The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 20, 1902, Image 16

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TRADE EDITION. tiii; atiiens banner. TRADE EDITION mb ATHENS DAILY BA® Published lMIlv, Hands/ snd Weekly by H J. HOWB. l-essee. H. P. HOLORB. JB Pdlloi T. W. REBO .... Buelnese Hanegef THB ATHENS DAILY BAHHKBUdeUva-er by carrier* In the oltr. or mslled, poetsue In to sny sddreee et the following rate*: »« per year, tlkl far ,lz roont e, II * for thre. months The Weekly or 8an<Uy BANNKB II 00 p*< yetr,6U cents for sis months, Inrsrlshlj Cae) In advanoe. Remittances msy be made by express. P°*’ oftln** money order or registered letter. All business communications should be so drMM.aMi to the Business manager Subscribers are requested to promptly notlf the business office of late delivery, failure cvry papers to porches or failure to deliver with absolute rcgularttv on the part of the car riers Much notifications Is the only means knowing of the existence of any cause for com »la<nt. and will be appreciated accordingly, TBLBFHONB*: Business Office 75. ««• r,B f dltorlal Rooms 75. two rlnfs TO THE PUBLIC. TUB HANNBR eellclt, new, from It, Irlend, In the ctv. But we cannot receive innounre- mente nl meetlnf a and etmller notice, over the telephone. »■ eek eur Irlende to kindly write all euefe notlcee and mall tbam to tba editor ol Tba Banner, ar eend to the oft Ice by meeeemer We am nlwnre (lad to print aocb notkae our friend,, but we Joel have not tbe time to take them by telephone. Our frlande will please bear this la mind. All eommonlcatlooe for publication MUST be accompanied by tbe real name of tba writer Tbe writer's name will be withhold wban the request It made, twt the editor mail know from wkom each communication comae. There will be no davletloeo tram theaa rules In tba tutors. We told yon yon wonld be borry If yon did not get In the trade edition. When yon flnlib penning thli edition Just remember that "We told yon »o.” The State Normal Sohuol baa accom pUshed much daring tbe leailon just doted. The Banner doll In the International Collection baa attraoted mnoh attention tbli week. Ai a meani to check drnnkennee* dor lng tbe holiday* inppose we all agree to oloae the dlapeniary throughout next week! The oollege and achool boya and girl* have left ni for a aeaaon, bnt we will have a merry, happy Ohrlatma* by onr ■elves. Tbe good people of Athena ihonld tee that Santa Olana find* hla way to tbe hume of every poor peraon in Athene thli Obilatmaa. The Banner will wager a year’* mb' Mtlptlon that Dewey haa hit hatchet ont ready to out the cable If trouble artaea. And then be oarefnl boya, don't get In front of hla gnni. II la onatomary now for every meeting to adopt reeolntioni endonlng the Sam mar Sohool, nnd Incidentally the Ban ner for atartlng the movement and rail lng the fond lninring the enterprlae. Can tbe member* of the present gen eral aaaembly be allnded to aa members of the third honae daring the last sea alon of the preaent term ? Reapcctfoily referred to Mr. DuPont Onerry and the Atlanta Joaraal. A perusal of the record of the teuton of the general auembly that ended last week will show that tbe people of Oeor gla had the relni. The third honae might have been In aeealon bnt lie work doee not show np In the reoorda The member* of tbe 8tate Normal School commiulon did the right thing In re-electing the membera of the pres ent faeolty of that aplendld institution. From President Branson down the prea ent faoalty la one of tbe ableat in the entire South. Tbe Luoy Cobb Institute hu enjoyed one of tbe greatest aeesions In tbe history of this splendid Institution and Tht Banner predloU still greater things for this sobool nnder the able management at Kias Rutherford, one of the noblest women In tha whole ooontry. THE ATHENS BANNER. It is not often that an editorial appears In this paper under t!