The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 10, 1902, Image 2

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TIIE BANNER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1902. mh Published Dailv. Sunday and Weekly by M J. BOWB. ||. P. MOLDKR. JR.. Pdl.e* j W. RECO Builnn* Hinijfi THE ATHENS DAILY B ANNER is delive e- hy carriers in the city, or mailed, pcstatfe fr* t«> any address at the following rat< »>er year, $2.50 for six mont months The Weekly or Sunday BANNER 91.00 pe ye it, SO cents for six months. Invariably Caul in advance Remittances may be made by express, post office money order or registered letter. All business communications should be ad dressed to the Business manager. #1.25 for thre Subscribers are requested to promptly not If the business office of late delivery, failure to carry paj*ers to porches or failure to deliver with absolute regularity on the part of the car riers. Such notifications is the only means of knowing of the existence of any cause for com plaint. and will be appreciated accordingly. TELEPHONE*: Hualneta Office 75. Hog dltorlal Rooms 75. two rings TO THE PUBLIC. ABOUT THE DOTS. The Banner’!? second dot contest will lose on Monday of n^xt week, and o ; ew days later the winners of the twen ty prizes offered by this paper to accn rate counters will be announced. This is a simple announcement, bat it means much to the readers of The Banner, as well as to this paper. Per- ious can take advantage of the condi- ious of the dot contest to pay subscrip ciou money to The Banner either daily .»r weekly and have a chance of partic ipating in the distribution of the prizes. When it is considered that the first prize is $25,00 in cash it must be admitted by all that the chance is worth while. Other prizes are proportionately valua ble. A large sum of money is due The Ban ner for both the daily and weekly edi tlons. This money must be paid sooner or later. Some of it has been standing on our books for several y« a*saud should be paid immediately. Much of it shoaid be paid before the present contest closes, and we throw oat inducements in th way of more than one hundred dollars THE BANNER solicits new* from Its friends In the city, but we cannot receive announce ments ol meetings and similar notices over the telephone. We ask our friends to kindly write ■II .uch nolle. and mill them to th. editor of premiums for payment at this time. The Banner, or lend to the olflca by messenger. V ‘ We are always glad to print euch notice., tor our Irlooda, but wo luat have not the time to taka them by telephone. Our Irlenda will pleaae bear thl, In mind. All communications lor publication MUST bo accompanied by the real name ol the writer. Tbe writer's name will be withheld when the request I. made, but the editor mult know from whom each communication come,. There will he no deviation, Irom tbetc rule, In tbe future. Help the rammer school (and. Only five days left for dot counters. The Augusta Ohrouiole thinks the trusts are as safe as the bears. Editor Barrett of the Birmingham Age Herald thinks that Grover Cleve land is too old to be President again. The many friends of Editor Kichard son, of the Atlanta Journal, will hope for his early recovery from bis present illness. The Tattnall Journal is for tbe law taking its coarse. It says that a oonple Murrmr— uwiuao a good deal of good. The uniform text book bill will be carried over until tbe next session of the general assembly. It is a pity it conld not have been passed this year. Tbe day is counted dull in the house of representatives when some member fails to rttack Speaker Morris with oharges of unfairness or for ontrageons ratings. Every person in Athens should see the International doll oolleotion now on ex hibition in this city for the benefit of the Winnie Davis Memorial Hall. It is in strnctive and interesting. The corporations have not stood any better with the present legislature than any other class. In fact this is the most independent legislature that baa con ▼ened In Georgia in many a year. The people of Athens