The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 20, 1902, Image 12

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TITE BANNER, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20, 1902. The shout Day !? IN THE WORLD 5 Which the working man ha* fought for I S ....OF SOCIETY, j and succeeded in obtaining it something | JJ Z the wife hat no share in. Her y be- ^***•§**4*444*** gins before his and ends long after it, | as a rule, and many a night her rest is broken by the babv's fretfulhess. The healthiest woman must wear out under such a strain. What can be expected then of those women who are weaken ed by woman ly diseases? Women who are weak, worn -out and run-down will find new life and new strength in the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Sick people are invited to consult I)r. Pierce, by letter, fret. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "I .uffcrcH with female weakness about eight yenr*- Iriol several doctor* tail derived no bene fit ti'ilil I began using Hr Pierce's Favorite Pre- aci ini ion "writes Mrs. John Green, of Danville, Bovlc Co., kv "This medicine was rrcom- men-ied in me by other jwtirula, I have taken six I.Sties and 1 leel like another person." Tilt- dealer who offers a substitute for "Favorite Prescription,” is only seeking to make the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. His profit is your loss. Refuse all sub stitutes. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pelleta should be used with " Favorite Prescription » when ever a laxative ia required. GOOD LUCK.! 11 la not hard to tell why thero l Have your PTswortpOons filled by The! tremendous demand for "GOOD LUCK baking VMV/fWAWW/sVWWWV Xmas Presents. Why not make your wife a f ircscnt of a pair of "Queen Qual- ! ty” Shoes, the very prettiest shoe made for women of today. The makers of this famous shoe ! have spared no expense to make - this the most popular shoe on the 1 market, as well ad the best. You , get a shoe equal In wear to any • $3.50 or $4.00 so-called shoes' made In Queen Quality you get the very best of leather mate- ■ rial and workmanship. We have 1 In stock front the very daintiest! dress to the very heaviest street boot. - trr Drug Oo The International doll collection will be returned to Boston Monday. This Is toe last dar it will be on exhibit In Ath eos fhoae who ba»e not seen it should by all means go to I be Villa cottage to ri y Misses Kate and Maitba Fort leave I day for New York city to spend the Christmas holidays with the family of Prof. Jas E. Russell, Dean of T -aoherb’ College, Columbia University. Mr. Warren B Parks, who has been doing some splendid work on The Bun ner the past few mouths, has returned to his home at Dawson to spend the holidays. Misses Susan and Kate Fort returned on yesterday to their home In this city from a visit to their aunt, Miss Kate Fort, of Ghattauooga, Teun. Mr. and Mrs. John Banks, of Suvan* nah, will arrive Dext week to spend the holidays with the family tf Capt. W. B. Burnett. Mrs. Billnps Phiuizy lias returned from New York, where she has been •pending several weeks. Mr. Jack Burnett, of Tuccapau, 8 C , Is visiting Ins parents, Capt. and Mrs. W. B. Burnett Mr. Arthur Clifton has a new boardor at his home in this city. It is a flue young boy. Mr. Wallace Brnmby is spending the holidays with his parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Holder, Jr., are ■pending the day in Atlanta. Powder: Its Groat Leavening Power and i-erfect Purity make it. Richmond, Va. Capt. W. B. Burnet has re'eriid from Atlanta. Miss Marion Lumpkin from Oolambus. has returned Mr F. H. Lamb-rt, of AtlaDti. is in the city. See the doll collection today. Let me say I have used Ely’s Cream Balm for catarrh