The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 17, 1902, Image 4

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TOE BANNER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1902. .WHERE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GOODS... Good Things For Xmas. Turkeys, Bananas, Cranberries, Grapes Celery. and Apples, Lettuce, Mince Meat, Fruit Cakes, Cream. Grape Fruit, Pine Apple and Oranges, Edam Cheese. raschino Cherries and Olives. CONDIMENTS OF ALL KINDS Fresh Shipment Kennedy's Cakes and Crackers. Also Citron, Seeded Raisins, Currents. Spices and Nuts of all kinds. I. P. MORTON, Phone 68. - Clayton St. Christmas Fruits. We are prepared to furnish y<»u with the best Fruits on the market. Amalaga Grapes, Oranges, Apples, California Pears, Bananas, Assorted Nuts, Raisins, Dates and Candies. Oysters Delivered to All Parts of the City. ATHENS FRUIT CO. No. 7 Clavton Street. WESTERN MARKET, OLIVER COLEMAN. Manager. Western^ Beef, Fork. Veal. Lamb, Mutton, SAUSAGE, DRESSED POULTRY. FISH, GAME, SOUR KRAUT. Telephone Nc. 29. No. 5 Jackson Street. THE PALACE MARKET. ttt-tfCC-FtC-********** Fine'Meats, Sausage, Fish, Oysters And Game in Season. Personal Attention Given to Out-oMown Orders. J. M. McCurdy, Prop. Telephone No- 155- 105 Broad Street Christmas Presents in all the latest'and best goods for old and young. The Prettiest Calenders ens, real beauties. BOOKLETS, XMAS CARDS AND NOVELTIES. You can be suited and the Children pleased and the young Ladies and gentlemen made glad at Woottens Book Store. The Athenian Marks., CEO. M BOOTH. MEATS, Dressed Poultry, Game in Season, Chickens, Butter, Eggs, Pickled Meats, Breakfast Bacon and Hams. Cranberries and Pickles EILEPItONE NO 259 15 CLAYTON STREET. TURKEYS! TURKEYS! CHRISTMAS TURKEYS FOR ALL. Fine Meats, Fish, Oysters, Poultry and Game. THE CITY MARKET, J. H. PATMAN, Proprietor. No. 9 Jackson Street. : Telephone 181. FRUITS! ■ O - FRUITS! 44444444444 CHRISTMAS FRUITS FOR ALL. BANANAS, ORANGES, APPLES, CALIFORNIA PEARS, RAISINS, FIGS, DATES. CANDIES, ASSORTED NUTS. Smokers Materials of All Kinds. Fine Line of Cigars and Cigarettes. ttttttt»t£*44444444444 KUTRES & PETROPOL. 205BR0AD STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 303. .SHORT NOTES ; | OF INTEREST.* Tenney’s Fine Candies. '.j to 5 lb. boxes, fresh shipment just received. We are exclusive agents for these goods. The Orr Drug Oo. Cash Orders. Goal from now until Jan. 1st., will bo delivered at six dollars per ton, three dollars and twenty-live oents per half ton. Lyndon Mf'g do. A Welcome Gift. Nothing so completely satisfies the "folks at home” as a Uvlng photograph of the dear ones who are absent. Onr photographic skill will enable yon to give the greatest happiness to those yon care to please. Onr portrait work is onr pride. O. W. Motes, Telephone 87. Cash Orders. Goal from now nntll Jan. 1st. will be delivered at six dollars per ton. Three dollars and twenty-five oents per half ton. Lyndon Mf’g. Oo. Sealed Bids Will be received for 20 days by the Trustees of Oconee Street Ohorch for the Ohurch and Lot, with privilege to reject any and all bids. Hand bids to W. M. Pittman, See. SEABOARD AGENTS TO GET GOOD INCREASE, In Some Divisions Increase Has Already Been Made by S. A. L. Pay Your State and Oounty taxes today. The books close on Deo. 20th. H. H. Linton, T. O. td The Hajos’ Studio Penny Piotnres. 25 for 2So. Position Wanted. As an office man or book eeper by yonng man of experience. Address ’-B,” care Athena Banner. tf. For Rent. Building formerly occupied by Djrn- biatt. No. 8 Olaytoa.street, apply on premises. City Court Adjourned. There was a short s salon ot City court yesterday with Judge Cobb presiding. The only case of any importance was that of the state against Morrison. Strickland & Green represent,d the de fense and Mr. T. F. Green of th s firm made a very able argument in the case yesterday. Court has adjourned until litter the holidays. Orders have been received by officials of the Seaboard Air Line at Savannah announcing (fiat on and after Jan. 1st the agents ai..l operators of this system will receive au increase in salary of from 10 to 15 per cent. The present scale of prices used by the Seaboard is as liberal as t hat of any other road in the South and the information that there will be an increase in this scale will be received not only by the agents and operators of this line bnt by their friends all along the