The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 11, 1902, Image 2

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THE BANNER, THU] DAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1902. rHh ATflENS DAILY BANNKV Published Drillv. Sunday and Weekly by h J. ROWB. H. P. HOLDER. JR Edhoi T. W REEO BuiIdcm flanaKer THE ATHENS DAILY BANNER is delivers by carrier-* in the city, or mailed. postage fry* to any address at the following rates: f5 i> per year, 12.50 for si* mont s. <1.25 for thre* months The Weekly or Sunday BANNER <100 pe> »r. 50 cents for si* months. Invariably Ca*h in advanoe. K*-mittances may be ma4le by express, posi oftlce money order or registered letter. All business communications should be ad dressed to the Business manager. S jT>scrl!>ers are requested to promptly no the business office of late delivery, failure to c - »rry papers to porches or failure to deliv> with absolute regularity on the part of the ca ners. Such notifications is the only means knowing of the existence of any cause tor co pla'uf . and will be appreciated accordingly. TELEPHONE*: Business Office 73. one ring dlturisl Rooms 75. two rings TO THE PUBLIC. THE BANNER solicits news from Its friends In the city, but we cannot reealva announce ments of meetings and similar notices ovei telephone. We ask our friends to kindly write all such notices and mall them to the editor of The Banner, or send to the office by messenger We are always glad to print such notices for our friends, hut wa just have not the time to taka them by telephone. Our friends will please bear this In mind. All communications for publication MUST bs accompanied by the real name of the writer. The writer’s name will be withheld when the request is made, but the editor must know from whom each communication comes. There will be no deviations from these rules In the future. We should not lo«8 sight of the fact that we are still In need of the uniOD depot. It develops that there was an etTort made to assassinate the Czar of Russia a few days ago. The new hotel shonld be worked np np before the new city hall and the gov ernment building are completed. The summer school fund took a nice jump Tuesday and yesterday and we should keep It jumping until it is oom pleted. The New York Time* wants to know It all executed murderers are martyrs bocaose they have died from their con victloni. The Washington Post has discovered that there is enongh of the New England anti imperialistic league left for dinner giving purposes. A GREAT MAN. We have observed that men and news- »apers who were hitter in their denun- iatiou9 of Grover Cleveland a few years .go are now admitting that he is a great uau, a great leader and a true Demo net. All of this is encouraging as it nukes for a united and aggressive Dem ocracy in the n< xt presidential campaign" tiis words of cheer and guidance once more command the respect of the misled rank and Me, and it is evident that Mr. veland has the popular confidence and it cannot be denied that it extends far yond the limits of the party to which le gives allegianoe. The statement of nis views written for the New York World has been accepted by the Democ racy as the proper party policy and a beacon that lights the way to the harbor of victory. He does not measure his words in exposing the Btraying oil' after false gods that resulted in the defeat of the party in every national election since 18D'J, but he doos not dwell on this dark picture with any feeling of bitter ness, but. on the contrary, his touo is one of good cheer for all Democrats. It is in pointing the proper course for the Democratic party to follow in the present and the future that his words merit and should have close attention. He well says 1 "The hope of the Demo cratic party lies in the inevitable discov ery by our people of its benevolent aims and purposes," because so altered aie the views of proteotiouists that "they are inclined to accept with favor the adoption of the Democratic doctnue ol a tariff for revenue.” Mr. Cleveland makes clear that lu i> confident that aggressivo expansion sacli as we are witnessing today in the Phil- ippines, and its incompatability with what has always been regarded as