and can ihorongbly recommend it for what it claims. Very truly, (Rht.j H. W. Hathaway. K iza both, N. J. 1 tried Ely's Cream Balm and to a'l appearances am cored of catarrh terrible hiadaohes from which I long auffeied are gone. W. J. Hitrhrcck late major U 8. Vol. and A, A. Oeu Buffalo. N Y. The Balm do n not irritate nr came sneezing. Sold liy druggists at oil cte., or mailed by K.y Brothers, Sti Warien St., New York. Ladies Appreciate COKE DANDRUFF CURE AND HAIR TONIC The only perfect prepara* tion for the hair and scalp. Does not contain coloring matter or grease. COKE/ Antiseptic SHAVING FOAM Does away with soap and shaving mug. No chance for contagion. At all Druggists and Barbers. For sale by H. R. Palmer & Sous MISSES BHADBERRY Head & McMahan. : A Few Suggestions For : Holiday Gifts. Suits from Overcoats from $7 50 to $27 50 i S on on no f MICHAEL BROTHERS' XMAS REMEMBRANCES For Husband, Wife, Moth er, Father, Sister, Broth er, Son, Daughter, Sweetheart or Ser vant. N “Queen Quality’s” are the gold standard shoos of America standing for the welf- ; are of all American women In > wear and style. DAVISON &. LOWE. Kodol Oyaptpala curt Digests all classos of food, tones and strengthens the stomach Trouble*, and makes rich red blood, health and strength. Kodol rebuilds wornont tia sues, purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. Oot, W. W. Atkinson, of W. Va., says: I have used a number of bottles of Kodol and bare found it to be a very effective and, indeed, a pow erful remedy for etomaoh ailments. I recommend it to my friends. The Orr I from now till X mas. ALL KINDS OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS— Oat Glaas, Decorated China, Statuary, Brie a-Brao, Picture* and Picture Frames, Burnt Wood Novelties, Borot Leather Goods, Sterling Silver Novel ties, Linen Table Sets, Handsome Linen Towels, Kid Gloves for Ladies, Gentle men and Children, Wool Gloves, In fants Wool Sacqoes, Infanta Wool Bootees, Ladies Wool Slippers, Silk Eiderdown Quilts, Sateen Eiderdnwn Qailts, Wool Blankets, Ladies Wool Fascinators, Zephyr Shawls, Silk Petti coats, L idles and Misses Jackets, Ladies Ready-to-Wear Suits, Gent's Suspen ders, Ladies Silk Drees Skirts, Ladies Fur Sets. Children's Fur Sets, Ladles Silk Umbrellas, Silk and Linen Hand kerchiefs foe Ladies and Gentlemen. A great line of Toilet specialtipe. An immense assortment of Carpets, Rugs and Curtains. All kinds of Fancy Baskets, Boys ClothiDg. Ladies Shoes. Fancy Hosiery, Ladies Silk Garters. All kinds of Dress Good*. Our store open eveDiogs till 9 o'clock A Uo.d Cough Medicine [From the Gaz tee, Toowombi, Ans. trails.] I fiud Chamberlain's Cough Remedy IS an excellent medicine, I have been suffering from a severe cough for the last two months and it has effected a core. I have great pleasure in recoin- meudii g it.—W. O Wockner. This is the opiuion of one of our oldest and most respected citizens, and bos been voluntarily given in good faith that others may try the remedy and be bene- fitted, as was Mrs. Wockner. This rem edy is sold by all druggists CASTOHIA, Bears the /) It* Hind You Hw Always BrnigM Signature of Sixteen years sgo the Misses B ad- berry established their milllDery basi- The ness ,n '*»• and year by year It has witnessed a distinct advance. It is now conducted by Miss Lon Br.idberry and Mrs. Arthur Burch, and two more uccomuli-iied and talented milliner, could l.ot bn fouud in Georgia. Their firm enjoys a large patronage throughout this eutire sicilon and it is a patronage well merited. This } ear the (.airiness of the MisseB Brudbt rry has been very snccesfnl. The largest and most beantifal assortment of millinery materials Is in stock and the hats are the loveliest ever seen here. Jnst at this season