The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, December 20, 1902, Image 17

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TRADE EDITION. THE ATHENS BANNER. TRADE EDITION. MR. J.T. ANDERSON Prominent Athenian and Leading Real Estate lealer. Ur. J. T. Ando son, a leading real es tale man and prominent Athenian oltl zen, la a native of Clarke county, who ■pent fcl. boyhood day* upon the farm. He gra lusted from the Univenity Law School, waa admitted to the bar and practiced law aeven yeara In Wat kiniTille, Oonnee county. Fire yeara of that time h . waa aolioltor of the oounty MR .1 T ANDERSON. court of Oconee county, whloh position he filled with ability. Ur. Anriermn name to Athena fifteen year, ago and <.| not'd up a real eatate office Y-nr hr year his business has grown nt til it it now of large prorortlona and .till increasing steadily S lling property in a -pclalty with Mr. And reon »"d in securing the beat sales at the larg at figures he baa no su parlor in this city. His ability aa a rent agent la unquestioned. Just cn show how actively engag< d he Is In this business it might he well to atate that during the present mouth he has sold seven piece* of property. Ur. Anderson, m addition to hia real eatate business, conducts a pr fi able farming business In Ooonee oounty. a work In whioh he takes a great pride This year bn baa made one hundred bales of ootton on bla farms. MR. ABE JOEL. His Large Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Clothing Business. In 1873 Ur. Abe Joel, who was born In Germany, moved to Athens and for ths past thirty years hat been one of tbe Olassio City's moat battling and enter- prislng oitizena. Twenty yeara of that time was ipent In the establishment of I. Morris, dur ing whloh time Ur. Joel acquired a thorough knowledge of the business in which he is now a leading factor. Reoently Ur Joel hia added the wholesale department to hia business and in this field has already achieved a splendid suocess. The sales in this de p.rtmeot show sttady increases from month to month, and require the atten tlon of a nomber of salesmen. Io addition to bis elegant Hue of dry goods, clothing and n itious, Ur. Jo 1 his an exoellent millinery adjunct to his business and io this department numbers his patrons by the hundreds In this see tlon of tbe state. Ten salespeople are required to attend to the bosioeai of tbte establishment and this force is constantly being added to. THE COMMERCIAL IS UP-TO DATE. The Hotel Under the Management of Mr S. T. Phil- pot is Now One of the Best Hostelries in the State It Has Been Thoroughly Remodeled and is in the Hands of an Experienced Hanager. -■ ' UR. ABE JOEL. The Oommeroial Hotel, uDder the new management, is another kind of as ft tabliehment from what it has ever been It is now a thoroughly convenient and comfortable hotel, the service la excel lent and all who patronise it go away pleased with the treatment accorded them. Ur. S. T. Philpot, the new proprietor. Is a gentleman of long and aoooeesfol exporieoco in the hotel business, and bis experience is such as to guarantee Ath ens a good hotel. Ur. Philpot is a na'iveof Virginia bat for the past fi’teen years has been in the hotel basinets la Georgia. He was proprietor of the New Golf House at Thomaaville, Ga, for four years, during whioh time he aebi. ved a splen did reputation as a hotel man. From there he went to Albinv, Gi, where he engaged In the bnsmess eleven years. At that place he was tbe proprietor of the Aib toy Ion and the New Albany. A few months since Ur Philpot made up hia mind to come to Athena. It was with great regret tbn the people of Al bany parted with him, aa he had g van hem the beat hotel aerrioe they bad ver ei j •} ad Ur. W. M L-wia, himself a hotel man of ex peri nr.e, |< the efllo eut clerk at he Co'iiniercl tl The C un iDerrial has been thoroughly renovated and remodeled. Next spring he owner of the building, Ur. R. L Morn will add fifty rooms to the hotel whloh will give it ampler facilities than It no v possesses This is rendered neo essary not only on aooouut of tbe rapid growth of thia olty, but also oa aooouut of tb» increasing popularity of the hotel MR 3 T PHILPOT. MR. W. J. PEEPLES Manager