The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, May 12, 1903, Image 1

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The Georjla National Bank Or Athens. Capital $100,000. Offers to deposit on every facility their balances, business and responsibility warrant. THE ATHEN The Georgia National Bank Of Athens: Capital SI00.000. Receives deposit® of banks, corporations, firms and individuals. Careful atten tion to all business. ESTABLISHED 1332. ATHENS, GA., TUESDAY MOI TOOK ELEVEN INNINGS TECH SAME TO BEAT MERCER1TES OK CAMPUS Georgia Boys Won Out in the Most Exciting Game of Baseball Played This Season- Anderson Mas in the Box for the Crackers and Sawed Out Thirteen of the Mercerites. In (he ino t exilitg g-tuie ulujid a Georgia diamond this season, G'orgia to .k the second Kamo from the ALrcer boys by the seen of seven to six yester day afternoon. It req nr. d eleven innings to decide the gams, au.l every iuoli of groaud w. ■ contested with the utmost stubborn! ts Up to the fourth inning Mercer had the Georgians shut ont by a score of two to nothing, bat the Crackers were in the game to win and the darker the outlook the harder ball they played Anderson was in the bi x for Georgia and tawed thirteen of the Merotrites, While Maynard caused nine of the Geor gians to fan. Anderson gave op in the eleven innings only six hits, while nine hits were made off Maynard Pate, of Mercer drove the bailout fora home rnn in tho first tuning and later on In the game found it for two bases. Har mon, of Georgia and S ovall, of Mercer, eaoh made a two hise hit In the first iuuieg Mercer got a man to first and Pate made a home tun Georgia couldn't score. In the second inniog Anderson went in to keep down the score, stinck ont two men allowed no hits. Iu the third inning neither team could do anything with the pithers and no run was see re i. The fourth inning brought ono run to eaoh team, and just here the Georgia bora began to get in some superior work. A beantifol double play by Georgia iu this inning was a great feature. Geor- gia showed Dp well in this tuning in. -atealing bases and at the bat. Georgia palled np in the fifth inning by making two hits and sending two men across the plate, tieing the score. Eaoh side scored one man in the Sixth, the batting of both teams t eing about even. In this inning Anderson attack ont three men, and showed no ■igns of giving down. Tbetevontli inning was uneventful and the score still remained four and foor when the eigh*h opened np. In the eighth Mercer took on a little ■tram and with S'ovall’s two bagger got in two runs. Things began to look bine for Georgia. Bnt the Georgia boys pnllt d togeth, r and determined to get ont of the hole. For the second time this season the Crackers won emt ill tho ninth, for in that inning yesterday, having sent one men to the bsaeon a hit, Harmon ripped ont a clean two base hit, seeding that man and afterwards making the cironit himself, thus tieing the score. The tenth inning opened with intense excitement prevailing. Both teams were playing snoh ball as la rarely seen iu this state Strive as hard as th>y coaid neither side conld soore in this tuning, and the eleventh inning opened with the score six to six. The eleventh inninR gave Georgia odp ran and with that ran the second vic tory over the Mercer team. The news of the game was received in Athena at tho pool rooms of W H. Davis on College avenue aud a large orowd was present as the Lews oame in. There was quite a demonstration when It was annonnoed that Georgia had won the game and the college bell was rang for aeveral boars. SHOULD HELP THIS Georgia Team Will Face the Blacksmiths in This City This Afternoon. GAME TO BE CLOSE The Sum Necessary for Free Kindergarten Building Should he Raised. It is greatly desired to r..i-u c-r.e ' aud dol.ars for liiu * i e;:< n ( f a suit .bit i buildup fer tho Fr •< Ki.der^irten that j has been fo successfu'Iy conduct'd in: East Athens for some tine* pa.*,t aud which bus aco'-uipl*;-} d -o much guo-1 ■ iu that section of tho < :iy. Two wort! y lad:*s ( f tbi-» city, have investiga:*d this work, duo! to be the br>t work that is now done i i a*: education.d way in A and they have sh^v.n th» ir f.mli : work by nibsenhir K *v< h th** si one liou !r**d c., 1- t - o , t • ; that the one tG'U-a:. 1 >i . i G Here is a cluxticu f r ; r j thropjr that vxill a- tv'-.u*.’ - • salts. Who -.\ di U * t!i - ! x* o i contributin'. t.> this 1. .'• •• m.d‘-r; The Ranntr will !