The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, May 09, 1903, Image 1

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The Georgia National Bank Of Athens. Capital $100,000. Offers to depositor* every facility their balance*, business and responsibility THE ATHENS BANNER. The Georgia National Bank or Athens. Capital $100,000. ESTABLISHED 1832. ATHENS, GA., SATURDAY MORNNG, MAY 9, 1903. $5.00 A YEAR NUMBER OF SUBJECTS OF MUCH IMPORNANCE MEETING I Passed on by the Mayor and Council of Athens at Their Methodists Will Organize Meeting Thursday Afternoon. New Ordinances Introduced That Will be of Far-Reaching Effect if They are Passed. Big Church Extension Society. Coancil Chamber, Athen-, (ia., April 28 19C3 1) c clock, a m The regular monthly meeting of the oonncil was held this afternoon Present Mayor Rhodes and Aldermen O'Farrell, Weatherford, Vonder-u. Dootson, Rocker, Lipscomb, HodgsoD and Foster The minutes of the la.-t regular and called meetings were read and confirm ed Petition from citizens residing on Bar ber street asking that Barber street be pared from Prince to the Bculevard and that the sidewalk be made was granted *%d the work to be done as soon as it is * cable ^to pnt sewers along Hancock ^Jarris to Pope street was ^ewer oommittee. f-gson of the finance l favorably on reliev F Homo from taxes for R°port adopted, ommittee recommended the Coca Cola ■tiling works and the dealers In Coos Cola be referred to the city attorney On motion the recommendation wes adopted. The petition tor new city map was declined. ) petition for arc light on Hender jenue. was referred to light com- ltee. Chairman Lipscomb of the fire oom mittee reported that the new horses purchased for the department were giv- OfHbaL uoouuea •mm o*,her by .1 B Wier ; and one boose and j lot of MisB Kvie* Jacfeco.i on Hanoock avenue, and J. A Fowler on corner o* ' Prince avenue and Cl arch str. et. ur j baily in need of eewernpe, there being j no Beverage connec*io i w ith any of the above named premises, and if appearing ; that the above houses and lots are witl- ! In the sewer district of the City of Ath- < ens and are required by law to connect J with the sewer system of the City of j Athena. Therefore be it resolved that each of th'se persons be Marshal to connect their respective lot TWO ATHENS CHURCHES Will Unite in This Movement Which is Expected to Accom plish Much for the Cnurch in this City. The committee appointed a short while since to draft a constitution for the church extension society that is to be formed among the Methodists of this >y the City j city, met Thursday night and drew op a document to be presented to a meet- GOOD WOR BEING DINE The Bessie Mell Fdustrial Home Makes It An nual Repor ATTENDANCE VERYBEST Scholars Attending Rural Schools in Clarke Better Than Ever Before. I tug that i. to lie held at the First Metho dist chnrch tomorrow night at light above named with the sever sysiet within 80 days from the date of fain notice, and npon their failure to do said I o'clock work in making said connection within I At that tlme it isdesiled tbatas raanjr .aid time that the Engineer, J W j a8 possible of the member, of both the Barnett, be instructed to do said work , Klrst cbnrch and Oconee „ r e , cbnroh for the mayor and council of the City of j ba pr ,. 8e nt. as it is intended that the Athens as prescribed by law at the ex pense of said property owners. A copv of this reflation served npon each c f the above named parties shall be deemed sufficient notice to them. On motion the above was adopted. The following oidioanco was intro ducedby Alderman Lipscomb at,d read for the first time. Be it ordained by the mayor and coun cil of the city of Athens, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the ssme that it shall be unlawful for any p rson or persons to ose any stove Hie in the ci'y of Athens that does not conform to the requirements of the ordinances of the organ zition of thesoeietybe perfected as eoou as possible. The object of the new society is to aid in the building of churches, chapels, parsonages, and to pass on the location of such structures. There is an oppor ton.ty for this society to do good work in this community dDring the coming years. Chairman Foster of the atreet com mittee aaked for farther time to report on improving College avenue, near the bridge, which was granted. On motion