The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 14, 1902, Image 8

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~V- TITE BANNER, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1902. WHERE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GOODS Good Things For Xmas. Turkeys, Bananas. Cranberries, Grapes Celery. and Apples, Lettuce. Mince Meat, Fruit Cakes, Cream, Grape Fruit, Pine Apple and Oranges, Fdam Cheese. raschino Cherries and Olives. CONDIMENTS OE ALL KINDS Fresh Shipment Kennedy's Cakes and Crackers. Also Citron, Seeded Raisins, Currents, Spices and Nuts of all kinds. I. P. MORTON, Phone 68. - Clayton St. THE PALACE MARKET. FineJVIeats, Sausage, Fish, Oysters And Game in Season. Personal Attention Given to Out-of-Town Orders. J. M. McCurdY-Prop. Telephone No- 155- l05|Broad Street \Y<- are prepared to furnish yon with the best Fruits nil tin* market. Amalaja Grapes, Oranges, Apples, California Pears, Bananas. Assorted Nuts, Raisins, Dates and Candies. Oysters delivered to All Parts of the City. ATHENS FRUIT CO. No. 7 Clavton Street. WESTERN! MARKET, OLIVER COLEMAN. Manager. Western Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, SAUSAGE. DRESSED POULTRY. FISH, CAME, SOUR KRAUT. Telephone No. 29. No. 5 Jackson Street. Christmas Presents in all theTatest and best goods for old and young The Prettiest Calenders i2al“' BOOKLETS, XMAS CARDS • " AND NOVELTIES. You rail hr suited and the Children pleased and tin young Ladies and gentlemen made glad at Woottens Book Store. The Athenian Market, GEO. M BOOTH. FIBJE MEATS, Dressed Poultry, Game in Season, Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Pickled Meats, Breakfast Bacon and Hams. Cranberries and Pickles TELEPHONE NO 259 IS CLAYTON STREET. TURKEYS! TURKEYS! CHRISTMAS TURKEYS FOR ALL. Fine Meats, Fish, Oysters, Poultry and Game, THE CITY MARKET, J. H. PATMAN, Proprietor. No. 9 Jackson Street. : Telephone 184. FRUITS! - O ■ FRUITS! CHRISTMAS FRUITS FOR ALL BANANAS, ORANGES. APPLES. CALIFORNIA PEARS. RAISINS, FIGS, DATES, CANDIES. ASSORTED NUTS. Smokers Materials of All Kinds. Fine Line of Cigars and Cigarettes. KUTRES & PETROPOL. 205 BROAD STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 303. CASTRO REFUSES TO YIELD OIUNY POINT Benda Reply to Germany’s Ultimatum. FOREIGN OFFICE NOTIFIED. Hsrr Von Pllgrlm-Baliazzi, the Ger man Charge d'Affaires. Has Been Handed President Castro's -Reply Refusing to Accede to Demands. Berlin, Dec. 13.—President Castro's (•ply to the Oerman ultimatum is a refusal to yield on any point. The foreign office has not received the tort of Mr. Castro's reply but only a bulletin from the German charge daffalroe, Herr Von Pilgrim-Daltaxsl, Gated Dec. 10. announcing that the president's a rawer had. been placed In bis hands that day and that the Ven ezuelan executive refused to yield to the German demands on all points. Tills telegram with the teat of the re ply was filed at Port o< Spain. With this exception the foreign office has received no news since yesterday to Indicate that tho situation hae grown worse. Tho landing of forces Is not considered probable unless under a PRESIDENT CASTRO. special contingency. Any proposi tion that Minister Bowen might make in behalf of President Castro would be received In a good spirit and carefully considered out of regard for the chan- nel of hs transmission, but no propo sition to arbitrate has yet reached Berlin. Neither la the foreign office •ware that the United States baa mode PJar an/ suggestion to arbitrate, lleir You l'ilgiim-llallatazzi is on board a British vessel in tile hui bor of LaGuayra. SOVEREIGNTY ENDANGERED. Comment on Anglo-German .Interven tion In Venezuela. Now York, Dtx-. 13— Referring to th,- Anglo-German intervention In Ven ezuela. the Buenos Ayres correspo ndent of The Herald says all the news- pajers there see In It a danger for all South American republics, as It tends to establish a precedent endangering their sovereignty. The general opin ion Is that the Investment of foreign capital, though desirable for the devel opment of the countries, cannot give foreigners special rights. Some pa pers compare actual Intervention with recent events In China. The Prenza says: "The Anglo-German military action has violated the rights and disregards the sovereignty of South American re publics. ” It ad-ds that the German claim* as a public debt are without precedent in the history of South America. The Prenza attributes the whole af fair to European imperialists, who are Inspired with hostile intentions against the Increasing Influence of the United States, and urges South American diplomats fo watch developments. The government organ at Rio Ja neiro declares, according to a Herald dispatch, that Anglo-German action tends to modify the relations between Europe and America and that the firm and noble attitude of President Castro cannot but be admired by all true Americans. In Panama, says The Herald corre- spondent, the forcible seizure and use less