The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 20, 1902, Image 13

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THE ATHENS BANNER. TRADE EDITION. ATHENS, GA., DECEMBER, 1902. TRADE EDITION THE WINGFIELD CASH GROCERY CO. AND ITS PHENOMENAL PROGRESS. 'arlM. He ti a thoroughly efficient man md thie establishment lias in him a ’alonbln salesman. The other laleitnen are Ur. L. Vance Edwards, a yonng Clarke conn ty citizen, Ur O H. Copper, a resident of Athena, Mr T. B Junta, who oame here seven! 'ears sine* from Oglethorpe connty, and Mr B B Galloway, a former rsaident of Or ene oonnty Theae gentlemen ire all • Xpert in the bnalueaa in wblob they are engaged. Ur. Wingfield ha* general supervision MR B. B. OALbOWAY of i ▼ .rythlng that la tranaaoted in hit store and ia himself one of the moat en ergetic and moat oompetrnt buaineaa men in the oity. The people patronize tbia a tote by the hundred* and there never la a day in the year when the aoenea there art not (boat ofhaatllngaotlrlty. The advertlaementa of the Wingfield Oaah Grocery 8tore are read every day with internet by the rradera of The Ban* ner in order to keep thoroughly posted aa to the la teat and boat bargain* in gro- oerlea. Thoae who trade there, and they take in all olaaaea of the people of this oily, aay that for aatlafaotory goods, oheap pnoea, courteous attention and prompt delivery there la no p’aoe in A hens like Wingfield’* Oaah Qrooery Store The bnameaa of the Wingfield Oaah Grocery Store ia rapidly Increasing It la already one of the beat iu Athene and at the present rate of in crease bide fair to become a veritable marvel in the business world of Atl a t . UR. O. a COOPER. Wingfield’s Cash Grooery Store is one | of the phenomenal business institutions' of Athens, an establishment that has by reason of honest effort and sqaure deal ing won its way to success. It ia a credit not only to the owner but also to i h-. oitv of Athens of whose bust mss world it ia an important part. Mr. William O. Wingfield, who has made ili a business one of theleadlnges tabll.hiuents in Athens, ia yet a young n.a i, in hia thirties. He oame to this city six e n years ago and during four teen years of his residence here haa en gag.d in the grooery business. A few of ill hp years were spent In the capac tty of .alesn an, but for the greater part of the time Mr Wingfield haa been in bualnee* for hlmaelf. lie started wt h a capital of (300 in a UR L V EDWARDS. little store on the corner of Lumpkin and Washington streets, having only 640 square feet of floor apace. Hia bualnesa now represents a capital of (11.600 and it requires a floor apaoe of 8 750 iqaa*e ft The business is entirely retail In ita nature and stands in the very front rank of the retail irooerr establish in- nts of i he city. A little more th in a year ago the business was quartered in ita present home. Th • moi tlily sales then ran scarcely one thousand dollars Today they are over six thousand dollar- MR. T B JONES per month, representing a retail grooery business of (76 000 per annum. This r markable success in business is attributable to aeteral r-aaons First, the ossli system. Every pur chase made at this store hia to be aooompeuied by the oaah. There|is ab- MR. W. O. WINGFIELD. .olutely no credit ixtendtd to anyone ’’bis enables Mr. Wingfield to do two htnga, viz., to bny his goods on thecas! asis and to sell them cheaper than his ompetitora. The people of Athene mve learned h iw to make their cash go urtt ir Inn ever before in the purchase f groceries. Then comes the buying of the goods. Only the best goes into stock at thi Wingfield Oa. h Grocery Store, and as it ’oesn't stay there many days the stock .8 always kept freah and desirable. The goods do not beoome stale at this store, and freih goods always sell well. Square dealing has gained immense business for tbis store. Whatever lead- vert’s d is sold just aa represented. The sales are given full weight and. .ample measure. The patrons of this store get MR. J. W. BRIGHTWELL. juat what they call for and agree to pay f r. Great preo. u Ion ia taken to render prompt, polite and aoou ate attention to every order. A corps of salesmen are -mployed who know iheir business iu every particular, and all patrons are given prompt and satisfactory attention. His delivery service ia ample and com plete in every respeot. A full line of fanoy and staple grooer les is carried, representing a variety of slock from whioh the purchaser finds no trouble to mate his selections. Mr J. W. Brlghtwell is head salesman at the Wingfield Oaah Grooery Store. He ia a well known Athenian, having resided here sinoe 1889 For several years he was in the hardware business, bnt of late years has been dealing in gro- STORY OF ATHENS ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY COMPANY THE ORR DRUG COMPANY ' ENJOYS GREAT PROSPERITY, The Athens Electric Street Railway Company has since its organization in 1804 done as nioch as any other agenoy towards the npliulldtng «.f the city of Athena The men who own the slock, the i ffi ceisv. h' manage it* affairs, are among the foremnet men of the city, men who are not afraid to Invest th> lr money here and who have the euergy and the boat ness ability to make a sot-cess of wbat ever they undertake. Mr. Jamee Y. Carlthers, a leading cotton factor of the city, la president of this company. It is his tpeo al pride and he devotes mnch of his lime, money and energy to its npbollding. Mr. W. S. Holman, a well known stock man and farmer, who for quite a number of years baa been a prominent oitlzen hero is the efficient vice-presi dent. Mr. William T. Bryan, of the firm of J. Y. Carlthers & Co, cotton faotors, and acknowledged to be one of theableet young financiers and business men In the olty, Is secretary and treasurer. Mr. O, D. Flanlgeu, to whose constant care and attention the auooess of the oompany’a business la largely attributa ble, la general manager. The board of directors consists of Messrs. J. Y. Car- lthera, W. 8. Holman. W. T. Brvan, C. D Flanigen, A H. Hodgson, J. J. Wil kins and A. P. Dearing, all well-known businessmen. The street ratlwsy ia one of the best equipped an! best managed in iheeutir. country. There are six miles of track