line, as well. It is understood that this increase has already gone into effect in several divisions of the Seaboard and that it will take effect in this division at an early date. Cures Cancer and Blood Poison. If yon have blood poison producing eruptions, pimples, ulcers, swollen glands, bumps and risings, burning, itching skin, copper-colored spots or rash on the Bkin, mucous patches in mouth or throat, falling hair, bone paius, old rheumatism or foul catarrh, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B ). It kills the poison in the blood ; soon all sores, erup tions heal, hard swellings subside, aches and pains stop and a perfect enre is made of the worst cases ol Blood Poison. For cancers, tumors, swellings, eating sores, ngly ulcers, persistent pimples of all kinds, take B B. B. It destroys the cancer poison in the blood, heals cancer of all kinds, cores the worst humors or suppurating swellings. Thousands cared by B. B. B. after all else fails. B. B. B. oompoeed of pure botanic Ingredients. Improves the digestion, makes the blood pore and rich, stops the awful itching and all sharp, shooting paint. Thor oughly tested for thirty years. Drug gists, tl per bottle, with oomplete direc tions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Oo., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice also sent in sealed letter. MR, BROOKS GOES TO THE Mr. Childers Succeeds Hr. Brooks at the Georgia Railroad Depot. Mr. W. 1*. brooks, who aas for some time past been assistant ag?nt and cash ier for the Georgia railroad in this city has resigned that position to accept the position of bookke 'per for the Georgia National Bank of Athem : , which will begin business the first of next month. Mr. Brooks is one of the m^st competent accountant in Athens aid his many friends in this city and elsewhere will learn with pleasure of his promotion. Mr. J. H. Childers, whe has been in the local office of the Georgia railroad for some time will succeed Mr. Brooks as assistant agent and cashier in the Athens offioe. He also ii a very com petent man and has mary friends who will be glad to note his promotion. AT THE H. Esmark, N. Y ; J P. Wood, Au gusta ; H. T. Stevenson, N. Y ; E. W. Lee, Danville, Ly ; Carter Bnrdell, Au gusta : W. T. Marshall, Ky; John L. Berry, Atlanta; Chas I. Mell, City ; W. L Moore, Atlanta; E. A, Ross, Savan nah ; Frank D. Bell, Charleston, S. O ; G. A. Stoat, Chattanooga, Teun ; W. D. Beecham, Ga ; H. D Johnston, Macon D. M. Walke, Baltimore; S. B. King. Baltimore; O. B. Coates, Va; H. H Hall, Savannah ; W. C. Smith, Va ; A D. Roger, Cincinnati; J. M. Andersan S O ; Wilson Thatcher, Mrss ; Herber; Leese, Augusta; Thos. A. Bobb, At lanta; P. D. Hefner, Tenu. For Asthma use ney’s Expectorant. Che- The fact that most diseases arise from an impure or low couditiouof the blood, is fully proven by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mneous lining of l he Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed yon have a rumbling eonnd or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the resnlt, and unless the inflammation can be taken oat and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing, will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by Catarrh which is nothing bat an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (earned by catarrh) that cannot be cored by Hall’s Catarrh Care. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & OO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the beet. OASTOHIA, Josnths /i Tin Hail YII Haw Ahnp Bsoftl Bigugu* IRON BARS CONFRONT THEM. X RAY TO DETECT THIEVES. Mikado of J;<pan Will pjt Invention t. Novel Use- Nerv- York. Dec. 1C.—A Philadelphia firm, according to a P:ess dispute: from that city, has re< rived an orde: from the Japanese government foi .-ral X ray machines which are to be used fer r, novel purpose. The firm tome time ago sold to a rcpic scutative of the mikado an X-ray ma chine which, the Japanese explained, was to he used in the governmental mints in Japan for the detection of dishonest who steal gold coins by r va’ijwiag them. The mach:a - w as used to examlre c'.-spect.; as they left the mint dally, and. of course, it revealed the pres enoe of any coins “In their midst ’ The tost was so satisfactory that the mikado ordered several more ma chinos, hoping to prevent the form »f theft referred to. Amos Owen Cherry Tree Men May Spend Christmas In Jail. Charlotte. N. C.. Dec. 1G.