•. »d r*«- i\ tribations to tins ! Techs Have a Strong Team and and Georgia is Determined to Administer a Second De feat to Them. Tt.i> atur, Tech and G( Herty ft. 1,1. It is a «i !l k anx njs tt:fc li t veugf oil tF VIA se preatt s ill cross l of ri vA 8 ba s on a-jt that hew v.ry Jlai k-iiiitos are to pet n- Cnu kers for the game that : won only by a timely hi', and the irers of t ; to r d and bl :ck are confi t that the cold and whites will not tiuu conic so 11-ar obtai'dutf a vic tor' r !F IL Says He Had Accomplice in the Beating of the Old Negro Man. G ur-TLx has the beat of it in cempari- s >n o: scores. Vanderbilt overwhelm in ^'y deaf a a*i d thu Techs m two games, xvi lie that same Hum came V; ry mat .osii-K their .-c/dp-v m Athens. Mercer »nd tne hi .cksmiths broke even, W’hile , the Crackers t< ok iwo straights from the Bajiti-ts with apparent ease. But still when tney play Georgia, every man is put on his m* ttlt: and plays for what theruis m it. Tain lrghest ambition is o b* 4 able in defeat Georgia and in this l- ter-mned spirit the contest this after noon will !»a royal one up to the fiu- ir-ii. Hut the ii lal sprint taken by the red s G an t restib e one, aud no now face tteir f.roc’ons oc- ’JLhe heavy hit tine BjptLta NEW GHUI con Oconee Street Churc ingWillbe OccupiOTNext Sunday Mornit SPECIAL SERI Will be Arranged for sion. The New Bu Very Convenient and j factory to the Men The new Oconee street chai ing has been about liuished a nounced that the first serf: new buiidirg will be held ne: morning. For that or fusion Rev. M. the pjstor, will arrange au program of consecration servii will be announced later on in The Suuday school will hei h »ld iu the afternoon, the soi beginning at half past three o'i the regular Sanday school ex ginning at four o’clock. Ic is desired tint as many as possible of the scholars and as many new scholars as possible attend the Sunday school in the new building next Sunday afternoon. THE WINNIE 11 MEMORIAL HALL Daughters of the Cor acy Desire it Finis! bv Next Octobei 1 MAY 12, 1903. = $5.00 A YEAR Cure, eczema. Itching Humor*. Pimple, and Carbuncles —Cost* Nothing to Try. B. B. B (Botanic Blood Balm) ia certain and ame care for eczema.ltchlag akin, hnmori, scabs, scales, watery blis ten, ptmp’ea. aching bones or joints, boilea carbuncles, prickling pain in the ■kin, old eating sores, ulcers, eto. Bo- tanio Blood Balm cores the worst *.nd most deep-setted cases by unrichlog, purifying and vitalizing tbe blood, thereby giving a healthy blood aapply In the akin. Heals every tore and gives the rich giow of health to the skin. Builds np the broked down body and madkea the blood red nnrtahlng. Es pecially advised for chronio, old cates that doctors, patent medicines and hot springs fail to care. Druggists, $1, with oomplete directions for home care. To prove B. B. B. cares, sample sent free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Oo,, Atlanta, Ga.. Describe tronble, and free medical advioe sent in sealed letter. D L Payne, the white min who w-- recently arrested h- re on tin <,'h„r h -e of having lieaten and rohlnil an old negro near Statham. Ga . ani v ho admittid bis gnilt, will probably bo tried before Judge Russell at a caibd session of Jackson Superior court at an early date Payne says that a m-gro was im: ii cated in the crime with him. and there is a probability (f the negro li ing brought to justice also. Sheriff Stevens, of Jack,on county, has been to Athens to work up all til ' evidence tint could be secure.1 lien- touching the case WILL PICNIC ON FIFTH SATURDAY Oconee Street Sunday S Fool will give its annual picnic on the fi'th S itur day in this month. A comm’tte* whs appointed Sunday, consisting of Messrs. I. A. Bradberiry, A. \V. Ytss a::! A. M. Center, toattend to all the arrangements necessary to make the picnic a success It has not yet been d -termii.ed what place will be selected for the picnic. SOCIAL MEETING OE ODD FELLOWS Tonight at the lodge room on Jackson •tree! Glenn Lodge of Odd Fello will confer the first degree on a rum’ur of candidates For the first tim-thh work will be done with * lie degree t-am in uniform. After the (D-rr • work :‘.i lodge will enjoy a s* c al session and re freshments will be «erv» d. i-langht. were left far-tetma nr uauiug,-w« wi re completely at th-? m^rcy of Geor gia's invincible twirlers. Maynard and ilowdl vv-re ti!id d all over the field whil-M-rc-r’s supportea locked oa in dumb dismay In Fit i-f liman at short Captain Dick- in.