The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, May 21, 1903, Image 1

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I The Georgia National Bank or Athens. Capital $100,000. I Offers to depositor* every fscility tbeli I balances, business and responsibility BANNER. The Georgia >a:ional Bank or Athens. Capital $100,000. Roceivea deposits of banks, corporations firms and individuals. Cartful atten tion to all business. ESTABLISHED 1832. ATHENS, GA., I H URSDAY MORNING, MAY 21, 1903. $5.00 A YEAR HE LIVELY SCRIMMAGE etween Messrs. Ryder, Con- fstantine, D. W. McGregor and E. R. McGregor. WARRANTS ISSUED. ir. Ernest McGregor. Who Was [njured in the Fight, Bled Pro fusely and May be in a Bad Condition. ■Yesterday morning at their office on ■liege avenue Drs. O. A. Ryder and O. 1 Constantine had a difficulty with D. W. McGregor and Ernest IpGregor, which resulted in a cut and (ew brnisea for the Messrs. McGregor l the swearing out of warrants for |ssrs Ryder and Constantine, charg- ; them with assault and battery, j'be difficulty arose over the presenta- i of a bill doe l>y Dr Ryder to Mr Uregor. The Messrs. McGregor went lha cilice of Dr. Ryder yesterday FINAL STATEMENT lias Been Printed and is Now Being Widely Distributed. OC3XJnXTT Mam Handsome Prizes Offer by THE BANNER for aecniate counters. Cash Prizes ami Other Prizes Equally as Attractive. The flual and complete auuouuonumt of the Uuivenity of Georgia Somiiux , •chool has been printed audis now beiug distributed throughout several of tin Southern states. It is a neat and attractive statement | of the advantages that are to be obtained . bj attendance open this Sommer schoi 1. gives a full list of the faculty and th» departments they are f o fi 1, tells in de tail the courses of study that are iliVred and furnishes all the nea» s-iary infor mation to the tetchers who may b* thinking of attending a summer school this year. These anuouic -ments will be scat tered far and wide and ur > « xpect* d to do a great deal of good in ih-* way ol attracting teachers to Athens during the coming summer. THE STONE WORK IS rATtH-T* ATTUt* fn ruing about half-past eight o’clock to Progress is Rapid on the min ill I. :t. 1 i! I ir it. HERE ARE THE DOTS. COUNT THEM. CONDITIONS. hlivss :unl <-<>unt must lie written so plainly that there will he no mistake t., 1, □cot the bill, and, according to their fsion of the diffi nlly. they were or- ed out of I lie office without came. . Mr. Erneat McGregor *u .truck a the face by Dr. Gon.tautine |t earned the blood to 11 >w freely . D W McGregor say. he wo. struck ■ the hand during the d (Acuity. j)o the other baud, Dr. Ryder say. |t be told Mr. McGregor that he did i have time to discus, the matter, as Iliad an engagement at nine o'clock Lt he was compelled to till, having ft started from the office for tint pur- e, and that be would have to call iln, bnt that Mr. McGregor said that I was not going to leave until the mat- Um arranged, whereupon he told i to leave his < ffice and at the same ue Dr. Constantine came in and or- I him to leave. They did not leave i e fflee, l ut remained in the room. Then it was that the difficulty ensued |th the remits above stated The ■rs. McGregor, who state that the salt was entirely without cause, lore ont warrants yesterday against . Ryder and Cans antlne, oharging ! etn with assault and battery. #r Ernest McGregor was struck over Construction of Citv Hall. New Sul..' l m.i This or moiv count •nt it 1« The foundations of the new city h.»ll building have almost been finished and the stone work is now being .started. Some of the doors on the ba-ement fioor 1 ave b-en pine d in portion at.d the stone work is being built around them. The light butT brick t h it is to b** placi d on the exterior walls of the building is now arriving. A corner of this biick was set up yesterday in c>rd» r !o see how lt looked It presents a splendid appearance and one can judge there from what n handsome balding the now hall is to be when it is compl- ted. The corn* r^tone will be in nadim-te for the ♦ xercises on Jane -4th and will be laid in the northeast corner of the structure, on the corner of C. liege avenue and Hancock avenue BOY RUNS AWAY FROM HIS HOME n,. T-’ 1 N.. <-< hi nt will In 1 ivc< irdod unless it is accompanied l»y One Dollar u sul.-erij.tii.n t<> the Daily or Weekly Banner. i' paid i>i'iorto tliis contest or sent in a separate envelope from the von to a registered count. I closes Saturday, August 15th, l'.Kl.t, at midnight. Special NTotice. lireetly or indirectly connected with The Athens Banner will lie entitled to • prizes. No one in The Banner < Hlico will know the number of dots, until sd by the originator and patentee elected by The Banner the contest closes the ished in The Athens Banner. etc for ll the contest is of the I lot Puzzle, who will and the\ in turn will award tl names ;,nd addresses of the winner: when a sworn certificate will be lace it in the hands of judges to be As soon a* possible aftt 1* ill be TTiis Blanli Mlusf: toe Used. Date Time... a. m., p. mj DOT f 1)1 TOR." THE BANNER. ATHENS. CA. EnclOSfMl lilid * . . . . To apply on .toy.