The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, May 08, 1903, Image 1

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The Georfla National Bank Or Athens. Capital $100,000. Offers to depositor* every facility their balances, business and responsibility warrant. THE ATHENJ BANNER. The Georgia National'Bank Of Athens. Capital $100,000. Receives deposits of banks, corporations, Arms and individuals. Careful atten tion to all business. ESTABLISHED 1832. ATHENS, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1003. >.00 A YEAR HILL SPOKE CRACKERS TO FARMERS Chancellor Hill Discussed Subject of Agricultu ral Education. THE FARM COURSES Should be of the Very Highest Order in All the Georgia Insti tutions as They are Being Made at the University. The sesion of the Sugar Cane Grow ers Association in Macon yesterday waB one of great interest. At the morning session Senator A. S. Clay made a neat address, introducing U. S secretary of Agrionltnre James Wilson, who spoke on the subject of "Agricultural Educa tion.” "Soils and fertilizers in oonneotion with cane growing” was the sobjeot of a most interesting talk by Dr. H. W Wiley, chief of bnrean of chemistry. U. S Department of Agricaltnre. Prof. H. E Stockbrid-je, of Lake City. Fla , spoke of the cultivation of oassaTa. The afterucou session was well at tended and the addresses were by Prof. F. L. Stewart, of Mnrraysvllle, Pa., wno spoke of ‘ Sugar produced from Maize, commercially considered," and Hon. A. A. Denton, of Medicine Lodge, Kan., who spoke of "Cane and Syrnp ” The greatest address of the day was that which was delivered at the session tonight by Chancellor Walter B. Hill, of the University of Georgia, who spoke of "Agricoltnral Education in Georgia.” Obanoellor Hill's address was complete in every respect and em ^necessity for the vary beat BAPTISTS University Boys Will Meet the Mercer Team Today and Tomorrow. TWO CLOSE GAMES Will Probably be Played by These Two Teams Which Have Made Good Records During the Present Season. The Georgia ba.«f*b ill team w ill h ave Athena for the Sfcoml and probably the last time this season, for the purpose ot going dawn to Macon and p’a; ing the Mercer boys there. All indications point to two close and interesting games, with a fair field and no favor?. There is no game that the G orgia boys play during the y *ar that they would ra f her win tlitu th-*se two con ests. Last year Mrreer had it ia for Georgia ir revenge for a defeat ii.fl cted several years ago when Georgia was weakest, and by a home run in the ninth inning Mercer won the game, score o to 1. Thia was acknowledged by every one to be one of the greatest games ever THE MASONS AREAGTIVE \ Regular Convention to be Held Annually, Proposed by Local Lodges. WOULD HELP ATHENS The Proposition Will be Freely Discussed at the Meeting of Mt. Vernon Lodge on Tues day Night Next Week. The question of holding in Athene every year a big Masonio convemiou is uow being agitated among the Masons ia this city. It will be takvu up at the regular mouthly meeting of Mt. Vernon Lodge next Thursday night and as the senti ment of the members is highly favora ble to the plan there is very l.ttie doubt of its not being adopted. Thera are ful ly thirty lodges in this immediate ter ritory and it is believed that there would be an annual attendance of at lea?t three or four hundred Masons. If it is decided to hold this convention in Athens this year it will probably be held about the first of August. Mt. seen in Maccn and it is certain both on ; Vernon lodge will of course be the hosts account of this ancie t history and on i of the occasion and will prepare for account of the good records of the teams, j their guests in a splendid manner, and the sporting element which inhabits | Such a gathering was held in Athens this little hot-bed cf sports that an im- ; three years since at which time there mense crowd will be out In fact pros- J were fully three hundred Masons from pects are that the attendance will be • this section of the state here to enjoy record breaking, so here goes for a little j the occasiou. That meeting had a splen- more ancient history, since a baseball game is generally forgotten as soon as played. In all, Georgia has played six games of which number two did not come