The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, May 07, 1903, Image 1

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The Georgia National Bank Of Athens. Capital $100,000. Offer* to depositor* every facility their balances, business and responsibility THE BANNER. The Georgia National Bank Of Athens. Capital JIOO.OOO. Receive* deposits of banks, corpofationfi, firms and individuals. Careful atten tion to all business. ESTABLISHED 1832. ATHENS, GA„ THURSDAY MOSSING, MAY 7, 1903. 85.00 A YEAR D. L. PAYNE ARRESTED ON SERIOUS CHARGE He Admitted at Jefferson Yesterday That He Assaulted an Old Negro Near Stathain and Beat Him Almost to Death. Payne Was Arrested in This City by Three Athens Policemen. E FOLDER ISSUED BY CITY It Will Advertise Athens in Splendid Manner All Over the Country. D L, Payne, a young white man, who has been living near Bogart, Ga , was arrested yesterday morning about three o'clock at a bouse in East Athene where he was spending the night, and the charge that was chalked up against him is that of havirg assaulted, brutally beaten and robbed an old negro named Henry Johnson near Statham, Ga , a few weeks since. Johnson was found near his home in what was thonght to be a dying condi tion. His head had been beaten almost into a jelly and tho snm of ten dollars had been stolen from him Contrary to all expectations the old negro recovered and on regaining consciousness he gave the name of Payne as that of his assail ant. He said that this man had given him whiskey that had some drng in ii as it made him very sick, and that after wards lie had assaulted him and beaten him into insensibility. As soon as these statements were mads public, Gov. Terrell offered a re ward of one hundred dollars for the cap- tore of the person who assanlted the old negro with proof to convict and the iffi- oers t f the law have since that time been on the lookout for the gnilty party. Yesterday morning Officers Cook, Jack- ton and Burpee, of the Athens police force made the arrest of Payne, who vigorously denied the charge against him. Payne was sent to the jall at Jef ferson yesterday morning in charge of Offloer Saye. At Jefferson, Payne admitted that he i «M nfl0A>*£s<S "wdJf tfiSlhe persuaded tho old darky to go down into the woods and that he beat him there with a stick and thonght he had killed him. Payne was committed to jail in de fault of a bond of five hundred dollars, and will be given his trial at the next session of Jackson superior court. THE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION HELD Yesterday at the oity hall the civil servioe examination for the offices of olerk and carrier in the government ser vice was held. There were about a dmn persons who stood the examination. Of that number about half were white people and the other half negToes. Those who passed the examination successfully will be added to the eligible list of the Athens postoffice and will be appointed to office as the vacancies in the service arise. GEORGIA TD PLAY VANDERBILT TODAY Great Game of Baseball on University Campus This Afternoon. Tltis afternoon on Herty Field Geor gia and Vanderbilt will cross bits, aud j the result is very doubtful This g.«me will be cue < f th * haid-st fought con j tes s yet witnessed on tlie lo~al diamond and as they are th?* strongest t* ams in , the South the battle will be a rrq al one Rower or Myddleton will do th- box I work for Georgia The r* st of the line- j up will be the tame a< has b en jir* nt- ; ed for the last four games. The student bedy as well as the team insist is itching for a victory over Vanderbilt because the Tenness e boys for the last few years have seemed to ; think that Georgia was not worthy of i their steel. Dickinson’s pets are de termined to cause a rather severe fall of ‘ their feeling of invincibility, at d they ! can do this if they eliminate the erratic work that figured in Tuesday’s game, | The city of Athens ha9 just gotten out a neat and attractive folder, conveying an abundance of information as to the resources and advantages of the city. The folder is twenty-four pages in size, is printed on heavy enamel paper and is