true Americanism will bocoine an important factor in political thought, and fie is also confident that "the tremendous growth of trusts, the immeuBe business aggregations and the manner in which they stills healthful competition and throttle individual enterprise caunct long he passed unheeded by the voters of the land.” He sees and the members of his party sees only hope and confidence In the future of the Democracy, hence he asks that it be true to itself and its profes sions of devotion to the welfare, not of class, bnt of all the people. A few days more and the present ses sion of the general assembly will go down in history—and there will be very little in the record to brag about. The Sparta Ishmaelite "trusts that Governor Terrell will never have occa sion to brag abont how cheaply he can borrow money.” Amen! says the Al bany Herald. The Times-Union and Citizen an- noncee that from all points of the north ern half of the compass come reporta of heavier tonrist travel Florldawards this winter than ever before. The Banner's dot oontest will close Monday at midnight. Those who have not sent in their answers and want to participate in the distribution of the prize money shonld get in their answers at onoe. The Angnsta Chronicle says: “In Hyle’a presentation of ‘Nathan Hale’ at the opera honse at Saturday matinee, there is a lesson in patriotism that will do any American oitizen good to hear and see.” The commercial traveling men with headquarters In Athena are great adver tisers for this city. All along the line they tell of the greatness of Athens and in this way oontribnte largely to the growth of the city. Editor W. T. Shy tie, who has recently taken oharge of the Adel News, is doing splendid work on that paper. Mr. Shytle was for a number of years connected with the Valdosta Times. He is a splen did young man and The Banner predicts that he will make a great snocees in the management of the Adel News. Some effective work shonld be pat in within the next few weeks on the pro posed fair for next year. There is little time to lose now if we woold make a greet success of the agricultural fair in Athens next year. SuOh a fair would do the oity m:re good than all the earn! rals and street fairs combined, and we shonld not let this opportunity pass. Eruptions Dry. moist, scaly tetter, all forms of eczema or salt rheum, pimples and other cutaneous eruptions pro ceed front humors, either inherited, or acquired through defective di gestion and assimilation. To treat these eruptions with drying medicines is dangerous. The tiling to do is to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Pills Which thoroughlycleanse the blood, expelling all humors and building up the whole system. They cure Hood's -Sarsaparilla permanently cured J. G. Hines. Franks. III., of e.-zenia. from which he had suffered for some time; and Miss Alvina Wolter. Itox 212. AI iron a, Wis.. of pim ples on her face and l.aek and chafed skin on bar body, by which she had been gristly troubled. There are more testimonials lu favor of Hood's than can be published. Hood’s Sarsaparilla promises to euro and keeps the promise. Nelson*. Only Defeat. Nelson, like :i11 the prettiest com- ■minders on sen or hind, made his inis lakes and his failures, hut there is only one instance on record of his having been actually defeated in a direct at tack. Ti ls occurred at Santa Fritz, in the Cnttrry islands, on .Inly ‘2-1, 1707. The pine-* was very strongly fortified, mil Ncls ai, in the face of a fire of fifty nuns from the batteries, attempted to storm the town by boats. The attempt was frustrated liy tlio strength of the mole and the nonapiicarance of a land force which shonld have co-operated. A hundred and fifty men were killed and a hundred wounded on the British side, and Nelson lost Ills right arm. Two flags were also captured, and these are still kept lu the cathedral of Santa Cruz. A nation Voices Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point. Ia. Listen why: A severe cold had settled on his longs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consump tion, but could oot help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to nso Dr. King’s New Disoovery for con sumption and writes: "it completely oared me and saved my life.