The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 09, 1902, Image 4

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TOE BANNER, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1902. A STRENGTHENER Vinol Promptly Overcomes Weakness. DEBILITY OFTEN PRECEDES COMPLETE COLLAPSE. We Want Every One to Know How to Get Strong. OUR VINOL IS A STRENGTH CREATOR. The saddest sight on earth isa. broken- down man or woman. We see such people every day right here in our city. It is pitiful to see a man that should l>e in his prime dragging himself through life dejected, discouraged and broken down, due to some premature weakness. It does not make any dif ference whether this weakness is the result of dissipation, indiscreet living or disease; it can be overcome. We have known of many very serious cases of debility quickly overcome by Vinol. Vinol is & scientific rebuilder and strength creator. It contains the active curative principles of Cod-Liver Oil in a highly concentrated form. The benefit that can be derived from the use of these properties is so well known that there is no need for us to enter into that subject. We could quote many instances where Vinol has done good; as an example, bore is one coming from Jane S. Fen- f ren, a prominent member of the W. C. *X. U., and a resident of ISuncook, N. H. JShe writes: *• — • “I was run down, was in hed from May to March. Was so nervous and sickly that everyone thought I was in a most precarious condition. My weight was reduced to 120 pounds. 1 was ad vised to take Vinol, which 1 did, and am now very much better, and am able to be about again. As a rebuilder and a strength giver nothing can equal it. Vinol is a God-blessing to anybody.” t Because Vinol is delicious, and because it does contain these much-sought-after medicinal properties we endorse it, and we unhesitatingly proclaim that it is better than any preparation of cod-liver oil or tonic rebuiiderwe have ever bad In our store. H. R. PALMER & SONS, DRUGGISTS. Mall Orders^Supplled.Z$l per Bottle, Express Prepaid. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. .. House Votes Down Amendment to In crease Genera! Tax Rate. Atlanta, Lee. 8.—The horn*? Satur day voted down the amendment to the general tax bill hy Mr. Hall, of Bibb, to increase the cornual tax rate to 6.22 mills, hy the large majority of 111 tt> I. The hill a«s reported by the ways and means committee fixed the g^ner^l tax i ate at 5 mills, of which 3.18 for general put poses and 1 82 for th« sink ing fund. In addition there is a tax of .23 mills for the sinking fund, mak ing a total of 5.23 mills, or $5.W on *1.‘""». Mr. Hall’s amendment proposed to make the tax for general purpose* 4.J7 mills, an increase of .30 mills. This would put the total at 6 22. The committee's action fixing the mx rate at 5 mills was adopted by a urge majority vote. The house adopted by a vote of 74 to 66, an amendment to the general tax act. which requires that all for- ign coronations having an office, warehouse or salesroom In the state, shall pay a specific or occupation tax graduated from $23 to $1,000, In ac cordance with the size of the capital stock of such corporation. This is considered by many one of the most radical amendments to the general tax bill over adopted by the house, and great interest was manifest ed in the debate and in tbo result. No warmer fight ha* ever been mad#* at this session than that on this scM-tion of the general tax bill. which proposes t.> put this graduated tax or. all foreign corporations doing business in Georgia. Then- will bo som# thing doing ov<»r> minute during this, the last week ot the legislative session of 1%2. Wlieth or the general assembly will adjourn on Friday or Saturday has not yet been determined. The last day of the s.s sdon Js Friday. I ut if y, ste: day (Sun day) should be declared a dies non as a resolution now before tie* house? proposes. a'jouiY.ment^ sine die will not 1h*. had until Saturday n'glit. WHILE WG WARN* Wc Also Contort aid Cblr. 8EEKING SOUTHERN HOMES. Dr day* tie Mr. and Mrs. Dillon In New York. Now York, Dec. 8.—John Dillon, oae of the leader* of the Irish Nationalist party is at the Hoffman house with his wife, who arrived on the Umbria from Europe. Mr. Dillon, who had been Ill in Chicago and who had just arrived here, was affected materially by Ue trip and was obliged to take to his bed at the hotel and deny himself to all callers. While his condition is not considered serious. Mrs. Dillon trald that be was boo 1H to see anybody. What’s In A Name? Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E O. De Witt & Co., of Chicago, discovered, some years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For Blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, eczema, cuts burns, bruises and all skin diseases DeWitt’s Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt’s—the genuine. The OrrDrug Co., Y, S Dial w rreral tax hi ; or ten da> session wei mo: Important work ol ted. and it now o were iK»r;»;:sin priations bill an i i to the governor a before the close o suing a sort of ignis t'atuus. A great deal of work remains to be done on these measures, and they will probably be the very last matters finally acred on both by the hou. e and senate. he University of Georgia will get $22,500 each year for the next twe years for maintenance fund, and this will enable the institution to take ad vantage of the Peabody offer of $50, 000 for a new library building for the college. This much was settled by the senate committee on appropriations Saturday, morning and It Is to he expected that the action of the committee will bo confirmed as to that item when the measure is reported back to the upper house. The house had already agreed upon the amount named for the univer sity. Does |t Pay To Buy Cheap. A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more so vore and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do Go to a warmer and more regular cli mate? Yea, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and long troubles, “Bosch- ee's German Syrup.” It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night’s rest, and cores the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. \ T ou can get this reliable remedy at H. R. Pal mer & Sons. Get Green’s Special Al manac. Paine's Celery Compound Is an lDiallible Care lor All Foims of RHEUMATISM. Although we are all born with the principles of dissolution in our frame which continue to operate from our birth to our death, we are under obliga tion to Heaven and our loved ones to keep ourselves free from disease andjiuf fering. While death must come to every human being, pain may be avoid ed, and our days made happy and long, if we keep the blood and physical strnc tore in proper condition. At this time, while we warm the thousands of rheumatic sufferers of the folly and danger of allowing rhevma ti>m to run unchecked at this season of the year, we can comfort them with the happy assurance that Paine’s Celery Compound permanently cures the terri ble disease. This woudrous medicine has won the hearty indorsation of med- i *al men, and its virtues are lauded by tens of thousands rescued from agony and death. Mr, Chas. W. Lucker, Mount pleasant, S C , who banished his rheumatism by use of Pain’s Celery ■ ompound, writes thus :— ‘ It is now going on two months since 1 have taken Paine’s Celery Compound for rheumatism. No other medicine, I t link, could ever have done me so much good I have i ot had an attack of it s nee. Previous to taking the Com pound, I tii-d everything, and had two c,i the best dretors in Charleston, but they only gave ure some relief for a few days. Two bottles of Paine’s Celery Compound completely cared me.*’ Wisconsin and Minnesota Families to Settle In Alabama. Birmingham. Ala., Dec. S.—Thirty thousand acres of timbor land In Walker and Winston counties have changed hands within the last few days, lump sura of $400,000 being in consideration. The Jasper I^and company, which we ld options on practically al the tract, made the sale, Wisconsin capitalists being the purchasers. Charles J. Win ston. Charles J. Gilbert. Neal Brown find J. H. Koehler are among the larg est holdeis in the new pun hase. It is the intention of the proposed new company tb divide the land into 40-acre tracts, building homes thereon and locating several large saw mills. Several hundred families will be located on the land before spring, it is said. The promoters of the scheme have or ganized center colonies ami effected development in Wisconsin, Minnesota and California, and great things are expected of them In western Alabama. A 15-mile stretch of railroad will be built right away through the belt of land and will connect with the ’Fris co and Southern railroads sit Jasper, Ala. It is estimated that there are 200,000,000 feet of timber or the land purchased. It is stated that after the timber has been cut off th» land, it will be. or rather most of it, admirably adapted to agricultural pur poses. EXTENSION ILLINOIS CENTRAL. liSIDCN'i iAL APPOINTMENTS. my Nominations For Southern Of- fiz*3 Are Mr.Js. Was: ii.ctoe. Dec. 8 -—The president lay t ,:t th;• following nominations t v e :-•« irate: r '- ! -- is Revenue—Wil- i V How*.11. O-jit ict of I outslana; a H. J-*. dh trict of South Car- r.o: T-. Thompson, district of Naxal Surveyor of Customs—Elijah . Atl-Jns. port of Knoxville. Tenn. Naval Office s of Customs—Elmer E. cod. district of Now Orleans. Collectors of Customs—Henry (•Call X w Orleans: John W. How 1. F-inandlna. Fla.; Fr< .1 C. Cubber- . S lint Marl s. Fla. Thomas G. C,, - rre. S-t. Augustine, H ; William H. Lucas. St. John Fla or the Embassy at Surveying Party Has HeacJqjarters at Tuscumbia, Ala. Tuscumbia. Ala.. Dec. 8.