The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 14, 1902, Image 4

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TIIE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER M, 1902. THE Published Dnilv. Sunday and Weekly bj M J. HOWE. B. F. HOLDRH. JR.. Pd,, ‘ T. VV. REEO . .. Builn«»» n«nig THE ATHENS DAILY BANNERladelive . by carriers in the city, ot mailed, pontage fr lo any address at tbe following rates # per fear, $2.50 for six moni s. $1.25 for ihr months. Tlie Weekly or Sunday BANNER H # 1 1 M year, 50 cents for six months, Invariably Ca*> In advance. Remittances may be made by express, pos office money order or regl.Htered letter. All business communications should be a* dresmsl to the Business manager. S ibscnbers are requested to promptly notlf' the business ottice of late delivery, failure t* c\rry pajK-rs to jH.rches or failure to delivt) with absolute regularity on the part of the car n«rs Such not liicationa is the only means of knowing of the existence of any cause for com plvnt. and will be appreciate*! accordingly. rELEFrtO.NEi: Business Office 75. <>'»< Hog dllorlal Rooms 75* two rings TO THE PUBLIC. THE BANNER solicits news from Its friends |., (he cite, hut we cannot receive announce ments of meetings and similar notices over tbe ich phone We ask our f. lends to kindly write all such notices and mail them to the editor of The Banner, or send to the office by messenger. We are always glad to print such notices for our frlaads, hut we Just bavs not tbs time to take them by telephone. Our friends will please bear this In mind. All communications for publication MUST be accompanied by tbe real name of tbe writer. Tbe writer’s name will be withheld when tbe request Is made, but tbe editor must know from whom each communication comas. There will be no deviations from these rules In tbe future. CLOSES TOMORROW. The Banner's dot contest will close tomorrow. We desire to again call at- tentlon to this contest, editorially, and we hope many more people will take ad vantage of this oontest to pay subscrip tions to this paper during the next twenty-four hours. In the oontest which closes tomorrow, The Banner has offered cash prizes 1,mounting to (60.00, the first, or capital prize, being £15 00 in cash. In connec tion with onr cash offer, enterprising merchants of this city have offered other handsome prizes amounting to (55 50 making a total of more than one hnn dred dollars In prizes. These prizes will be distributed this week. The money offered by The Banner will buy many a Christmas present. The prizes offered by the merchants ore themselves suit able for Christmas presents that will be both handsome and substantial. It most be remembered that it ooets nothing to enter this oontest. Each dol lar paid on snbscription to the Daily or Weekly Banner tomorrow will entitle the person paying to one guess at the number of dots in the elephant chart. The dots can be accurately connted and those who take the time to do it right between now and tomorrow night will stand good chanoes of winning prizes. Hany dollars are dne The Banner on snbscription. Now Is a good to pay and the dot contest certainly offers splendid inducements. Send in yonr counts to- morrow. CHRISTMAS OBSERVANCE. The Banner desires to appeal to the people of this community .nd the people of Georgia to properly observe Christmas this year Ten days from tomorrow will be the anniversary of the greatest • vent in the history of the world—th . birth of our Lord, Jesus (' rist. * The people of Athens, the people of Georgia and the whole peo pie of the civiliz d world should celebrate the event in a manner tittii'ir its sacredness and solemnity. Prayers should ascend heav ei ward and hymns should be chanted and theday should be st'ictlv • I'Served as one of peace and rest . Unfortunately enough there has been a prevalent custom among our people so indulge in the use of whiskey quite freely during the Christmas holidays. There has in the past been too much drunk enness on the occasion of the anniversary of rhe Prince of Peace. The Banner hopes, quite sincerely, that this practice will not be indulged in by any portion of the population of Athens, the Classic City of the state, or any other portion of the people of Georgia, this year. This has been one of the treasured barbarisms of our boasted civilization in the past and it is quite time that, it should be entirely and absolutely abandoned. There is more pure joy in the contemplation of the pleasure of a bright-eyed child with a costless toy than in all the rich vintage of the champague valleys of Auvergne. Many a little stocking has been empty Christmas morning be cause the wearer's father’s head was tilled with this maddening fires ignited by the use of whiskey. We sound this note of appeal lest many a little foot will be stockingleBB on Christmas because its natural provider chooses to spend his money far the luxury of a season of insanity*. This is a sail and most deplorable condition of affairs and it is to he hoped that we will live to see the end of such a practice. A man feels