The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 10, 1902, Image 4

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TITE BANNER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 10, 1902. The Place to Buy Your ■TOYS The Largest Line in Northeast Georgia. 5,000 Dolls \W liavr ;i 1 >«*aulit‘ll 1 1 iin* <if l)oll> ..I’ .-very kiu<I - ( ,.tli, ('liinn, Kid Mini I Vi >i | u*‘. If yiu will '•ill Ml;, I -SCI- this line \, m will siin-ly tiiwl what wm want li' mi 5c Up. Tea Sets. Every i^irl must have a "Set." A beautiful line. 5c Up. Don't fail to see them. Tin Toys Of ever) description, Horses, Cows, Sheep. Wagons and every imaginable image at prices that suit every purse. And a full stock to select from. Young and Old Gan he Suited He res Anything You Want at Cut Prices. WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN ..Toys.. Doll Stoves, Juvenile Books, Building Blocks, Doll Furniture, Drums, Tool Chests, Doll Carriages, Doll Go-Carts, Wagons, Magic Lanterns, Noah’s Ark. EXTRA DISCOUNT TO XMAS TREE BUYERS. We wish to say to til) those who are to Imy for Xmas trees: We advise toeome at || onee anil select what you want ami we will lay them aside for you. in this way \ou oct first choice and avoid the rush. We will furnish you with a salesman who will id\ e von special attention. Don't wait l>ut come at What Would he More Appreciated Than 10,000 HORNS AND FLUTES. We have what you want in these. "Now is the time to blow vour own horn." Nice Album, Toilet Case, Handkerchief and Glove Case, Necktie Case, Rings, guaranteed 5 years, Manicure Set, Bisque Figure, Collar and Cuff Box, Vase, Trinket Box, Water Pitcher, Suit of Clothes, Cake Stand, Rose Bowl, Set Knives and Forks. Set Spoons, Pocket Knife, Picture Frames, Globe Lamp, Toilet Set, Wine Set, Pair Gloves, Set China Cups and Saucers, Water Set, Moustache Cup and Saucer, Shaving Mug, Anything in China Ware, Trunk, Pair Cuff Buttons, Watch, Silk Handkerchiefs Necktie, Fascinator, Pair Scissors, Pair Shoes, Shirt. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. [ FIRST COMES GETS FIRST CHOICE. NICHOLES’ CUT PRICE Athens, - Elberton, - Madison, - Social Circle, - Carlton, - Comer, - TIME GIVEN CASTRO IS SHORT. Must Make an Early Answer to Ult m a tum. Berlin. T)*c. 9.—While the limit o time Riven to Venezuela, to mako an answer to tho ultimatum* of Germans and Great Britain is not disclosed tha correspondent of the Associate,i> Press was officially informed that it is very brief. The German foreign offlc« Mill maintains that President Castrc wi!i nrognize the gravity of the situ at Ion and yield at the last moment. T«‘Iegraphic communication with La Guajra is slow. Events happening to day are not likely to be translated from the cipher till tomorrow'. Th« morning papers here make absolutely no comment on the Venezuelan situa* tion. The Vorwaerts says that aV though President Castro haa expressed his willingness to satisfy' the German and British demands, military actior. against him has not begun, and th« Ivokal Anzeijer says that President Castro’s efforts to drive a wedge be tween Germany an<S Great Britain fcave failed. CHRISTMAS STRAWBERRIES. Hundreds of Acres Picked In Open Air Near Char!es:on. Charleston. S. C\. strawberries are week on th« plant res, in St. Ain:r« *. 1*.—Christmas lg picked this a of Fritz Hor- Parish. across the riv a 10-ac the her i Chariest, in full bl the remarkable the truck farmers. It this is the ilrst time in of the planters that a .Mu ed early in December, there is an unexpected 1 will make a small fortune The berries find a ready :ot din- until May, eld has astonished Is said that; the history! .■ , and unless j rost. Horresl on the crop, sale in New American Public Health Association. New Orleans. Dec. 9.—Th* thirtieth innual session of th« American Public Health association opaned today at Tu lane hall. The attendance was larga. Delegates and visitors, men dlstlo* ruished in science. ar« from near Iv every state in the union. Canada, Mexico. Cuba and Chile. Among the experts are Sturgeons General Wyman, who arrived today; Dr. John Guito- ras. the yellow fever export, and a :tling price of $2.f*0 j trnir uisuinp- York at the a quart. The local tracers \\);< corner the n.r.rkt i tor iio tlon had to abandon the idea when informed of tk«* p:ice, as Charlesto nians will not pay such extraordinary prices for a fruit that is often a drug on the market in the spring and early summer. A Good Cough Medicine. [From the Gazette, Toowomba, An?, tralia. j I find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is an excellent medicine, I have been sutiering from a severe cough for the last two mouths and it has effected a cure. I have great pleasure in recom mending it.