haudsemely illustrated. It was gotten up by Mayor Rhodes and is a splendi 1 stroke of enterprise. It will be sent to parties who make inquiries as to the city and to such parties as it may be desired to interest in the city and its future, _ The city of Athens is shown up in a strong light in the folder and her won derful advantages are set forth in a con vincing manner for the benefit of the prospective homr-seeker or investor. COTTON CROP F0J1YEAR 1902, The gov eminent census office at Wash ington reports the amount of cotton ginned from the growth of 1902 at 10,- 588,200 bales. THE DOCTORS MEET GEORGIA - WINS JUT Tech Athletes Meet Crush ing Defeat at Hifnds of Crackers^ SCORE WAS 70 lo 38. Several Records Have Been Smashed by the Georgia Boys. Techs Put up a Hard'Fight, However, j The American Medical Association is now in s^esiou in New Orleans. Sev eral hundred of the most prominent and th< j declare themselves able to do : phyficians in the conntry are in atteu . danc'N this. the SUGAR cane TREE TRYPHOSA FREE T Convention in Macon 1 Tryphosa the moat perfect of all deserts, 1 S Tved gratis for one week beginning tended by Large Num- May 8th at Davison & Lowe. 6 ber of Delegates. Y'esterday at Macon The Sugar Cane Growers Convention met with quite a large numberof delegates in attendance. 1 ,![ ({j^ 22, E. and A. M., this A great deal of interest is being mani- J^/\ ^^MontohUl* feBted in this organic vtion and it is ctr- j W(Jrk iQ the M degree. All duly tain that good results will l! iw f rom . qualified brethren are fraternally invited the convention that is being held in 'to attend Macon. Tnere has been arranged for this st-i sion a most interesting program and M A 0111/11 I C COD some very flue addressee are io he made. |>| /\OM V 1 LLL lU II The program yesterday was carried Before a small bat onthnsij^tio crowd Georgia gained her second victory on the track by defeating the Tech tflam by the score of 70 to 33 t At no time during the exercises was the result in donbt, bat all the events were hotly contested and in tot one did the winners have a oinch, The prettiest event of thsf afternoon was the 440 yd dash in which Anderson, Baxter and England won in one, two, three order, lowering the oollepe record by one second, The fact that the in vincible Goile was outstripped in the hammer throw was a surprise to aU, Cowan won by tossing the hammer 108 feet and 1 iLch Dearing defeated th > two Tech men in the 120 yd bnrdle io two different races. K Georgia made a fine showing, and Vanderbilt, who is picked as the winner in the S. I, A. A., track meet will have a great rival in th The winners of the events yd. dash —1, Baxter, Ga., 2, Harmon, Ga ; 8, Iugliss, Hammer Throw - 1, Cowi 1 in.; 2, Coile. Ga.; 3, Mo' w ' • •-Ay- 120 yd. hurdle—1 and 2. D' 16 3-5 seo. ; 3, Griffin, T. 1 Shot put—1, Cowan, T., 32 ft. 10 in.; 2, Moore, T.; 3, Harmon, Ga. Bread jump —1, Anderson, Ga., 19 ft. in.; 2, Blonnt, Ga ; 3, Harmon, Ga. Pole vault—1, Bjwer, Ga., and Dear- called communication of j iDg, Ga., 9 ft. Gin ; 3 Cowan, T. Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. I Mi i e rnn _i, Collier T., 6 min. 8 seo.; 2, Walker, Ga ; 8, Barrow, Ga. High jump—1, Cowan, T,, 9 ft. 6 in.; 2, Thrash, T.; 3, Deanng, Ga. Half mile—1, Blackford, T., 2 min. 1 4-5 sec.; 2, Harmon, Ga.; 3, Dorsey, Ga. 440 yd. dash—1, Anderson, Ga., 51 sec ; 2, Baxter, Ga.; 3, England, Ga. Masonic Notice. There will be held a COMPLETING ROLL OF THEVETERANS Judge A. L. Mitchell is Pro gressing Splendidly With the Work in Hand. Judge A. L. Mitchell has progressed splendidly in his work of getting up a correct rosier of all the soldiers who went from Clarke county into the ser vice of the Confederate States. This work on the part of Ja Ige Mitch ell was authorized by the county com missioners of this county Beveral months since, and by hard work pretty correct lists have been Becnredof ten companies that were formed in this ocunty during the Civil war. It has been impossible to secure fell roe.' /sof some of the companies, but Judge Mitchell will not give up the task without using every effort to seenro the desired information. At the meeting