The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, May 20, 1903, Image 1

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The Georgia National Bank Of Athens. Capital $100,000. Offers to depositors e*ery facility then balances, business and responsibility ESTABLISHED 1832. ATHENS The Georgia National Bank Of Athens. Capital $100,000. Received deposits of banks, corooratlons, firms and mdiriduAlg. Careful atten tion to ail business. ATHENS, GA., WEDNESDAYNIORNING, MAY 20, 1903. r=rr $5.00 A YEAR MASONS (MAY PARTY ANDELKS LAST NIGHT Will Play Great Ball Game A Very Large Audience Wit- on the Campus This nessed the Brilliant Afternoon. Performance. WINDER VS. ATHENIANS Game of Baseball to be Played Here Tomorrow Afternoon. I MEETING Membes of the Epworth Leagte Had a Delight ful Evening. STORES WILL CLOSE. WINNIE DAViS HALL It is Probable That Fully Two Received the Proceeds and it is Thousand People Will Witness Likely That Other Entertain- the Game Between These ments Will be Arranged for Popular Fraternal Orders. I Benefit- of This Fund The big baseball game between the The May Party Riven last night at tbe [asons and the E.ks next Wednesday I opera house for the b--n» lit of the Win- Fternoon will he the athletic event of I uie Davis Memorial Hall was one of th, re season. most beautiful and charming entertain It will be witnessed by probably two ments ertr given in this city, ronsand people. The crowd will be Quite a number of ci'iz.ue attendee se largest that ever went on the cam- the entertainment ami all were charrn- ns to witness an athletio event. ed with the acting of the littlr children As an evidence of the interest taken I who took part. The dancing around l the game, the following agreement of I the May Pole was especially de'igt tfol lie merchants to olose their stores at the to the eye and exhibited no little amount .me of the game speaks for itself. of grace of movement on the part o We, the undersigned merchants, those who participated in it. gree to olose our stores at three thirty The decorations at the opera home S:30) o'clock, Wedne-day afternoon, were beautiful and adde! much to tin lay 27, ou accouut of the Mason Elks oharm of the occasion. The Djughteis Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock on the University campns the Athens and Winder baseball teams will play one of ' he most fxciting games of the season Vdmission will be 25 cents, a percentage d which will go towards building a new grand stand. Captain Dickinson, of the Georgia team, will umpire tho game. se ball game. Oha9. Stern & Co. Miohael Bros. Dorsey & Fnnkenstein. Turner A: Hodgson. L B. Flatow Co. I. P. Morton. J. P Fears & San. G. H Williamson. Edward Glaser. Talinart--*- "•*— ~ Doaring lldw Oo. Jack F. Jackson. J. Van Straaten MoMahan & Son R. Brandt. Head & MoMahan, D. W. McGregor T. B. Wooten. E. H. Dorsey. T. Fleming & Son*. Geo. A. Bailey Supply Co Abney Bros Co. Arnold Grocery Cj., conditionally. G. H Hulra» & Co . conditionally. Griffith Implement Co. J S. B"rnsteirt. R. P Hodgson. Webb & Crawford. W. A Malloty & Co. R. S. Kunkenstetn. E. Bnchwald H. W. Nicholes. Sol J. Boley. Sidney Boley. Johnson Shoe Co. J. H. Hoggins & Son. Louis Morris. M. & L Morris. J H Patmnu. Davison & Lowe. G. A Scodder. D. P. Haselton’s Musio Store. 8. H. Bnchwald. O Coleman Western Market. of the Confederacy arranged this tainim nt to help them in thu effort thej are making to raise more fnnds for th, Winnie Davis Memorial Hall, which i- to be completed within the next sixtj days if possible. This organization will probably ar- range another entertainment at an early day. ITIIC DCflTtl OF J. JOHN TOTTY LINE-UP OF TEAMS. FATER A. J. RYAN Portion of the Proceeds of the Game Will be Expended in Building a Grand Stand on the University Campus. Was Disused and Several of His Beauiful Poems Were Read, Among’item “The Conquered Bannr.” by Dr. Hopkins. A SERIOUS RUNAWAY A Horse Belonging to Robert Cole Had Its Back Broken. NOBODY WAS HURT. Two Horses, Hitched to a