of the Athens Commission Company of This City. under tbe management of Ur. Philpot. Tbe table fare and ssrvloe at the Com mercial is the very best. The moil x perlenc-d cooks are employed and the most comp-tent and polite waiter*. The traveling publin, tlisa excellent ertnos of hotel service, gives opinion that ih r-isno better tnble fare and ■ rvice in () orgia than at the Oo nmer- d.l. Tus comf irt and cm vcnloncn of guests Is ale ays tie first considers io* at:heO mm rcial The rooms areneatl) furnished and have been re-o.rprted and put lp attraotiv condition. Tbi hallways and rvo ption rooms have b -ei given a neat and attractive ap.iearani e by the addition of new oarpete. The ad dition of a number of porcelain ba'h tuba has been one of the most aopreol ■ted improvement*. Tbe Athena Oomtniaalon Company, successors to Rhode* & Peeples, does one of the largest brokerage businesses In Athens Ur. W. J Peeples, tbe manager, is a native of Gwinnett oounty, oomlng to Athens in 1894. He was for several rears head bookkeeper for R L. Uosa & Co., and then went Into tbe brokerage bnsiness, iu whioh be baa achieved a urge measure of suoooas. The huslnees done by tbe Athena Cam- mission 0. tnpany amounts to a quarter ■f a million dollar* per annnm, and la steadily increasing. Th’s company la sole agent for Armour & Co , aelliog vaat quantities of their leaders, 3 sr Hams and Shield Lard Everything In the packer's line Is han dled by the Athena Commission Co. The very b-st homes throughout the ntire country are represented by Ur Peeples ai d all goo is sold by him come ID to every requirement satisfactorily. His ability and energy guarantee ■ con tinning anooess for the Athena Oommla sion Co. The office of the company is located on the oorner of Spring and South streets. The telephone number U 18. Athens has one basinet* that many of ber people know Uttle about and yet It 1* a large and growing basinets that Is playing a considerable part in this olty. Ths Georgia Jack Company, with Ua offloes on Broad atreet just below the Georgia R tllroad, is the bnsiness re ferred to. It is operated by Ur. R. E. Weatherly, who has had ten years ex- UR W. J. PEEPLES CEORClAjjUNK CO. Something About the Re markable Growth of That Business. MR. R E. WEATHERLY. pern-nee Id that Hue of business. Ur. Weatherly la a native of Clarke oounty and for a time followed the bus iness of m tc K a"diaiug Ten years ago be started thn junk business and four years of that -tuie has been spent In this olty. The Georgia Junk Company does a large wholesale business iu scrap iron, metals, bidet, green bags, and a general merchandising badness in metals. Tbs highest prices are paid on all purchases. A.oumbsr of hands are employed at tbe establishment In this olty and ths butldiss is conducted In a careful and syitematlo manner. This oomptny has branch ageootes in ten plaoes In this section of Georgia and srsn In Sooth Carolina. CHRISTMAS GIFTS 3 —AT E. H. Dorsey's. Useful' Serviceable. Smoking Jackets, Hats, Bath Robes, Cravats, Mufflers, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery, Shirts, Cuff Buttons, Watch Fobs, Night Robes, Suit Cases, i <r i 1 SILK SUSPENDERS, SOLID SILVER BUCKLES. - f Underwear in all Grades. :: The Latest Style Overcoat, $ AN UP TO DATE SUIT OF CLOTHES. J 1 A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY DF NECKWEAR. E. H. DORSEY. IMPERIAL HUTEL. One of the Best to be Found in the State. aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooua IjOOK - OUT For the Squirrels In the Wire Bootzat JOHNSON’S SHOE STORE, 231 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. WHERE prices are in keeping with the hard times. “LOOK.” Ladles' Leather Kip Hhoee » .78 to II 28 •• Pebble Calf Hhoee 80 to 1.28 •• Kangaroo Calf Hhoee.. .80 to 1.28 •• Dongola Kid Hhoee 78 to 1.28 •• Vlci Kid Hhoee 1 28 to 1.W •• Viet Kid. Goodyear Wel« MO to 178 - storm Rubber Hboea.. J»to .86 Misses' and Children'* Bhoea... .|0to 1.28 Infants’Kid Btaoe* l*to Men-s Reavy If ip Tie. wto J “ •• Katin Calf Bhoea 8Qto 1-80 “ Vlci Kid Hhoee Ml to 200 “ Box Calf Bhoea 178 to 2J0 Men’ii Vld Kid, Goodyear Welt 12.00 to 14.00 '• Patent Colt, Goodyear W*lt 5) to 8.50 " Velouni Calf, Good- Te*rWelt 8.00 to 8JQ " Storm Robber Shoes... .50 to .76 Rojo’ Heavy Kip Tiee 80 to 1.25 *' Satin Calf Bain 75 to 1.25 H BoxcalfBol^. 