The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, May 01, 1903, Image 1

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Will Leai| Atted* t Ms sfc "Stock; ieet Seen. Yesterday while at work excavating (or the foundations of the new city hall bailding the workmen unearthed an old anvil and what seemed to be the rem it is not known nants of an old forge, how long the anvil bad been buried there nor to what purpose it was put many years ago when it was in use. When you want a pleasant physio try Chamberlain's stomach and Liver Tab lets. They are easy to take and pleas ant to effect. For sale by all droggists. The Georgia National Bank Of Athens. Capital $100,000. Offers to depositors every facility theii balances, business and responsibility THE ATHEN ESTABLISHED 1832. ATHENS, GA., FBIDAY MORN: BURKHART IS CAUGHT He is Being Held at Griffin Where an Officer Has Been Dispatched. FORGERY IS CHARGED Burkhart is the Man Said to Have Forged Mr. Pickrell's Name to Check Which Was on Athens Firm. Robert O. Burkhart, who was wauted in Athena for the crime of forgery, was arrested yesterday morning in Griffin, Gi., where he waa at work for A1 Bar- p*e, brother cf Officer Burpee, of the Athena police force. Bnrkbart is the man who stands oharged with having forged the name of Mr. B. R. Pickrell, of this city, to a ten dollar check a few days since and with having cashed the same at the drag store of Warren J. Smith & Bro. The warrant was sworn out by Mr. Piokrell yesterday, and Officer Bradber- ry left yesterday afternoon to bring Barkhart back to Athens to answer to 116 charge that has been made against him.) The captare of Barkhart was quickly effected by the police, As soon as the crime waa detected, notice was sent to ▼ariona cities in the state, and it was it long before Chief Calp was notified that his man wa* in custody at Grif- Farmers of the Surrounding Counties are Showing Great Interest. 1 COME WHEAT FAIR THE FIENDS OF COCAINE One Was in Police Court Before Mayor Rhodes On Yesterday. HEAVY FINE IMPOSED One of the Boys Working at Drug Store Had Been Selling Cocaine to Negroes W ho Are Constant Users. Mayor Rhodes is determined to break up the sale of cocaine in this city where it is sold in violation cf the law. This habit la on the increase and es pecially among the negroes. It has been noticed that several darkies in BRILLIANT PROGRAM Is Being Arranged For the University Commence ment This Year. DR. JOHN H. FINLEY VMio is to Deliver the Baccalau reate Address is One of the Most Prominent Educa tors in the Country. The approaching commencement of f he University of Georgia is to be one of the most brilliant in the history of that great institution. With the exception of the orator who is to make the literary address before Athens have been nsing fhe drug and the literary sceic-ties all the orators for the officers have been on the lockout to the commencement season have been And where they wire getting it. Yesterday the mayor paid his re spects to the first violator of the law chosen and havo accepted the invitations that have been extended them. The baccalanrate sermon this year is aod touched him up to the tune of fifty ! ro be preached by K?v. W. W. Landrail dollars and cost, or three months on the ] •treats. A negro man was arrest* d Tae>>day ; and pnt in the city prison. To all up pearances he was cra/.y and the police pastor of the First Baptist church of Atlanta. Dr. Landrum is one of the most eminent divines in the Saoth, and Lis sermon will be one of great power. Tin alumni orator chosen by the AN OFFICE! BUIL Is Now a Certainty $ SoonjAre. as a Site Can by termined On. CHARTER OBTAINED By the Athens Realty and Officers of This! pany Anxious to Building Started The Athens Realty Comp obtained its oharter, everyth! in readiness for the erection < six story cilice bailding in tb oept the selection of the lot place the new stnoture. The company has decided I corner now occupied by the I tow Co., and it is merely a <] the time when the place can 1 as the Flatow Co., lias