The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 07, 1902, Image 9

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TOE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1902, MICHAEL BROTHERS. “ Store Open Every Niofht ’Till 9 O’clock From Now’Till Christmas. - MICHAEL BROTHERS. .....CHRISTMAS BRILLIANCE IS HERE IN EARNEST..... SHELVES, COUNTERS AND TABLES ARE FAIRLY OVERFLOWING WITH MYRAIDS OF Tempting - Holiday - Specialties. Furs for Christmas Gifts. The most elaborate and complete collection of Furs for Ladies and Children ever shown in Athens. Comprising Electric Seal, Fox, Stone Marten, Mink and Per sian Lamb. Fur Collarettes Irom $1 50 to $35. Fur Muffs from $L’50 to $25. Children’s Fur Muff and Cape from $1.50 to $5 a set. Gloves for Holiday Gifts. For Ladies, Men and Children. Ladies’ Black and col ored Kid Gloves at $1 a pair. Children’s Kid Gloves at $1 a pair Men’s Kid Gloves at $1.25 and $1.50 a pair. Children’s Wool Gloves at 25c a pair. Ladies’ Wool Gloves at 25to 50c a pair. Men’s Scotch Wool Gloves 35 to 75c paii. Holiday Linens. Half Bleached all Linen Table Damask, real value 65c, at 50c a yard. 72-inch wide “Loom” Ta ble Damask, would be value at 85c, at 75 cants a yard. 70 inch w ide Bleached Ta ble Damask, regular $1 grade, 75 cents a yard. Genuine Irish Damask, double faced, bleached sat in finish 72-inches wide in new patterns at $1 a yard. Linen Napkins, full size at $1.25, 1.50, 2 50 dozen. Fringed Doylies at 50c, 75c and $1 a dozen. Linen Hemstitched Table Sets from $10 to $25 a set Blankets and Comforts. Most suitable Xmas gifts 10-4 White Cotton Biank- ets at $1.25 a pair. 10-4 White Wool Blank ets at $2 50 pair. 10 4 White Wool Blank ets at $3.50, 5 00, 7 50 and 10.00 a pair. Eiderdown Comforts at $3.50, 4 50, 5.00 and 6.00. Appropriate ..Christmas Gifts.. *>i***'**«M>*«*«**«S**«l**iJM«S««S«S«S Cut Glass, Decorated China Dinner, Game and Fish Sets, all kinds of Statuary, Onyx Tables, Brass Lamps, Burnt Leather and Wood Specialties, Shaving Sets, Manicure Sets, Comb and Brush Sets, a great line of Pic tures, Bohemian Glass Goods, Sterling Silver IMovelties and all kind of Brie a Brae. Our store open every night until 9 o’clock from now ’till Christmas. Ready to Wear Department. M»st acceptable Xmas presents. Ladies’ Suits at $9.00, 12 50. 16.50 and 20. Misses Suits at $10 and 12.50. Ladies’ Seperate Skirts $4 50 to 10 Ladies’ Silk Skirts from $8 60 to 25. Ladies' Jackets and Coats from $5 up to $35. Misses Jackets from $2.50 up to 7.50 Appreciated Xmas Gifts. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Aprons, Neckwear, Fasci nators and Zephyr Shawls. Knit Underwear. For Ladies, Misses and Children. Never was a time more favorable for buying Underwear than now. Children’s Union Suits from 50c to $1 25. Children’s Vests and Punts from 25o each to 85c. Ladies’ Vests and Pants from 25c each to $1.25. Carpets, Rugs and Curtains. Beautifully designed, rich ly colored Carpets and Rugs that will make ideal Christmas presents and give the home a happier, cheerier look and comfort. For the holiday trade we offer you some extra at tractive specials Prices popularly low to appeal catchily to prospective buy ers. Snowy Curtains to give the home a fresher beauty during the holidays. Sump tuously patterned, crisp and dainty. New from the looms, and priced attrac tively to irresistibly en chain attention. Silk Parasols and Umbrellas. Built extra good for Xmas gifts, and the handles and trimmings are the very latest. When a woman or man has everything else, they usually think very kindly of a Parasol or Um brella. MICHAEL BROTHERS. MICHAEL BROTHERS. MICHAEL BROTHERS. SHORT NOTES ? * OF INTEREST.? Best line of Cigars IB the city. The On Drug Oo. For Sale, Thirty thoosnnd feet of lumber and old tiu for sale. Apply to J. H. Ruelr- er. president Athens Compress (Jo. lw. Fresh I’-jtato chips, Phone No. 6S. at I P. Morton’s. For Rent. Bmlding formerly occupied by Dorn- lilatt, No 8 Clayton street, apply on premises. Celery. Presh shipment at I. P. Morton's, Phone No C8. Hello! Business Men, Phone the Imperial Hotel, No. 142, and have yonr meals pnt on the table read; for you and there will be no loes of time daring the rash of bnsiness. Social rates for sixty days. P. W. Sntherlin, Manager. Fruit Cakes. At I. P. Morton’s, Phone No. 08. For Sale. Fat bogs at Fowler's Mill and distil lery at lie. lb net. it. Lady Fingers, Fresh from the oven daily. 