—W. C. Wockner. This is RAILROAD WAR. Lines at New Orleans Have Trouble About Depot Arrangements. Oib ans. Dec. 9.—The rupture L. r.y. -,i the Southern Pacific and the I .mi: :> a* 1 ! Nashville railroad in ; ; ic ; :;di»-r of a union d'Tot at New o-l :.-s. *.-• unlik-ly to l.e accentuated by tin* 1 r ;• rrii=ian lin-' forming a com- 1 -in;t; !• *n with the Qu< n and Crescent a»-d : ng all its transcontinental b'Dlr ,-s t: *:n the « -st via that route, the : euihcri! railway acting as east ern f. ed r to the Q.i<- T n and Crescent Tl>, I.o’-ik-villc and Nashville so far has ib • lire i to c nie into the union depot, but tlesirvs to run a transfer <w bus line across the city for •h business. requiring two . of cats for passengers. This •b «*s not m< ot with the favor Prcsifent Hnrahan, of the II- CiTitrnl. and Assistant Passen- Vaffle Manager S. p’. B. Morse. Southern Pacific, who officially meed the unl'in depot arrange- y«-sti-rday. and th«> combination fh«- Queen and Crescent will My bo the result unless the ville and Nashville agrees to run tins into the i.nion depot. THE LATE T. S. proba Louis A J Snell wanted to attend a party bat was afraid to do so on account of pains in his stomach, which he feared would grow worse He says, "I was tilling my troubles to a lady friend. the opinion of one of our oldest and who sail: ‘Chamberlain’s Colic, Ghol- most respected citizens, and has been voluntarily given in good faith that •core of marine hospital service of the J ^hers may try the remedy and be bene rnit-rt States. Many important mat- fitted> a9 wa9 Mr9 . Woekner. This rem- ,prs will come before the convention.! edy la ^ by fJ1 dra( . gist9 . The first session true called to omdeT by Hr. Henry D. Holton, of Brattle tx>ro. Vt.. president of do association, but the delivery of hi* annual address wns postponed to tho night session. One Negro Kill* Another. Carrollton. (Ja.. I>*e. !>.—Joe Sharp. • negro draymen of this cky. killed Crip Jackson, alia* Lee Avery, a ne gro sign workman, here at nightfall Sunday evening by shooting Mm In In tr.o face and thiyogh (ho back v+th a pistol. Tho trago^p oocumad *t«nv (ro roaorJL If yon feel ill and need a pill Why not purchase the best? DeWitt’s Early risers Are little snrprisers. Take one—they do the rest. W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., writes; “I have usod Little Early Riser Pills In my family for constipation, sick head ache. etc. To their use I am indebted for the health of m; family. The Orr Prog Oo. RAID O.N ANARCHISTS. Thirteen Arrested by the Police Neat Spezzia. Italy. Rome. Dee. 3.—Thirteen anarchists were arrested near Spezzia last night after a desperate struggle. The police surprised them at a meet ing while they were in the art of tak ing an oath with poignards to assassi nate King Victor Emmanuel. One ol tho anarchists and one of the police were severely -wounded. eaa’and Diarrhoea R-medy will pat you in condition for the paity.’ I bought a bottle and take pleasure in stating that two doses cored me and enabled me to have a good time at the party.” Mr. Snell is a resident ol Summer Hill, N. V. This remedy is for sale by all drag- gists. Given Deztli Penalty. Lexington. Ky.. Dec. 3.—Claude OTSrien was given the death penalty today for the mur-jev of A. B. Chinn, n piominent merchant here last Octo ber. His accomplice, E-arl Whitney, suffered a similar fate last week. They killed Chinn while burglarizing hil l tome. Many of the frierds and acquaint- auc s of Thomas Skinner Dobbs will be interested to know something of h s re cent passing away in Augusta. Though only twenty nine years of »g-\ he had been a great sntferer for six or seven years, and the patience and humility with which he sufF red during the lust weeks of his s-rious illness were very noticeable. Like other young men. he bad a desire to live, but the spuii^ of submission manifested iu bis expressions on life and death was a lesson to those of his loved ones who ministered to his wants. Iu the hope of gelling his sys tem in condition for further bnrgica! op eration Lis physician advised hi in for several weeks to remain at the hospital, which he did. Here ho conld witness also the sntlerings of others and fre queutly expressed his sympathy for ibem, forgetting for the time hit own serious condition. He tried to avoid boiDg burdensome to those who waited ou him and Bought to emphasize the fact that he felt no disposition to mur mur or complain. He appreciated every kindness shown. He believed he had Deen sufficiently penitent for his sins and that the Heavenly Father hs.d for given him. Thus trusting iu his Saviour he approached the eud, and seemed to be mostly concerned about the worrying of those whom he should leave behind. He died Oct. 22nd, 1902, and now sleeps beside his father in Oconee cemesery in this city. DISPLAY WIHDOW AT F. H, DORSEY'S One of the Most Attractive Ever Arranged in Athens. What’s In A Name? Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E O. De Witt <& Co., of Chicago, discovered, some years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For Blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, eczema, cate barns, braises and all skin diseases DeWitt’s Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt’s—the genuine. Thu Orr Drug Co , Kodol Dyspepsia cure Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach Troubles, and makes rich red blood, health and strength. Eodol rebuilds wornout tis sues, purifies, strengthens and Bweetens the stomach. Gov, W. W. Atkinson,' of W. Va., says: I have nsed a number of bottles of Kodol and have found it to be a very effective and, indeed, a pow erful remedy for stomach ailments. I recommend it to my friends. The Orr Drug Co. A nillion Voices Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point. Ia. Listen why ; A severe cold had settled on his lungs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consump tion, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King’s New Discovery for con sumption and writes; “it completely oured me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs ” Itis positively guaran teed for Coughs, Colds and Lung trou hies. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at W. J. Smith & Bro., or H. R. Palmer & Sons drug stores. Christmas is rapidly approaching and the Christmas shoppers are out every day in fnll force. There are mauy attractive stores w herein they may make their selections, but for those who are in search of pres ents for father, sou, hnsband or brother, t here is no place that r quals E H Dor sey’s. To place before the public iu the most attractive style the numerous articles suitable for Christmas presents, the dis play window at that store has been most artistically arranged by Mr. Austin F. Comer, one of the talented salesmen of that establishment. This window was complimented high ly yesterday by all who saw it and it was pronounced one of the most attract ive displays ever seen in Athens. Mr. Comer, who has had much experience iu the clothing and gents’ famishing business and who possesses rare ability as to artistic display of Rood, surpassed himself in the arrangement of the hand some articles in this display window, whioh were placed there as Christmas suggestions to the numerous shoppers. Beautiful neckties, stylish bats, the latest in men’s half-hose, gloves, silk bend kerchiefs, the moBt beautiful cuff buttons and watch fobs, handsome um brellas of the most superb quality, at tractive and comfortable bath robes and smokiog jackets, suspenders with hand some silver bookies and numerous other articles suitable for Xmas presents are on display. It is worth a visit to E, H. Dorsey’s store to see this display and there is money saved to the Christmas shopper who makes purchases there. For Whooping Cough use Cheney’s Expectorant a TOUGH STEAK is loved liy no one. and if it gels into I lie I muse il never does so | lmmgli J. A. WRIGHT & CO. Our moats are out from young ani mals. The is linn, lender, juicy and delicious. Contain.; re nourish ment to Hie ounce t Man pounds of other meats’ Cash Market. Rhone,301. Lumpkin Street. For Asthma use ley’s Expectorant. Che- Christmas Holiday Rates VIA The Southern Railway. On account of the Christmas Holidays the Southern Railway will sell tickets to all points east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio Potomac rivers, using rate of one and one thiid fare for the round trip, tickets limited to continu ous passage iu each direction. TO THE PUBLIC. Tickets will be sold Dec. 22, 2-4, 25, and 31. 1902, and January 1, 11*03. Anal limit for return passage January 3. 1903. TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS upon presentation aud surrender cf certificates signed by Superintendents, Principals or presidents of the various institutions, tickets will be said Decern ber 18th. to 22u<l , inclusive, with final limit for return passage January 8th. 1903. For additional information, call on or address R. W. S zer, General Agent, 106 Glaytou street. Athens, Ga. W. H, TAYLOE, A G P. A. Atlan ta, Ga. 8. H. HARDWICK. G. P. A., Wash- ington, D. C.