—That the Illinois Central railroad is p aiming to reach north Alabama territory is true If the preliminary skirmishing of a large engineering party now at work in this in mediate section means any thing. and it doubtless does For a number of weeks a party head ed hy Engineer MeCloy has been mak ing Tuscumbia its headquarters, and despite the failure of all efforts to draw any of the party into a conver sation which might throw some light on their presence here, there- is a well developed rumor current thar the party represents the Illinois Central railroad, and that the maneuvering n this vi cinity practically means that the Illi nois Central is determined to hid for U share of the large and increasing business in North Alabama, at present controlled by the Southern and Louis ville and Nashville railways. A TKXAS WONDER. M. T'- Pa. Christmas Holiday Rates VIA The Southern Railway. On account of the Christmas Holidays the Southern Railway will sell tiokets to all points east of the Mississippi and ■onth of the Ohio Potomac rivers, using rate of one and one third fare for the round trip, tickets limited to oontinn- ons passage in each direction. TO THE PUBLIC. Tickets will be sold Dec. 23, 24, 25. 80 aDd 31. 1902, and January 1. 1903. final limit for return passage January 8. 1903. TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS upon presentation and surrender cf certificates signed by Superintendents, Principals or presidents of the various institutions, tickets will be sold Decern ber 16th. to 22nd , inclusive*, with final limit for return passage January 8th. 1903. For additional information, call on or address R. Y7. Sizer, General Agent, 100 Clayton street, Athens, Ga. W. H. TAYliOE, A. G. P. A. Atlan. ta. Ga. S. H. HARDWICK. G P. A.. Wash lug ton, D. O. A Cold Wave. The fore ast of sndd-n changes in the weather served notice that a hearse voice and a heavy cough may invade the sanctity of health in yonr own home. Cautious people have a b Pie of One Minnte Cough Cure always at hand. E H. Wise, Madison, Ga., writes: "I am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure fer my present good health and proba bly my life.” It cares C.mghs, Colds, I.igrtppe, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and all Throat and lung troubles One Min- nte Congh Care cats the phlegm, draws oat the inti animation, heals and soothes the mn-oas membranes and strengthens the lnugs The Orr Drag Co Hill's Orest D|.cover,. One small bottle of Hall's Great Die oovery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregular ities of the kidneyB and blad ier in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by yonr Idrnggists. will be sent by mail on receipt of fl. One Bmall bottle is two mouths' treat ment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole man ufacturer, P. O. Box 629, St. Bonis, Mn. Send for testimonials. Sold by al) druggists. READ TMI5I Greenfiield, Tenn., March 30, 1901. Dr. E. W. Hall, St, Louis, Mo — Dear Sir: My mother is 64 years old and has suffered twenty-five years with kid ney trouble, and one-third of a bottle of yonr Texas Wonder, Hall’s Gr^at Dis covery, has cared her, and 1 can folly recommend it to the public. Yonrs trnlv, O. R DREWRY. GOOD B 44 THE PERFECT FOOD” FOR BRAIN and MUSCLE MALTA-VITA is good board for all mankind. Relished by eld . young, sick or well. MALTA-VITA is the original and only perfectly cooked, tkorojgSily f malted, flaked, and toasted whole wheat food. MALTA-VITA is the perfect food : perfect in taste, perfect!’** co«.k*d and malted ; perfect because MALTA VITA contains all of tin- elena n’s necessary to sustain life and invigorate mind and body IVrrect h- .kb, sound, restful sleep, clear complexion, bright eyes, clean, while t*-eth, sweet breath are the blessings that follow a regular diet of MALTA- VITA. A week’s trial of MALTA-VITA as a elu t f< r b-.-akt: will convince the most skeptical of Beware of imitations. Insist on feet Food.” Requires no cooking For sale by grocers. MALTA-VITA PURE FOOD CO. Battlo Creek, Mich. Toronto, C 1 as a ou t tor n“*akiar.t an*, rtire.r Pi f the superior merits o: MALTA-YII A M on getting MALTA-VITA, “The lAr- gj always ready to cat. pj N E\V 2 C. FENDER. HENRY GATCHITT DEAD. Was New York’s First Newsboy to Cry Papers Aloud. New York. Dec. S.