The Athens banner. (Athens, Ga.) 1902-1923, May 22, 1903, Image 1

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The Georgia National Bank Or Athens. Capital $100,000. Offer* to depo«ttom erery facility their balances, buameaa and responsibility warrant. ESTABLISHED 1832. THE FAIR PREMIUMS Partial List Being Compiled to be Sent Out at Once. HANDSOME PRIZES Are Offered in the Agricultural Department for County, Indi vidual and One-Horse-Earni Exhibits to be Made Here. A partial premium list for the North* east Georgia Fair, to be held ia this cit? from October 5th to the 10th, is now be ing compiled and will be sent oat in pamphlet form in a few days to the far mers and others throughout this stciion of the state. The partial list will contain only the premiums to be offered for agricultural, live stock and poultry exhibits, and probably ladies’ work. A complete prc - minm list will follow this as soon as it is possible to compile and print it. The partial premiom list wilt contain THE ATHENS WON BALL GAME Winder Went Down in De feat by the Score of Eleven to Two. SULLIVAN'S PITCHING Was One of the Features of the Game as W as the Hard Hitting of the Members of the Athens Aggregation. Tli3 Athens baseball team went nj against the aggregation fr. m Winder yestexday afternoon ou Herty field auri won out a great victory by the ;r re of 11 to 2. The Winder t-am having taken one game and the Athens team one, it i« now in order to play the rubber, and i is probable that another gaui»» b tw-en these two teams will be arranged. t^aite a noinber of the cinzm of Winder came dow n to chi t r nieir boys on to victory and they did their best, even if the small ei d of the M-ore did BANNER. The Georgia National Bank Of Athens. Capital $100,000. Receives deposits of banks, corporation*, individuals. Careful Y Dir i■:>11it liniZ it. HERE ARE THE DOTS.: COUNT THEM. CONDITIONS. Idivss ami fount must In* written so plainly that there will he no mistake *ss it is accompanied hy One Dollar or more preminms clived for agricultural exhi-; show np on the Windir sid** if the bits, both oonuty and individual, about as follows : For the b< at county agricultural dis play. $200. For the second best county display, $100. For the third best county display, $50. For the fourth best county display, $25 For the best individual agricultural display, $75. For next best individual display, $50. For the best one-horse farm display, $50. For next best ODe-horse farm display, $25. Of course these figures have not been finally passed upon, and cannot be until the charter has been granted by the Superior court, which will be done nt xt week, but they have been agreed upon by those in charge of this feature of the preliminary arrangements in this department, and other premiums In this | boys never saw home any more and other departments will he equally a- hand.erne. From a Cat Scratch on the arm, to the worst sort of a born, •ore or boil, DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Salv* is a quick core. In baying Witch Hhz*»1 | lifth w heu ouc score card. The pitchiug of Sullivan for ti.o Ath ens team and the battiug of the A*bens let.m were features. The Winder t. am coo'd do little at the bat, but thur pitcher, Segars, was very etT ctive np to the eighth inning, when the At h“. s boys got on to him ai.d pound* d him at w ill. Snllivan struck our twelve men and allowed only live hits, well scattered through the nine innings Sugars s'ruok oat nine men and gave np twelve bite, four of them being two base bits and one a three bagger. Each pitcher gave two men bases ou balls. The Athens team played with only one *rror, the Winder team made four errors. The game started off as if the Athens boys were not in it. The first inning yielded two runs to the bojs from Win der, while the Athens team couldn’t get a man across the plate. Bat the Wiuder during the game. They conldn’t do anything with Sullivan, and when oue did happen to get to first base he bad to ktaj there. Athens got two ions in the se-oicl and the game r mained a ;i- mi ll the rnn was marked up \o fount will 1h* recorded unit l i- applied on snK-eription to tin* Daily or Weekly Banner. Suli~eriptions paid prior to tlii< contest or sent in a separate envel 1 not entitle you to a registered count. This contest closes Saturday, August 15th, 1003, at midnight. Special KTotice. >pe from the count ly connected witji The Athens Banner will he entitled to in Tin- Banner < llliee will know the number of dots, until rn certificate will he issued hy the originator and patentee place it in the hands of judges to he selected by The Banner and tln \ in turn