- I now weigh 237 lbs." It ia positively guaran teed for Goughs, Golds and Lnngiztroo blee. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at W. J Smith & Bro., or H. R. Palmer & Sons drag stores. Promoles Digestion,Chef rfuf- ncss anti Rest .Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor>tii»eral. NotN-Crcotic. \ /kapt SOU DrSMVELP /My-tui SettL - sflx.SmnA * Mothr!I* Sails- Jtnur Srrtl * ftptfrvnLit - _ lit CartMWvUrSoda + flortjt Sr*‘J - Cbmfied Sugar mntrnrrmtn rtavor. Apcrfecl Ilemptly for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms.(Convulsions .Feverish ness amt Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Stgnnlure of NEW YORK. For Infants a nd Children. (The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA | Ttiere ; OtKtUttttttt it Is Only i One Instance 5 5 * * T u, \\ hen you t an at'- J o> ft ml tu turn yuiir J back on a good It tiling, stud that’s £ upon a ? PALMER'S j POROUS - PLASTER, j N TRY IT: \ For Your Back's Sake; 5 For Your Back's Aclic. ’ | Only lOc I 1. R. PALMER & SONS., 105 Clayton St* 5 *€4444444444444444444444^' "* WMHMt It. NICKERSON, Pres. W. B. JACKSON. Vice Pres. T. H. NICKEB3Q Snv ~THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO. DEAL.EHS IN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Wooden ware, Etc fLAWN MOWERS,ICE CREAM FREEZERS, CARDEN HOSE-; 348 nnd 250 Hroud Street, Athens, Ga. GEORGIA JUNK COriPANY, Scrap Iron, Castings, Brass,’Copper, beet BottleS^vrain Bags, Pewter, Zink, Rubber, Uast, Books, Paper, Bones, Rags, G'ass, Jugs, Lead, Etc. BROAD STREET, near Georgia Depot, opposite Rucker’s Compress, f’-^T’Either drop ns a card or phone ns and our wagons will call for any of the above named articles- PHONE lOl. □PSESESESSr SSESKEEBEOSSSSSaSS iSSSSSSSSS 7<3S I COAL - COAL - COAL td Now is the time to buy your coal. We are sole agents S3 ^ for the famous RED ASH and many other high grades, js m See Un Before I J ln<;iii{r Your Orders, M Telephones | Up, ° v * n d T“ g § ATHENS COAL&COKECO. w ;\V. P. VON DEKA U, »I g r. EJSSETSSEr 'BBBBB3B3S‘B'En33g33333£’S33&3&833. ,533 ] heart ! Failure 4 . r 5 lakes away some of the \ | most vigorous men right | | in the prime of life, just | | as they are oil the verge | | of great tinaiieial pros- r 1 IH-rity. t | | Don't stake your tami- | | ly’s welfare wholly upon f | your uncertain life. Carry \ | a policy in the “Mutual % % Life of Ga.’ See one of f | our agents today \ 1 John A. Darwin. } | Clayton Street. f: "3 f. IICRC ARE TEETH; THAT STAND WEAR. Bi't-t sets of t.-i-Ui *7.1 hi to *1.7.00 Y\e mart'a roon.-ss plate which i s lar superior to any ot her. Solid (Jolt! Crowns m to ^mi Uoidpv Work er'looil .1 J "'■'** is nothing equal In i„*rfci linilge work when properly et.nstni. Uoltl Killings *1.5o and up. Amalgam Killings 7:7.-and up. pain CX * lai * 1 teo, *‘ 1'ositivrlv wit lull You may rest Secure in the know I'ugc that your teeth will receive II best and must skillful attention al ot oflice. Dr. C. A. Ryder. Mjjr. Classic City Dental Room? McDowell Building, Colley.- Ave. Long Instance 1‘Iiuih*, : \ t ®COOOCCCCCCCOS«4C HOUSES For Sale A number nf diiu n O town Inni-es, w.-ll b located, close in, O rauifiug in price | from ' PROFESSIONAL CAROS CHARLES EDWARD CHOATE, ARCHITECT. AUGUSTA, QA, |. . ATHENS. CIA. PIION K loo. When out of city consult H. E. CHOATE. ORR’S SCHOOL. Corner Pulaski and Dougherty Streets. Fall term begins Sept, 8th, 1902. Young men and young ladies prepared for college. Boys and girls in the public schools wishing aid on special studies will be accommodated. For terms apply to 8. P ORR. jjj Insure In Th.e <k m 1 National Life Insurance Go., ! 