-anfewadptljlit-liUr3llkxi se ,o by Dr. Constantine's (is,, and fi g ^ ()u| lo sharp bone under the eyebrow cut n ongh the llesh Dr. Benedict found its trouble in stopping the How o' l on account of the tendenoy of Mr Iregor to bleed when injured. After |e bleeding was stepp'd it broke out tain, hut was agaiu stopped Dr. Ben- |ict say. that if the bleeding can be epped for three or four dnys it will be ll right, bat that if it should not then Le case might be very serious. From Whitehall and Father is Worried. plainly. Address all 'counts to “Dot Editor," The Th printed to go t. El KST. will be £25.00. •te prize list will 1. :=5n.(Ml, the first prizi in a few days. There will be cash prizes the correct or nearest correct answer reaching ■send in your answer today. LAWYERS AGREE TOjLOGE EARLY Athens Attorneys Desire a Little Rest and Recrea tion This Summer. The following agreement, which has been signed by all the lawyers of Ath ens, should be read and noted by all persons who have business with the law- year. We, the undersigned lawyers of Ath ens agree that from and after this date until the iirst day of September, 1903, we will close our offices at six o'clock p. m , unless au emergency should arise requiring a later hoar. All olients and othere interested are requested to call before six p. m., that we and those em ployed by ns may take recreation after that hoar. Tins May 16th, 1903. McWhorter & Strickland & Green, James F. Foster, Frank L. Upson, E. S. Brice, T. S. Mell, Deupree Hanoi- catt, G. C. Thomas, H. O. Tuck, Lump kin & Burnott, Wolver M. Smith, Erwin & Erwin, Robt. S. Howard, S. J. Tribble, H S. West, Shackelford & Shackelford, C. H. Brand. S. C. Upson. TO ARRANGE FOR DEBATE Georgia and North Carolina May Again Fngage in In tellectual Contests. MOVEMENT ON FOOT iHumors feed on nnuiors—the sooner pu get rid of them the better—Hood’s aparilla is the medicine to lake. IflN’T BE SEPARATED jme Feople Have Learned How to Get Rid of Both. | Backache and kidney aohe are twin ithers. I You can't separate them. | And yon can't get rid of the baokache util yon care the kidney aohe. I It the kidneye are well and strong, lie rest of the system is pretty enre to i in vigorous health. | Doan's Kidney Pills make strong, Jthy kidneye. I Mr. Henry Mnrphy, of 684 Broadway, demphis. Team, professional nnrse ays: "Pur a year or two pain and yeaknesa across the loins and difficulty ’ttb the kidney section! indioated that |iy kidneye were either overtaxed or kened. AI1 my knowledge of inedi- l failed to bring relief, and ever anx- i to get rid of the trouble before it ame chronio, I got a box of Doan's Sidney Pills at Hamner & Ballard's . store. They performed their work r satisfactorily. I know of a great ny others io Memphis who have been oeflted by Doan’s Kidney Pills.” For sale by all dealers. Price, 60 ote. vMilbnrn Go . Buffalo, N. Y , so e „ ate for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—aid ke no substitute. I Dots mean dollars. Mr. J H Jordan, who work* at Geor gia Factory, is looking for his young son who ran away from homo To. s lay .if ternoon and who lias no' been 1. ard of sioce. Mr. Jordan says (hat there was no cause for his son leaving home and that when he heard that he hail gone lie could hardly believe it He is at an otter loss to kuow why the boy should have gone away. George Jordan, the boy who ra» away, is fourteen years of age. of sbu der build, fair complexion, blue eyes, almost whit i hair, w ore a dark b’.ne suit of clothes and a white straw w hen he left home. Mr. Jordan spent y sterilay in Athens and this section of the Btate looking for his son. He is having a search made for him in various places and would greatly appreciate any informati- n that may be given as to his whereabouts. PAYTON SISTERS IE The Opening Play will “The Sins of His Father.” ELKS PRACTICE Y FORJG GAME be The Masons Will Get Their Team Out Within the Next Few f Days. Tat* l’.iyton Cistern aud their excellent, The E.k* team went over on the cam- comedy company b“giu a week’s pDgag v- pos yesterday afternoon and had a little ment at the Opera House Monday night, j practice for the big game that is to be Theatregoers seldom s e such au organi- i played next Wednesday afternoon be- /.itiou at ten, twenty and thirty cents, j tween the baseball teani9 of the hlks Tlr.s company is composed of actors who an ^ Masons. can act dress and look the characters' The Masons also have a good team and they are cast for. Particular attention ! they will practice at an early date aud is paid to the staging of the comedies • K et ready for the big game. Both teams Cures Eczema. Itching Humors. Pimples ar.d Csibuncles.