—Unless the persons Interested in the once fa mous Amos Gwens cherry tree s wind's cash up w-lth the defrauded’ lent, r writer* this week it is proltable they will go to Jail. The present term nf court wa* named as the limit for the defendants to pay up. Thus far $5.0.ifl has been paid to Colonel H. C. Cowles who was named' by the court to re celve It. but there are $7,500 yet to he paid, and it is said the defendants are not able to pay this sum. Unless Judge Boyd relents they are apt tc spend Christmas in Jail. Senator Pritchard Is expected here this week to plead tor further time for his cli ents. A milion Voices Could hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point la Listen why : A severe cold had settled on hiB longs, causing a most obstinate congh. Several physicians said he had consump tion, but coaid not help him. When all thopght he was doomed he began to nse Dr. King's New Disoovery for con sumption and writes; "it completely onred me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs.” It is positively guaran teed for Oonghs, Golds and Lang Iron bles. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at W. J Smith & Bro., or H. R. Palmer & Sons drag stores. XMAS HOLIDAY RATES Via Seaboard Air Line. The Seaboard Air Line will sell tickets daring the Christmas holidays at one and one-third first class fare for round trip, covering the following territory, viz.: Between all pnint9 east of the Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers, including Washington, D. C., and St. Louis, Mo. Dates of sale to the public : Dec. 2.1, 24, 25. 30, .11. 1002, and Jau. 1, 1003; fi- nal limit Jan. 3, 1903. For Students—Same rates will apply as shown above, but tickets can be pur- chased Dec. 10th to22ud, 1902, inclusive with final limit Jan. 8th, 1003. on pre sentation and surrender of certili -ates signed by snperinteudent, principal or president of school or college. W. E CHRISTIAN, A. G. I’. A., Atlanta, Ga. J. Z HOKE, Agent., Athens, Ga A Cold Wave. The forecast of sudden changes in the weather serves notioe that a hoarse voice and a heavy congh may in vale the sanctity of health in yonr own home. Cautions people have a bcttle of One Minnie Cough Cure always at hand. E. H Wise, Madison, Ga., writes: "I am indebted to Oae Minute Congh Core for my present good health and prota- bly my life.” It cores Oonghs, Golds, Lagrippe, Bronchitis, Pnennlonia aid all Throat and long troubles. One Min ate Ooogh Care cuts the phlegm, draws out the inflimmatlon, heals and soothes the mucous membranes and strengthens the longs. The Orr Drag Go. gibbs-williams bout. Ends In Fracas Between Referee and One of the Principals. Seattle, Wash., Dec. 16.—The fight last night between Young Gibbs, of Cleveland, and Kid Williams of Den ver. ended In an uproar with: the ring filled with policemen, and Gibbs and the referee engaged In a fist fight It was declared no contest For six rounds Williams had the beet of the fight. He knocked Gibbs down three time® in the third round. In a fierce mix up in the seventh Gibbs landed on the Jaw and- Williams start ed to fall. The referee would not get out of the way. bo Gibbs hit. him. The referee responded with bare knuckles and then the police entered the ring. Floods Threaten West Virginia. Huntington, W. Ya.. Dec. 16.—Floods ore feared in Southern Weet Virginia. AM the tributaries of the Ohio river bonk full and heavy rain contin- OSS. A mCJtoft 4o8aW worth of tins bar is afloat on th* BtgBaadrtffWa —»~T*l' Christmas Holiday Rates -VIA] The Southern Railway. On account of the Christmas Holidays the Southern Railway will sell tickets to all points east of the Mississippi and sonth of the Ohio Potomac rivers, using rate of one and one third fare for the ronnd trip, tickets limited to continn* oos passage in each direction. TO THE PUBLIC. Tickets will be sold Dec. 23, 24, 25, and 31, 1902, and January 1, 1903. Anal limit for retorn passage January 3, 1903. TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS upon presentation and surrender cf certificates signed by Superintendents, Principals or presidents of the various institutions, tickets will be sold Decern her 16th. to 22nd., inclusive, with final limit for retnrn passage January 8th. 1903. For additional information, call oner address R. W. Szer, General Ag- nt, 106 Oiayton street, Athens, Ga. W. H.TAYLOE, A. G. P. A. Alla i- ta,Ga. 8. H. HARDWICK. G. P. A., Wash- ington, D. O.