the attention of the' poblio is called to the elegant line of ar ticles snitable for Xmas presents. The most attractive of these are the artistic pin cu hlons and the head ornaments. A full line of fancy feathers and an exquis ite assortment of ribbons are to be found thero. Visit this establishment before oon (finding yi nr Christmas shopping. ; Hats from 100 to 3.00 * Suit Cases from 150 to 1500 I Mufflers from 100 to 3 00 > Umbrellas from - 75c to 5.00 ! Ties from 25c to 1.50 Complete line Gloves, 11ANIIKERC IIIKKS, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear, Boys’ Sr its and e\ erytliin g in Men The Standard of Quality. ~Sr ~zr Talk this over with your doctor. If he says Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is all right for your hard cough, then take it. x*w«u, km. 3 3 * a 3 3 The Classic City Market. J. Van Straaten. Y. M. C- A. Building. Phone 181. Drag Oo. MICHAEL BROS ON WINGFIELD’S CASH GROCERY STORE. So you can take advantage of the very low prices we are making on Groceries. :: :: Are You Going To Make a Fruit Cake? If so let us supply you with what you want with the best goods at a very low price,,, New Crop Raisins 15c a lb. Extra Fine Citron 20c a lb. Best Cleaned Currants 10c a pkg. Extra Nice Seeded Raisins 12 l-2c package. Large Pecans 15c a lb. Brazil Nuts 15c a lb. Grenoble Walnuts 15c a lb, Almonds 20c alb. Sweet Florida Oranges - • - 20, 25 and 30c a doz. Extra Nice Northern Apple*.,,,,, 35 and 40c peck. Fresh Butter and Eggt always Qij hand. Phone No. 156 for what you want. Goods That Please —THE— “ Hard=to=Please.” i. Finest Quality of Glass, China and Sterling Silver. 2. Beautiful and Unique Designs. 3. Variety and Beauty of Shapes. 4. Quality and Brilliancy of Finish. C ' Things to See In China- Docs It Pay To Buy Cbsap. A cheap remedy for oonghs and ootds is all right, bat yoa want something coat will relieve and oare the more vere and dangerous results of throat aod long trooblea. What shall yon do? Go to a warmer and more regular oil mate ? Yes, if poeeible; if not pottible for yog, t|)en in either case take the 'in'y remedy that has been jn trod need in nli civilized oonntrie* with iqepeoi in severe throat and lang troubles, "Bosch- ee's German Strap.” It not only heal* tnd stimulates the tissnea to destroy the germ disease, bat allays luflsmm tlloo, oaasea easy expectormlon, gives a good oight's rest, god op ref tije patient. Try ODe bottle. Reooanpended pjtny years by all druggist* in the world. Yoa oan get this reliab'e remedy at H. R. Pul- Get Green's Special Ai mer & Bone tnanao For Croup u?e Chenev’a Expectorant Ho For Christmas, ’ Are you looking tor gifts for the Children? Call and examine the Dolls, large and small: Tea Sets, China and Brlttaniee; Tin Kitch en Sets, Stoves, Irons, Pistols, Air Guns, Games, Blocks, Books, Pppkgts, T'prpllure, Locomotives, Trolley Cara, Toys, Tin Toys, Christmas Tree Ornaments, Can dles, Tinsel, Candle Holders, Bps. Miss Rosa At Von der Lieth, IbpgaoppoooqoQaooeQeeoooqjl IRON For Asthma use ney’s Expectorant Che- We make the claim, a claim that can easily be substantiated, that our goods are the best in the country for the money. We wish to impress this fact upon yoif and assure you that we are in a position to meet any and all demands on us for the holiday season. CHARLES A. SCUDDER, Jeweler, Athens, ea. 0 R, Brandt’s Jewelry Store Is brim full of fine suggestions for Clirist- Iijas and Holiday presents for every one. Come Early aod Make Selectioos. A LL goods ntapltfi'} jn jdain figures at popular prlejib. Order from us by any catalogue. We meet any and all reliable competition in the United States. THE JEWELER. ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE. IQ4 Clayton St. Athens, Ga. 0