnati, Doc. 6.—The Brunswick Collender company, manufacturers ol billiard and pool tables and bar fx tures. today gave a deed of trust ol Its properties here and In other cities, to the Union Savings and Trust com pany of Cincinnati, for half a million dollars, to be applied to enlargement of their establishment in Chicago, Closing Out Trunks, Umbrellas, Underwear for Ladies, Children and Men. Closing out Furs. Big lot Shopping Bags. Sample lot choice 25 and 50 cents, worth more than double this priice. FOR HOLIDAY GOODS His Eye Valued at $10,000. New York. Dec. 6.—-Ten thousand dollars Is the value of an eye. accord ing to a verdict for damages awarded by a Jury in the Brooklyn suprem* court In favor ol Fred H. Dlttman. The plaintiff was employed by an elec trical company at.d was injured by e broken belt on the machinery. Fast Express Wrecked. Thuro, N. S., Dec. 6.—The Canadian Pacific fast express, which left Hali fax for St. John and Montreal this morning was wrecked on the Inter-Co loninl railroad near Belmont station. Four persons were killed and several passengers and one brakeman injured You Will Find Many Christmas Presents Store of Useful Things Suitable at Right Prices at the For Big Davison & Lowe. Mi Mf **?