ionfd course h In agrtentthrs in Gwita’i wit. Georgia institutions. He told ot the splendid advance made recently by the agricultural department of the Univer sity of Georgia The address of Oban oellor Hill was listened to with great interest by the delegates and it made a profound impression. The session of the convention will come to an end tomorrow. NOVELTIES IN WHITE GOODS To be Found at the Estab lishment of Davi son & Lowe. two also flopped over into their oppD- did < ft ct in the reviving of interest in Masonry in this section of Georgia, and all who attended will be glai of the op portunity to come again. The fonr Masonic loTges in Ath- o*a», Vta* Cfm ~-***-> cil. the Chapter and the Blue Lodge aie COUNCIL Tl TAKEJIAND Members of City Council Will Break up thl Lewd Houses. || TO ISSUE WARRANTS Against the Keepers of j Such Houses Every Day, if Neces sary, to Break up This 'Ex isting Evil in the City. AFTER THE EXPESS CO Council Takes a Hand in the Matter of Deliv ery System. Every keeper of a lewd honse in this city might as well make np mind to get oat of such business in Athens. Y'esterdiy afternoon at the session of the mayor and council ou motion of Al derman Hacker the chief of police was iustrncted to swear ont warrants against all keepers of such houses in Athens daily until they broke them up. The vote on the passage of the resolu tion was nuanimens and the test is to be made fairly and squarely as to whether the law is to prevail or whet her it is to to openly violated. There will doubtless be some decided scurrying around in certain quarters within the neat twenty-four hours. BARBER STREET WILL BE PAVED Council Passed Resolution to that Effect Yester day Afternoon. nents back yard while tli»y took into all in a most tl mnshiog condition, camp live games at least, tied one in u j They are now fitting up handsome new twelve inning game, and at all times | quarters and will soon have as elegant played a good game of ball. | lodge rooms and banquet hall as any of But after all baseball is an unceriain j the lodges in the state thiDg and no one can tell ho w a game i will end. Mercer may wiu two. and Georgia may win them alto, but the probabilities are that the two will be divided. A probable line up, founded on recent games, it as follows: , _ merger. Locai Alumnae of Lucy Cobb AT THE INSTITUTE We hive just opened np the largest assorted and prettiest novelties in white mercerized Waist cloths of the sea- ■on. SPECIAL — 1000 yards remnants novelty white mercerized waist cloths 25 aud 85 oents grade selliug at 15 cents. 40 and 50 cents white mercerized novelties selling at 80 and 85 cents. Linen battist with mercerized stripes 25 cents rrgolar 50 cents goods. 1000 yards remnants fine zephyr oloths the 15 cents grade selling at 10c. 850 yards the 25 cents grade zephyrs sell lng at 15 cents. 100 One black etamine and voile skirts oloslng ont at manufacturer's cost.ask to tee them. SILK SALE - □losing oat wash silks white and fanoy corded effects the best 50 and GO cents grade telling at at 85 cents. GEORGIA. Jaques Uirmou Walker Dickinson Beaver ADderson Fleischman McCalla Bower Myddleton Will Gather Some Day Next Week. Wilson Put*' G^tes <-1 >«les j Redding ■ The members of the exeentive board Stakely 1 of the Cobh Alumni' Association Kilpatiick wish to have a reunion of the local Mundy alumni'some day of the coming wetk. Mayuard Due notice will be given through The Howell. ' Banner, and in the mean time they hope that all of the old Lucy Cobh girls in Athens will endeavor to attend the m mg in the oratory studio in Margaret Hall If the Lucy Cobb Alumna' Assotia- tion is to amount to anything as an or- At the meeting of the city council yes- ganized body it must be greatly through terday afternoon, it was decided to re-j ibe efforts of the local members. The lieve the Bessie Mell Industrial Home j executive boa d is convinced that it is from taxation us has been ibe custom ] on ^V necessary to call attention to this for several years past. j fact order to have the hearty cc-np.r- The matterof the special tax upon the a'ion of every membir herein meeting Coca Cola works here was referred to t' gsthirto make the coming annual the city attorney to investigate aud give . reuniou one of unusual interest, instructions