—Costs Nothing to T,y. B. B. B (Eo'anic Blood Balm) is a certain and su e cure foreczema.itching ■kin. humors, scabs, scales, watery blis ters, pimp'es. aching bones or joints, boiles carbuncles, prickling paiu in the skin, old eating sores, ulcers, etc. Bo tanic Blood Balm cores the worst and most deep-seated cases by enriching, purifying and vitalizing the blood, thereby giving a healthy blood supply to the skin. Heals every sore and gives tberichgiow of health to the skin Boilds op the broked do a n body aud madkes the blood ml nnrlshing. Es pecially advised for chronic, old cases that doctors, patent medicines and hot springs fail to care. Druggists, $1, with oomplete directions for home care. To prove B. B. B. cores, sample sent free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Oo.. Atlanta, Ga., Describe trouble, and free medical advice sent in'sealed letter. presented, and with several vaudeville act? of merit the performances are bound to please. The bill for the opening night will be ‘The Sins of His Father.” Seats for the opening perfotmance will be on sale Friday morning. A ma'inee for the ladies and children will be given Thursday afternoon, May 28th, at 3 30 o'cock. As an inducement to (be little folks, a fall baseball outfit will be given the boy holding the lncky ticket, and a handsome dressed doll to the girl with the ticket that wins. Friers, children ten cents, adaltstwenty cents The Kentuckian’s Boast. Kentuckians boast their fast horses, line whiskey and beautiful women, bat every housekeeper in this city who ases Clifton Hoar, made of native Kentncky whrat, knows that this great state pos sesses another product of unexcelled merit. Wingfield Cash Grocery. are confident of winning the game and will play for all they are worth before the large aud enthusiastic crowd that will be present The line-np of the two teams will be given in a few days and will contain the names of several of the best players in this section of the state. Count the ddta. Beware of Ointments For Catarrh That Coo tains n«cury. as m»rnnry will surely destroy the sente of cmeU and completely derange the whola system when entering it through the mncuons surfaces. Sach articles should never be used except on the pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good yon can possibly derive from ih-rn. Hall’s Catarrh Care, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toltdo, O , contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mncuons surface* of the ays- tem. Ia baying Hall’s Catarrh Care be suro you ge. the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beat. . R. C. A 1ST Took High Rank Among the Applicants Before the State Board. The Georgia Board of Pharmacy has announced the result of the examination of applicants to compound prescription«, and oat of a olass of twenty-seven, Mr. R O. Wilson, of Athens, stood second Mr. Wilson was licensed as a phar macist. only two of the applicants being so fortnnate to secure that high grade license. The examination was very rigid and fourteen of the applicants failed to secure license Mr. Wilson is a cousin of Mrs. E. H. Dorsey, of this city, and is in the employ of the Orr Drug Company. His friends were congratnlating him and the com pany yesterday upon his splendid exam- ination. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes: “A patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by nlcera tion of the stomach. I had often found Eleotic Bitters excellent for aente atom- aoh and liver troubles so I prescribed tem. The patient gained from the first, and has not had an attack in 14 months.” Eleotrio Bitters are positive ly guaranted for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation and Kidney troubles. Try them. Only 60o at W. J. Smith, & Bro., H. R. Palmer & Son. MRS. BIBB DAVIS DIED YESTERDAY The Remains Were Brought to Athens and Interred in Oconee Cemetery. The many friends of Mrs. Bibb Davis were grieved to learn of her death yes terday morning at the home of her sis ter in East Point, Ga. Mrs. Davis had been ill for some time and for the past few weeks of her life had been at one of the huspitals in At lanta. A few days since she Buffered gave at— -Ewsrt »: OT" lie. condition was seen to be very serions. Tuesday Mrs. Davis was removed to t'’e home of her sister in Eatt Point, where she died a Bhort while later. The remains of Mrs. Davis were brought to Athens yesterday afternoon for interment and were laid to rest in Oconee cemetery by the side of her hns band, the late Dr B. Bibb Davis, of this | city. ; The remains were met at the Sea board depot by quite a number of friends j and were carried at once to the cemetery ‘ where the funeral services were conduct