-oti lias land»d a bird, lfe accepts all ch inces and seld .m makes an error, while hi:; -.tops are of the —Wiqpie DavIkJlull is - id h, hir: ■ nipaiy iinmanf i j*v5ti(w1d will be ready for occupancy by next fall. At bait that is the end to which all are working, and if th» money necessary for its completion can be secured by that time it will be finished before the begin ning of another year. The large stone columns that are to adorn the front and two tides of the sensational baildiugt are now being placed in posi well. Jaqnes and vtr h tion, and they add very mL't-irially to ; appearauce of the strnc- Hiisaf- Bo we the shd gttt.u into their gait, and I the impo , -• s. ndiug out s.tfe singles at their t are i’lt ■ entire line-np of the team I Ir is the intention of the daughters of ot he i - proved upon, aud it can the Confederacy, if possible, to complete red they will pat it to the lechs the hall by the annual meeting of the rno ' D - I Georgia Division next October. TO REPEAT MAYPARTY Daughters of the Confed eracy Will Give Entertain ment Next Week. THE UST MEETING ENTERTAINMENT FOR VISITORSTO ATHENS Chamber of Commerce Will Assist in Making the Visit ing Teachers This Summer Have an Enjoyable Time While in Athens. Regular Monthly Meeting Yesterday Afternoon Was Full of Interest. Of the Laura Rutherford Chapter for the Summer Was Held Yes terday Afternoon. Much Enthusiasm Manifested. The last meeting of tho Laura Ruth erford chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy was held yesterday after noon, and there will be no meeting until next fall. Quite a number of the members were present at the meeting yesterday after noon and it was a most eL joyable ses sion. It was presided over by the presi dent, Miss Mildred Rutherford It was decided to repeat the May Party that was given a few nights siuce at Lucy Cobb laBtitnte, and it will be given at the opera house some time next week for the benefit of the Winaie Da vis Memorial Hall. It is desired to make np as much money as possible for this hall as it cannot be finished at any early date without extra tfforta being made to secure the necessary funds. Several new features will bo intro duced at the repetition of this enter tainment. Tho price for admittance has been fixed at 25 cents, 35 cents for re served seats. A vote of thanks was psssed by the chapter to all who iu any w*ay assisted the chapter in making arrangements for Memorial Day. 0‘0ver to vill in all probability be on His record this year is an en viable c n \ not having lost a game. In addition to this lack he has a lot of the real ability that constitutes a pitcher, and thi 1 - combination makes cf him a wonderful twirl*r ATHENS W. C, T. 0, pose of conferring crosses of honor on a number of veterans. At the meeting yesterday Mrs. Man- son, of Virginia, who is visiting in the city, stated that the baziar in Richmond cleared twenty thousand dollars which goes to the fund with which the Jeffer son Davis arch is to be erected. After the meetiug Miss Rutherford carried the members on the street cars to,the State Normal School where they inspected the Winnie Davis Memorial hall building. They were all delighted with the building aud so expressed themselves. The ladies were then carried to Ska- lowski’s cafe by Miss Ratherford where they enjoyed a delicious treat. BAPTISTS BACK Athens Will Soon Prepare to Entertain the Georgia Baptist Association. The Athenians who attended the ses sion of the Southern Baptist convention in Savannah last week, have returned to their homes, greatly enthused over the magnificent work that is being done by their church. They will make reports to their church here and these reports will cause the Baptists of Athens to resolve to do even more in the future than they have done in the past. Within a short while the Athens Baptists will begiu to make preparations for the entertainment of the Georgia Baptist convention that holds its annual session in this city next fall. There will be from seven hundred to one thousand delegates iu attendance upon that con vention and the people of Athens will take great pride iu giving them most royal entertainment while they are here. NEW SOCIETY Methodists Organize Church Extension Society With a Good Membership. The Athena Chamber of Commerce held its regular monthly meeting yester day afternoon at four o’clock at the city hall. The meeting was well attended and was one of considerable interest. President Edwards being in Savannah, Vice President Michael presided