to the pnper officers aB to! About fifty dollais have come in as the enforcement of the law. It was decide d not to have a new map of the oity made as recommended by the city assessors. ON SEVERAL THINGS The question of paving Barber street from the Boulevard to Prince avenue : -P i : 1^1,7—*,..gcT afternoon. Some of the aldermen op posed it solely on the ground that the city was not able at this time to go ahead with the work. The vote on the ques tion was as follows : Yeas —Rucker, Vonderan, Foster, L’pscomb, Mayor Rhodes. Nays— O’ Farrell, Weatherford, Dootson and Hodgson. The work of macadamizing this street will begin as soon practicable. WILL ASK DENTISTS TD MEET IN ATHENS The Georgia Dental Association has been invited by the mayor and council to hold the next annual meeting in At ens. A resolution requesting tho local den tists to present the invitation in the oani3 of the mayor and conncil of Ath ens was unanimously passed, This as sociation will meet in annual session this year at Tallulah Falls MAKING SUN8HINE It U Often Pound in Pure Food- aunual dm-s to the association, and most of this sum was sent by members from a dLtance. Let the local alumnae resolve to out do their sisters, and bring THE BREAK IN RAGE PCKLHEPAIRED The break in the race at Taliasaee plint was repaired quickly and the itreit car* were ram ing on time yes terday morning after having been stopped the preceding night. Prom 1 Cot Scratch. on the arm, to the wont sort of a burn, ■ore or boil, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve ia a qnck core. In buying Witoh Hazel Salve, be partionlar to get DeWitt'i thia ia the aalve that heals without lear- - Ing a scar. A speciflo for blind, bleed ing, itohing and protruding pilot. Sold by The Orr Drug Go. The qaestiou of placing a light on j in their dollars so that the Athens sub scripnon will double the back account of the association befo e -he annual re uuiou. MRS BILLUPS PHINIZY, Pres. Lucy Cobb Alumnae Association Henderson avenue was referred to the light committee to investigate and report back to conncil. The street committee was instructed to have the railings along the abutments of the lower bridge put in good condi tion. A Ll.tie tart. Riser now and then, at bedtime will core con stipation, billionsness and liver troubles. DeWitt'a Little Eirly Risers ate the fa mous little pills that care by arousing the secretions, moving the bowels gently, yet effectually, and giving such tone and strength to the glands of the stomach and liver that the cause of the trouble is removed enliyely, and if their nse is oontinned for a few days, there will be no return of thecomplaint. Sold by The O.r Drug Co. MANIFESTLY UNJUST the Present Arrangement the Local Office Has of Delivering Packages and a Change is Wanted at Once. The city council took action yester day afternoon in regard to the Southern Express Company in refusing to deliver packages to people living on the eastern side of the Oconee river, although they deliver them outside of the city limits, even on this side of the river. Alderman Foster introduced a resolu tion settion forth the manifest in justice in such a position and calling up on the Express Company to rescind the rule. The resolution was opposed by some the aldermen on the ground that the oonncil had no right to dictate to any company how it should manage Us busi ness. To this the reply was made that the Express Company is a common car rier and that it is amendable to the rules the Railroad Commission and that the mere Expression of the mayor and coun cil of Athens ou the subject could have no binding effect, it being merely the Bentiment of the body as to a practice which was manifestly unjust The resolution passed by a decided ma jority and a copy will be forwarded to Superintendent Hnlburf, of the South ern Express Company. It is believed that the express officials will right this tion by the conncil officials. VANDERBILT THE_VICTOR In a Peculiar Game the Georgia Boys Were De feated Yesterday. THE HEAVY HITTING Of Both Teams Was Wonderful and Runs and Errors Were Alike Plentiful—Official Score of the Game. MAY PARTY TO BE6IVEN An Unique Entertainment Arranged for This Eve- ning at 8 O’clock. THE LITTLE FOLKS TO MAKE CHANGE A Resolution Touching Stove Flues Was Introduced