will award tin- prizes. As soon as possible after the contest, closes the name- and addresses of the winners will he published in The Athens Banner. No person directly or ind compote for the prizes. No 1 In- content is dosed, " lien a of the I lot Puzzle, who will place it in the 1 PRIZES FOR COUNTERS Many Handsome Prizes An nounced and More to Come. MERCHANTS ARE IN And are Offering - Prizes for Ac curate Dot Counters. $50.00 in Cash Prizes ami Other Prizes of Equal Value. Tliis Bla,nlt ]M!ixst be Used. Date i Time a. m , p. m * DOT trimOR." THE BANNER. ATHENS. CA. —•"*• -UfinOBMI mm V* : ~ ."to apply on * my siifiseripfldAto The .. / . .. . lianncr, wliiofi send nut il 1 older discoid Milled. N01E: Writ, liner. Alliens. id dress and make figures plainly. Address all’counts to ‘‘I>ol Kiiitor," Tin Salve, be particular to tret DuXVlU’s — this is the naive that heals without leav ing a .car. A specific for blind, bleed ing, itching and protrndiDg piles Soli by The Orr Drag Co 15 m TAKEN 1 lie City Board of Education Is hav ing a school census of the city taken, and it will comprise the names of all children in Athens between the ages of ■ix and eighteen This work is being done hy Messrs. J. K. Kenney and W. I. Grantham, who began their work yesterday. It is the policy of the board of tdoca- tiou to have these sohool censuses taken every few years in order to have all the information on that .object at hand at all times. LONDON BU88E8 Ao an American Food. to the credit ot the Aihmn M-m. It begau to took a* it it was to Le one of the closest gbines of the seanm, but in the eighth and ninth innings the Ath-, ens boys j.ut ou their hatting cloth«s and added eight ions to their string. The ninth inning was especially ex- j citing. Sullivan came to the bat f< r | Athens a? d pat the l all into the weeds riie complete prize list will lie printed in :i few days. There will he cash prize; aia*unitiin2 t" the first prize, to go tn the correct ornearest correct answer reachim. Tin- Banner tdl'n-e FIRST, will he ?’jr>. (Ml. Send in your answer today. The dots are being counted every day. The answers begin to come to The Ban ner office as soon as the office ia opened in the morning and continue with slight intervals nntil [he cilice is closed at night. Bach day records a larger number than the previous day. which shows the increased interest being shown in the contest. Yesterday was one of the best days yet daring the present contest and it is expected that a large number of answeis will oome in today. As has already been stated in The Banner, the first prize in the contest will be $25 00 in cash. Other cash prizis will amount to $25 00. making a total oi $50.00 in cash to be given away to accu rate coanters. Iu addition to the cash prizes, as has also been announced, there will be other pri/.|*B amounting to at least $50.00 offer ed by business men in the city, who are taking quite au iuterest iu the ccntest. Some of the prizes offered are; as fol lows. $10 00 saddle, for either lady or gentle man. offered by the Griffeth Implement Go. $5.00 box of ten cent cigars, offered by rf R. Palmer St Son,. $5.00 A YEAR RICHLAND FARM SOLD Land and Mouses Brought $10,500, Which Was Enough. CATTLE NOT SOLD On Account of the Low Prices Which Prevailed When Mules and Farm Implements Were Being Auctioned. SALE OF SEATS WILL OPEN TODAY MUCH TALKED OF over right fielder s head for two bas»s j| lc Payton Sisters Will Ap- The Story Printed in The Harmon followed with a hit in ibe frame j pear Here Every Night Next Week. plsce for two Eases ai.d isnllivau came home. Walksr bit to center for two bases and Harmon walked acro-s the plate. Oarlton Btnsse drove the ball over left field for ihreebascsand Walker scored. Bensse scored on a passed ball The Athet s team was warmly con gratulated on its victory. Ir Is probable that a number of games will be arranged with different teams frr the summer and that Athenians will have the pleas ure of seeirg some fine laseball during ibe next few months. There ia probably no food on earth that ooold sustain a woman 60 years old under the following circumstances ex cept Grape-Nuts. For 4 months ahe laid ill from partial paralysis brought on by the wrong kind of food raining stomach and then affect ing the nervona system. During the time she was getting well the physicians fed her on Grape-Nuts. She says : "My diet consisted of two teaspoousfols of Grape-Nuts and some cream caoh meal for two months. Then Inorraaed to two deisert spoonsfnls and to show bow it sastaiDS Lai ore, 1 never lost 6 lbs. iu the whole 4 months. I got well slowly and am nowin prime health a-d in the