ed. The casket was borne to the grave by the pallbearers, Messrs. R. C. Orr. E. D. Sltdge, James Barrow. John Ger- dine, J. H. Dozier and T. F. Green. At the grave the foneral services were con ducted by R»v. Troy Beatty, rector of Emmannel church, in a most solemn aud impressive manner, after which the body was tenderly and lovingly laid to reBt. STILL COUNTING THEJOT CHART Interest in the Contest is Increasing Steadily Day by Day. To Arrange Rebates Between the Representatives of These Two Southern liducational Institutions Next Year. Arrangements are being made between the University of Georgia aud the Uni versity of North Carolina, looking to a series of debates betweon the two col leges, to begin next year. Several years ago an arrangement was made with North Carolina by which a series of six debates was arranged be tween the two colleges to take place alternately in this city and at Chapel Hill, where the University of North ! Carolina is located. The tirst deba'e, under that arrangement, which was held in this city, was won by the Uni versity of Georgia while the following three won by North Carolina The re maining two debates of that series were won by Georgia, one at Chapel Hill and one in this city, tieitig the number won by each college. To break the tie another debate was arranged between G,-orgia and North Carolina, but the rules to govern the contest could not be agreed upon and the proposed debate was called off. Now comes North Carolina presenting a set of rules to goveru the d-bates in the future, and it is probable that these will be agreed upon aud the debatet will begin next vear. THE BONDi™ DATE TO BE FIXED It Will Probably be During The Latter Part of July. There is some talk of holding the elec tion for county bonds th“ latter part of July or the first part of August. It was thought at tirst that July 6th would be about the right time for the election, bnt the attention of the com missioners has been called to the fact that the farmers will not have laid by their crops by that date and that it would probably be better to call the election at a little later date. The commissioners will take the mat ter under advisement aud will give it thorough consideration before setting the date for the election. When yon want a pleasant physio try Chamberlain's stomach and Liver Tab lets. They are easy to take and pleas ant to effeot. For sale by all druggists. The warm weather has interfered with almost everything exoept the dot contest the past few days. The dots are being coanted every day and the answers are ooming to this office by the handful every now and then. The people seem to take tally as much interest in this pleasant amusement and recreation as in the former contests. As announced in The Banner a few days ago, the first prize will be #25,00 in cash. There will be other cash prizes amounting to at least #25.00 and in ad dition to all the cash prizes other at tractive prizes amounting to fully mnoh as #50 00, the amount of the cash prizss, will be offered. Now is the time to get in the answers. The prizes will be awarded to correct or nearest correct answers in the order in which they come to this offioe. The first correct or nearest correct answer reaching The Banner office will get the first prize, while all other prizes will be BE INDEPENDENT. i Easy to 5hake Off the Coffee Heblt. awarded in the same manner. Now is the time to send in yonr ans- S^uie cTeek^MichT wer- | There is a reason. There are many people who make the humiliating acknowledgement that they are dependent upon coffee to "braoe them up” every little while. These hare never learned the truth about Postnm Cereal Coffee which makes leaving off coffee a simple matter and brings health and strength in place of coffee ills. A lady of Davenport, Iowa, who has used Postnm Food Coffee for five years is competent to talk opon the subjeot. She says: 'I am a school teacher and daring extra work when I thought I needed to be braced np I nsed to indulge in rich, strong coffee of which I was very fond and upon which 1 thought I was de pendent. "I began to have serions heart palpita tion and at times had sharp pains aronnd the heart and more or lees stomach tron- ble. I read about Postnm aud got some to try. I dropped coffee, took np the Postnm and it worked such wonders for me that many of my friends took it np. ‘•In a Bliort time I was well again, even able to attend evening socials. And I did not miss my coffee at all. Now I can truthfully say that I have been re paid fully for the change I made. I have no indications of heart disease and not once in the past four years have I had a sick headache or bilioas spell. “My father, 78 years old, is a Postnm enthusiast and feels that hig good health in a large measure is dne to the 6 caps of good Postnm which he enjoyi each day.” Name tarnished by Postnm Oo.,