Yesterday. LAY CORNERSTONE ABOUT JUNE 1ST While the exact date of the corner stone exercises has not yet been fixed, it is thought that the work on the new city hail building will have prtgreBsed sufficiently by June 111 for that event. The ex»ct date ot the exercises will be announced later. The improper selection of foed drives many a healthy person into the depths of despairing illness. Indeed most sick ness comes from the wrong food and just so sorely as that is the right food will make the snn shine once more. An old veteran of Newburyport, Mass, says: ‘In Ootober, 1900,1 was taken sick and went to bed, losing 47 pounds in about 60 days I had doctor after doctor but all food hurt me so I had to almost live on magnesia and soda. All solid food distressed me so water would ran cut of my month in little streams. ••I had terrible night sweats and my doctor finally said I had consumption and mast die My good wife gave np all hope. We were at Old Orchard, Me., at that time and my wife saw some Grape-Nuts in a grocery there. She bought some and dnrsnaded me to try it. I had no faith in it bat took it to pleas9 her. To my surprise it did not distress me as all other food had done and before I had taken the fifth paok age I was well on the mend. "The pains left my bead ; my mind became clearer; I gained weight rapidly. I went back to my work again and now after six weeks me of the food I am better and stronger than ever before in my life. Grape Nats surely saved my life and made me a strong hearty man, 15 ponnds heavier than before I was taken sick. "Both my good wife and I are willing to make affidavit to the truth of this.’ Name given by Postom Oo., Battle Greek, Mich. Alderman Lipscomb introduced a re solution in conncil yesterday that has a f.rreaching effect, and before it is put ou its passage will cause a great deal of die- enssion. There is already a resolution requiring the construction of all stove flues ac cording to certain specifications. The resolution introduced yesterday requires all owners of honses ia Athens to con form their stove flues to the require ments of the first resolution within thirty days. A motion to suspend the rules and pass the ordinance at the meeting yes terday was defeated and it goes over until the next regular meeting of the council. It was pointed ont that the resolution would affect almost every house in Athens. Alderman Lipscomb said that It had been found out that nearly all of the fires in this city origi nated from defective stove floes and that it is to remedy this trouble that hiB resolution was introduced. In a game by all odds the most ex citing of the season the Georgians went down in defeat after a glorious straggle before Vanderbilt. The contest has never been equalled on Herty field and thrilled with interest from start to finish. The commodores and crackers walked hand and hand with defeat and victory, and until the winning run was made in the last half of the nihth with two men ont, the result wae in doubt. The decided feature of the game was the terrific hitting of both sides in which Georgia won ont by one single. Harmon led the batting with three hits ont of six times at the bat. Other fea tures were the three base hit of Ander son, the swat of Erown that netted four boys, aud the sensational stop of a grounder that looked like a hit by Fleischman. Georgia had the game won at two or three timeB, but opportune hitting by the orange aud blacks pulled them out of the hole. Vanderbilt played a won- derfnl uphill game. Coach Reynolds was greatly pleased with the way his boys played the game, and says that only Georgia’s hard luok The official score : GEORGIA. AB R H Jaques, cf„ 6 12 Harmon, 8b 6 IS Walker, rf and 2b. 4 3 0 Beaver, lb. 5 2 1 Anderson, 2b aud p. 5 3 1 McCalla, If. 5 0 2 Fleischman, ss. 3 11 Myddleton, p. 3 0 0 Ashley, c 4 01 Dickinson, c. 1 0 O Kendrick, if. 10 1 Of the Primary Department Will Give the Patrons and Friends an Evening of Rare Enter tainment Tonignt. This evening at 8 o'clock a May party will be given at Seney-Stovall chapel. All who go may expect a treat as those taking part are the little folks of the primary derartment of Lucy Cobb. Many who take part are descendants of those who in the early days of Lncy Cobb made memorable the May Day festivals