over the deliberations of the meeting. One of the important matters discussed during the meetiug yesterday was that of providing suitable entertainment and amusements fer the teachers who will be in attendance upon the session of the summer school in this city this summer. Several suggestions as to entertain ment were made and the committee on entertainment, of which Hon. T. S. Mell is chairman, will hold a meeting in a few days to take such steps as deemed proper to secure the proper amusement for that occasion. At tlie next meeting of tho* Chamber of Commerce it is expected that thi* committee will make a report suggesting several things that may be done to pro vide suitable entertainment for the visi tors Several of the committees reDorted progress as to matters that they have in hand. The committee on new enter- prised is now in correspondence with several parties relative to the location of new industries iu the city. The com mittee on advertising reported that the advertisement of Athens for the “Greater Georgia” edition of Harper’s W eekly is now ready and will be for warded at once to the proper parties. MEETS TODAY TURNER & HODGSON TEAM A WINNER ON NEW_FACTORY It Will be Ready for Opera tion Probably by July First. Work on the new factory builling of Souther.i Manufacturing Company ia progressing steadily, and it is the inten tion of the company to hive everything at the new mill in readiness for opera tion by July 1-it if possible. The maohintTV has all been purchased and some o? it is already here. It will be of the very latest improved kind. Already the new mill has a demand for its product that iudicites prosperity. I* is probable that the capacity will be doubled b. fore the fir-tof January. Whooping Cough A woman who has had txjiorieuee with this diieaa-, tell, how to pn vt Lt any dangi rocs conn qn> utv* from it. She saya: "Oar three children took whooping congh last summer, onr baby being only three months old. and owing to ourgiTieg them Chamberlain's Congh Remedy, they lou none of their plump ness and came out iD much better hea'.t h than other children whose parents did not use this remedy. Our oldest little girl would call lustily for cough syrup between whoops.’’—Jessie P.nkey Hall, Springfield, Ala. This remedy is for ■ale by all drnggista. . C. H. PARKHURST IN THE GATE CITY Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst. of New York, addressed a large congregation at the Tabernacle Baptist church in At lanta Sunday night. Among other things he said that a great mistake was made when tbe negro was given the elective franchise without having first been prepared to receive it The meeting of the Athens W. O. T. U. will leheld this afternoon at four o’clock and every member is urged to be presf nt. It is desired to iufuse new life into the organization aud the members are all urged to attend ihe meeting this after noon. POOR DOMINIE Between the Devlt and the Deep Sea. A clergymuT of Gresham, Neb., who drank coffee for many years suffered from ohronic insomnia and frrm terrific headaches when he quit coffee. He says: "I have been a very heavy user of ct ffee for bo long and have seen its effects so clearly that there is now nodoubt in my mind concerning its injurious effects up on the nervous system. "While a ccffee user I was unable to sleep for honrs after retiring at night and on the other hand terrific headaches resulted if the regulur heur for drinking coffee Dassed and I did not get it so I was iu a miserable position. "But I found a firm friend in Postum Cereal Coffee and from the very time that I adopted Postum all these evil ef fects vanished. I now enjoy seund sleep and improved appetite and a decidedly clearer complexion and I am convinced that better health and a longer life would be the result of its general use. I Lav a friend who baa been a nseref Postum fer several years and tbe story of her recovery from nearalgia of tbe stomach simply by using Postnm in place of cof' fee seems almost too wonderfnl to be true. Many times she was near death’s door and the dootors had frequently given her case op as hopeless bnt she was entirely healed by leaving off cof fee and nstng Postnm. It is a pleasure to say these good things abont Postnm. Name given by Postnm Co., Battle Creek, Mich. f Won Out Over Team From Three Stores Yester day Afternoon. Turner & Hodgson’s baseball team played another game yesterday after noon on the campus and was again vic torious. The team was as it was a few days since, orly