a le rons lor nearly two years yet It is not improbable that 80 ment will be reached betwe companies at no distant da the erection of the new oftio ly having is now the new city ex- reon to’ The-Custom-of JHaay be Abandoned 4ri~ Order Allow White Teachers To Come tiere. ' * -t-wx | - Chancellor Walter B. Hill, oftiiq Voir authorities had about decided to swear alumni society of the University of oot a writ of lunacy for him and have 1 Georgia, is Hon. William 11. Howard, him sent to the a-yinm, when they die- j cr) i gressman from the esghth district of covtred that he had been using cocaine. . this state and an orator and statesman The officers asked him where lie had of ability, gotten the cocaine, and he told them The i’ni Kappa and Demosthenian so- that he had bought it from a negro man who worked for one < f the drog stores. Several of the negtuboys working at the different drug slor* s w er- brought before him. and he ident fied Will Win- Tho Athens Wheat and C)»t Fair, to be held In this city this summer, is at trading attention throughout this sec tion of the date. A number of promt neat people from surroundin'? counties who have visited Athens the past few days say that the Wheat and Oat Fair is being talked of in their respective conn ties and that large crowds will oome from each of these counties. The Iccil oommittee having the ar rangements for the fair in hand have deoided to make the prizes for the best orops of wheat and oats this year even more attractive than they have been in the past. It is well known that many of the farmers of Uconee county are making arrangements to oome to the fair with the intention of carrying off several of the handsomest prizes, as they have done several timet in the past. Cllt SCHOOLS CLOSE ! ON TOTH INST This Session Has Been One of Most Prosperous in School’s History. cietiop of the University are now trying to sfcurt* an orator for their day during the commencement week. They have iuvit* d one of the most distinguished men in the Sjuth and are awaiting hie fry, the boy who stays at the store otjzeply. • ... -.11. ... .fc. m.'rtn - - i - •« sold him the cocaine. It appeared that, to le delivered by Dr. John Houston this negro had been taking cocaine from Finley, president of the College of the the <1rng store and selling it among tie city of New York At the lime Dr. negroes. Finley was invited he was a member of Mayor Rhodes pnt a fine npnn I lie ne- the faculty of l’riuceton University, but gro heavy e: oegh to deter all others since that time has been called to the from a similar practice in the fntnre. head of New York's great institution of learning. Ex-President Cleveland is said to have been responsible for the selection of Dr. Finley for the important educational position lie is now to fill. Dr. Finley was born on an Illinois farm, and is only thirty-nine years of age. He is regard- ei as one of the ablest educators in the a itire country. Daring his stay at Priucton ho was the moat constant com- potion of Mr. Cleveland. Among the most interesting events at the approachiug commencement will be the delivery ot an essay by another ytnng lady of the S.ate Normal School. List year, for the first time in the his tory of the University, a girl was al- 1 twed to read an essay from the chapel stage. She was Miss Lollie M. Smith of : the State Normal School. The repre seutative of that institution this year is B. Fla- testlon ot e secured, ise which agree- the two whereby bailding may be started before the expiration cf the lease. EARLY CLOSING * TO BEGIM KHIAK Nearly all Stores Will be IDR. C. W. LONG’S FIRST PATIENT BALDWIN ST. SCHOOL |Prof. S. P. Orr. of this city, was the I patient of Dr. Crawford W. Long, l discoverer of anat sthesia. He was a I tire will be needed t babe at the time Dr. Long was ylng medicine in the office of a phy- t at Jefferson, The phyalolan was sent for to attend he little babe who waa toffering from hnlera infantum. He waa not in the |ffioe and yonng Long went, gave the r medicine and restored the ohtld t health. The