will welcome the news that a new dormitory is to be erected at the Lncy Cobh Institnte. This building is badly needed and The Ban ner will give its hearty support to the movement. It should not be necessary for ns to of fer premiums to people who owe ns to pay their just obligations and then beg them to take advantage of the offer. Several hundred persons have taken ad vantage of the present dot contest and many more should do so before Monday. Daring the last contest the very last answer^received, on the last day of the contest, won one of the cash prizes. The same thing may be repeated this time. Get in your answers with sub scription money as early as possible. m LUCY COBB. The movement which has been inaug urated by Mrs. Hoke Smith, of Atlanta, and other ladies of the state, to raise funds for a new dormitory building for the Lucy Oobb Institnte is a splendid one and should be heartily supported by all the people of Athens. The Lucy Oobb Institute is one of the AYL'yetable Prcparationfor As similating UicFoodaiulHeguta- ting the Stomachs anti Bowels of Promotes Digcstion.Cheerful- ness andResl.Contains neither Opt. mi. Morphine fer Mineral. Not NAit c om. y&ryr V OU DrSAMlUPtmm. I\myJcui Seal- v Mix. Senna * 1 licrk'U* S*lU - • I AtiL'.r -Wrf «* Jh&eniunt - C/rnlteJ hSAIrrye*** flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness mul Loss OF Sleep. Fac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of | Tliere 5 FmtFHFFKFCF * Is Only | One Instance ; gfmKCFOFFM Z When you call ;if- t'unl t ii turn your hack on a guild thing. ami flint's upon a i In Use For Over Thirty Years j PALMER'S ; I POROUS - PLASTER, | i * k TRY IT: £ k m J For Your Back's Sake; * i For Your Back's Ache. 5 k *h JOnly lOoJ b * u m IH. R. PALMER & SONSk I i * jjj 105 Clayton St. jjj <^33333333333344444334444^ $\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\L\b<£ J R. NICKERSON. Pre*. W. B. JACKSON. Vice Pres. T. h. MICKER3Q . Secy i THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO. { —-DEALEHS I IN * Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Woodeiiw&re, Etc. } ’lawn MOWERS,ICE CREAM FREEZERS, CARDEN HOSE-j * 3,8 and 350 Broad Street, Athena, Qa. which all onr people are proud. Within the walls of this historic institution to day there are more than seventy young ladies—a larger number than ever before iu tbe history of the institution. Then is urgent need for additional dormitory room and the people of Athens and the people of Georgia who love this iustitu tion and the noble woman who is at the head of it should do all in their power to assist the rapid growth of the pro posed fand for the new dormitory. The Banner will pledge its support to the movement, and we are sure that we can safely pledge the ardent, active sup port of the whole people of Athens. Yoisy- Will in; •ttural duties iradarhe and if you take HcziPs Pi "John tile lien vriies that he's just killed "A Note on the Ox Warble in Miss issippi’ is the latest brochure Issued by the agricultural department. “Doesn't Secretary Wilson know that the admin istration is supposed to he a trifle sore on Mississippi?" asks the Washington Post. Mr. Joe Hitt, who has been doing snob splendid work on the editorial page of the Atlanta News, has resigned his posi tion with this paper and has gone to Arizona. He is a bright young man and The Banner wishes him great sue* oess in his new field. Several measures that were introduced early in the present session of the gen- eral assembly will be oarried over to the ntxt session. It is to be hoped that the members will get down to business from the jump next year and transact all bus iness that comes before the legislature without any dilly-dallying. Some of the newspapers of the state are anxious for the Georgia legislature to tackle the Pullman company. These papers have not heard of the man who left $800 under his pillow in a Pullman berth a few days ago and when ho re turned to get it was inform'd by the (orter that he thought U was a Up. any Jury \vi ron.'titution. rdti’t worry over that; acquit him!”