<- aliovc caption, but wc feel that it is due ourselves and the people wi.o haw made possible this splendid edition of the paper, that a few facto be made public through these columns Work on this trade edition was commenced about five weeks ago. The edition is made np of 28 pages, printed on a fine grade uf l»x>k paper and containing perhaps the liest history of Athens and the various business enterprises in this city ever gl'en to the public. Tie splendid success of this edition is due In the main to the efforts of Mr. Tlmmas W. lived, t lie capable business manager of The Banner, who lias worked faithfully on the Issue, and almost without cessation, since the decision was reached by 1 lie management several weeks ago to issue this edition. Mr. Heed has not only written the history found in this edition hut lie has done much of tlie soliciting, in addition to superintending the mci hanical make-up of >he paper, which could not lie improved on. Then, to Mr. Iteed and tlie enterprising business men of Attiens, is due the credit, in a large measure, for tiiis splendid edition of The Banner. This Trade Edition of The Banner will circulate in thou-ands of homes throughout Northeast Georgia and many copies will find i heir way into many other states and foreign countries, while a large numh, r w ill In- preserved, as an accurate history of the city and its business interests, for many, many years to come. In this edition Is set forth the remarka ble growth of one of the most remarkable cities in the South. These pa ges will show that industrially, commercially and educationally Athens has enjoyed a growth the past few years that is nothing short of marvelous, and it will show that this growth isstcadyand continuous. Within the next twelve montlissubstantial buildings representing an out lay of money exceeding WOO.OOO will rear their heads within the limits of the city of Attiens tostand as monuments to the enterprise of the ncople of the present decade who tiave worked so faithfully and heroically for the Classic City of Georgia. These buildings are the greatest evidences of our industrial, commercial and educational activity and it isa class of evidence that cannot he disputed in any quarter. This edition of The Banner contains something like 150 half-tone newspaper cuts, representing our public buildings, business buildings, handsome residences and public spirited citizens. A similar num ber of cuts of this character has never tieforc appeared in any Georgia newspaper printed outside of the city of Atlanta. The Banner lias in stock the largest number of newspaper cuts carried in Georgia by any newspaper outside of Atlanta. The Banner Is growing with Athens and the best efforts of this paper are devoted the upbuilding of Athens. Wc herewith make public acknowledgment of our appreciation for the support of the business men and business enterprises represented in this edition which made the success of the edition such as it is. The Kind Von Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borno the signature of — and has been made tinder his per- sonal supervision sine© its infancy. '* ta **K /■CCCCAwi Allow no ono to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR IA Castorla is a Harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allnys Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Tcctiiing Troubles, cures Constipntion and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ▼MX eXMTAUn COMPANY, Vt MUMMY NTRCXY, NUN V Hood’s Pills Do not gripe nor Irritate the alimen tary raiittl. They act gently yet promptly, cleanse effectually ami Give Comfort Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. PROFESSIONAL CAROS MS HOLIDAY RUES Via Central of Georgia Ry. The Central of Georgia Railway will sell tickets daring the Ohrietmoe hall- days at one and one third flrst olaM fare for round trip, covering the following territory, viz: Between all points east of the Mississippi and sooth of the Ohio and Potomac rivers, including Wash ington, D. 0„ and St. Louts, Mo. Dates of sole to the pabllo: Deo. 23, 24, 25. 30,31,1902, and Jan. 1, 1903. Final limit Jan. 3. 