Athens City Schools w ill close for the term on the 27th of May, and the dual »lamination work of the pupils will begin within the next few days. Superintendent Bond said yesterdsy that the session now clos’ng hid bein one of the most prosperous and satisfac tory tn the history of the schcols. There have been no impediments in the way of the schools thta session, such ” , . , , .. J again a young lady, she having won the as extreme bad weather or disease, and .. . place after an exciting contest in which the pupils have been enabled to put in a a number of yonng men were engaged, year of very benefloial study. N,xt year it is expected that the at- nft 11 UmflTHSir tendance epon the schools will be great- I AV j 11 r|[u I* fl | I I ||\]r ly increased and new rooms at the school buildings or a new school building eu-! AT COMMENCEMENT It is thought that the contract for the erection of the new Peabody library building will be let w ithin the next two weeks, as the architect, Mr. Harralson Bleckley, has submitted the specifica- Tomorrow at the Albers park the ! tions to the contractors for bids. It is part ot Olntauat, For Catarrh That Con tain! rtreury. 11 mercury -will anrely destroy the aenae smell and completely derange the ^hole system when entering it through mucooua surfaces. Such articles I never be used except on the pre- ■ from reputable physicians, at > damage they will do la ten fold to > good ytu can possibly derive from Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufac- red 'by F. J. Obeney & Co , Toledo, contains no mercury, and is taken ily, acting directly upon the 1 and muonoua aurfacei of the sys- In buying Hall'a Catarrh Cure be »yon get the genuine. It ia taken Ily and made in Toledo, Ohio, by J, Cheney & Co. Testimonials free S ild by all Druggists, 75c. Hall'a Family Pills are the beet. children of Baldwin street Sunday school hoped by the University authorities that will enjoy their annual picnic. the work will have progressed suffl- Rev. Ellison D. Stone, the beloved cientlv by commencement to enable snpetinteDdent of tbi: school, and the oorpa of devoted teachers who assist him in the work, have made all the neces tar; arrangements to make the little folks have a real good time at the picnic. Daring the day there will be a short program of interesting exercises, the playing of games, and a most enjoyable basket dinner. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King’s New Life Pil’s each night for two weeks has pnt me in my -teen*’ again" writes D. H. Turner of Dompaoylown, Pa. They’re the b at in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 35o at W J Smith & Bro, H. R. Palmer & Sons, Drug Store. them to lay the cornerstone of the new bnilding at that time. If this is prstible an elaborate program will be arranged for tint occasion. No Loss of Time. ‘•I have sold Ohamberlaine’s Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and would rather be oat of coffee and sugar than it. I sold five bottle of yesterday to threshers that could go no farther, and they are at work this morn ing."— H R Phelps, Plymouth, Okla bom x. As will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their woTk without losing a single day’s time. Yo should keep a bottle of this remedy in your home. For talc by all drug gists. Closed at Six O’clock Every Afterno»n. V /■ ■spaffiwttjjjB ’ ternoou. Residents of the city anti others who do trading here shonld take dne notice of the f allowing and govern themselves accordingly. We the undersigned agree to close our place of business, Saturdays excepted, at 0 o’clock, beginning May 1st, and con tinuing until Sept 1st— E. H. Dorsey. Head & McMahan. O. A. Scudder. Lncien B. Flatow Go. Turner & Hodgson. Davison & Lowe. Micbeal Bros. E. I. Smith. Mieses Bradberry. So. Ry. Co. Chas. Stern & Go, B. Goldwasser. S. Abrams. J. S. Noland. VVm. H. Sheib. S. H. Bnchwald. It. S. Funkenstein. E. Bnchwald. M. Link. Johnson Shoe Co. Sidney Boley. Louis Huff. Abe Joel. J. H. Hoggins & Son (conditionally) Lonis Morris. M. & L. Morris (conditionally). D. P. Haselton's Music House. D. W. McGregor (conditionally). Sol. J. Boley. Wilson & Pittman. The Singer Mfg Go. T. B. Wooten. E. R. McGregor. Globe Ricket Store (conditionally). R. L. Moss Jr. J. B. Toomer. The following petition with the signa tures attached, will explain itself. We the undersigned agree to close our place of business on and after the 1st of May until September 1st at S :30, Satur days excepted. Freeman & Go. McMahan & Son. Thoa. L. Abney. I. P. Morton. G. H. Williamson. J P. Fears & Son. Jack F. Jackson. Wingfield Gash Store. H. P. Hinton. J. T. Brown. After the grip, or other serious illness. Hood’s Sarsaparrilla ia the medicine to take to restore the appetite and strength. •jta joirtJietKace icaq s Been ^et Au<4 tie ’ • ^orR .^)es Oft. * | ~ ': •> iWi,oaiSSm 4a.aa«**M> sity of Georgi -infer Sdi® JV Days add Tfiefethi AfeMfee MerfiberWo Feir Will Be*., p: . iheir honpr “ .and In honor of the faculty ;• / ^ ^M*s of the Girl's ; N*mai T.. afSiUddgeviU*. ’ ^ ** TAfaie in Atlanta, the ‘ -State Normal ;. : 8obool party vyil? stop- at the Aragon,^ ’ ' and Will be jolntd today by President * v rer - ' . - life- . Branson, who will come up from Albany, ' * where he^ab been attending the Albany ' „ Chautadqua. *■v- - ; The reception at the execuWy^ "than-- 1 sion this evening wiRhff ^Ibr inant »f- - > ^ ^ fair* Gova and Mre. Terrell are vdr^.. . muoh interested in the different sdnoa-* ¥ • f tional lnstitntions of the state, .and - in every way possible showing their dp- prediation o£ tbe splendid work that hlf-" ' v being done by these itjaHtntions. . ^ MONEY COLLECTED versity of Georgia, who U also President of the University Si received the following letter from Hon R. B. Smith, county school superinten dent of Greene conhty: use thr{ "My Dear Sir x-I wrRe a few Jinee to inform yon that all otthe white teaoh- ert of Greene oonnty have decided to at- Ummted in a fe tend tbe University Summer school at itentorganiz: Athena this summer, instead of holding a summer institute in this ooonty. Very. respectfully, - Your friend, -* "B. B. SMITH.’’ Mr. Smith is regarded at' one of the most progressive educators to the state and this action of bis is in line with his usual progressive policy. It will be remembered that Superin tendent Duggan, of the Hanoook county sohools, recently decided that all the white teachers of that county would also attend the University Summer school here instead of holding the of nnty insti tute. as has formerly been the practice. Heretofo^t has been necessary for snmmertohool advan- ... S* -homsvjtot; and work started on the race traok sknhs fair grounds. The:QonH«ot calls for the completion of the, trapk wl»hin s»ty .day* , .'/> -x - • The oharter for tha No Fair AtsooiafYon has been properly” -! plied,for 'mid - advertised and Wtll be days tryhen a pmnflkf ” t will he entered ‘ into ahd work will then begin in earnest look ing Jo tha biggest agricultural fair ever held in Jfals'sectioc of the state. The datee selocted for the Northeast Georgia-Fairare October 6th., to Octo ber lOtfj.,inclusive and many excellent features will be oonti acted for at the next meeting of the stockholders of the association^ V ' ' ; of cite state, many of cago and other points. University of Georgia Summer school, to ba held in Athens from July 1st., to Ang. 8th., will furnish every advantage to be secured at any other summer school, and many advantages to Georgia teach ers not offered by any of the others. The correspondence of the officers of the summer school indicates that the at tendance here will reach fully 1,200 and probably 1,5000. The Meaning- of Chancellor Hill’s Last Order as to htetics. It tarns oat that Ghanoellor Hill has not forbidden intercollegiate games away from this city, but has simply de clined to allow the team to go off for a week trip. Chancellor Hill sees no harm in the team going off occasionally for one game, but is satisfied that the practice of going off on a trip for an entire week breaks into tbe studies of the students