—Atlanta An Exlrrmc C'anr. Bjoiios—And you say liiffers is ab sent minded? Brown—Absent minded! Why, man, he’s so absentmlmled that when he ought to have a headache his corn bum.—Baltimore News. ;OROIA JUNK conPANY, Castings, Brass,'Copper, Bear rrii '> apPrrw ink, n,uVb .,, ove Cast, Books, Paper, Bones, Rags, ,G ass, Jugs, Lead, Etc. BROAD STREET, near Georgia Depot, opposite Rucker’s Compress, ^JF^Either drop us a card or phone us and our wagons will call for auv of the above named article?. PHOWE IOI. jHeart 1 Failure HERE ARE TEETH. THAT STAND WEAR, IVst sets of to,all *.-..11111,> *15.00. make a ioiiI'Icss plate which is I far sup,■nor to any other. Soliii Gold Crowns In * Bridge Work *5. mi in *s.iki per tooth.] there is nothing e.pial to perfect midge work when pioperli construc^ Cold Killings *t.Jn and up. Amalgam Killings Tee ami up. \W extract teeth |«>sit iveli witlioiii pain. 011 "aiy rest secure in the knowL edge Hint your teeth will receive t111 hesl and most skillful attent ion at oltiee. Dr. C. A. Ryder, Mot. Classic Cisy Dental Room] Me <,well Building, '„!le,r Ave. Long Distance Phone. : N □SSSSESSSEC SSESEEESEO 3333S8SS -3SS3S3SSSSS 7<S0 r:A , r ^ ^ * S) f COAL - COAL - COAL Now is the time to liuy your coal. We are sole agents [1 for the famous RED ASH ami many other high grades. $ Seo Us Hefoi'e Plneiiig Your Orders, « Telephones J Up, »»" d °»»« j|j ATHENS COAL&COKG CO. m ;w. r». VONDEKAU, Mgr ^ E3BBSrS3E>7 ’BBB3D3BSS3'Ba3SSSS3S3B3S333S3SS. ,S0 | Takes away some of the | most vigorous men right | ill the prime of life, just I | as they are on the verge | | of great financial pros- | 1 lH-rity. | | Don t stake your rami- | | ly’s welfare wholly upon | | your uncertain life, - Carry | | a policy in the “Mutual | | Life of Ga.’ See one >>£ | | our agents today i 1 lohn A. Darwin* | s * I Clayton Street. £ PROFESSIONAL CAROS | HOUSES 1 For Safe S A numlier of down O town houses, well S located, close in, b ranging in price q from I $1,800 toss,000 | EACH. S I liree ,‘5 room houses ^ on ( Vonec street. Half a dozen farms from lit acres to :>oo acres, ranging in price from jig.Jo tosjJ.oo [wr acre. 7J acres of land in the city of Athens, I Robt* T* DuBose, X ffeal Estate and Fire Insurance. «®96OS«»!»!»BCOSe®068SO CHARLES EDWARD CHOATE, ARCHITECT. AlIQUSTA, OA. j- . ATHENS. OA. PIION E 1(H), When oat of city consult H. K. CHOATK. ORR’S SCHOOL Corner Pulaski and Dougherty Streets. Fall term basins Sept. 8th, 1902 Young men ana young ladies prepared for college. Boys and girls in t lie public schools wishing aid on special studies will he accommodated. For terms apply to S. P- ORR. Cures Cancer end Blood Poison. If von have blood poison producing eruptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen glands, bumps and risiDgs, burning, itching skin, copper-colored spots or rash on the skin, mneons patches in month or throat, falling hair, bone pains, old rheumatism or foul catarrh, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ). It kills the poison in the blood ; soon all sores, erup tions heal, hard swellings subside, aches and pains stop and a perfect enre is made of the worst coses ot Blood Poison. For cancers, tnmors, swellings, eating sores, ngly nlcers. persistent pimples of all kinds, take B B B. It destroys the cancer poison in the blood, heats cancer of all kinds, cores the worst hnmors or suppurating swellings Thousands cored b; B. B B. after all else fails. B B B. composed of pare botanic ingredients. Improves the digestion, makes the blood pure and rich, stops the awfnl itching and all sharp, shooting pains. Thor oughly tested for thirty years. Drag gists, $1 per bottle, with complete direc tions for home core. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co- Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advioe also sent in sealed letter. S Insure In Tire S l National Life Insurance Co., j 1 Of the U. S. { * * 2 It is over thirty-four years old and has never contested a 7 2 death claim. £ 2 * 2 Every statement in its policies is an ABSOLUTE^GUARANTEE, m a, and not an estimated result. t jj The difference in ttie premiums in favor of the National are greater JJ a, than the dividends paid by any other company. 