1.50to 200 " Vtd Kid Shoes 1.50 to 2,00 Cjiildrvn'a Rubber Shoes 85 to ,*5 Lfea'M Heavy Ditching Roots.. 1 Jo to 2.U) OldLadieu' Shoes, (Comforts).. .75 to 1 60 Johnson Shoe Co, 231 Broad Street, Athens, Oa. The Imperial Hotel Is one of the ohief hotels of the Olaaalo Oily and It also one of the best hotels to be found anywhere The bnllding, located on the oorner of Clayton and Jaokion streets, 1* admir ably adapted to the hotel business and was arranged with an eye to oomfort and convenience. The rooms are amply large, are su perbly ventilated and well-arranged at to light. The dining room It one of the handsomest and most convenient In the olty. Tbe furniture throughout the build ing is new and attractive. The bath facilitlee are ample. Io fact every neoeeaary equipment has been plaotd In this hotel to render the stay of gnesli moat pleasant. The management of the hotel It In good hands. Ur. P. W. Sutherlln, tbe proprietor, hat had fifteen years’ experi ence In thle business, whloh make# him just the man for the plaoe he occoples. Five years of that time has been spent in Athens, where he has made hundreds of warm friends who note his suooess In the management of the Imperial hotel with great pleasure. Ur, Sutherlln lays great stress on two things in the management of a hotel, vis , the table fare and the service. In the olty of Athena there la set no table superior to that of The Imperial Hotel The very beet that the market affords is what Ur. Sutherlln sets before his guests. And It Is prepared by tbe best oooks In Athens, under the personal to pervitlon of the hotel management. It It the nulvertal testimony that It la delight to eat a meal at the Imperial The servloe at this hotel Is kept op to tbe htgbeet standard. Th« servants are prompt, polite and efficient. The Imperial Hotel weU deserves lbs popularity It has won. grass A* r strfcS »-jjssarajjtsfss Books Make the BEST Xmas Presents. D. #. MUM’S BOOKSTORE.* Beautiful Calendars for Presentation New and Unique Designs. Picture Frames Made To Order And Delivered Same Day. 118 CLAYTON STREET, :: :: ATHENS. GEORGIA. Grandest opportunities here to procure desirable Holiday Presents at the Lowest Prices. Better Place Your Orders Today swwSfwSSt s r5?x!52!L Vou Books. 5,000 Books 5 cents to $20.00 to select from. Sets of Books. Many handsome sets at one third and one half less than usual prices. Young People’s Books... Children’s Picture Books, Boys’ and Girls Books by all the leading writers for Young People. The New Books, BOOKLETS, XMAS CARDS. Our stock of these three lines is larger than in any previous years and selected with the utmost care to meet the needs of our customers. Art Dept. If only for pleasure come and see 60 of the famous TOJETTI’S Pictures, ALSO MANY Etchings, Photogravures, Water Colors &. Photographs. Frames and the most com plete line of Mouldings ever shown In the city. Pyrographic Outfits- Photo Frames all sizes and shapes- STATI0NERY. 3,000 Papetrles from 5c to $150. From the cheapest to the finest and most dainty the market affords. ...OUR SPECIALTY LINE... Footballs, Punching Bags, Exercisers, Carrom Boards, Athletic Goods, ABC Blocks, Etc. Bibles. Testaments, Family Bibles, Prayer Hymnal Sets. Our stock of Bibles Is very comprehensive and the value we offer is a surprise to every body. Testaments From 5c Up. Photo Albums, Joliet Sets, Ink Stands, Atomizer Sets, Lap Desks, Silver Novelties, Leather Goods, Etc. We excel in all of the above and our stock of Pocket Books, Purses, Visiting Cards and Gent’s Leather Cases will be found tobe the most complete In the city. A Good Fountain Pen $ 1.00. Ideal Waterman Fountain Pens, a'J Sweaters and Jerseys. $££5; for Chrildren, Youths, Ladies and Gentlemen. SOME BARGAINS. 200 selected volumes 50c to $1.50, at Half Price. 5, $2.50 and $3.00 Crokinole Boards at $1.25 each. Will sell 20 copies of $1.50 Souvenir of the City at 50c each. Many odds and ends of last years Fancy goods laid out and offered at Half Price. SSSKSCKSS«SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSnSSXSKSSSSSMaro«raKXCHEKSSl