of that time. The following is the program. ARGUMENT. At the call of Aurora, the Months and SeasonB come forth to claim the honor of being Qaeen of the Year. May is crowned with loyalty on the part of the Flowers. Euvy aud Jealousy ask to be admitted to the Kingdom. Bjingrefus- ed, they seek the realm of the Fairies whom they incite against the May Queen. The Fairy Queen, summoning to her aid the Nymphs and Butterflies, steal the crown from the Queen of May aud remove Love and Harmony from the kingdom The crown is restored, and Love and Harmouy return to the May Queen's throne. CAST OF CHARACTERS. Night—Luelle Brand. Aurora—Lydia Hutchins. Summer—Kathleue Hulme. VANDERBILT. Carr, c. Brown, If. Hamilton, 2b. Raulston, 89. Ferry, lb. Davis, 8h. Sibley, cf. Cornelias, rf. Lawler, p. 42 AB 12 11 0 0 1 —12 0 0 0-11 OLD RATTLER” HAS BEEN SOLD The city has sold "Rattler" and the big blaok horse that worked with him for quite a while at fire hall No. 2. The two horsea were bought by Mr. John N. Booth and were sold by him to Mr. E P. Fears. Score by innings. Vanderbilt—5 2 0 1 Georgia —6 2 0 0 Summary—Home run, Brown ; three base hit, Anderson; two base hit Fleisohman, Ashley, Brown; innings pitched, by Myddleton 5, by Anderson 4, by Lawler 9 ; struck ont, by Lawler, 8, by Myddleton 2, Anderson 5 ; base on balls, off Lawler 5, off Anderson 1, off Myddleton 2. ELECTION OF BOARD WAS POSTPONED Yesterday was the time for the election of the board of health for the ensuing year, but on motion of Alderman Hodg son the matter went over to the next regular meeting of the conncil. Autumn —Hilda Acsland. ^Winter—Annie Pitner. January—Mildred Mel!. September —India Barnett. May—Laura Cobb Hutchins. Queen of the Roses—Callie Hall. Roses—Carrie Nichols,Helen Michael, Lucile Butler, Lucy Fleming, May Smith, Martha Willis. Queen of Fairies—Annie B. Dorsey. Fairies—Edna Auslaud, Stark Cobb, Jennie Arnold, Lizzie Orr Hipkius, Mi- ram Philpot. Titania, a fairy—Irene Nickerson. Queen of Butterflies—Livvie Philpot. Butterfles — Gertrude VauStraaten, Josephine Nioholson, Margaret Camp bell, Noll Choate, Hunter Barrett. Undine, Queen of Sea Nymphs—Julia Brand. Sea Nvinphs—Jeuule DuBose, Emily Delbridge, Ida Cornea, Margaret Brant ley, Ruth Levy, Alice May Butler. Guards—Ruth Tribble, Janet Ryder. Love—I alage Darwin' Harmony—Sarah Cobb. Euvy—Francis Henly. Jealousy—Ida Dorsey. Forget Me-Nota—Susie Cohen, Otey Be Vincent. PROFITS FOR APRIL AT THE DISPENSARY The report of the commissioners of the Athens Dispensary for the month of April shows profits for that month to the amount of $1,970 73. The profits for the four months of the present year haye been $9,664.48, DETAILED REPORT OF MERCER GAME A detailed report of the game of base ball between Georgia and Mercer this afternoon in Macon will be received at the pool rooms of Mr W. H. Davis, on College avenue, beginning about four o’clock this afternoon. An admission price of twenty five cents will be charged. The service will be oomplete in every respect aud those who attend will get the game just as if they were in Macon witnessing it. Whooping Cough. A woman who has had experience with this disease, tells how to prevent any dangerous consequences from it. She says: "Our three children took whooping cough last sammer, our baby being only three months oid, and owing to our giving them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plump ness and came ont in much better health than other children whose parents did not nse this remedy. Oar oldest little girl would call lnstily for cough syrnp between whoops.”—Jessie P*nkey Hall, Springfield, Ala. This remedy is for I sale by all druggists. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr T. G. Merritt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling test resaPing in a wonderfnl cure. He writes: “A patient waB attacked with violent hemorrhages, cansod by ulcera tion of the stomach. I had often found Electio Bitters excellent for acute stom ach and liver troubles so I prescribed tern. The patient gained from the first and has not bad an attack in 14 months.” Electric Bitters are positive ly gnaranted for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation and Kidney tronbles. Try them. Only 50c at W. J. Smith, & Bro., H, R. Palmer & Son.