permission was given the atreet committee to remove poles on north side walk on Oak street The matter of rimedying the right-of- way to the lot of D. D. Newsome was left to the street committee. Alderman Weatherford moved that the mayor and city attorney be tostrno tad to aell all property bought in by the oity for taxes, and to make quit claim deeds to same. Carried. The petition of Dr. B. S. Lyndon in regard to price of lumber was referred to (he publlo propirty committee. Further time was granted water works committee to report on hydrant at the jooction of Elberton and Oconee streets and for another drinking fount. The following resolution was intro duced by Alderman Lipscomb. We. the mayor and council of the City of Athens in session assembled, do earnestly reqnest tl-at the local dentists of the City of Athens extend to the Georgia State Dental Society, which is ■oon to hold its annual convention at Tallulah Falls, an urgent invitation in the name or the mayor and oonncil of tbe City of Athens to hold their ntx dental association for the year 1904 the City of Athens. Be it further resolved tt at a copy ol thU resolution be given to the local den tuts, with the rtquest that they prisent tbe same to the dental association, wbiob U soon to convene, and earnestly request their acceptance of this Invitation. On motion the above was adopted. Alderman Lipscomb introduced tbe following resolution. It appearing to the mayor and conncl) of the Chty of Athena that the home and lot now owned by Mrs. H O. Tock od Clayton street In the City of Athens, adjoining property of Bailey, Moss and others, and now occupied by Mr. Gor don, and that the two homes of Mrs Emma Morgansttiu od Doogterty street tu the City of Athens, and the two hcutes belonging to the said Mrs Emma Morganstein on Strong street in said pity; and that the home and lot belong jng to T. P. Yinoeut and Jack F Jack •on on the corner of Dongherty and Thomas streets; and the two houses and lota of Mrs. W. A. Jester on Cobb street, Pfia being occupied by Fred Orr and the Id fort tolfierequirements of the'pres- ent ordinances referred to of the city shall be remodeled within thirty days from the date of this ordinance, so as tu coufoim to said ordinance. Be it further ordained that it shall be the dnty of the chief of the fire depart □rent to examine to the best of his abil- j ity the different Btove flues whereiu his oplni on the same do not conform t-> I the mode of construction described by the said ordinances, and to report the same to tbe city marshal, who shall docket a case against said person or per sons using said fines for cooking pur poses or any other purposes. Be it further ordained that if any p rion orpersons violate this ordinance they shall be puDished as pr. scribed in section 299 in the city code of Athens, j Alderman Foster introduced the fol lowing resolution : Whereas the Sontbern Express Com pany, a corporation having an office and doing business in the city of Athens, are delivering • x prss mat tt r 10 citizens of Athens residing wist of the Oconee river, and delivering express matter be yond the corporate limits of the city of Athens on the west, and refuse to de liver any each matter east of said river, although the distance is much les6. Theft fore, be it resolved that this ae tlon on the part of said Express Com pany is a discrimination on its part iu favor of ri sidents of o io pait of said city against those of the other part, which works au inconvenience, hardship and expense ; without reason, is m j ist - ami ■aid company is respectfully r< quested to act fairly and justly by all the citizens of this city and deliver such matter thnuihont the emire ci'y without dis crimination as to locality. On motion the above was adopttd. R port of city marshal, supt. water- worka, city engineer, sanitary inspector, oity physicians, board of health, dispen sary commissions and treasurer wtre read and receivtd. The following accounts were ordered paid when properly appioved : Lyndon Mfg Co , 179.87 and 16 28; McMahan & Son. 27.40; J. S. K ug & Co., 39 28; Epps Wilkins & Co. 10 26; Webb & Crawford, 67.44; Do.