of the commissioners Monday, Judge Mitchell will ask for authority to do such advertising as he may deem proper to secure further In formation on this subject and in this way he hopes to gain the names of quite a number that have net yet been found ont. When this work is completed the oounty of Clarke will have a correct roster of the troops she furnished to the Confederacy, and the money spent in obtaining that list will have been well spent. TO LAY CORNERSTONE OF NEW GTY HALL Mt. Vernon Lodge Will be Asked to Officiate at the Exercises. Addresses Will be Made and the Oc casion Will be Made an Enthusiastic Public Event. THE WINDER TEAM DEFEATED,ATHENS Won the Game of Baseball by a Score of Seven to Four. Dg, Ga„ THE COMMITTEE ISKEPT BUSY The building committee of the city council is holding important meetings every few days days now and the work of constructing the new city hall build cussed a number of matters pertaining to the new building. It is understood that the work of laying the foundations will be started next week. In a hotly contested game of baseball in Winder yesterday the Athens team was defeated to the tune of 7 to 4. _Oatbatting their opponents the Ath enians threw away the game by their erratic work in one inning. They played rings all around the YVinder boys with the exception of the fourth inning, in which Winder scored five runs. The feature of the game was decidedly the great exhibition of twirling put up by Sullivan of the Athens team. He struck out fourteen men and yielded only two hits, Besides this at the time when all the rest of the team had lost their heads he was perfectly calm and displayed great generalship at the most critical moments. R H E Athens —1000000 2 1 — 4 412 Wiuder — 020500000 — 7 2 11 W. E. DORSEY, W. M J. GAREBOLD, Sec'y. A Towel in Addition. There is no ose going to the dry goods store to bay your towels when you can get a good CO inch towel by buying a 48 pound sack of Olifton floor. When yon bnv Olifton yon not only get the best flour made, bnt get the towel in addi tion. Wingfield Cash Grocery. DRY GOlslYS 1LLJR088 BATS There will be a battle-royal on Herty field tomorrow afternoon at 6 o'clock. The olerks at Tnrner & Hodgson's will cross bats with the olerks at Mlohael Bros.' Some of the clerks are crook ball players and the game is sore to prove an interesting one from start to finish. The game will be called immediately after the stores close tomorrow afternoon, large crowd will no donbt be present to witness the game. NOVELTIES IN WHITE GOODS To be Found at the Estab lishment of Davi son & Lowe. Relief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Dis ease relitved in six boars by “New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It is a gnat snrhrise on aoconntof its exceeding promptness in relieving pain In bladder, klnneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water al moat immediately. If yon want quick relief and care this is the remedy. Sold by H. R. Palmer & Sons., Druggists, Athens, Ga. i THE CONVENTION Oonventicn Called to order- D. G. Purse, chairman convention committee. i The Southern Baptist Convention Prayer— Rev. R. E. Douglas. Macon, meets in Savannah tomorrow morning. ; The Athens delegation left yesterday. Committee on permanent organizatie u It is understood that Nashville will put appointed. ! »P a bi B for the ncxt conTeution - Welcome to state of Georgia—Gov. J. M, Terrell, Georgia. Response-Gov. W. S. Jennings, Ela. Welcome to city of Macon—Hon. Min- ter Wimberly. Response-Delegate from Mississippi. Welcome by Chamber of Commerce— Hon. J. T. Boifeuillet, editor Macon Evening News. Response—Delegate from South Caro lina. Welcome by State Agricultural So oiety-Hon. Dudley M. Hughes, Presi dent State Agricultural Society Response—Judge E. Mile Rost, Presi dent La. Sugar Planters' Association. Report of committee on permanent organization. The cultivation of sugar cane in Georgia—W. B. Roddenberry. Cairo, Ga. Production of sugar cine in Florida— R. E. Rose. State chemist, Tallahassee, Fla. Cane and syrup—Hon. A. A. Denton, Medicine Lodge, Kansas. Cultivation and Manufacture of Sogar , Cane at Home