better, brighter, happier and a great deal more manly when he is sober. There is absolutely no excuse for drunk ness at any time, and above all other times, during the Christmas holidays. The real joys of Christmas aro usually found in the hearts of the dear little children If every father in Athens, if every father in Georgia would only eschew the use of whiskey for two short weeks, the afterglow of pure delight would be found in the eyes of every child iu AthenB, of every child in Georgia, after the visit of old Santa Claus. We appeal to the people of this community, to the people of Georgia, to let not the trail of tbe nerpen^cgpss the tracks of Santa Claus’ sleigh this year. When, iu theSf dreams, the children hear the patter of the reindeer’s feet upon the roof, let no harsh note, uttered by a drunken fathe r, mar the molody of the sweet music. Let’s observe Christmas soberly. The Kind Yon Tltive Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and lias been made uuder his per- -jp-, sonal supervision since Its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—experience against experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It coutaius neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fev*rishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipatiou and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Us;e For Over 30 Years. MAKE XMAS MONEY COUNT. Those item* uf have in our lines of holidav goods air sensible, pleasing ones: llie kind that give lull ret urns in use- tulness-and on jm nient for every cent of cost,. We have made ail extra effort this year to **vt praet ieal as well as tbe newest and uiosl at- trnctive gifts in our lines: and w e ha V e put I’lices nil them licit will appeal '<» those who want w ort In goods at t he low. St possible 1 n just iee to j'onrseif and those >ou buy tor you should see what we have liefore inakinp select ions. \\ e have told uiu previous!vsome- 'hing of t l,e art ieles ral l ied, hut ‘'thug is largely in vain, mu «ill ha\e In si*** Ihem lo appreciate goods and prices. We want you lo sec them and save H. R. Palmer &, Sons, DRUGGISTS. 105 Clayton St. Athens. Ga si GEORGIA JUNK COGPANY* ^ Scrap Iron, Castings, Brass,'Copper, Beer 1/ ■ H w \ Bottles, Grain Bags, Pewter, Zink, Rubber, ||l| V tl Stove Cast, Books, Paper, Bones, Rags, I w G ass, Jugs, Lead, Etc. BROAD STREET, near Georgia Depot, opposite Rucker’s Compress. l&~father drop os a card or phone os nod onr wagons will call for any of the above named articles LMIOINE lOl. The United States senate is now grap. pling with the eight hour labor law. The legislature has adjourned. The last scene witnessed Joe Hall proclaim ing bis adherence to the constitution of the state. The Georgia house of representatives got ahead of the United States Senate this time. There was a rongb and tum- ble scrap on the floor of the house just before adjournment. Ventznla last times sancy towards UnoleSam, but when she gets into trouble she always asks the protection of the old gentleman. The Banner’s suggestion as to the proper thing to be done in tbe construc tion of the new city hall was received with mnoh favor by the people of Ath ens. MOZLEY’8 LEMON ELIXIR. Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. For billionanesH, constipation and malaria For indigestion, sick and uervons headache. For sleeplessness, nervoQsness, heart failnre and ner*ou> prostration. For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorongli organic regulation lake Lemon Elixir. 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle at drnggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. I have been a great sufferer from dyspepsia for abont'fifteen years, my trouble being my liver, Btomach and bowels, with terrible headaches. Lemon Elixir cured me. My appetite is good, and 1 am well. I had taken a barrel of other medicine, that did me no good. CHARLES GIBHARD. No 1615 Jefferson St , Louisville, Ky. MOZLEY’S LEMON HOT DROPS Cares all Coughs, ‘Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchitis. Druggists. Join kful Pi dicnii folks would vp mo doing Johnny--1 wish agree upon one thi:; nil the time in a we Tommy—What lia now? Johnny—Mother won’t let me stand on my head, and dad is all the time fussing because I wear my shoes out so fast.—Boston Transcript. Grammatical. Mr. Hallow — Er — bog pardon. Miss Snappo, but can 1 smoko? Miss Snappe—I'm sure I don’t know, but If you’ve never tried tiefore please don't begin here.