-nblait & Co.. 48 18; J. H. Carlton, 23 51; Talmage H’d’w Co., 14.80; Lyndon Mfg Co., 23 80; J. H Hoggins & Son, 19 65; Arnold Gro cery Co,, 24 69; J H. Carlton, 10 10 Turner & Hodgson, 10,48; Webb & Crawford, 85.74; W. J- Smith & Bio., MAYJE5ECUBED "Took Intone Thoroughly at Once. A prominent visitor to Athens yester day Stated tint ill-Louisville and Nash ville Railway is no* engaged in survey ing a new line through Murray county 111 (his elate, ftom Chattanooga, to An ADDITIONAL HELP j From the Citizens Tables the Home to Reach Maif More People Who are Pserv- ing of Help, ;/ The regular meeting of the Bessie Mell Industrial Home May 4th, the vice president preriing. After prayer the minutes of fee preceding meeting were read and tadivtd. The treasurer’s report Wf as follows. Receipts. { j Cash on hand April lst.T.j $ 32 95 Membership dues j.- 116.05 City appropriation S.l 25 00 Rent of rooms 19 00 Sale of garments 1.6 50 Donation (Mr Goodrich] 1.00 | |20O 60 Expenditures. Wages paid employees .it, f Disbursements among needy. .. Material for employees 01 mths) Commission on sale of giwments Collectors commission (2months) Work done at home. Balance on hand May 1 Is Proving to be a Great Success. The Terms are Arranged so as to Suit the Farmers. It was suggested that if the people of Athens woold take the matter np im mediately and get in communication with the Louisville and Nashville peo ple, this city might secore anoth-r rail- rv-d. S-aretary R id, of the Chamber of Commi rce, will liktly take the matter np at once with a view to ascertaining the accuracy of the report that the road | will be built in this direction, and ii there in anything in the report it is probable (hat the Chamber of Commerce will take the matter up at the regu'ar monthly meeting to he held at the city hall on Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock Items or Ini Number of woik week, 53. Number of workeri week, 53. Number of workers week, 65 Total number employed during month 214. Number of visits mafia, 70. Number of families relieved, 60. Mrs. Hugh Rowe. Mrs? G. C. Thomas and Mrs. Pittard have j charge of the visiting for the month, j Owing to the absence from the city I of Mrs Alice Adams, the treasurer of the home, Mrs. J. C. Hutchins was appoint ed to fill the place temporarily There is very urgent need for clothing for toys and girls from one to fifteen years of age, nlso dishes and clothing for boys and girls from one to fifteen years of age, also dishes Bud clothing for worthy widow, and her infant child The president urges that these contri- bn tions may be sent at once to her the Institute. M. RUTHERFORD, Pres. B. M. I. Home, HEAVILY INVOLVED A Failure Impending. SENATOR JORDAN HERE YESTERDAY He is Quite Busy in the Work of Establishing Farmers’ Institutes Throughout the State. This Movement Under the Auspices of the University is Achieving a Marked Success. NINE MONTHS TERM County Schcol Snperintendeni of Ed ucation Di zier says that the attendance npon the country schools during the month of April was the best in the his tory of the schools and that it indicates largely increased interest on the part of the parents in the opportunities that are being afforded their children. The county schools close the latter part of this month and will reopen the 13th of July for a session of two months, when they will close agaio until No vember 1st, when the last two months session of the year will be opened. In this way the scholars in this coonty are given the opportunity of attending school nine months during each year and the terms are so arranged as to be held at those periods of the year when the farmers and their families are the least bnsy. THE WINK TEAM Out Played the Michael-Fla- terday Afternoon. SENIOR SPEAKERS RECENTLY CHOSEN Messrs. Hugh Scott and Walter Jackson to Speak During Commencement. The two speakers who will represent the Senior class of the University on the platform during commencement have been chosen. They are Messrs. Walter Jackson and Hugh Scott. Both of these gentlemen are able speakers and will do their class honor. Mr. Jackson comes from Augusta and is a member of the S. A. E. fraternity, while Mr. Scott is au Atlanta boy, be longing to the Chi Phi fraternity. Commencement promises to be most brilliant this year. The majority of the speakers have been chosen and arrange ments made Tor all the exercises. At present the only part of the program un filled is that of the Junior class. These orators have not yet been chosen. All TO LEAVE ATHENS of Them Told Chief iilrt Thai’ Wnnlil fipt OF THE DAUGHTERS The regula; monthly meeting of the Liura Rutherford Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy will be held Monday afternoon at five o’clock at the n sidence of Mrs. M. W. Stovall. Toe meeting will beau interesting one is several matiers of importance are to tie discussed acd acted upon. 14 26;D W. Bailey, 27.36; Mrs C. A Parr, 58.70; D. W. McGregor, 30 00; Moss Mfg Co , 12.00; Lyndon Mfg Co., 14 99; R. D Wood* Co.. 24.00; J. W Jarrell. 