—Henry Gatehitt. who. as a lad was the first newsboy in New York to cry his papers aloud has just died at his homo in Brooklyn a rich man. Ho was ln>rn on the cast side and sold newspapers in tho streets wher the site of Cooper Union was a corn field. Acting on an Inspiration on«3 day he took up his stand in Park Row and began calling out the names cf his papers, and an inkling of their contents to passersbv. The present “extra” yell of the newsboys dat from that time. To accommodate those who are par tial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for ca tarrhal tronbles, the proprietors prepare Ely s Liquid Oream Balm. Price in eluding the spraying tnbe is is 75 cents. Drnggists or by mail. The liquid em bodies the medicinal properties of the •olid preparation. Cream Balm is quick* ly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry np the secretions but changes them to a natural and healthy char FORMER SPEAKER REED DIES. Well Known Politician Passes Away at Washington. Washington. Dec. S.—Thomas Brack- ot Reed, former speaker of the house of representatives, and for many years prominent in public life, died here Sun day morning at 12:10 o’clock, in his apartments in the Arlington hotel. The immediate cause of death was urae mia. Mr. Reed had been confined to his hed since Tuesday last. A charge for the worse was noted in Mr. Reed’s condition Saturday. At 9:3') o’clock in the forenoon he was given a subcutaneous saline transfu sion In order to stimulate his kidneys, which were falling to perform th«ir proper function. At 5 o’clock saline solution was again administered, about three quarts of the fluid being used. Tin* heart became weaker, but the patient retained consciousness until 11 o’clock Saturday night, when a complete coma came on. At the bedside when he died were Mrs. Reed and Miss Uatherine Reed. Drs. Gardner. MacDonald. Bishop and Good now. and the nurses. kVhen She Is Launched Will Likely Be | Nc. Christrned ’ Eagle.” New York, Dec. 8.—When the new up yacht is launched from the Herre- ff’s slip in April, says The Herald -rho will probably he christened the Ragle. The information upon which uifi statement is based is considered most reliable. The name will be popular because : t is representative and national. It suggests strength, speed and fearless ness. It is a good hailing name ami 'very American yachtsman commend Herreshoffs in his patriotism in choos • iig this name. Should the new yacht meet the approval of tire committee that names the boat that will represent the New York Yacht club in the in ternational races, there should he no fear for the cup. DR. LINGLE’S DISCOVERY. i f'lo.i cf Csucing Rhythmic ttnie In Heart Muscle. •-’ • tils, ovei-y of a = -- 1 - - jiijthmlo lieats ^ lulls. U- is announced l'ii:v - ly at Ctii.-ano. Tile -= •= <•-%) u itti.l Li. Daviil J. i:< made tv. ie-.vs i f salt v. ■•atins. It fi lm heart is •■> :>-n and to <ai laved in viti o:o the at ti houstht to lit Well Known Sportsman Dead. London. Dec. 6.—-Harry McCalmont, the well known sportsman and conser vative member of parliament for New market, dropped dead today as he was leaving hi* resldnce here. McCal mont was apparently In good health when he passed through the door but when he reached the sidewalk he fell and died almost Instantly, suppos edly of heart disease. McCalmont was the owner of Isinglass, the horse who won the Derby In 1893. and ho owned the steam yacht Glrtlda. which was purchased by the Spanish govern ment at the time of tho war between tho United States and Spain. The deceased was an Intimate friend of King Edward, and was very popular generally. York Mineral Wells. York, Ala., Dec. 8.—A corporation has been organized with a cash capi tal of 310.000 with the purpose ol bottling the water of the mineral wells at this place. The works will be lo cated in Birmingham. Work on the plant will be commenced at once, and will be pushed through as rapidly as possible to completion. "York Splits" will bo the output. The officers of the company are: President, J. W. Hood, secretary and treasurer, C. Avent. Directors, James Weatherly. R. R. Thach, J. W. Hood, Georgs H Harris and C. A. Avent. Kodol Dyspepsia cure Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach Troubles, and makes rich red blood, health and strength. Kodol rebuilds wornout tis sues, purifies, strengthens and Bweetens the stomach Gov, W. W. Atkinson, of W. Ya., says: I have used a number of bottles of Kodol and have