well constructed, and the company has quite a number of the beat oars in ser vice today in Georgia. This onuipany wav the first in Georgia to provide heater*. The track Is laid with the best steel rails and with the exception of the Boulevard belt la paved S> complete has been the Improvement ai.d repairs on tbia line that there is not in oseti day a single piece of rail or equip nens that was nsed in 1894 when this company first began operations. The schedule is well-arranged and the service splendid. This company's business la not re stricted to the street railway. In 1890, at MltoheU's bridge on Middle river the first electric power plant in Georgia to furnish power to drive the machinery of manufactories was oompleted by this oompany, developing at this place 1,000 horsepower with whioh the street rail way, the aro light service tor the olty, the incandeecent light servloe, Athens Oheok factory and several small mans factoring conoerns have been run aino- that time. It became apparent a short while ago that the power developed at the plant at MltoheU’s bridge was entirely lnsuffl dent and atepa were taken by the Talla- aee Power Oompany to develop 1,200 horsepower at Talla*9e shoals. Tbit riant was purchased tome time since to its unfinished state bv the Athena Eleo- trio Street Railway do. and was com pleted a few wee kt sinoe and la now in operation. The Tallasee plant is up-to-date In every respect, doing away with belts, the generators being directly oonnecled with the « a>er wheels and regnlated by governors, thus keeping the speed abso lutely steady. The switch board (a of the latest type, all the 'instruments being mounted on blue Vermont marble panel*. The current Is controlled by automatic oil switohes. the most modem method used. Th* Tallasee ourrent Is a 19.000 volt transmlesioo, which is the first of its kind In Georgia The currents from both plants are bronght to the snb sta tion near Che Slate Normal School where the TallasMe current is trana forme 1 to the same voltage at tbat of the Mitch -lTa bridge plant, and from the swlloh-board at the aub station it is car ried to different parts of the diy where it ia nsed. New machlnee and a new switch board have been added at Mitchell's bridge and tbat plant baa been com pletely remodeled. At MltoheU's bridge 1000 horsepower are generated and at the Tallasaee plant 1100. Of that total, about 1800 horsepowt r are used to drive the street cars, the aro lights and the incandescent lights of the oity. About 400 horse power are used by different manufacturing plants. The Athens Oil MtU is operated by eleotrlolty from this plant, the Athens city- wa^yworks are to be operated by electricity a* toon as the necessary ma cl\lnepy can be installed there, and * considerable portion of the Mslllton Braided dord Company's plant, foor miles from the olty, it operated by <his current Several hundred thousand dollars are invested In the different plant* of this oompsmy. Already there are other manufactories in this oity. both among those tbat are already established and those tbat are to be buUl in the near fotnre that have engaged or wUl engage power from tbia oompany for the running of their plants. Among the institutions tbat are folly 1 ■ keeping with the progress of Albans is "The Orr Drug Oompauv," located on the corner ol O .liege Avi-uu* and Clay tOU etieet. Its i fflenra are as fellows: O, H. Phlniay, president; R. T. DoBese, sec retary ai d Treasurer; R. O. Orr, vloe president and general n anager. Mr. Ol>a*. H. Pole ar, the president of the company, la oue of the foremost young business men of Athena, being interested not only In tbis bni also in other businesses in Athens that are en joying great pmeperlty Mr. K. T. DuBiae, secretary and treasurer, u one of Athens' leading real estate men and is possessed of rare bna Ineee anility. Dr. R. O. Orr, vice president and gen eral manager, came to Athena In 1889, sinoe which time be has engaged in the drug business. One year ago Dr. Orr merged bla business Into the newly formed Orr Drag Oompany. With these effiolent men at the head of ita business, tbis oompany hat achieved a wonderful suooeet, and Its volume of bustnese ia Increasing rtp Idly. The purest, freshest and best drugs only are carried iu stock. The prescrip tion department is a special feature with this company. Dr. Orr Is a Ucenatd pharmacist and Dr J. W. Galloway It a graduate and lioenaed pharmacist, and under their personal oare the prescrip tion department Is second to none In the state. Accuracy is tbelr motto and to obtain 11 carefulness In every detail la observed. Mr. R. O. Wilson, who oame to Ath ens from Sparta, la an able assistant in the general department, and haa had years of experience. The soda fount It another attractive feature at this place and la kept up to the hlgheet standard, using only pure syrups and best flavors. This ltlnobarge of Mr James Galloway, of Monroe. for all diseases of the akin and so ip. This medicine ta known for its rare merits all over the oonotry. Orders ar* reo lved from leading draggiet* In many of the lergeet cities in the Untied Slate*. In tbis the Orr Drag Oo baa one ot the finest midlomea in America. The oompany make* • specialty of paiota and oils, selling only the very beet. These peints which have been pnt upon many nf the finest residences in Athens, ar • sold under guarantee and in every tnstanoe have given eminent satisfaction The Orr Drag Company carries the largest and heat stock of garden and field ~T OUR DRUG OO BUILDING. seeds. These seeds are fresh end are booght from the leading seedsmen of the country. The gurdenera of Athens are sure witnesses as to the merits of these seeds for they have tried them with sat isfaction. The Orr Drag Oompany’* store Is one of the handsomest and most thorosghly equipped in Athens. The stock oarrieft is th* very best that can be porohaaeth The officials of the company are among the best business men in the city. The two pharmacists know no superiors in this section. In view ot all theee fact* it is not at all surprising that the bust- The Orr Drag Oompany is the sole I neat of tbs oompany should from month- owner and manufacturer of "Skin Ouia.' ’ Ita month show remarkable increases-