15 25 ; Athens Electric Co., 387 - OS; Augus’a Chronicle, 1126; U. S Cast Iron Pipe Co , 328 18 ; J. H Hng gins iS: Son, 312 28 Alderman Rocker moved that the .ense of this ccur.cil is that the city marshal he instructed to swear out warrants daily against all boasts of ill tame that ore known to exist Carried Ebction tf men-b rs of the beard of h-alth was postponid until tbe next meeting The mayor was aniheriz-d to approve the bill for printiDg folders advertising the city On motion council adjourned. W. W. TURNER, Clerk. Improper feeding brings on disease. The oss of coffee for instance is almost certain to cause organic ills. The whole system of health becomes involved and the physical failure known as oollapae is ilwayB impending No financial trou ble can cause half the sufferiag that fol lows and most disease comes from what we eat and drink. It ia no guess work but solid, scientific fact that coffee hurts about 9 of every 10 that drink it. it attacks the vital organs directly, and indirectly its ill re- -ult! are frequently seen in the remotest I corners of the body. All the while se rious organio diseas > may be growing that will be bird to to cure and the cof fee drinker is snbj-ot to snch suffering is headaches, biliousness, flatulence, in somnia, nervousness and a hundred and one other ills Once npon a time, as they say in fairy tales, when I was controlled by the offee fiend” writes a lady of St. John, Canada, ’’life was a weary burden to me m acccuut of the wretohed headaches alter weariness of both mind and body md general biliousness, all due as I if terwai ds found out to the use of oeff so Acting upon an old friend’s advice I qait .•offee and drank Postom and Presto, in i week I was trau-f irmed into a differ ent l eing. Ia a month I was gifted with bound ing energy iu place of my former lassi tude and a general uprising of my for merly dormant ambitious was plainly evident. I benefited so greatly that constituted mys.lf a misronary among my friends to spread the truth about Postum and I can tell you cf many of my friends who have used it with wonder ful good results." Name given by Postum Co, Battle Creek, Mich. Don’t go-into health bankruptcy. Look into the scientific points of Poe- turn re. Coffee. The Turner & Hodgson aggregation of ball tossers yesterday afternoon gave an interesting and nunanal exhibition of baseball and proceeded to rob it in to the employees of Michael Brothers and Flatow Co. The final score was 14 to 4, the game ending in the fifth inning. The features of the game were the spectacular slide to third base of Ed Turner, the pitching of Joe Tamer, and the good work of Ewing on the Micliael- Flatow nine. The following was the lme-np : Turner, J. P Hodgson o Turner, E. ss Willis lb Bollock 2b Turner, O 3b Bryant If W hitehead cf Turner. R. tf Tamer -6114 3-14.] Michael—2 0 0 2 0 — 4. Having clipped the wings of this strong aggregation of ball tossers, Mr. Ed. Turner, Captain of the victorious nine Lanes a challenge to any team in At'. - The Chief of Police served notice yes terday on quite a number of the lewd women of the city that they were given until Monday night to shake the dust of j the city of Athens from off their feet, ] or else take the consequence. They were notified that every one of them remaining in the city at that time would have a warrant sworn out attainst them each day as long as they remained here. Chief Cnlp says he will carry out to the letter the instruction that has been given him and that all violators of the Ewing law will be made to suffer. Kberhart In the opinion of the council it Is sim Alexander ply a question whether the law or the Nichols law-breaker shall have sway, and the Weir law is to be made paramount in this Broach oity. Michael Several of the notified by the Collins ohiet yesterday have already skipped Hughes ont, and all of them say that they will (?