Car riage, Ran Away From the Cen tral Depot Late Monday Night While Driver Was Out. WINDER. Positions Ooier c.f. Milsap l.f. S^ars r f. Jackson 0. Dr LpPerrierre 2b. Bash P- Jackson, S. 3b. Ru hards s. s Nowell lb. ATHENS. Anderson Hull Coile Foster DuBose Sullivan Harmon Hunter Beusse Substitutes: Stevens Catithers The two teams are very evenly match- .. . ,„bHo Will have an oppor- man. ■jt the season', l no game r at 5 o'clock in order that the Winder ream can return home on the evening train. Last event g at the residence of Mr and Mrs. Cob Limpkin ou Dongberty street the Ejworth League of the F.rst Methodist durch held their literary meeting. It was an eeniDg with Father Ryan and the progpm rendered was one of rare excellene aud entertainment. The prograu of tho evening was as follows: Song— Neatrt My God to Thee. Prayer. Quotations’ Father Byau. Piano dnet-Mis-ts Lumpkin. Sketch of tie life ol Father Abram— J. Ryan—Jlr. W. H. Bl&ckshear. Reading—Die Song of tbe Mystio— Miss Surah Moss. Vocal Duet—Mrs John D. Mell aud Miss Olivia Csrlton. Reading—Hie Cjnqured Banner—Dr. Dunn I. S. Hopkins. Violin Solo-. Mr. Paul Lovejoy. Reading—(«) The Old and the New. (b) Joy and "Grief — Miss Lube.lo Htls- ATTORNEYS WILLNIEET Annual Session of Georgia Bar Association at Tal lulah Falls. JUDGE MCWHORTER As Citairman of the Committee on Federal Legislation, Will Read an Important Report Covering Last Congress. Robert Cole’s horses ran away late Monday night and as a result of tbe run away one of the horses broke his back and will die. The horses were hitched to a carriage at the Central depot and Cole was in the act of putting a trank on the front of the carriage, when the horses became frightened and dashed off np Thomas street. Faster and faster they went until they broke loose from theoarriage, leav ing it in the middle of Thomas street. The Lightened horses continued their maddened rosh np Thomas street nntii they reached the store of the Arnold Grocery Oo. At that point they dashed against a telephone pole with great vio lence and the runaway was over,for the horses had been so badly injured that they could go no further. They were carried to the stable where it was found that one of them had a broken back and the other was more or less injured. .There wna no one in the carriage at » o dr by Miss Katie Monday night at eleven o’clock at hir I home in Sandy Creek district, a fee miles from the city. Mr' -Id" Tetty I Jr , pissed away after a ve.-y brief ill- I U©(« Mrs. Totty had been iu u-ual health I all day Monday. Mo-iilay nigot sin was seiz’d with a convulsion and died in la f< w minutes. Mr». -o-ty was a most estimable young I matron and her death will cinso nm 1 I sorrow among all who knew 1 or. 1 hi I funeral will be conducted this afternoon 1 at two o'clock at the C- i.tcr Methodist church by IUv. E. D. Stone, of this I nltr. ICOWIPANY BUILDS SEVERAL HOUSES The Southern Manufacturing Com pany is building a number of neat and attractive houses for its operat.ves aud will have them in readiuesH for occu-I pane; by the time tli* mill is finished and the machinery installed. Three of these houses are located on Nantabala avenue near the mill and are Athens Wholesale Dry Goods House, almost completed. The others yvtll be built during the next few weeks. Work on the mill building is progess- ing steadily and the structure will soon be ready for the installation of the machinery. DAVISON & LOWE By Buying Boldly. The Se cret is in Knowing What to Buy and When to Buy. I Our buyer holds the key to the situa- B. Goldwaaser. Louis Hoff. E. D. Sledge. J. T. Brown. Athens Hardware Oo. J. M. McCurdy. Bondurant & Oo. Talmadge Bros & Oo. H P. Hinton. - S. Abrams. "Better out than in"—that humor i that yon notice. To bo sure it s out Rud | all oat, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Oood Advice. The most miserable beings in | world are those Buffering from Dyspeptic More than A Startling Tul. . _ ... n. T O Merritt, of 1 and Liver Complaint. To save a life,Dr.T. _ ' ^ itartUnK | .eventy-Ave percent of the people in the No. Mehoopany, ' . , nro He I United States are afflicted with th*s» writes: A patient waaattstomach. Sxk Headache. 