last3mrntba have btenm ID foreign n entries. I carry Grape- Nuts everywhere with me. -In L nduL I -aw the big Grape-Nnts >iRi> ou the "I u sea” all abool. Con tidtring how near death I was and how well I am now tbroogh good food alone and that I am 60 yiara old, my f lends lu^k npon my recovery as marvel, us ” Name given by Pod urn Oo, Battle Creek, Mioh. BID DAMAGES LOB The sale of teats for the Payton Sis ters’ engagement opens this morning at Palm-r's drag store and, jadging frem the many requests, they will go with a rash. Banner a Few Days Ago Widely Discussed. The story pablished a few days since by The Banner tothe effect that Barnett Shoals is to be developed, a new halt million dollar cotton mill built near Whitehall and the street railway ex The play to be presen ed Moaday j tended via Princeton and the Mallison Iu Atlanta Widofsday the jury in the breach of piomine case of Miss Nellie Sandman, of New Yoik, retnined a verdiot for three tbonsa-id dollars dam age, against Simon H. Marcus, an At lanta merchant The case will be car ried to the Sopreme court. MtsaSandmau alb gas that she was engaged to Marcus aud the weddii g announcement had been published in the press. She had »v. n gone eo far as to buy her wedding trousseau Mari us, wi hout cause on her part broke off the engagement and has tiuce married another woman. Marcn. says that it h premised to marry Miss Sandman he did so whilt under the influence of in toxicants. night, "The Sins of His Father," ia a comedy on new lines. The scene is laid in aud around St. Lake, Utah, and it affords the company many opportunities for fuu-making. Numerous specialties will enliven the performance. The Augusta Chronicle of April 4*h, has the following to say of the company : "The Payton Sisters and Mr. Senter Payton, assisted by a good looking, well dressed company of actors, are giving the people of Augusta popular plays at popular prices this week. Sometimes theatre goers have complained of not getting their money’s worth at some of the high -r priced .attractions, bat no snch complaint can be filed this week. Besid-8 getting a popular c >medy pro sentid in a very acceptable way for the popuar prices, there is a string of spe cialties between the aots w hich are very gooi Tuere are no long waits. There’s something doing all the time." OR. HERTY HERE $5.00 in groceries, offered by I. P. Morton. $5.00 pair of shoes for lady or gentle- mail,' offered by E. I. Smith.J $5.00 in jewelry, choice of stock, of fered by C. A. Scadder. $5.00 picture, offered by D W. McGregor. $3.00 Hawes hat. offered by Head & McMahan. $2.50 three gallon ice cream freezer, offered by the Bailey Sapply Oo. Other prizes will be announced to morrow morning. Now is the time to enter the contest. A SCHEDULE FOR Kichland farm, the place bought and operated by Hallman Sims, the default ing bank clerk of Atlanta, was sold yes terday at public outcry, on the premises, iu Greene county. The land, amounting to 1,938 acres, aud all houses an the land, was sold to K. P. Boswell, c» l'enfield, for $10,500. Man* mules aud a .lumber farm im* plemeats were sold at liw prices, and a laage number of cows, which had been adver'ised to be sold yesteaday at the Public sale, were not sold on account of the low prices for wl ich the mules and implements sold. Messi * Billops Phinizy, Chas. H. Phinizy and A. H. Hodgson, who at* tended the sale from this city, returned last night. Tfiev went with the inten tion of baying some cattle but were un able to make any purchases ou account of the sale of the cattle being called off. Mr. Chas. Phinizy, speaking of his trip to a representative of The Eanner last t ight, said : "Tfi j place brought all it is worth. From all that had been published in the Atlanta newspapers about this place I was nuder the impression that it was one of the finest- farms in the en tire state, but I found it the most over rated placo imaginable. It is true that the place is very well stocked, but the stock is nothing like what has been claimed in the newspaper acoounts of the farm,” There were present at the sale about 150 persons from Atlanta and the ad joining counties. Cord Mill to Whitehall has been the talk of the town. The gentlmen who are interested in this movement decline to say in so many words that it will be a go, bnt those who are in a position to know say that there is no doubt about these things being done, and there are intimations that there are other important move ments behind thiB one that will mean much for the upbui’ding of Athens and Clarke oonuty. When you waut a pleasant pbys 0 try Coamberlaiu’s stomach and Liver Tab- 1< ts. They are