and cannot therefore be allowed. Eighteen Thousand Dollars of University Endow ment Fund Paid in. The meeting of the alumni associa tion of the University will be full of interest. At that time the report of the oommittee on the alumni endowment fond will be made, and it will be en deavored to add to the fund that has already been subscribed. There has been collected on this fund to date something over eighteen thousand dol lars, the money being invested in state bonds to await the maturity of the fund two years hence. Another installment of this fund is dne at the approaching commencement. It is not known what will be done with the fund, as that will have to be determined by the subscribers after it matures, but there is a strong sentiment among a number of the alumni that the money be nsed for the erection of a large and commodious auditorium, a build ing that is very muoh needed at tlte University just now. OF TROUPARTILLERY Will be Formed in Athens Tomorrow by the Sur viving Members. OLD ANVIL Athens is to have another association of Confederate veterans, not a regular camp, but an organization in whioh the members will all be survivors of one command. This movement Is designed to bring together in an organization of their own the eurvivors of the Tronp Artillery,one of the moBt gallant commands of tbe Army of Northern Virginia. The following call for a meeting of the survivors of this command is self-ex planatory: Athens, Ga., April 80, 1903. The surviving members of the Tronp Artillery are hereby requested to meet at the city hall in Athens, Ga , at 3 o’olook, p. m., on Saturday next. May 2nd, 1903, for the purpose of organizing a Troup Artillery association. Every membar ot this command is earnestly requested to be present. H. H. Oarlton, O. W. Motes. H AT THE INSTITUTE r —. This eveniug at naif-past eight o’clock ' Miss^Maud Floa^^^^itfaio'ES’.’l.i&i and Miss Mary Fortson, of Washington, Ga. The public invited. The following program will be ren dered : 1. Two pianos. Bohemian Airs—Pi- rani. 2. a. Cradle Song—Karganoff. b. Maznrka—Sokalsky—Miss Flournoy. 3. Ballode. Op. 47—Chopin—Miss Fortson. 4 Two pianos. Magic Bells—Haber- bier. 5. Impromptu Elegiao — Schnbert — Miss Flournoy. G. Ivammenoi Ustrow—Rubinstein— Miss Fortson. 7. Piano Duett. Norwegian Bridal Procession—Grieg. 8. a. Valse d'Adele(left hand alone)— Ziohy. b Prelude — Rachmaninoff — Miss Flournoy. 9. Erl-King — Schubert-Liszt — Miss Fortson. 10. Two pianos. Carneval Espagnole Dalionx. NARROW ESCAPE F Yesterday afternoon, while out driv ing with a young lady, Mr. T. B. An derson came near having a Berious acci dent. One of the wheels of the buggy oame off, and he and the young lady were thrown to the pavement on Clayton street, Luokily neither of the parties were hurt by the fail. oliverTncampment A Sure Thins- It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxes, bat that is not alto gether true. Dr. King’s New Dlsoovery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. 0. B. Van Metre, cf Shepherdtown, W. Va., Bays ‘I had a severe cose of Bronohlts and for a year tried everything I heard of, but got no relief. One bottle of Dr King’s New Discovery then cured me absolutely.” It’e infallible for Oronp. Whooping Oongh, Grip, Pbenmonlaand Consumption. Try it. It’s guaranteed by W. J. Smith & Bro, and H. R Palmer & Sons, Druggists. Trial hot ties free. Regular sUea 60o, $1.00. All Patriarchs are requested to bo present at the regular meeting this evening at 8 o’clock. Work in first degree. J- h. BISSON, Chief Patriarch. A Little Early Riser now and then, at bedtime will oureoon- stipation, billiousness and liver troubles. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the fa mous little pills that cure by arousing me secretions, moving the bowels gently t vet effectually, and giving bitch tone and strength to the glands of the stomach and liver that the cause of the trouble is removed entiyely, and if their use is oontiuned for a few days, there will he no return of the complaint. Sold by The Orr Drug Go. %