1 abitna! violent hemorrhages. often found I Coativeness, Palpitation of tha Heart. Hon of thestomaoh. Ihad often found ^ ^ Waterb „ 9h , Gnawing ant Rleotio Bitters exodlent for““V ' L orn i ng p^ins at the Pit of the Stom- Mh *nd Uver trouble* so L oh> yellow Skin, Coated Tonngne and tem. Th* patleot galned ^4 Disagreeable Taste in the Month. Com- £r» s.r^^£SSt«d w g 8 .fM QnUt , SS2 Tr, I-» Hcmsti.ohed Napkins them. Only 6O0 at W. J. Smith. & Bro.. jeenu. ieroaoe J > counter today. H. R. Palmer & 80a. Car Bargain Clearance Sale of the [,,m» 1, Smith & Oo. stock will continue until the last dollars worth is sold. Men's Pants, Shiits, Undershirts, Draw r». Suspenders, Socks and Collars it 1 alf value. One lot Ladies’ White Duck and pi,[a. Skirts 10 cents 05 (bz .. n Uiul-rbodiss for Children, 4 ,0 12 years of age. 2 for 25c, this is just half value. 1 Lit Embroideries and Beadings 5 and 10c p.-r yard, worth double the price. 100 doz Ladies’ Liced Ribbed Lisle Vest 15 -, worth 25o. WHITE GOODS — Ask to see our White Organdies. Swiss Mulls. Persian Lawns, Wash Ohiffonp. French Nainsooks and Battist- Ask to see Biack Batti-t, Colored Organdies and Lawnp. PRINTED COTTON GOODS— Remnant sale. 3>.jc fer best Shirting Calico. 5c for best Percales. 1,000 yards Printed Lawns8>.jo, worth 12> a c. FIVE CENTS COUNTER— On this counter wiU be found many things in wash goods, such as Ducks, Pique and Printed Lawns, worth 10 and lot, all selling for 5a. Ask to see our Five O. nts Counter. HOUSEFORNISH1NGS— Ask to Bee Mattings, Rugs, Table Linens. Napkins. Towels and Whitt Lillie Moss. Vocal So'.o-(-) When Father Ryan), (h) S.-lrctid Jester Reading- The Sword o? Robert \* e- Miss Annie Haoft. League benediction. Mr. and Mrs. .Gordon, of Colunbna, have been visiting their daughter, Mies Mary Gordon, at Lucy Cobb for s«uverel days. Mias Gordon will accompany her parents home tod.y to -p ml two weeks prior to sailing for Europe with Mies Rutherford’s party. She will spend several months with an aunt living in Spain, before returning to the states. SURPRISED HIM. Doctor's Test of Food. A doctor in Kansas experimented with his boy iu a test of food and gives the particulars. He says: “I naturally watch the effect of different foods on | patients. ••My own little eon, a lad of four, hid been ill with lung fever aud duriDg his convalescence did not soem to care for any kind of food. ••I knew something of Grape-Nuts and its rather fascinating flavor and particu larly of its nourishing and nerve build ing powers, so I started the boy on Grape-Nuts and found from the first dish that he liked it ELKS WILL MEET AT HOMEJONIGHT The regular weekly meeting of the members of the Athens lodge, No. 790, Benevolent aud Protective Order of Elks, will be held at the Elk9’ Home, t lird floor of the Moss building, tonight at 8 o’clock. After the business meeting a delight ful social session will be partici- pited iu by the members present and it is expected that a largo number of the members will be ou hand, as nsnal. This is one or tho most popular of all the fraternal orders of the city, and the members, in a quiet, unostentatious way, accomplish a great work through charitable channels. AO IN BANNER DIO THE Orville A. Park, of Macon, secretary of the Georgia Bar Association, is writ ing to the prominent attorneys thioigh- oat the state urging them to attend the aunual meeting of this association, which will be held at Tallulah Falls July 2ad., 3rd., and 4th. A number of addresses of rare inter est will be delivered on tbi9 occasion, among them beiug one by Judge Alton B. Parker, of New York state, who has been prominently mentioned the pait few months as a probable candidate on the Democratic ticket next year fer president of the Uuited States, and who received 7 votes for this important posi tion iu the famous poll made by The Banner among the bupiuess men of the city a few days ago. The members of the Athens bar, sev eral of whom will take conspicuous parts on the program at|rbe anneal convention have been quite ai.xious that the Asso ciation should hold its aunual meeting at Tallulah Falls this year, and Secre tary Park is hopeful that a large dele^a- Judge Hamilton Mcwnorrer.