1903. For Students—Same rates will apply as shown above, bat tickets can be pur- ohased Deo. 10th to 22nd, 1902, Inclusive with final limit Jan. 8th, 1903, on pre sentation and surrender of oertifioates signed by superintendent, principal or president of sohool or oollege. J. E HUMPHREY, Agt. Phone 15. R. L. MOSS, JR., Commercial Agt., Olty. Phone267. CHARLES EDWARD CHOATE, ARCHITECT. AuausTA. aa. i- . athens. aa. PHONE too. When ont of city consult H. E CHOATE. Justice Court. Prompt attsntlon to aU butasae. W. W. LOG’AM, N. P. and Kx Officio Jaetloe of th. Pmo. STEPHEN C. UPSON, atwruj-et-Law, Office la Talmagga Binding Central Cells, A vmm aaS ClayteiStreet. tare»'sh«—t/ A FEW WORDS ON OUR MEATS will be timely at this season. They will be of assiatanoe to the house keeper who is considering tbe CHRISTMAS DINNER and its probable cost. All oor holi day meats are selected with great oare and there's good cheer in every pound of them. POULTRY AND CAME to give added zeat to tbe feast will also be ready to fill orders. Norfolk Oysters, Pure Pork Sausage. J. A. WRIGHT & CO. Cash Market. Phone 304. Lumpkin Street. ^♦SSSStSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSfltSSSHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSl I R. NICKERSON . Pres. W. B. JACKSON. Vies Prsx. T. fl. NICKI2U30 «*cv THE ATHENS HARDWARE CO. | DEALERS IN | Hardware, Cutlery, Guds, Woodenware, Etc {LAWN MOWERS,ICE CREAM FREEZERS, CARDEN HOSE- 14* aad JJO Broad Street, Athens, da. MAKE XMAS MONEY COUNT. Those Items we have in our lines of holiday goods are sensible, pleasing ones: ttie kind that give full returns in use fulness and enjoyment for every cent of cost. Wc have made an extra effort this year to get practical as well as the newest and most at tractive gifts in our lines; and we have put prices on them that will appeal to those who want worthy f loods at the owest possible cost - In Justice to yourself and those you buy for you should see what we have before making selections We have told you previously some thing of the articles carried, but telling is largely in vain, you will have to see them to appreciate goods arid prices. :::::: We want you to see them and save- H. R. Palmer & Sons.- DRUGGISTS. 105 Clayton St. Athens, Ga. *M HERD ARE TEETH THAT STAND WEAR. Rest, sets of teeth $5.00 to *15.00. We make a roofless plate which is far superior to any other. Solid Gold Crowns *5.00 to *s.oo. Bridge Work *5.00 to *8.00 per tooth. There is nothing equal to perfect bridge work when properly construc ted. Gold Fillings *1.50 and up. Amalgam Killings 75c and up. We extract teeth positively without pain. You may rest secure In the knowl edge that your teeth will receive the best and most skillful at tent Ion at our office. Dr. C. A. Ryder, M^r. Classic City Dental Room", McDowell Building, College Av«\ Long Distance Phone, No. 87. Farms for Rent. The Hull farm two miles from Alli ens on Hull road. 75 acres in cultiva tion,; Also, 135 acre tract of land, part of it in the city, out liy Rarlx-rvllle. I here is something like 50aerosol this land in timU-r. Will soli you I tie wood as well as rent you the laud. Also, 2uo acres on the Oconee river out by the new bridge now Ix-ing built. Dwellings for Rent. 8 R. II., Milledge avenue, - *20.00 li It. II., Lumpkin street, 5 It. II.. Jackson street, - - 12.50 4 H. II., close to old Alliance warehouse, - - - 7.00 J T. Anderson, AGENT. l*V)r Sal© One no"d organ One vacant lot below my home on Oconee street. Ap ply to MRS. T. A. ADAMS. N" 467 Oconee street GEORGIA JUNK COHPANY, Chancellor Hill aad lha membera of the faculty of the University of Georgia ore to bo congratulated on the splendid •coceet achieved by the etadeot body daring the aesstoa that doted yesterday. The University is growing bigger and bigger, and stronger and stronger with 4he passing years and already It is tbs (per of any state institution in the en- 4tae South. Heart Failure Takes away some of the J most vigorous men right { in the prime of lift*, just J as they arc on the verge J of great financial pros- J perity. Don’t stake your rami- ly’s welfare wholly upon j your uncertain life. Carry f a policy in the "Mutual * Life of Ga.’ See one '»f our agents today John A. Darwin. I Clayton Street. r***********************J BUYS Scrap Iron, Castings, Brass, Copper, Beer Bottles, Grain Begs, Pewter, Zink, Rubber Stove Cast, Books, Paper, Bones, Rags G ass, Jugs, Lead, Etc. BROAD STREET, near Georgia Depot, oppoeite Rucker’s Compress. 