° S motor ILirvie Jordan, or Monticello, pistcd through the city yesterday eu route to HjAw-U, v here he will teday orgir firm, rs" institute in the in- tere.t of the department of the Uuivtrsi y of Georgia While here Senator Jordan Cits s-?n by a represen tative nf 'lh Hi mr and interviewed onthe pr gr'ssof ’in important work he ia doing am r g t ie farmers of the state in the inter s- of thi University, Iu speaking of Ins work S nator Jordan said: "We have had several very successful meetings. Prominent among those that have already been held can be men tioned the institute held at Ashbnrnand the one hsld at Dublin last week. Sev eral hundred farmers were present at each of these meetings and several addresses were made by intelligent, prao ical farmers. "While the University will be bene- fitted by the movement in an increased attendance on the agricultural depart ment in the futuro, the farmers of the state who are attending the meetings will get vastly more good out of the Institntcs. It is an education for the farmers that they seem to appreciate, and that they are taking advantage of right along " 8enator Jordan stated that his sched ule for Jane, showing the dates for in stitutes to be held during that month, would be furnished Tin Banner In a few days. He also stated that the in stitute for this senatorial district would 'Cute vfouKT'ffr ahfiouncwr iWW-Vev* weeks, MRS. CRAIG BARROW DIES IN SAVANNAH Yesterday morning at her home in Savannah, Mrs. Craig Barrow passed away after a brief illness. Mrs. Barrow, prior to her marriage, was Miss Alice Barker Cobb, aDd one of the most talented and attractive yonng ladles in Atlanta. The news of her death will be received by her many friet ds iu Athens with profound sorrow. The funeral of Mrs. Barrow will be oonducted this morning and the inter, mantwillbein Savannah. BOTH BALL GAMES WERiPOSTPONED The games of baseball yesterday be tween the Georgia and Mercer teams in Macon and the Techs aud Vanderbilt in Atlanta were postponed on acconnt of rain. The gamesjtoday iu Macon will be witnessed by a number of Athenians, the Central having arranged a round trip rate for fl.50. SPECIAL SALE Today of Women’s Muslin Underwear be sure and attend this Sale. Magnificent Muslin Underwear, 500 garments to choose from. Gowns, Cor set Covers, Siirts, ttua Draw ers. Each of the above garments is full and liberally cat, made of best qualities maslin and oambric, elaborately trim med in laces, embroideries, tucks, plftits and rallies, which go to add beauty and embellish the looks of Women’s Muslin Underwear. There are five hundred of these kinds of Gowns, Corset Covers, Skirts, Chem ise and Drawers in our great special sale. Prices: 25c, 35c, o0c, 75;, and $1.00 for each garment. BAPTIST PICNIC HAS BEEN POSTPONED L AT IN. H. BIG PICNIC TODAY AT BABUI SHOALS Today will occur at Barnett Shoals the annual picric that is given at that plioe, and qnite a number of the people of Athens will attend Whooping Cough A woman who has had experience with this disease, tells how to prevent any dangerous consequences from it She says: ’Oar three children took whooping congh last summer, oar baby being only three months old, and owing to oar giving them Chamberlain’s Congh Remedy, they lo it none of their plump ness and came ont iu much better health than other children whose patents did oot use this remedy. Our oldest little girl would call lustily for cough syrup between whoops.”—Jessie P.nkey Hall, The two games that ane to be played in Macon today between Georgia and Mercer will be reported in detail at the pool room of W. H. Davis on College avenoe this morning and this afternoon. An admission of 25o will be charged. The picnic of the First Baptist Sonday School, which was to have been given today at Hall has been postponed, The date on which it will be given I Springfield, Ala. Tbis remedy is for I Smith.& Bro„ H. R Palmer & Sons, will be announced later. I sale by all druggists. | Druggist. ELIJAH CLARKE CHAPTER MEETS Tne Elljih Clarke Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will meet at the residenca of Mrs. Bil lups Pliiuizy at 11 o’clock today. Quick arrest. J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena. Ala., was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 24 tumors. After doc tors and all remedies failed, Bncklen’s Arnica Salve quickly arrested further inflammation aud cared him. It con quers aches and kills pain 25c at W. J.