The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 12, 1902, Image 4

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i TIIE BANNER, FRIDAY - MORNING, DECEMBER IS, 1901 A y * Cherry Pectoral W 9 For colds, coughs, bron- chitis. We have been say- fng this for 60 years. LAPSES: REV. A. F. BISHOP LOSES BY FIRE. His Church Destroyed and also His Library. PECK’S BAD BOY HERE NEXT WEEK. The many friends of Rev Arthur F Bishop, formerly of this city but for si veral years past the beloved pastor ot the First Presbyterian church in Dene fi n. Texas, will regret to learn of the total destruction of that church edifice by fire last week. The fine library of Mr. Bishop, valued ai 11.500, was in the church building ami was totally destroyed. There was no insurance on it. 'flie parsonage was badly damaged, but Mr. Bishop's loss in that Instance was cov red by insurance. The church will be rebuilt. Amusing Comedy Will be Put on Next Tuesday Evening. BY THRUST OF SPEAR MAD MULLAH KILLED Reported Assassination Near Saraoliland. ATTACKED WHILE AT PRAYER. .iepoit Brought to Aden, Arabia, by Na tive Runner From Garrerio—Mullah Was Wounded In Stomach. Aib'Il Arabia, Lee. 11.—A rumor las reached here of the assassination >i the Mad Mullah ill Somaliland. The eport was brought to the coast by a latlve runnel from Garrereo via Ber era. What’s In A Name? Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. O. De- Witt As Go., of Chicago, discovered, some years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Pile*. For Blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, eczema, ents barns, bruises and all skin diseases DeWitt's S live has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt’s—the genuine. The Orr Drug Oo , On The Death of Chief Patriarch, J Elrod. Fast E. In the providence of the all wise God, it has pleased Him to take from among ns our esteemed friend and brother, Past Chief Patriarch J. E. Elrod to the Great bey ond and as we knew him to be one of the true and tried Patriarchs of Oliver Encampment that was always in hl« and ready for any duty that lewship. We the committee beg leave to sub mit the following resolutions: 1st. That in the death of Past Chief Patriarch J. E Elrod, we have lost and will miss him as a faithful and efficient member of Oliver Encampment No 14 2nd. That we as brother Patriarchs extend and do hereby tender oar heart felt sympathy to his bereaved widow and family 3rd That a copy of these resolutions be inscribed on onr records to his sacred memory Mr. Will St. Anbnrn, manager of the Southern and Western companies of •Peck'B Bad Boy,” in company with a number of other well known managers who were met in consultation at the Hoffman House, New York city, speak log of the peculiar experiences that fall to the lot of the profession in general related the following amusing little in cident: “While playing a town in New Hampshire last wiuter, the manager ot the theatre met me on the street and said 'I don’t believe you'll do very good here tonight, because the last show p’ayed here didn’t have any heat in tin opera house, and my people will not turn out unless the house is comforta ble.’ It embarrassed me for a minute, hut I finally asked him how much i would cost to heat the house, aue whether he burned wood or coal. H said he could buy a cord of wood for a dollar, so the bargain was closed about heating the house, but I remarked, ‘How are wo to let the people know that the house will be warm?' ‘Leave that to me,’ remarked the local manager. About noontime my attention was called to twelve boys who were carrying banners, and ahead of the boys was the local manager ringing a bell and calliug out, 'Hot Opera Tonight!’ It is needless to say that we had a crowded house that night.” New Opera House Tuesday night. The Mullah Is said to hive been killed by a spear thrust lu the stomach indicted while ho waa praying. A glass of water taken half an hour before breakfast will usually keep th bowels regular. Harsh cathartics should be avoided. When a purgative is needed ake Cliambsrlain’B Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are mild and gentle in their action. For sale by all druggists Respectfully submitted. R. J. FELTON. Chairman. J. K. KENNEY, A. W VE3S. Committee. Adopted by Oliver Encampment No. 14 I, O. O. F. Nov. 20, 1902. J. K. KENNEY, Scrib“. W. M. PITTMAN. Chief Patriarch. Catarrh, an excessive secretion from i inflamed mneons membrane, is radi cally and permanently cured by Hood’ Sarsaparilla. IETING TONIGHT FOB TEMPERANCE Tonight at half past seven o’clock at -he Red Men's Hall