and tn the Tropics—Dr. W. O Stnbbs, D.rector La. Sugar Ex periment Station. Miscellaneous Matter. Why Beet Sugar growing c.anuot be THE BATTLE ABBEY 18 WERE DROWNED CDCPIAI QAl C Today of Women’s Muslin Underwear be sure and attend this Sale. The Clyde steamship Saginaw was sunk by the Old Dominion ship Hamil ton in a fog off Hog Island Tuesday morning. Twenty passengers on the Saginaw were drowned. CARLOAD OF THE FINEST The city of Richmond has given $50- 000 to the Conf< derate Memorial Insti tute, and that makes available the en tire gift of the late Charles Broadway Ronss for the Confederate Battle Abbey which is to be erected in that city. Mr. J. H. Edmiiton, of Tennessee ar rived in Athens last night with a car load of the finest horseB ever brought to this city. Mr. Edmiston will be at the stables of W. S. Holman & Co. on Thomas street. Magnificent Muslin Underwear, 500 garments to choose from. Gowns, Cor set Covers, Skirts, Chemise and Draw- s. Each of the above garments is full and liberally cut, made of best qualities muslin and oambric, elaborately trim med in laces, embroideries, tacks, plaits and ruffles, which go to add beauty and embellish the looks of Women's Muslin Underwear. There are five hundred of these kinds of Gowns, Corset Covers, Skirts, Chem ise and Drawers in our great special j sale. Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, aud $1.00 for each garment. JUDGE T We h ive j ist opened np the largest assoited and prettiest novelties in white mercerized Waist cloths of the sea son. SPECIAL- 1000 yards remnants novelty white mercer.z»d waist 25 cloths and 35 cents grade 15 cents today. 40 and 50 cents white mercerized novelties selling at 30 and 35 cents. Linen battist with mercerized stripes 25 cents regnlar 60 cents goods. 1000 yards remnants fine zephyr clothB the 15 cents grade selling at 10c 850 yards the 25 cents grade zephyrs sell ing at 15 cents. 100 fine black etamine and voile skirts c osing out at manufacturer's cost,ask to Bee them. | SILK SALE - I Closing oat wash silks white and IN CONVENTION Teachers Learn Something not In the Class Boeke. Before the body of Major J. W. War ren was cold there were two applications fi'ed with the governor for his position Gov. Terrell promptly announced that neither of the applicants would be con sidered. FRESH PIT ON profitable in tbe Sooth—Dr. H. W. Wi ley, Chief Bnreao Chemistry U. S. De partment Agriculture. James Hamilton Cooper, a Georgia Pioneer in cultivation and manufacture of Sugar Cane, Eulogy—Hon. W. G Brintley, Member of Congress. Ga. fancy torded effects the best 50 and 60 cents grade selling at at 85 cents. Humors feed on humors—the sooner yon get nd of them the better—Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the medicine to take. A spring coat of paint is being added to many homes in Athens aud within a few weeks the residence portion of the city will present entirely different ap pe i ranees. Nothing adds to the beanty of a city like fresh paint on old houses and there are still many houses in Athens, both residences and stores that a fresh coat of painf would very muoh improve. The people of Athens who have not already made arrangements to have their homes aid stores brightened np by a fresh cost i of paint, should do so at once. A number of young women attending a teachers’ convention at Oklahoma Oity some time ago learned a valuable lessen in hygiene, through a Bister teacher who says "About a year ago I had my first attack of poor health and it seemed a terrible thing to me for I had always been so well and Btrong. My stomach distressed me terribly ; it seem ed like it was raw, especially after break fast, and it would burn and hurt me so I could not rest. I was soon convince') that it was caused by coffee drinking and at the request of a friend I gave up coffee and began to use Po9tnm Coffee The change in my condition was something marvellous. I had actually given up teaohing because the doctors were unable to help my stomaoh trouble but since I quit coffee and used Postum my troubles have disappeared and I have gone to teaching again. Some time ago I attended a oonven tion at