sinking of the Venezuelan gun boats lias caused great excitement and indignation, and has made an unpleas ant Impression upon Colombians in general and isthmians in particular, who are opposed to the coercive meth ods of European governments. Saved at Grave's Brink. “I know I would have been in my grave long ago,” writes Sirs. S. H, Newsom, of Decatur, Ala., “If it had not been for Electric Bitters, For three years I suffered untold agony from the wont forms of Indigestion, Waterbrash, Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. Bat this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since using it I can eat heart ily and have gained 35 pounds.” For Indigeation, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles Electric Bit ten are a positive guaranteed care. Only 50c at W. J. Smith & Bro., and H. R. Palmer & Sons’ drug stores. GUNS FROWN ON LaGUAYRA. British ar.d German Cruisers Command Tov.-n and Fortresses. I.aGuayra. !>'<'. 13.—The British oruisi r Cbarybidis. flying Commodore Montgomery's flag, the German cruiser Vincta and the German training ship Stoa, h arrived here this morning and have taken position commanding the town and fortresses. Several ne rchantmen. the Dutch steamer Print! Willem IV. a British steamer of the Harrison line and a roy al mall steamer arrived off port today, but were prevented from entering tho harbor by the captain of the British cruiser In.Vfi tlgalde. who said he would not be ; espotisiblc for what might hap, n if the vessels were al low, 1 to enter. The sti-a. ,-rs applied for lighters to enable the, to discharge thoir car goes, but the ropiest was refused by the customs authorities who declared the vessels might enter tho port as usual, there being no reason for their remaining outside. All ammunition is being removed from the fortress and barracks here and taken lo Caracas, and it Is ap parently the Imientlor of the govern ment to abandon the town. Cures Cancer and Blood Poison. If yon have biood poison producing eruptions, pimples, nloers, swollen glands, bumps and risings, burning, itching skin, copper-colored spots or rash on the skin, mneons patches in month or throat, falling hair, hone pains, old rhenmatirm or feu! catarrh, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ). It kills the poison in the bio-yd ; soon all sores, erup tions heal, hard swellings subside, aohes and pains stop and a perfect core is made of the worst cases ot Blood Poison. For cancers, tumors, swellings, eating sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples of all kinds, take B B B. It destroys the cancer poison in the blcod, heals cancer of all kinds, cares the worst humors or soppnrating swellings. Thousands cared by B. B. B. after all else fails. B. B. B. composed of pars botanic ingredients. Improves the digestion, makes the blood pore and rich, stops the nwfnl itching and all sharp, shooting pains. Thor oughly tested for thirty years. Drug gists, |1 per bottle, with complete direc tions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, Ga. D.-scribe trouble and free medical advice also sent; in sealed letter. oastoutta. dexri tho __/) Ita Kind lot Han Always BoojtM DEATH LURKED IN COLLISION. . j Freights Crash on Northerr Pacific. Tyvo Tramps Manglec. | St. Paul, Minn., I>c»c. 13.—An <*ast- bounri Northern Pacific freight train collid’d with a westbound freight on a straight track at Fridley station last night. James S. Hansen, a>:ed 1C. of Benton Lake, was killed, ami William Frils, 1G years old. also o: Benton I>ako, fatally injured. Hai.sen was terribly mangled. The flesh was strip ped from the hones of his legs and the lower part of his legs torn away. Both boys were beating their way east. The westbound train had come to a full stop upon reaching the Fridley station, and the eastbound train, after rounding a curve half a mile away, crashed into the standing train. The trainmen all jumped and were uninjured. Nearly 200 ho^s were killed. The track for several rods was torn up and the roadbed badly damaged. The engine which was pulling the cattle train was demolish ed, while the other is badly damaged. Traffic on the division was delayed by the wreck for several hours. COLLISION ON SOUTHERN. Open Switch Causes Passenger to Run Into Freight. Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 13.—No. 39 t the local passenger train on the South ern railway, duo in Charlotte at 7:30 o’clock, ran into an open switch at the north end of the yard at High Point yesterday morning at 5:30 o’clock and collided with section No. 72, a northbound freight. Both en gineers were badly bruised and the firemen of both trains iecelv ?d slight injuries. Engineer Rowzie, of No. 39, was painfully bruised about the bead and body and one ankle was severely ©prained. Engineer Sweeney, of No. 71, receiv ed practically the same injuries. He al- so has a badly injured ankle. Firemen Slaton and Puckeit receiv ed* a severe shaking up, but their in juries are slight. The two monster engines went to gether with terrible force, joth En gineer Rowzie and his fireman were thrown from their position, as was Engineer Sweeney ar d his fi email. None of the passenger® were injur ed, but several were badly shaken up. TO CURB A COLO IN ONBCAV. Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets. Thi* signature 6WJr~T^' menr7h ° X - 2:iC For Asthma use Che ney’s Expectorant. TO LOWER FREIGHT RATES. Florida Commission Proposes To Or der a Reduction. Tallahassee, Fla.. Dec.. 13.—Tho Florida railroad commission has serv ed notice on the Seaboard Air Id no, Atlantic Coast Line, Louisville and Nashville and Georgia Southern and Florida railways of a proposed gener al reduction in freight rates over lines. The companies will be heard* as to any objections they may have to make to the proi>osed rates at a meeting of the commission fixed for Wednesday. Jan. 7. 1903. These are the largest railroads oj>erating in Florida, and af ter the new freight rates are establish ed on these lines the commission pro poses to revise rates on all the other lines in the state. The railroad commission has had the matter of reducing freight rates under consideiation for several years, and much has been accomplished. It is contended by the transi»ortation companies that their earnings cannot stand any furthor reduction and enablo them to earn operating expenses. Tho effort to put into force the radical re duction proposed by the railroad com mission will be stoutly resisted by the railroads and the matter will be car ried Into the courts. THE PACIFIC CABLE. Work of Landing the Shore End at San Francisco. San Francisco, Doc. 13.—The Pacific Commercial Cable company has signed a contract with the manager of tho Gary Steamship company of this city to have the steamer Newsboy load 100 tons of cable from the 91h erton today, carry it outilde of the harbor and per form the actual work of landing tho shore end and paying out the big pro tected part of the cable, a distance of G mile® from shore. The actual transfer of the cable will require sev- e;al hours, and will be performed oft Meigs wharf, where the Silvertoa Is anchored. The Newsboy, taken temporarily from the southern coast especially to do this work, will use small boat® tn getting the cable end ashore. It li so much smaller than the 8ilverton that it can approach much nearer tfotn a mile and a quarter of the beach. Af ter landing the end It will carefully steam out the 6 miles and Users await the Silverton and the splicing of tht cable to the main submarine. - l iA CABTORIA. B *"* th » N"* 1 Ha '" Wwais BossW SOUR STOMACH, ACID DYS PEPSIA. Now Recognized as the Cause of Serious DU* esses. Acid Dyspepsia, commonly called heart hum or Boar stomach, is a form of indigestion resulting from ferm°n'a-ion of the food. Tho stomach being too weak to promptly digest it, the food re mains nntil fermentation begins, lining the stomach with gas, and a hitter, Rnnr, burning taste in the month is often present. This condition soon becomes chronic and being an everyday occur rence is given bnt little attention. Be cause Dyspepsia is not immediately fatal, many people do nothing for tho tronble. It is now well known among able physicians that the whole constitution is gradually undermined and weakened, that the nerves and vital organs are serionsly affected by any form of dys pepsia. This is plain, as every orgau, every nerve in the body is nourished by the blood and the blood is replenished by the blood and tho blood is replenished from the food digested. If the food is properly digested tho blood is pare, the nerves steady, bnt if supplied from a soar, fermenting, decaying in iss the blood is vitiated, poisoned and the re sult is shown in sleeplessness, lack of energy, poor appetite, nervousness. Every trifle is maguitied and the dys- peptio sees nothing bnt the dark side of everything. Within a recent, period a remedy has been discovered prepared solely to enro dyspepsia and stomach troubles. It is known as Stourt's Dyspepsia Tablets and it is now becoming rapidly used and prescribed as a radical cure for every form of dyspepsia. It is not claimed to care anj ill ng si- oept dyspepsia and stomach weakness in its various forms, bat for this it has been shown to bo untquail* d. The i m- inont specialists, Heed and O'Leary, have recently stated that they consid ered Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets an un failing specific for disorders of the di gestive organs, and the remarkable cares made in cases of long standing dyspepsia proves that this remedy lias extraordinary merit Stnart’s Dyspepsia Tablets have b on placed before the public and are sold t>y druggists every whoae at 50 cents per package, end while it promptly and ef fectually restore” a vigorous digestion, at the same time is p erfectly harmless and will not injure the most delicate stomach, bnt on the contrary by giving perfect digestion, strengthens the stem- ach, improves the appetite and m tkea life worth living.