25 oents per pound at M. M. Arnold's. Now is the Time For Christmas Piotures. Nothing is more appropriate for a Christmas present than a fine Photo graph of yonr self. I am anxious to hare yon oall for a sitting before It is too late, that I may have time to finish yonr work. Come regardless of the weather, sittings made equally as well in clondy weather, as in fair. Phone 87 today and make an engagement for a sitting and avoid the rush. All the latest styles and novelties in mountings O. W. Motes The boys meeting of the Y. M. 0. A. will meet this afternoon at 8 o’clock, Seme will be led by Mr. T. B. Hudgio. The men’s meeting will be at 4 o'olock, and led by Secretary For bee. Cheese, Roquefort, Edam and Cream, just re cti I. P Morton. Phone G8. Glass Of all sizes at Arnold & Sorrells. Dried Fruit At I P Morton's. Phone No. 08. Certificate of Deposit No 2451, issued by the Bank of Monroe in favor of T. J Rowland, $1,104 40, was lost or stolen from him in Athens Dec 1st. Bank of Monroe has been no tified not to pay said certificate aud all other banks please take notice. Return to Banner office. T. J. ROWLAND, Monroe, Ga. Ingredients Ot all kinds for fruit cakes at I. P. Morton’s. Phone 08. Her Xmas Present. Nothing would be nicer or more highly appreciated than a box of confec tions selected from our large and ele gant assortment of Imported and do mestlc candies, “sweets to the sweet.’ Skalowski's. Wood For Sale, One thousand loads dry pine wood for sale. Phone 314. Lost, An Overcoat. I have mislaid my overooat—where, when and how I do not know. The finder will please return to Banner office and oblige. Howell Oobb. Sealed Bids Will be received for 20 days by the Trustees of Oconee Street Church for the Church and Lot, with privilege to reject any and all bids. Hand bids to W. M. Pittman, Sec. Pictures And Picture Frames at Arnold <fe Sorrells. Just Received Fresh shipment Kennedy’s Oakes and Crackers. I. P. Morton, Phone No. 68 Notice. Experienced office man open for posi tion Jan. 1st, for part or all of his time. Address now,’•Experience’ ’ care Banner. Fresh Lot Nats of all kinds at I. P. Morton's. Phone No. 68. His Xmas Present. * * — | Anything in our complete assortment of smokers’ supplies would be appropri ate, each as a nice box of cigars, fine pipe, meerschaum and amber oigar and cigarette holders, fine cigar and cigar ette cases. Egyptian and Turkish cigar ettes and tobacco pouches, etc. Ska- lowski’s. Lost Lady’s open-faced gold watoh. Finder return to John E. Talmadge, Jr., and be rewarded. For Rent. Six room bouse on Thomas street, four minutes walk from postoffice. Rent reasonable. Apply to C. W. Coop- Pay Your State aud County taxes today. The books close on Deo. 20th. H. H. Linton,T. O. td Reduced Prices On Wall Paper for the next few days at Arnold it Sorrells. Prunes. Figs, Dates, Raisins, at I. P. Morton’s. Phone No 08. Strayed. Medium size cow, red with white spots. No horns. 48 Pope street. H. K. Cooper. Lost. One large, spotted pointer dog, an swers to name "Jack.” A suitable re ward will be paid for return to 121 Mil- ledge avenue. Men. Our illustrated catalogue explains how we teach the barber trade in short time, mailed free. Moler Barber Col lege, JS'ew Orleans, La. Meu and Wom*n. Copy letters at home. Highest prices paid ; money advanced weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and instruc tions. Standard Pen Co., 218 Fulton St„ N Y. The Pride of heroes. Many soldiers in the last; war wrote to say that for Scratches, Bruises, Outs, Wounds, Corns, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve Is the beet in the world. Same for Burns, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only 25c at W. J. Smith & Bro., and H. R. Palmer & Sons drug stores. L—-SiORGIA LEGISLATURE. Coco Cola and Like Syrups Are tlo Be Taxed $1,000. Atlanta, Dec. C.—Very f«cv changn were made by the house yesterday :n the general tax bill, and only one radical amendment was adopted. Ti.fl bin was almost completed, lep/vlc j but four or five mOTe sections to b« passed irpon today. The most Important change In U« bill wn* the adoption of an amenl n-.ent by I>r. Kelly, of Glascock, putting a tax of $1,000 on the manufacture! of coco cola and similar patentee Boda fountain syrups, the Increase having been made from 1300. tin amount adopted the day before No tax was put on bottling works. The house taxed slot machines $2.10 and $5 each; mldwdy Bhows $10 pet week each; cigarettes $10; detectlis agencies $106; leaving practically every figure tn the bill except tS.s coco eola tax, lust as tt came from the committee. Another Important change made by the house was the removal of sew ing machine comimnles and aget is from exemption from local taxation which they have heretofore enjoyed. The house voted down an amend- mont to section 6, by Mr. Carrington, of Madison, which proposed to malts the tax on all Insurance eom-pandea 1 per cent on their gross reeetpts. In stead of 1 pur rent as It fs a* present It was shown that wHh the agency tax and the tax on real and pereopal property, the Insurance companies were paying more taxes ffi GeoTgls than was tne case In many othoi states of the union. The section at