—Philadelphia Press. Let the summer school fund and the Northeast Georgia fair subscription be completed before Christmas. There is no nse In procrastinating on these im portant movement. The man who gets drank Christmas advertises himself os one who does not know tbe significance of that day or does not care for the proper observance of a day that should be held sacred. The rural free delivery route is a bles sing to any oounty. Clarke oonnty should have at least three more rentes and it is believed that Congressman Howard win be able to secure them at po distant date. A .Ulllon Voice. Could hardly express the thauks of Homer Hall, of West Point. Ia. Listen why : A severe cold had settled on bis lungs, cansing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consump tion, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to nse Dr. King’s New Discovery for con sumption and writes; *'it completely oared me and saved my life. I now weigh 22? lbs.” It is positively guaran teed for Oongbs, Colds and Long trou bles. Price 60c and (1.00. Trial bottles free at W. J Smith & Bro., or H. R. Palmer & Sons drag stores. For LsQiippeand Influ enza use Cheney’s Expec torant. Thorough Work. Mrs. Youmjwlfe—A friend has sent me a basket of quinces, nnd I don't know how to use them. Mrs. Oldwlfe—Nothing Is simpler. Pare nnd cor? them, make preserves of the lx*st pieces, marmalade of the oth ers, und jelly of the core3 und peelings. Mrs. Youngwlfe — Well, I declare! And what shall I make of the basket they came In?—New York Weekly. Hypocrites. “I despise a hypocrite,” says Boggs. ‘‘So do I,” says Cloggs. “Now, take Knoggs, for example, lie’s the biggest hypocrite on earth. I despise that man.” “But you appear to be his best friend.' “Oh, yes; 1 try to appear friendly to ward him. It pays better In the end.' Impedimenta. Swiggs—Somehow I have failed to meet with any success In my undertak ings. Briggs—Tlint’s easily accounted for. Swiggs—Well, what’H the answer? Briggs—Tco many bars In your way. —Chicago News. CASTOR I A For Infant* and Children. ihe Kind You Have Alwajs Bears the Iguituro vil R. NICKERSON, Pre.. W. B. JACKSON. Vic. I're». T. H. NICKERSO . Sec. THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO. DEALEKH IN Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Woodenware, Etc LAWN MOWERS ICE CREAM FREEZERS, GARDEN H0SE- ; .'•4 s and 250 Broad Street. Athem, Qa. QSSBBESESES' SSESESESEo 33S3SSSSJS33335335 3SQ &J COAL - COAL - COAL ^<1. Ur Ur u. Or Will 0, 111 * 1. a Will Ur * Or * Of a li, J, * J,*, I Heart ! 1 Failure i 1 ,,, . I i l ak;-s away sunn* <if tli<> | | must vigorous men ritdit | | in tliu priiin* uf lift*, just r | as they an* on tin* verge | | of givat financial pros- r | polity. | 1 Lon t stake your rami- f | ly's welfare wind | your uncertain life | a policy in tin* | Life of Ga.’ St*.* | our agents today I * l j John A. Darwin. [ * * 1 Clayton Street. f; *z BUT 1. ft It Stl* St ft’|wp ft II ft si'll .up y upon I Carry | "Mutual | one of 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS ~ Now is the time to buy your coal. We are sole agents j|j jijj for the famous RED ASH and many other high grades, jp See Us lief ore Placing Your OrtlerM, « Telephones J l)p, »~" d °« l “ >w* tlj ATHENS CO A L, & COKE CO. m ;W. P. VONDERAU, Mgr. ^ ORR’S SCHOOL. Corner Pulaski and Dougherty Streets. Fall .term begins Sept. 8th, 1902. Young men and young ladies prepared for college. Boys and girls in the public schools wishing aid on special studies will be accommodated. For terms apply to 8* P. ORR Insure In Tlie l National Life insurance Go., CHARLES EDWARD CHOATE, ARCHITECT. AUGUSTA, a A, [. . ATHENS, GA PllO.NE IOO. Wh »*n onl uf c-ilv consult H. K CHOATK. Justice Court. Prompt attention to *11 f. W. LUCAS, N. P, nnd Ex Offlolo Jnatle. of th. Pane. STEPHEN C. UPSON, ▲mrosj-at-Law. Offlca la Talmcdgs Building Corner of Colls* ▲ ▼•□as and Clayton Strsat. Of the U. S. It is over thirty-four years old and death claim has never contested a w V Every statement in its policies is an ABSOLUTESJGUARANTEE, and not an estimated result. The difference in the premiums in favor of the National are-greater than the dividends paid by any other company. It has a larger per cent of surplus than any other leading company. It has more asset*; in proportion to liabilities than any other leading company It will write you a 15 Pay Life policy for a less premium than other companies charge for a 20 Pay Life policy, Why pay high rates for ESTIMATED RESULTS when you can get ABSOLUTE GUA ItANTEES at from 25 to 35 per cent less money. WOMEN SAME RATES AS MEN.| See me before you insure your life. , A. L. MITCHELL, State Special Agent. Insurance Building. Athens, Ga. | For Sale | | One acre lot op- | | posite East Ath- | | ens Methodist | | church. Entire | proceeds go to | Night School. | A. L. Brooks. I ************************** CITY TRAIN SCHEOUL S vimal and Departure ol Trains. CITY TIME. City Time in 30 minutes slower than Rn M *ern nnd 30 minutes faeter than Central time ^SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Leave** at 12:15 p. *n. Arrives at 5 01 p. Leaves at 5:50 p. m. Axr1 vee at • :i6 n. m R W. Sizer. ' gen%. liMTN GEORGIA R. R. O.OUa m. Arrlv 4:00 p. m. Arrlv SEABOARD AIR LINE R’Y NORTH DOCND. No. 63—Lt Atlanta,8:10am, Ar. Athena, 10 No. SB— " ” 8:30nm •• «• in No. a 10:&f| m e: JUpm liiaOpn BOUTI! BOUND. NO.&-LT. Athens,2:22pm, Ar. AtUntu, 1 :*p m H»* Sr. S . t£ m * " 8:au " n No.53— 5:52pm, •• «:3>pm XV C. ( l. Ryan, Gen. p* Afrn*. J, 25. Hoke, Agent. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAIL WAS Arrive 1:00p.m. Leave 8:46 p.m Leave 7 ao a. m. Arrive 9:06 p. m. J. E. HUMPBREY, Agent.