10 Kithor drop os e card or phone ns and onr wagons will call for any of the above named aruclty- PHONB IOI. UPTOWN PEOPLE Are requested to stop in and see what we have for Christmas. We have a nice assortment. Up=Town Drug Store, Phone 27o. Prompt Delivery, E. C. McEvoy CASTORIA Tor Infante and Children. Ike Kind You Have Always Bought Brora tiie Uo.rrnro ol Allen H. Talmage. jPiae Baggies, Wagons, Laprobes, Whips, Etc I Washington St., Athens, Ga. 5 For Sale 300 acre farm li miles from Center, Ga., on Oconee river. 500,000 feet of lumber can be cut on place. 4 horse farm open A. L. Brooks. CITY TRAIN MDOLfi i rival and Departure ol Trains, CITY TIME. City Tima la SO mtnutaa dower than and SO minute, falter than Central time. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Arrive* a. Snip,» Arrive* a. S:l| p a B. W. Sizer. Agra. GEORGIA B. B. leaves 12 AS 711 SEABOARD AIR LINE R’Y. NORTH BO USD. So S3— LvAtlastaAdOam, Ar.Athene, 10:23*n> Ho.*-" " •**”: " " No. IS- " " 12 30pm " 137pm SOOTH BOOHD. KoJB-L*. Athene, 137pm, Jr. Atlanta,. 36pm No. 41—" " 638am, " " 130am No.68— " •• 6:52pm, •• 830pm a A B/w, Qen. Pteenger Agent. J. Z. Hoke. Agent. CENTRAL Or GEORGIA BAILWAY and— i -00p.m. Leave 8:48 p.m. Leave 7:30 a. m. Arrive 9 KKS p. m. J. X. HUMPHREY, Agent LODGE DIRECTORY, i'IIBVh Lodge, No. 7UU. B. F. O. K. Meets Every Wednesday night nt 7:4ft o’c'ock at lodge quartern, Mon*building, ('layton Nt. M. O. Michael, Exalted Kuler. H. iC. Choate, Secretary. Ht. El,mo Lonuk K. or P. HI. Elmo Lodge, No. 40. Knight* of Pythias •••ta Monday night at f ,-au o’clock et I. Jastle hall In the Max Joseph building, corner larton and W all street!, Phone Ju3, ft ring*, Visiting Knights oordiallv Invited to attena _ _ „ K. L. M088. Jr„ C. .0.’ T, H. Nickerson, K. of B. and h. Gmnn Lodge, No. 7ft, 1. o. o. ». Meets every Tuesday night at 8 o’clock a Lodge room, in Carlton building, on Jaokacn •treat. All Odd Fellows In good stanaing In rlted to attend. _ w u-« J- F. Hart, Noble Orand. O. E, Stone, Recording Becrstary. Williams Lodge, N . 15, I. o. O. F. Meets every Monday night at 7 o’clock at lodge room In Carlton building, on Jackeo street. All Odd FeUowa In good itanding rlted to attend. * . D A. Watson, Noble Grand. J. ▲. MBA LOU, Recording Nectetary. Oliver Encampment, Nt. . i. o. O. F. Meets every flret and third Thuraday night In each month at h o’clock at Odd Fellow* hall op JeokKin etreet. All patriarch* In good •tendlnz Invited. . „ „ W. M. Pittman, Chief Patriarch. J. K. Kennct. Scribe. Mt. Vibnon Conor, r. and a. M Haunt Vernon Lodge, No. 2i F A A. M aeet* In regular communication .rcry eeoond Thuraday night In each month at Muonic hall trdltaor Hax Joimph building t'Uyton etreel All Haater Mnson, ere ooriLally Inrtted to W. F. Dohnit. W. M. leoratorv. Kstntons CnAPTiH, B. A. M. Kayitone Chapter, No. 1, Royel Arch Ma»m meet* every third Tuceday night et H o clock et the lode; room In the Hex Joaeph building All Quauilcd brethren Invited to attend. ” . „ _ Max Joenrii. High IMeeA J. G. Trumili., Secretary ATHggn Council No 21, B. a 8. b.. Meet,on let Wedneaday night In each mouth et 8 o clock, Ueeonlc hall. Max Joecph building All qualmed oompanlone urged to attend. . _ _ „ H H. I.inton. T. I, H J. K. KcNNgV, Keonrder. Ooonie THIgg, I. O R. M. Ooone* Tribe, No. 15,1. O. R. M., meet* every t 7«ta«d*y night et J :»u o'clock. *1 K-il Men . tall, third flooi Carlton building. Veiling Red Men oordlally Invited to attend -- It. K Hhaiihk ,kt, Hichem U. A. LAHIgK,' Chief nt Kerned. TALLULAH FALLS railway company. tiv.b TAHLE NO as In effect Sunday, Sept 7th, juog,« a m. Eaatern Time 11 auv STATIONS P.M Lv Ar 6 Ofl 21 Tallulah Kalla S 05 20 F... Tallulah Lodge 6 2(1 16 . Tomervilip. 6 80 13 F... ..Hollywood . . 6 88 It F... . Anundnln ... 6 46 9 F.... Hills 6 65 8 .Olarkeaville 6 10 6 Demoreet fi 80 0 P.M. Ar. Lv >1 daily K n . I no 12 67 12 43 12 28 12 18 12 11 12 06 II 60 II 66 A M. “F” for flog statlona. W. S. ERWIN. UenerallMantRer,