adopted requires all Insurance com pa nies to pay a tax of 1 per cent on their gross receipts. Mutual oo-opera tlve or assessment fire companies art exempted from this tax. Insurance companies doing a brokerage buslnesi or lending money are required to pay a tax go their capital employed tin same as Individuals. They must alsc gay the usual ad valorem tax on nil their real and personal property. Presidents and general managers ol all building and loan associations ar« required by section 6 as adopted ip return all the property of suetj aesocl •tions to tax receiver® la their re opectlve count be. All foreign and home fidelity and guarantee companies are required to pay a tax of 1 per cent upon Unfit gross receipts. In the Senate. Although a strong effort was made yesterday to have the senate recon sider its action of tjje previous day In passing (he bill by Senate* Cl* menta to continue the present convict lease system, the upper Ijoute, by a vote of 25 to 11. decline* to reowls from Its action. The generaT appropriations* which Is now being considered by the senate committee on appropriations, was read for the second time and sent hack to the committee. When It comes from the committee tt will be in shape to be placed upon it) passage. So far as this session of the )qgt» lature is concerned the Australian baj. lot system bill, hy Mr. Kelly, of Qian* cock. Is dead. The senate yesterday morning post poned action on the measure and made the trill the special order ft)! the second day of the next session <51 the upper house, vrtlether that bo is June or October of 1903. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to care deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mneons lining of the Enstachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken ont and this tnbe restored to its normal condition, hearing, will be destroyed forever; nine cases ont of ten are caused by Oatarrh, which is nothing bat an inflamed condi tion of the mnoons surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cared by Hall's Oatarrh Onre. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. C. W. HU the ChfcagoJ been appoln Louis and Sun Francisco, with offices In New York. Tfio position le a new one. Dr. Timothy Filed Alloa, a promi nent physician of New York. Is dead from apoplexy. He was dean of tin Homeopathic college and president <>1 the New York Opfhalmlc hospital. Dr. Alien wso thu author of many works on medicine and botany. A municipal Journal publishes ex haustive tables, says a London dis patch to the Now York Tribune., show ing that the estimated profits of vari ous umlGtaktirgs, such as ga*. wafer, eleetrie supplies and tramways afs equal In Uvcrpood to a rate of 15-1 per pound, end fall from fhati maxi mum to a single farthing at Halifax The evidenc e is conclusive that local taxis would be higher tn English towns if municipal trailing were ndl a source of considerable profit. Experts familiar with the trade el Venezuela under normal conditions assert, snys a New York Tribune dis patch from London, thnt rus'oifis rev enues arej!--rived chiefly from import) of flour from the United Stall* an 1 Canada and exports to the same mar* kets, and the seizure of the system) of the settlement of British SLhd Ger man claims would involve the pay ment of debts through duties levied u;>on commerce from and with Ameri ca-liicrs Who Clel Most Tips. Walters who receive I be most tips, ■vs ;be Chicago Inter Ocean, are usu lly those who have everlasting and •' like pnictieo. those who do not •isily take an Insult, who ever have a c-nsant smile for theii pa Lions, who ■y enrmstly to please them and are Iways ready to accommodate every no. A waiter should never place hlin- ■lf in a position of expectancy In the latter of reci*i\lng a tip and should void approaching a guest If be sees in In the uct of drawing change from .s pocket. A waiter should never pose s an object of pity with a view to se ining a tii> If he deserves a tip, he :ould let tin* guest fcs-l within himself hat lie deserves it. nml if the guest wishes to give him a tip lie will usually uauage to catch the waiter’s nttcutlon *r leave the tip beside the plate. Should lie waiter receive a tip previous to waiting on the guest, he should leave ■t lying on the table and then do his level best to earn 1L RICKETY CHILDREN. Loose joints, bow legs, big head, and soft bones—mean rickets. It is a typical disease for the best workings of Scott’s Emulsion. For the weak bones Scott’s Emulsion supplies those powerful tonics the hypophos- phites. For the loss of flesh Scott’s Emulsion provides the nourishing cod-liver oil. Scott’s Emulsion corrects the effects of imperfect nour ishment and brings rapid im provement in every way to rickety children. Send for Fret Simple- SCOTT & HOW ME, Chcnihu. <o.j Pcirl St-.N.Y.