found it to be a very effective and, Indeed, a pow erful remedy for stomach ailments. I reoommend it to my friends. The Orr Drag Oo. Hon. F. H. Richardson III. Atlanta, Dec. 8—Hon. F. H. Rich ardson. one of tho best known newspa per men and lecturers In tho south, is langcrously ill at his home tn East Point. He is suffering with kidney trouble and a nervous affection. It is thought that he will be confined to bis room for some weeks. While his physicians hold out the stiongest hope r or bis recovery, yet they state that he Is in a serious condition. Mr. Richardson has been prominent as a newspaper man of exceptional ability for a number of years, and as a lec turer and speaker on Chautauqua and college occasions there is probably no man in Georgia who has a greater rep- utation. A nuilon Voice* Conld hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Poiot. Ia. Listen why : A severe cold had settled on bis longs, causing a most obstinate congh. Several physicians said he had consump tion, but conld not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King’s New D.scovery for con- acter. Ely Brothers. 66 Warren St , N. sumption and writes: "it completely Y. (cured me and saved my life I now' weigh 227 lbs.” It is positively guaran- For LsGiippeand Influ- j tend for GooghB, Colds and Lung tron enza use Cheney’s Gxpec-1 bles - *' rioeBOoa “d»i.oo. Tn»i bottles free at W. J. Smith & Bro., or H. R. torant. Palmer & Sous drag stores. Coal and Oil Lands. Birmingham, Ala., Doc. 8.—The an nounicoment is made that Pennsylvania parties will be In Birmingham with in the next few days, look! ig to an ex tensive purchase of coal ai4 oil lands and the forming of a furnace company of magnitude. Local parties who are interested say that these gentlemen will be here next week, tnd make a thorough Investigation Intc the matter and will likely do businesf.. It Is re ported that the erection of a new fur nace is proposed by the prospective visitors, and not the purcltase of any pf the old ones. i.utnitig on the linen :» v I ceb's announce >--".s ago that a '• stan a heart to pul- lns-bcfii known that can ly sensitive to oxy- !i dioxide, the gas pro- *d air. But hereto- of oxygen has been ' mfined to the purifi- eat'on of the M -id. Dr. 1.ingle shows that IhV ' as has the power directly to ru.-tain the bents of a strip of heart muscle r.-mov, ,! ni the body of a turtle and keep it going for from fit to 7fi hours. Even then the muscle ctoppcr!i only because dissolution set in. and In fact, the strip continued to beat fo: 21 hours of the 72 with part of it aln acly ,!• id. Saved at Grave's Hrink. ‘ I know I would have keen in my Krave lonp a^o,” writes Mrs. S. H, Newsom, of Dc*catur, Ala , “if it had not been for Electric Bitters, For three years I suffered untold agony from the worst forms of Indigestion, Waterbrash, Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia Bat this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since using it I can eat heart ily and have gained 35 pounds ’’ For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, S oinach. Liver and Kiduey troubles Electric Bit ters are a positive guaranteed core. Only 50c at W. J. Smith Bro , and H. R Palmer & Son*’ drug stores. Ccld Wave Strikes St. Lcui3. St. Louis, Doc. S.—A writable cold wave has struck St. I oiils and vicin ity. Yesterday was tho coldest day oi the season, but today there Is a still further decrease In the thermometer. At 7 a. m. the weather bureau record was 15 degrees above zero. The sky is clear. Slow Starvation Is the fate of sufferers from dyspepsia and ipdigeition. If your food remains undigested it can’t build up tb« body. In fact, it does actual damage by decaying in roe stomach and poisoning the system. KODOL Digests What Yoir Eat. Kodol la the sensible remedy. By digesting whATycm eat it strengthens the body and at the same time rests the stomach. This rest soon restores perfect health. Cathartics and stimulants only reach the symptoms. Kodol cures. It Is Nature’s tonic. n me that t conld helped me. As a provoment at once, and alter Five yean ago a disease the doctor! called dyspepsia took ench a hold on me scarcely go. I took quantities of pepsin and other medicines, but nothing help, drowning man grasps at a straw I grabbed at Kodol. I felt an Improvement at on a few bottle* am sound and welL Gsobob 8. Massh, Attorney-at-Law, Nocona. Tex. It can’t help but do you good. Thetl bottle contains IK UpiMasmuch (actual measurement) as the trial site which sells for 500 Prepared by E.gDeTCUt A Co„ Chicago. Bold by all deni, rs. Bcwitt’s vita lize! salve ” For Sale by THE ORR DRUG COflPANY.