in the Carlton building on Jackson street those inter- sted in the formation of a temperance rgauizatiou will hold a meeting. Mauy have already signified their in eution to join and the organization vill be perfected at the meeting tonight For Croup use Chenev’s AT THE W. II Fleming, Ind. ; Geo. C. Jack- son, Birmingham ; J. A. Means, Char lotte ; J. O. Adams, Gainesville; E L Barrett, Flowery Branch ; J. A. Gan ner, Jr., Atlanta ; T. A McCrea, At lanta; H. B Champion, Gala, S C ; H Frey, Augusta; J. W. Harper, Buffalo A. L. Deadwyler, Macon ; H J. McCue N Y' ; W. T. Goolsby, Atlanta; F. C Shackelford, Athens ; W. M. Smith, At lanta ; C. R. Merritt, Atlanta ;C. N. Pat terson, Cleveland ; G. L. Renkin, Sa vaunah ; W. B Bymer, N. Y. ; W. B Brannon, Georgetown; M. B. Grey, Angnsta ; T. G. Wall, Greenville, S C. ; Paul M. Smith, City ; Palmer W. John son, S. C. Something good for Christmas During the holiday season, when good cheer everywhere prevails, there Is nothing nleer to have In the house than a little good whiskey, and besides, your physician will tell you it Is excellent In many cases of sickness. But you must have good whiskey, pure whiskey. You don’t want to drink poor whiskey yourself, much less offer it to your friends, while as a medicine, poor whiskey, adulterated whiskey, may do you decided harm. HAYNKR WHISKEY goes to you direct from our own distillery, with all Its original richness and flavor, and carries a UNITED STATES REGISTERED DISTILLER S GUARANTEE of PURITY and AGE. When you buy HAYNER WHISKEY you save the enormous profits of the dealers and have our guarantee that your money will be promptly refunded U you are not perfectly satisfied with the whiskey alter trying it. That’s fair, Isn’t it? HAYNER WHISKEY PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE 4 FULL $Q.2Q EXPRESS QUARTS PREPAID VOU* PULL QUART BOTTLES of HAYNER’S SEVEN-YEAR- OLD RYE for 13.20, express charges paid by us. Try it and if you don’t find it all right and aa good as you ever drank or can buy from anybody else at any price, send it back at our expense and the next mall will bring you your 33.20. Could any offer be fairer? This offer is backed by a company with a capital of 1500,000.00. paid In full, and the proud reputation of SO years of continuous success. We have over a quarter of a million satisfied customers, proving conclusively that our whiskey is all right and that we do exactly as we say. Shipment In a plain sealed case, with no marks or brands to indicate contents. Orders for Arts., CaL, OoL. Idaho, Moot. Ner.. N. Mex., Ore.. Utah. Wash, or Wya, must be on the basis of 4 Quarts for S4.00 by Express Prepaid or 80 Quarts for HAOaby Freight Prepaid. FREE Wlth cxch four quart order we will send free one gold-tipped whiskey " glass and one oorkscrew. If you wish to send an order to a friend, as a Christmas present, we will encloae with the shipment an elegant souvenir said, with both your raxnes neatly printed thereon. Write our nearest office and do it NOW. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY ATLANTA! GA. DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, NO. ST. PAUL HINN* IS Di.vtttj.tot, TBOT. & MINERS' LAWYERS * SPRING SURPRISE Coal Barons Well Able to Pay Increase Ankecl. NEW TURN OF AFFAIRS.’ Mr. Darrow For the Miners, Calls Wit ness to Show that Wage .Increase Would Not Fall Upon “Bowed Backs of the Poor" as Intimated. Geoige DcWhiting Dies. Riii:i:iijJ-;u:i. A a.. I)e<*. 11.—An in* •n-snim < hanu-trr and an admirable M & i:tN ui d licit* In the per on of Gv-.rte DeWhitLig. His life ad lHH*n full of adventure. He waa i scan an on br.inl ti.c Alabama when hat eon ..’ rate eiulser enraged the Cearsargo in the civil war o£T the lion* of Chebouig, France. In thin K’niorable struggle between the two epresentative ve«s<-ls the late Mr. DeWhiting sank with the Alabama, »t:t was picked u;> by the crew of ths vear.-arge, a life preserver having been providential.y fastened-to him be- lore the engagement. Mr. De Whiting left a widow and on« son. George Do Whiting. Jr*, of New York. Saved atdrave's Prink. “I know I would have been in my ireXS-lPUK. AgQi'I.writes^Mrg., lot been for Electric Bitters, For three rears I suffered an told agony from th* worst forms of Indigestion, Waterbrash Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. But his excellent medicine did me a world )f good. Since using it I can eat hearfc- ly and have gained 35 pounds.” For indigestion. Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles Electric Bit ers are a positive guaranteed cure. )nly50catW. J. Smith <fc Bro., and H. K. Palmer & Sons’ drug stores. AT WILLIAMSON’S. Parties doing shopping in the grocery ine would do well to see Williamson’s took. Everything ii freehand the priors ire right. Here are a few suggestions from the most c< mplete stock of grocer ies in Athens: Walnuts. Brazils. Pecans. Almonds. Raisins. Prunes. Apricots. Liyer Figs. Stuffed Figs. Stuffed Dates. Date Croquettes. Currants. Citron. Malta Vita. Force. Shredded Wheat. Old Fashion Burkwhoat. Self-rising Buckwheat. Malaga Grapes. Florida Oranges. Bananas. Northern Apples Cranberries. Celery. Roquefort Cheese. Nuchatel Cheese. Edam Cheese. Cream Cheese. Anchovy Paste. California Canned Goods. S nth Ga. Syrup Maple Syrup. Maple Cane Syrup. Frnit Cakes. Fine Line Candies. At Williamson’s Scranton, Pa., Dec. 11.—Lawyers for the miners sprung a surprise on the companies at the opening of today's proceedings by calling to the witnes. stand J. L. Crawford, one of the lnde pendent operators. He is piesiden! of the People's Coal company, which operates the Oxford colliery at Seran ton. Mr. Crawford, '.'ho has l>een at tending the session each day, was sui prised to be called and he remarked as he took the stand: "Tills Is a new turn of afTairs.” "When did you ship coal last?" ask ed--Mr. Dai row. “Yestei day.” "What are you getting for 11.?” "I don't know exactly." "Can you come near it?” "I can if 1 want to." ■‘Don’t you wan* to?" "No sir." "You nre a party to this commission and went to New Yolk to see the coal operators?" "Yc-s sir.” "Then you refuse to give this com mission that information?" “I don’t think I am compelled to tell." "Which road do you sell to?" "Delaware, Lackawanna and West eia.” "What do you get for it?” "About U5 per cent ot what the Del aware. Lackawanna and Western gets for It” At this point attorneys for the opor ators objected to the inquiry proceed ing any further along the lines what a company's profits were. Mr. Itairow said he called the wit ness to show that the coal companies were aide to pay the advance In wages ashed for. Wayne MacVeagh In his cr< ss exam ination of Mr. Mitchell, he said, inti mated! that the increase, if granted would-ultimately be placed on the "bowed backs of the juror." and he wanted to show that the companies were well able to give the imreasi asked for without putting it on tin- poor. Mr. narrow then continued the ex amination. "How many tons do you produce a day?" you don't know tow much’you get for it?" • , “I can give an estimate.” "Well, what is it?" . “About *2.50 a ton " On further examination Mr. Craw ford said that during the latter part of the strike when his colliery was In operation he got *20 a ton for his coal Chairman Cray here stojijted the ex amination. saying that the excejitlonal ly high price during the str ke were not pertinent to the Inquiry. The miners’ lawyers caller several witnesses who told of conditions at the collieries of the A. Pardee company. In the Hazelton region. One of the Wit nesses was a boy who said he lost a leg In the mines, received nothing foi its loss, but lnetead when re returned to work, the company took of? hie wages his father's debts Mr. DaiTow here announced that the miners expect to close their case this week, and now gave notlve for the other side to be ready next week. The companies’ attorneys said they desired a recess for a short time after the miners’ close to complete -he prep aratlons of their case. Chairman Gray said he hoped there would be no interruption In the ses slons. A Daily Problem Solved It’s discouraging work to fill the lunch bag day after day. It’s uninviting to open the lunch bag and find the eternal bread, bread, bread. Bread is good, but it’s monotonous—it lacks novelty. Break the monotony with the new delicacy—- Uneeda Biscuit Nutritious—healthful— satisfy ing. Uneeda Biscuit are sold only in the In-er-seal Package, which keeps them airtight and moisture proof NATHAN HALE HERE NEXT MONDAY NIGHT, Company Drew a Large Audience rlere Last Sea son in Same Play. What lover of patriotism and the then tre, bnt wished to see a worthy play founded upon the life of Nathan Hale? One coherent and prestrving the charac ter of the martyr hero with consistency. The situations and rational relations 1 efficient to maintain the integrity of the story ; such a one Clyde Fitch, the j prolific playwright, fioally prodne”', Big Purchase of Mineral Linds. Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 12.—The Hamilton Coal company, recently or ganized with a capital stock of *100. 