- tn ***** — city, who is one of the ablest lawyers and one of tho most popular men in the state, is chairman cf tbe committee on federal bgislation, h ■ associates being Messrs James Bishop, of Kastman; F. E. Callaway, of At lanta; W. M. Haumond, of Thomae- vil’.e, and B. F. Abbott, of Atlanta. The association will have the pleasure of lis tening to a report oovering tbe details of the last congress, and federal legisla tion in general, from this important committee, Judge McWhorter being en gaged at present iu tbe compilation of data for the report. The Banner learnB that the members of the execu'ive committee of tbe Bar Association have determined to omit most of the formal papers aud addresses this year and to devote most of the time of the BesBion to such matters as may te trcuglit to the attention of the associa tion by the standing committees. A few days ago, Dr. H. R. Bernard, publisher cf the Southern Advance, placed a small advertisement in The Banner, announcing some special fea- -IBs motVvr gove it to him steadily I tures to appear in the July and Septem- and he beaan to improve at once. In ber editions of his publication. Up to less than a month he had gaided abont eight pounds and soon became so well and strong we had no fuither anxiety about him. "An old patient of mine, 73 years old. came down with serious stomach trouble and before I was called he got bo weak he could eat almost nolhing, aud was in a seriouB condition. He had, himself, tried almost every kind of food for the sick without avaU. "I immediately pnt him on Grape-Nuts with good, rich milk aud jost a little pinch of sugar. He exclaimed when I came next day ’Why doctor I never ate anything so good or that made me feel last night Dr. Bernard bad received orders for G30 extra copies of these two editions. He says an advertisement in The Banner always accomplishes the desired results. IN THE INTEREST OF Superintendent R. A. Sonn, of the Hebrew Orphans’ Home, in Atlants, ythlng so good or that made me ieei i morning to so much stionger.’ I am pleased to say will arrive in the city - that Grape-Nuts oured him, but he had be the guest of Col. M. - to stick to it for two or three weeks. for BtV eral days. Mr. Sonn w ADOPT COTTON. The Market Report Issued Daily by Baxter & Co. May 19. 1903. Liverpool Market— Middling uplands G.44 Sales 8.000 American 7,000 Receipts, 15,000 American 2,000 New York Market- Spots 11.85 Tone Firm Athens Market- Middling 11 1-8. Port Receipts— Today 11.000 YeaY ago 3.280 then he began to branch out- a little with rice or an egg or two. He got entirely well in spite of his almost hopeless con dition. He gained 22 pounds in two months whloh at his age is remarkable. • I could quote a list of cases where Grape Nuta baa worked wonders." This doctor’s name will be given bv the Pm- on Bargain tnm Co.. Battle Creek, Mich., on appli cation. spend tbe time here in the interest of tbe noble Institution over whioh he presides, and the many people In Athena who know of the splendid work being done by this institution wiU letd any aid necessary as the contribu tion of this prosperous and progressive community to the work. A Little Early Rl»er now and then, at bedtime wiU enreoon- stipation, billionsness and Uver trouble*. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are the fa mous little pills that cure by arousing the secretions, moving the bowels gently, yet effectually, and giving such tone and strength to the glands ot the stomaoh and liver that the oause of the trouble is removed entiyely, and if their use is continued for a few days, there wiU be no return ot the complaint. Sold by The OrrDrog Oo.