Mr. Will Ewmg, of Michael Bros., played with them. They played against the stores of G. Stern Sc Oo., E, H. Dorsey and Head & McMahan, the soora being 8 to 7. The victorious team will play Davison & Lowe’s team this afternoon and will then be in readiness to accept the chal lenge from the Athens Foaudry team. The Athens Banner is getting its team in shape and is after the scalps of Turner & Hodgson’s aggregation. Sanday night at the First Methodist church .the Athens church extension society of the Methodist church was [or ganized. Dr I. S. Hopkins and R v. M. H. Kikes, pastors of th** Methodist churches iu this city, made brisf addresses show ing the importance and the necessity of the movement, after which forty-nine members of the church present enrolled their names as members of the new so ciety. The constitution of the society was then adopted. The following officers were elected : President—James S. King. Vice President—Mrs. Horace Martin. Secretary—T. W R*ed. Treasurer —D. L. Earnest. The obj ;Cts of the new society are to aid in the location and erection of new churches and chapels, in the establish ing of Sanday Schools and in the farth ering of the work of the church ia every way possiblo. The membership of the society will be largely increased, and any member of the church in Athens can become a member of this society. At the meeting Suuday night Mr. W. H. Morton, of Clarke county, after stating that he was not eligible to mem bership, because he did not live in Ath ens. gave the society ten dollars. Others will no doubt make contributions to the funds of the society. The meetings of the society will be subject to the call of the officerf. while he was not at liberty to say much about it. still he could say that there was now almost consummated a movement that will mean more to Athens than anything thit has happened in recent years. The work of the Chamber of Com merce G b?iug increased every month and the t *ood effects are readily apparent. AGGRESSIVENESS Right Down The Line We’ve Cut Prices of all Wash Dress Fabrics. A SILK A FAILURE IN TJ8J0UNTRY W. H. Sampson, manager ot some of the largest silk mills in the world, says that there ia no futnre for the silk in dustry in this country. He holds that it ia impossible for ns to compete with Chinese labor in the silk business. Pimples, blotches and all other spring troubles are cored by Hood's Sarsapa' rills—the most effective of all spring medicines. IN THE CEMETERY The trustees of Oconee cemetery have had a railing constructed along the ap proach to the oemetery bridge in the new portion of the cemetery. Before this railing was pni there it was rather dan gerous driving at that point Quick Arrest. J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena. Ala., was twice in the hospital from a severe case ot piles causing 24 tumors. After doc tors and all remedies failed, Bucklen’i Arnica Salve quickly arrested further inflammation and cared him. It con quers aches and kills pain 25o at W. J. Smith & Bro., H. K Palmer & Sons, Druggist. WASH DRESS FABRICS — Our entire line of Embroidered Mus lins, in a range of pr»tty designs 35 cents was the price, yonr choice today for 25 cents a yard. All 50 cents Silk Mousehnes to go at 35 cents a yard. Our 25 cents Mercerized Cotton Fon* lards now 15 cents a yard. WOOL DRESSGOODS- All our Colored Dress UoodB have to go at a price. Thousauds of dollars worth of Dress Goods have been sold by us this spriug, still we have too many left. We don’t want to carry them over. Today we will place them on sale at a redaction of 25 per cent less than real value. It’s the best chance of buying at lower prices than at anytime again this season. READY TO WEAR GARMENTS— Closing ont our stock of Ladies’ Shirt Waists, Skirts aud suits at prices that will command sales. MICHAEL BROS. Tbe Wastes of The Hody. Every seven days tbe blood, muscles and bones of a man of average size loses two ponuds of wornont tissue. This waste cannot be replenished and the health and strength kept np without perfect digestion. Wben the stomaoh and digestive organs fail to perform their functions, the strength lets down, health gives way, and disease sets np, Kodol Dyspepsia Core enables tbe stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all of the wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of the mind and body. Kodol enree Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all stomaoh troubles. It is an ideal Bpring tonic. Sold by The Orr Drag Oo.