000. has purchased 19,300 acres of min eral lands In tho Cumberland moun tains near Petro. Tenn., for develop- ment. The consideration Is avid to bo about *96.000. Surveys boon made for a branch Hue from the Cin cinnati Southern railroad through the property. Foil, a Deadly Attack. ’•My wife was so 111 that good physi cians were nnable to help her,” writes M M Austin, of Winchester, Iud„ but waa completely cored by Dr. King’s New Life Pills ” They work wonder. In stomach and liver troubles. Gore constipation, sick headache. 25o at W. J Smith & Bro., and H. R. Palmer* Sous drugstores. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear Ther is only one way to care deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed yon have a rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely olosed, Deafness is the reanlt, and nulesd the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing, will be destroyed forever; nine cases ont of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing bnt an inflamed condi tion of the mnoons surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars ft r any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be oared by Hall’s Catarrh Core. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the beet. REPORTS ARE CONFIRMED. House of Commons Informed of Cap- ture of Venezuelan Vessels. London, Doc. 11.—In th. house ot commons today under Foreign Seero tary Cianhornc continued the reports of the capture of three Venezuelan vessels with resistance and also con tinued tile capture of ihe Venezuelan gunboat Bolivar at Port of Sjiain. Trin idad. Two of tile he added were sunk. The under secretary also said that the release of the tiiitish subjects ar rested at Caracas had been demanded but that ttji to that time the govern ment had not been in formed that the demand hu.ii In . n conn lied with. The government had no official informa tion of the lejii.ited arrest of the British consul at Caracas. The lat est information leieived was that he left I.aOauyra yesterday evening. The British snbjeeh; arrested had not been harmed. NEW OPERA HOUSE “J; 15th. opvudf Return Engagement ' *?'' -W/7: ~~- w < ft «f ~ 'ii r 1 I MISS FLORENCE SMYTH and Mr. Howard Kyle and his compan ion p ayers will present it at the new opera house Monday night. The play Is said to be in its nathor’s best vein, some have said it was the best of all his plays. It is of an important oharaoter, free from the* customary friction of action of a morbid sensation ■ a ism. It has genuine humor and pathos pitched in the right key and its com- pactness is admirable. Net only is the interest uniformly snstained but it springs naturally out of the action and not from enforci <1 encounters and out astrophies such as so many forcible- feeble dramatists rely upon. The play is so sound and good that it is a pleasure to recall its continue n. suc cess siuce its original production three years ago. In the prinoipal cities through out the continent, local managers have >een vehement in their desire for return ’nR&gpments; many such have been ilayed and have never failed to meet with a thronged attendance, so we are assured. Miss .Florence Smyth, who was every where received with enthusiasm for her jerformance of Alice Adams, continues u the role. Several other of the old nembers are retained and the same ex- ellent performance may be expectid upon this engagement. Seats will be on sale this morning at Palmer’s drag store. PASTORIA. Bean th* ^Tb* KM You Haw Alnn BwgM For Whooping Cough use Chenev’s Expectorant If yon feel ill and need a pill Why not purchase the best? DeWitt’s Early risers Are little surprisere. Take one—they do the rest. W. H. Howell, Houston,Tex., writes, •I have used Little Early Riser Pills in my family for constipation, sick bead lobe, eto. To their use I am indebted for the health of my family. The Orr Drag Oo. For Asthma use ney’s Expectorant. Che- Howard Kyle And his same admirable company again present ing Clyde Fitch's ack nowledged masterpiece NATHAN HALE. A thrilling romance of the Ameri can Revolution fraught with humor, pathos, sentiment and patriotism. Not for today but for general ions to conic. Same magnificent scenic product ion. Same elaborate cost nines and details. Prices; 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. Seats on sale at Palmer's Drug Store Friday. 0l\JE NIGHT ONLY. T 2SS2? y - 16th Now Get Wise LEST YOU FORGET THE FOREVER FAVORITE MUSICAL FARCE COMEDY PECK’S BAD BOY WILL ST. ALBURN. Mgr. All Laughs! No The Best Acting Company The Best Singing Compan' The Funniest Comedians, The Best Dancers. COME AND LAU WITH US! Seats on sale at Palmer’s Drag Store, 25, 35 and 60 cents.