Oklahoma City and determined to have Postum at my boardiDg-house where there were eight other teachers four of them suffering from coffee Biok ne-s. My landlady did not make the Postum right but I showed her how and we all found it delicicuv. Weall drank iv the rest of the time we were there and the young ladies in question Kit much better and declared that their heads were much clear.r for study and their general health mnch improved. I have their names if you care for them," Names furnished by Postum Co., Battle 1 Creek, Mioh. Judge A. E. Maxwell, the last sur viving member of the Confederate sen ate, except Senator VeBt, died at Chip- ley, Fla., yesterday. The cornerstone of the new city hall building will be laid with imposing ceremonies sometime within the next threo weeks. At the meeting of the building com mittee of the council yesterday afternoon it was decided that there should be elaborate and impressive cornerstone exercises, aud an invitation will be ex tended to Mt. Vernon Lodge of this city to offioiate at that time. The other fraternal orders of tho city will probably be asked to he present at the time. At the laying of the cornerstone there will be arranged a splendid musical program and there will also be several addressee of interest. The occasion will be made a most in teresting public event aud the people of Athens will turn out in large number and to witness the laying of the corner stone of the new building that it tfl^ss great ornament aud pride to the city. LOVELY MAY PARTY ATTHEJ5TITUTE Uittle Folks Will Give a Charming Entertainment Tomorrow Evening. Among the little Misses who will take part in the May party to be given in the ins as the fair'littlo May Queen, Luollo Brand as Night, aud Julia Brand, who as Undine sings ti$b charming solos. Aurora is impersonated by Lydia Hutchins, aud is attended by a train of winsome butterflies, whose quaint antics will delight the audience. The seasons represented by Leila Goss, Kathieu Hulme. Annie Pitner aud Hilda Audaud, will appear in all their varied beauty. Gallic Hull, Queen of the Roses, will reign over a fair group of flowers, aud Annie B. Dorsey will make a charming queen of the fairies. Envy and jealousy, parts taken by Frances Henley aud Ida Dorsey will be pat to flight by the presence of love and harmony, Lalage Darwin ahd Sarah Cobb. Needless to say the entire cast of char acters will be well carried out, and those who go may expect a treat from the little folks on Friday evening. BREAK IN RACE AT TALLASEE Street Cars Were Stopped Yesterday Afternoon and Last Night. Th: Masons of the Seventh district are now holding an enthusiastic session in Rome. There are Beveral hnndred in attendance Last night a number of interesting addresses were made. IN ROME TODAY TO ATLANTA MEN The Angnsta has been bought for $40, 000 by H. H. Cabauiss and Tom W. Loyless, of Atlanta, who will operate it in the of business managir and editor respi o’ively. shotIsIfT William Rl e, while shooting at his son-in-law, near Canton, Ga., Tuesday ■hot bis wife and she will die. Yesterday afternoon there was a break in the race at the Tallasee eleotric plant and it became necessary to shat down the machinery at olco and attend to the repairing of the break before it re sulted In the great damage. The break in the race was near the place where the water went to the waterwheels. It was not a very large break and it w ill he repared by this morning. As a result of this break the cars on the electric street railway were stopped yesterday afternoon, but they will in all probability be running again this morn ing. A Startling Text. To save a life, Dr T. G. Merritt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes : "A patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcera tion of the stomach. I had often found Electic Bitters excellent tor acute stom ach and liver troubles so I prescribed tem. The patient gained from the first and has not had an attack In 14 months.” Electric Bitters are positive ly guaranted for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation and Kidney troubles. Try them. Only 50c at W. J. Smith, & Bro„ H. R. Palmer & Son.