easy to take and pleas ant to effect. For sale by all druggists. Count the dots. The Wastes of The Body, Every seven days the blood, muscles ana bones of a man of average size loses two pounds of woruont tissue. This waste cannot be replenished and the health and streng'h kept up withoat perfect digestion. When the stomach and digestive organs fail to perform their functions, the strength lets down, h°altb gives way, and disease sets up, Kodol Dyspepsia Cute enables thettomaoh aud digestive organa to digest and assimilate all of the wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of the n*iud and body. Kodol eures Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all stomaoh troubles. It is an ideal spring tonic. Sold by Tha Orr Drug Oo. He Will Soon go to Europe to Complete Turpen- tin Study. Dr. Charles H. Herty spent a few hoars iu the city yesterday and was given a warm greeting by his many friends here. He left yesterday after noon for Washington, D. O., where he is engaged in important work as a mem ber of the U. S. Bureau of Forestry. This summer Dr. Herty will go to Germany to complete his studies and to make farther research along the lines of investigation that have occupied his at tention for the past few years. The Herty method of treating turpen* tine trees has proved a great success. Already a half million of the Herty cups are in use in the Sonth and this method is being generally adopted throughout this entire section. Dr. Herty will be accompanied on his Earopean trip by his wife and two little sons. Important Work Being Done by Members of the Faculty. The schedule of hoars for recitations in the University Summer School is now being arranged. This matter is in the hands of Profes sors Bocock aud Patterson, of the Uni versity of Georgia, and Professor E. B. Smith, of the State Normal School. This committee is now holding regu lar sessions each day and the schedule willsoou be ready for publication. The management of the snmmersohool continue to get advices from different states that indicate that a very large number of Southern teachers will be in attendance npon the summer school in this city daring July and Angnst. Whooping Cough. A woman who has had experience with this disease, tells how to prevent any dangerous consequences from it. She says: "Our three children took whooping cough last summer, our baby beiDg only three months old, and owing to onr giving them Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, they lost none of their plump ness and came out iu much better health tbun other children whose parents did not use this remedy. Our oldest little gii*l would call lustily for cough syrup between whoops.”—Jessie Pin key Hall, Springfield, Ala. Tbia remedy ia for ■ale by aU druggists. Beware ol Ointments For Catarrh That Con tains riecury. as mercury will surely destroy th9 sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucuous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on the pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do ia ten fold to the good ycu can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly npon the blood and mnenons surface* of the sys tem. In baying Hall's Catarrh Care be Bure you get the gennlne. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J, Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. LIVELY SESSION Monument to Southern Wo men Was Strongly Urged Yesterday. New Orbans, May 21—The Confede* rate veterans had one of their busiest sessions today. A monument to the honor of Southern women was strongly urged. Work was ordered began on the Bat tle Abbey to be erected in Richmond. General Johu B. Gordon, together with all present officers, was re-elected. The executive committee will select the next place of meeting after the con vention adjourns. Indications at pres ent aro favorable to St. Uouis. A plan is on foot to more closely affil iate the Sous of Veterans with their fathers’ organization. Economy is urged in the entertain ment of veterans by future reunion cities. Monument to Jeff-rsou Davis is planned while delegate declares Abra ham Lincoln was a traitor to his conn- try. The great parade, the concluding nnmber of the reunion program, will be given tomorrow. Dots mean dollars. CUBA CELEBRATES HERFREEDOM Yesterlay the Republic of Cuba cele brated in fitting styles its first anniver sary of freedom The Kentuckian’s Boast. Kentackians boast their fast horses, fine whiskey and beautiful women, bat every housekeeper in this oit; who usee Clifton floor, made of native Kentucky wheat, knows that this great state pos sesses another product of nnexoelled merit. Wingfleld Cash Grocery.