1 Of the U. S. i <t> S' £ It is over thirty-four years old and has never contested a « £ ' death claim 3 w j * £ Evefy statement in its policies is an ABSOLUTE”GUARANTEE, £ * and not an estimated result. s> <jj The difference in the premiums in favor of the National are greater J o, than the dividends paid by any other company. * * It has a larger per cent of surplus than any other leading company, m £ It has more assets in proportion to liabilities than any other leading ? ” company w It will write you a 15 Pay Life policy for a less premium than other * £ companies charge for a 20 PayLife policy, ' £ Why pay high rates for ESTIMATED RESULTS when you can get £ ABSOLUTE GUARANTEES at from 25 to 35 per cent less money. S’ £ WOMEN SAME RATES AS MEN.] £ | See me before you insure your life. J j A. L. MITCHELL, j | State Special Agent, jjj Insurance Building. - Athens, Ga. Justice Court. Prompt attention to all tmalnaat, ». W. LUCAS, N. P. and Ex Offlolo Jnatloa of thePaaoo STEPHEN C. UPSON, Atternaj-at-kaw. Offlca la Talaiadga Building Ccrctr of Collar Axanaa and Clajrtoa 5traat. I £ WANTED! w S I have a cash custo- 3 mer who wants a nice 6 Jjj room house in good S neighborhood If you Jjj have one for sale I can Jjj sell it quick. i I A. L. Brooks. CITY TRAIN SCHEDDL iS rival and Departure ol Trains. CITY TIME. City Time Is 90 minute, slower than Eastern »n<l 20 minutes faster than Central tlma. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Arrival at 5:03p, a Arrives at 0:16 p. n 3.W. Sizer. Agen*. GEORGIA R. R. S|00a. m. Arrives 12:S 4:00 p- »• Arrives 7:5, SEABOARD AIR LINE R’Y. WORTH nOtJHD. Szk? AtlanU^loam, Ay. A then., 10:28am i&ir.. .. sags 5 :: ‘SiMss SOUTH BOUND. No^-Ly. Athena, 2:22pm, Ar. Atlanta, 4:28pm &:&i" !3S> - I3SS J. Z. Hot.. C Ag^ an ' (Hn ' P “ CDKOr A *“ , ‘ CENTRAL OP GEORGIA RAILWAY arrive I '00p.m. Leave 8:45 p.m Leave 7 30a m. Arrive 03)5 p. m. J. E. HUMPHREY. Agent, ‘ | SI,800 to $5,000 | EACH. S r I lircc 8 room hous q oil < k-olicc street. I IF'-A.nikZESl S Half a dozen farms from 12.7j O acres lo 3oo acres, ranging ini price from *12.5o to *3.7.00 perl acre. 75 acres of land in tin * » city of Athens. c Robt. T. DuBose. 1 have 4 tenant houses L can sell you at price liiafi w ill pay you 20 percent onl the investment. The! houses are iu good repair] ami rented lo permanent! tenants. This is a good! chance for some one who| wishes an investment. The (turn Springs place , eonlains 274 acres of land, and located on one of I he Ix-st roads leading to Ath ens. The water, the tim ber and lay of the land make this a vert desirable farm. Sec me if tun wish to buy. J. T, Anderson. a Real Estate A?ent LODGE DIRECTORY. ■ Hr. Elmo Lodge k. ok P. 8t. Elmo Lodtfe, No. 40. Knights of Pythl meets every .Monday ni*ht at 7 :iSO o’clock at Gastle hull in the Mux Joseph building, oorr Gluyton and Wall streets, Phono 2u2, J rin, VtsitinK Knights cordiullv invit.-d to att«nu OKI li. L. Mt >SS. Jr„ r. ’V T. H. Nickkkhon, K. of K. and .S. 'PbRNN Lodgk, No. 75, I. O. O. a,. Meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock Lodge room, in Carlton building, on jock^ street. All Odd Fellows in good standing vited to attend. n A F. Haut, Noble Grand G. E. bTONK, Recording Secretary. Williams Lodgk, N . 15, I. o. o. F. Meets every Monday night at 7 o’clock at lodge room in Carlton building, on Jacks ^d‘vo^nd dFB “ UWS iD KOO<i 8tandil >g T a , V’ " ^ TSON * *L‘ble Grand J. A. MKa'aik, Recording .See*etary. Oliver Kncampmknt, Nt. . i. o. O. F. Meets every first and third Thursday nit In each month at H o clock at (Aid Fellows h AU Patriarchs in go standing invited. K . „ „ w - M - Pittman, Chief Pztrlzrdi J. K. Rennet. -Scribe. Mt. Veknon i,oi>uk, F. *ND A. M Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 22. K. .V A meets in regular communication .very seco Thnraday night in each momh at Masonic hi ^2° r Max Joseph building Clayton stre AU Master Masons are cord»allv invited attend. w. F. iSrr W M W. J. Garebold, Secretary. ' * Keystone Chapter, B. A. M. Keystone Chapter, No. 1, Koval Arch Mast meetsevery thirdTueaday night at 8 o'clock * h ” lod jf? room in the Max Joseph btttldll AUcjoaUfled brethren invited to attend . „ - Mxx Joseph, High m J. Q. Truss ell, J8ecretary Athens Council No 21, B. & 8. A.. Meets on 1st Wednesday night in each mot “ dock. Masonic hall, Max Joseph baildfi AU qualified companions urged to attend. , v „ _ _ H H. Hinton, T. I. m J. K. Rennet, Recorder. Oconee Tkiue, I. o B. M. Oconee Tribe, No. 16,1.0. R. M„ meets m fcir!4S?l?V li * , ;5 , *f 7:3Uo ' oluck .*» iSdMe hall, third flooi Garlton building. Visitimv u Men cordially iu vited to attend. ^ “ n K Bradbehry, Hachom. G. ▲. IaAMBKhi.* Chief of Beoorda, ^