2 w It has a larger per cent of surplus than any other leading company. * 2 it has more assets in proportion to liabilities than any other leading 2 U company J oi It will write you a 15 Pay Life policy for a less premium than other <r * companies charge for a 20 Pay Life policy, * * . .v’l'J '''tfh rates for ESTIMATED RESULTS when you can get 2 w ABSOLUTE GUARANTEES at from 25 to 35 per cent less money. * 2 - WOMEN SAME RATES AS MEN.] J 2 See me before you insure your life. ; | A. L. MITCHELL, j s State Special Agent, jjj Insurance Building. Athens, Ga. J 3*3333*333333334*3333**3433*334333333334434333333 W K Justice Court. Prompt attantlon to aU baHnsir. P. W. LUCAS, N. P. and Ex Offielo Jutloa of tha Peaoa STEPHEN C. UPSON, Attorney-at-Law. Off lea la T almadxa Building Cornar af Collar Arsons and Clertan Straat. f WANTED! ! I have a cash custo mer who wants a nice f> room house in good neighborhood If you have one for sale I can sell it quick. 120 Per Cent o g I have 4 tenant houses I ifl c:l " sell inn at price that g «'ll pay you 2n percent on g 'I"' invest m,.ill. The 8 houses are in good repair and rented to |>eiinanonl g tenants, 'ftiis is a good k a chance for some one who St vv ishe.s an invest mold. 274 ® Tiie Gum Springs place g contains 274 acres of land, g u and located on one of the a S Ix'si roads leading to Ath- O g ens. The water, thetim-g g and lay of the land g jjj farm. See me if you wish | J. T. Anderson, | ^ Real estate A?ent. g | A. L. Brooks.) ♦IkSSSSSSSSS^SSS^WffiStSiJOS? CITY TRAIN SCHEDULE pyal and Departure ol Trains. CITY TIME. City Time la 30 minutes slower than Barterr and 30 minute* faster than Central time. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. I weaves at 12 d5 p. *n. Arrives at 5 «3 p, a . I veuves at 5:oO p. m. Arrives et »:16 p. b B. W. Sizer. Agent. GEORGIA R. R. Arrive* Arrives 9 .00 a. m. A SJO p. m. 12:56 7:55 SEABOARD AIR LINE R'Y. ■orth Bomrn. vm Szk7 AtUnU^dOam. Ar. A than*, 10:2San. vS:§r.. .. : ‘Siss SOUTH BO USD. Sjo^-Lv. Att-w.Jgg. Ar.AtUnU.Jilpm No.63 “ •• 6:62pm, •• •• 8-2^ra j. z. H. t ., c ^r a, °' p “ en * er a «“‘- CENTRAL OP GEORGIA RAILWAY ‘Trire • •Mp.m. Leave S :46 p.m L:ave 7 -JO a, m. Arrive 9 p. m. J. K. HUMPHREY, Agent. LODGE DIRECTORY. St. Loimjk k. ot P bu^oMnd" ^an“? r i f ^ Pl }* 1 |! U 5 1 5' ««" Visiting KniKho* cordially invited to attorn _ T. ,1. SHAl'Kl.KPoRI), (;. ( T, H. hlCKEiLses, K. of H. and s, C'.KNN Udoi, No. 75, I. ,). o. .. Meets every Tuesday night at 6 o'clock hod** room, in Onrllon building, on jock Q. E. Stone, I^conl.n^sec^ify 0ram Williams Iaiiioe, -N . ).>, i. o. o. V. Meets every Monday niitht at 7 o'clock at lodge room in Carlton buildin K , on Jacki rttedio attend FcUoW " in KOOd " tandi “E J. A. Mealok, ^dg’Lmary 0 ™ 11 Olivek Encampment, Nt. . 1. o. O. F. Meets every first and third Thursday nii in each month at e o'clock at odd Fellow* ) AU i ' atriRrch " in «- j. k. p “ trt -' rci Mt. Veiinon Loi>ok, F. and a. M Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 22. F. & A JH*ita in regular communication wverv Thwaday night in each month at Masonic h Autelt : *M Jofleph buildinK stn ULnd MBaons invited . w. h. bOKriEY W h W. J. Gaheboi.d, Secretarv. Keystone Chaptek, R. a. M. Keystone Chapter, No. 1. Royal Arch M«« meeteevery third Tuesday' nl K kt aY??cl the lodge room in the Max Joseph boildi AU qualified brethren invited to attend _ _ _ Max JoHEPn, High Pri.,. J. Q. Tkcssell, Secretary ‘ 1 ” Athens Council No. 21, R. & s. j- at^!Si? 0 k 1 u Wedne ^ Jrnll<ht ln onnh moi A t ii 8 ^kaiSi5 M “' Jnlc , hBl1, Mnx Joseph boildi AU qualified companions urged to attend J. K. Rennet, Recorded L,NTO "' T ' '• » Oconee Tkibe, X. o H, M. Tribe, No. 15,1 O. R. M.. meet, ev ./edneeday night at 7:30 c clock at Sin J, haU.thtedflooi Carlton baddingl Vlrttin^j Men oordlaUy invited to attend. * 1 . r B. K Bkaubehk., Hicham. ti A- Lambzux' Chief of KaoordA ^^^